Chapter 7

Untitled Fantasy

Morgan went home to pack; while she was packing she got a call from Sandra.

“Hello dear!” Sandra said, cheerfully. It always amazed Morgan how happy Sandra sounded, all the time.

“Hey Sandra” Morgan said quickly. She balanced the phone between her cheek and her shoulder while she tried to zip up a suitcase.

“What are you up to; you sound a little busy or something” Sandra asked.

“Yeah I’m packing a suitcase” Morgan explained.

“Eh? Where are you going?” Sandra sounded confused. When was the last time Morgan went anywhere? Sandra didn’t even know that Morgan owned a suitcase.

“I have to go on a business trip, to Montreal, with Junsu”

“Oh…….” Sandra awkwardly mumbled.

That was odd; Sandra almost always had something to say.

“Oh? That’s it?” Morgan asked, suspiciously. Ever since the holiday party she had a feeling that Sandra and Jaejoong knew something she didn’t.

“Did Jaejoong ever tell you about the night of the party?” Sandra began.

“Uhm no; I woke up and there was nobody here but me;  I remembered seeing him in here, figured it was a dream or something. Why?” Morgan asked.

“Well, apparently your ex said some really harsh things about you and Junsu totally lost it. They went outside and Junsu broke Dimitri’s nose.” Sandra explained.

Morgan sat down on her bed, completely shocked.

“What? He broke…Dimitri’s nose?” she said, in awe.

“Yeah; you were really drunk and Jaejoong had to pick you up and he dropped you off at home; I think he stayed the night on your couch to make sure you were fine but he had to leave in the morning. He said that Junsu couldn’t tear his eyes from you and that he was really protective over you.” Sandra rambled.

Morgan took it all in and her mind instantly had so many questions. This explained the feeling she had, that something happened that night; but it brought in countless questions about Junsu and their relationship.

“Morgan? Are you still there?” Sandra asked, timidly.

“Hey yeah, sorry, I was just thinking.” Morgan said breathlessly.

“So you’re going on a business trip with the guy who cares enough about you to punch out someone’s nose.” Sandra joked.

“Yeah, that about sums it up, doesn’t it?” Morgan said.

“Do you think anything is going to happen?” Sandra asked.

“I don’t know, Sandra. Is it wrong for me to hope that something does?” Morgan asked; her voice soft with unspoken wishes.

“Morgan…just be careful, okay? I want you to be happy but….” Sandra said, solemnly.

Morgan sighed, “Yeah I know.  I like him a lot….”

“I know; I’m sure he likes you a lot too. People don’t just punch other people for no reason…” Sandra said.

“Ahhh I wish…..oh man, I wish a lot. I really need to get some sleep…..grrr!” Morgan growled in frustration.

“Morgan, relax, just get some rest. It will all work out.” Sandra reassured her.

The two friends said their goodnights and Morgan finished up her preparations. She went to bed with mixed feelings; she wanted to do the right thing but she couldn’t deny how she felt about Junsu.

As her eyes shut the last thought she had was of Junsu calling her “jagiya”…


Junsu and Morgan arrived at Montreal; on the way there Morgan had told him the situation with the hotel room.

He didn’t know how he should feel about that. A part of him was thrilled but he knew that he should do the right thing and uphold his promise to Sara.

He knew it was going to be a long night, once nightfall arrived.

They reached the hotel and checked in; they went up to the room. It was a large room with two beds.

Junsu placed his suitcase on one of the beds and Morgan took the second bed.

“We have some time so if you need to freshen up, you can. It’s 1 right now; we need to be at the office for 2 o’clock.” Junsu said.

Morgan looked at him and thought before replying, “Yeah, I think I’ll grab a quick shower…”

Junsu nodded at her, “Okay. Don’t mind me; I’ll be at the computer. I need to review some documents.”

With that he headed to the far side of the room where the desktop computer was placed, on what seemed to be an oak desk.

Morgan gathered up the things she needed for her shower and stepped into the bathroom. With a sudden hit of paranoia she locked the bathroom door. She took her shower and dressed and redid her makeup.

She stepped out of the bathroom and Junsu was peering at the monitor, studiously. She looked at the wall clock; it was 1:30. She walked over to the balcony doors. Too bad it wasn’t summer; she wasn’t about to open now in December. She looked out at the snow covered balcony; she was zoned out; she wasn’t even aware of her own thoughts.

A tap on her shoulder brought her back to reality.

“Morgan, come back down here please, I’m not sure where you’ve gone” Junsu jokingly said.

She turned and looked up at the wall clock again, it was 1:45.

“We’ve got to get going, you ready?” he asked her.

She nodded and moved to grab her coat and purse. He put on his own coat and they made their way out.

They arrived at the office and Morgan could see that Junsu wasn’t exaggerating. The receptionist looked like she was barely out of high school; she was snapping her gum loudly and chatting on the phone; something about a guy who was all over some other girl.

Junsu looked over at Morgan with his eyebrow raised; she shrugged at him.

“Excuse me, young lady…we’re here to see the manager for this office, I believe his name is Henry Bishop.” Junsu said.

The young receptionist looked up at him, a look of complete annoyance on her face.

“You can go ahead; his office is the last door on the left. It has his name on it. I’ll let him know you’re on your way.” She said in a whiney voice.

Morgan highly doubted that the receptionist would actually disturb her personal phone call in order to let Henry Bishop know of their arrival.

They reached his door and entered. It was pretty much the same layout as Junsu’s office; the door led to a small inner room where the assistant’s desk was and beyond there was another door to where Henry’s office was.

The assistant was a meek looking man; must have been around his 20’s, placing him in the same age group as Morgan. He had thick black frame glasses and he wore a tidy golf shirt buttoned up completely.

He looked up at them and smiled timidly.

Junsu walked over and extended his hand; they shook hands.

“Hello, I’m Kim Junsu from the head office in Ottawa. This is my assistant Morgan Blake. We’re here to see Henry Bishop; I spoke with him on the phone yesterday. He should be expecting us.” Junsu explained.

The assistant nodded and stammered, “Yes, please, let me walk you in.”

He got up and opened the door to Henry’s office. Junsu and Morgan followed him in.

The office was littered with loose papers and there were boxes stacked everywhere. Boxes full of file folders and documents. There were sheets of paper everywhere; it seemed as though a blast of wind had swept the room and they were looking at the aftermath.

The assistant walked towards the desk and he peered over a particularly large stack of papers. He whispered to something behind the papers and then he straightened up and motioned for Junsu and Morgan to walk forwards.

When they reached the desk a man stood up and walked out from behind the stack of papers. He was bald and very short. He was shorter than Morgan, which made her feel slightly good about herself.

“Hello there folks; Kim Junsu in the flesh; ah and his assistant, I see.” The man said, while extending his hand to Junsu.

Junsu shook his hand, “Yes her name is Morgan Blake. She will be assisting me in the process of cleaning up around here. I’ll be overseeing the major aspects and I’ll assign her the smaller tasks. She will also be running a training course, so to speak, for your assistant. By the way, what is your name, sir?” Junsu asked the assistant.

The young man jumped, as though he wasn’t used to be asked for his name.

“Uhm, my name is Mike…Michael…Michael Stevenson.” He stuttered.

Junsu nodded his head at him and turned to Morgan.

“Morgan, kindly take Michael out to his office and take a look at how he has his things setup.” Junsu instructed.

Morgan smiled at Michael and motioned for him to follow her. The two assistants made their way out.

Henry turned to Junsu, “You’ve got quite the way with assistants there. Why so friendly to them, I don’t get it.”

Junsu stiffened. He did not like this sort of person; “A corporation is only as good as the members within it and no member can support the entire corporation on their own. It’s a team effort; without assistants division managers couldn’t complete all their tasks and Mirotic Investors wouldn’t be where it is now.”

Henry smirked, “I guess that’s one way of seeing it.”

Junsu moved toward Henry and looked him square in the eyes. Junsu spoke in a deadly calm voice.

“Mr. Bishop, pardon my saying this, but upper management is not impressed with your views and the way you see things. It seems your viewpoint is costing the company valuable clients. How about we work on expanding your views? After all, they’ve appointed me to broaden your horizons.”

Henry’s face reddened and he stepped back a few steps.

“So then, can we get started?” Junsu asked.

Henry grudgingly agreed, “Yeah, yeah sure.”


The entire day passed with Junsu and Henry poring over action plans and goal setting tutorials. Morgan talked with Michael to see which way would be the best for him to stay organized; she really wanted to come up with a system that felt natural to him. Junsu handed her a few mini projects here and there; requests to spruce up their business cards, renew ad placements and even a request to compile a list of complimentary phone calls to past clients who have not been contacted recently.

Michael and Morgan worked through it all; Morgan also coached him on being more confident. It was important that clients could trust him and that would be accomplished easier if he projected confidence and didn’t stutter or get flustered easily.

By the end of the day, Morgan was burnt out and ready to relax in the hotel room. She waited for Junsu out in the reception area. The young receptionist was sitting there, filing her nails and listening to music on what seemed to be an iPod.  Morgan tried hard not to burst out laughing; it was just so horrible stereotypical: air-headed receptionist, filing her nails and chewing bubble gum.

Junsu finally arrived and Morgan got up from her chair. They walked out of the building and made their way to their rental car.

“What a day; I’m ready to just put my feet up” Junsu commented.

Morgan laughed, “Yeah seriously; it’s crazy how different this office is from our own. I can’t believe it.”

They got into the car and drove to the hotel.

Once upstairs Morgan took off her coat and shoes and fell back onto her bed.

“Ah this feels great”, she sighed.

Junsu looked over and smiled. He walked over to the small kitchen nook and saw the room service menu.

“Would you like to go out and eat or should we order up?” he asked her.

She half sat up, leaning on her elbows, and looked up at the ceiling.

“Uhmmm I think ordering in. I’m so tired; I don’t to get back into my shoes and coat.” She said. She looked over at Junsu, her face pleading with him not to make her get her shoes again.

“Hah, okay that sounds fine with me. You can go ahead and make yourself more comfortable, if you’d like.” He said.

Morgan smiled and got up to get something out of her suitcase. She went into the bathroom and came out wearing pajama bottoms and a t-shirt.

“Hey Morgan, come here and help me decide what to order” Junsu called out.

The two ordered their meals and sat watching television while waiting. They chatted amicably about what was on TV; their meals arrived and they ate while “The real housewives of Atlanta” played in the background. The two of them discovered that they both enjoyed watching that show and laughing at the ridiculous and unbelievable people in it.

After the meal, Morgan sat on her bed and read a book and Junsu sat on his bed to read over the action plan for the next day. Morgan didn’t even realize that she was nodding off into sleep. To her it felt like short, normal blinking, but Junsu could see that every time her eyes shut, they stayed shut for several minutes.

Finally, he saw her head snap up and she looked around confused. She put her book down on her night stand and undid the covers on the bed. She made herself comfortable under the covers and turned to Junsu.

“Man, I’m falling asleep while sitting here. I’m going to turn off my lamp; you can keeps yours on it’s not a problem. Good night, and don’t stay up too late, okay?” she smiled at him.

Junsu returned the smile, “I won’t. Sleep well, Morgan.”

He turned back to the documentation in his hand but he wasn’t really reading the lines printed on the paper. Once he heard her breathing become low and steady, he looked over at her. She looked so peaceful. He felt his heart beat a little bit faster.

“I better get into the shower…” he said to himself.

He got his own pajama pants from his suitcase and a t-shirt and walked into the shower. He ran the water on a warm setting and stepped into the shower; little by little he increased the hot water level.

He stood there with the hot water running down his body and he couldn’t get Morgan out of his mind. She had been amazing today; she proved that she really was an outstanding assistant. Then his mind drifted to her face, while she slept. Her features completely softened and open; vulnerable in a way. He always felt this urge to keep her safe; He wanted to be there always to protect….and to hold?

“Argghhh!” Junsu growled, and he hit his palm against the shower wall.

“Why didn’t we meet like….three years ago or something?” he said, his voice thick with emotion.

He closed his eyes and focused only on the feeling of the water running down his body. Finally, when he felt a bit less frustrated, he turned the water off.

Morgan stirred in her sleep when she heard the water turn off. She slowly opened her eyes; she was thirsty.

“Uhhh…need water…”she mumbled. She unwillingly got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. She grabbed a glass and filled it with cold water and gulped down the glass.

“Ah, much better!” she exclaimed.

She turned around to head back to bed.

Junsu turned the knob on the bathroom door and opened the door. He slung the t-shirt over his shoulder and held the tower to his hair, still toweling his hair dry. He had his head down and didn’t see Morgan standing there.

Morgan stood and took him in; he had his pajama pants on and that was it. They were sitting low on his hips and she had the sneaking suspicion that he wasn’t wearing anything under the pants.

Her eyes drank in every detail of his body. His chest was so solid looking; it was wide and his muscles were perfect. He wasn’t overly muscled, yet still, when he moved she could see some water gleaming across his chest and she saw a drop of water trail its way down from his chest and down to his abs. She looked at his arm, holding the towel to his hair. The muscle on his arm was taut with the pressure he was applying to his hair. His shoulders…Morgan always had a weakness for broad shoulders and his shoulders were doing the trick for her.

Junsu looked up and saw Morgan. He stopped mid-step and his arm slowly lowered the towel from his head. Wasn’t she sleeping moments ago? He went from confused, to surprised, and finally he noticed her expression.

He saw the darkened look of her eyes and her lightly flushed face; he saw her lips were parted just a tiny bit. She seemed quite pleased to be seeing him, bare chest and all. He felt himself stir, down below, and he wasn’t sure if it was the hot water or just being there so exposed to her, but he was getting quite excited.

“I thought you were asleep…” he said.

“I’m sorry…I had to get water…I was thirsty…” she explained, feebly. Her voice sounded a little husky.

Hearing her voice that way tipped the scales in his mind, just the smallest bit. But that push was enough.

He walked towards her and dropped both towel and t-shirt onto the floor. She backed up as he walked towards her and suddenly, the fridge was against her back. Her hands reached back to touch the fridge. She had nowhere to go.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
seems interesting
Chapter 10: Sad that you cancelled this one, but glad that you made a new version!!
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