Chapter 6

Untitled Fantasy


Sara sat staring out the window as Junsu drove them home. She glanced at him from time to time and she could see a vein sticking out in his neck. He seemed so tense. Finally, she broke the silence.

“Why did you do it…?” she asked him.

Junsu stared straight ahead, “He was rude; it was unacceptable.”

Sara looked back out the window. That was his response?

“She’s your first female assistant, isn’t she?” Sara said; it was more a rhetorical question.

“Yeah she is….” Junsu answered her, completely absent mindedly.

“Hmm….” Sara was lost for words. She watched the light posts zoom by the car. 1 light post, 2 light posts, and so on and so forth.

She laid her head against the window and continued to count the posts.

The ride finally ended and the two arrived home. Sara walked towards the house, wordlessly, and Junsu sat in the driver’s seat watching her.

He watched her open the door and shut it behind her; he leaned his head back until it thumped against the head rest.

“Now we’re in for it…” he announced to nobody in particular.

He turned the car off and made his way out of the car. He walked towards the house. Once inside, he stood and listened; he could hear movement upstairs. He took off his coat and shoes and made his way upstairs.

When he reached the bedroom he leaned against the door frame and watched Sara getting ready for bed.

“Sara…” he called out to her.

She ignored him and continued hanging up the dress she had been wearing.

“Sara, we should talk.” He insisted.

Sara sighed and brushed a hand across her forehead, “What should we say?”

Her voice sounded hollow. Empty.

“What do you think happened? Tell me why you’re upset.” Junsu said.

She looked at him and shrugged her shoulders, “I’ve never seen you that angry. You actually broke his nose…”

He looked back at her and had no words to say. Nothing was coming to his mind.

She continued, “I just feel like she means more to you than a simple assistant.”

She stared at the ground. Junsu was still speechless; he cleared his throat.

“Sara, she’s just an assistant. It’s my first time having a female assistant; maybe I don’t know how to handle that? Maybe I figure she needs more protecting than a man.” He offered.

She looked up at him; skepticism written across her face, clearly.

“Junsu, all I ask is for some fairness, okay?” she said.

Junsu pushed off of the door frame and walked across to Sara. He held her by the shoulders and looked down at her.

“Of course, Sara.” He reassured her. He kissed the top of her head briefly and left the room. Sara stood there wondering if he would be able to hold onto his promise. She had a gut feeling that things were not as he said they were, but she doubted that even he realized the reality.



“Morgan, easy girl, one step at a time…” Jaejoong said. He had Morgan under his arm and was attempting to walk her from his car to her door without any major accidents.

Morgan was in a weird state between sleep and drunkenness. She was swaying with instability with every step she took.

“Mhmm, mom, pancakes are good…” she mumbled incoherently.

Jaejoong chuckled at her. They finally made it to the door and he rummaged in her bag to find her keys. He opened the door and walked her inside.

He helped her take off her shoes and her coat and practically dragged Morgan to her bedroom.

He let her down on her bed and she curled up automatically; she buried her face deep into her pillow.

He looked down at her and wondered if he should take her out of her dress. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard her mumbling to herself.

“Junsu….why…..” she curled up tighter into herself and her hand grasped the pillow. She continued to talk in her sleep.

“Thank you…Su…I lo….” here she whimpered in her sleep and stopped speaking.

Jaejoong looked surprised, “Were you about to say what I think you were going to say?” he whispered to himself.

He ran his hand through his platinum blonde hair, “Aish, babo….Morgan, what have you gotten yourself into?”



The weekend passed with Morgan recovering from a horrible hangover. Monday she walked into her office and sat down at her desk. She felt a little uneasy about seeing Junsu; she couldn’t remember much about the party and that unsettled her. She had a gut feeling that something had happened.

She was reading over a letter that she had to proofread when the office door swung open and in walked Junsu. The butterflies in her stomach went wild and she felt go dry. She barely glanced up at him as he walked towards her.

“Good morning, Morgan” he said. She looked up; he was looking down at her with his usual smile. She felt her knees weaken.

“Good morning, Junsu…” she managed to get out. She sat staring up at him and he stared down at her. Finally he coughed.

“Morgan…my messages?” he asked.

She felt her face flush in embarrassment, “Uhh oh yes, here they are.”

Morgan handed him his messages; he took them and winked at her, “Thank you, jagiya.”

She blinked at him. She had heard Jaejoong say that to Sandra; she knew it meant sweetheart or honey or whatever in Korean.

“You’re….you’re welcome” she stuttered. He smiled and walked into his office.

The day went by without a hitch; however, towards the end of the day she heard Junsu shouting at someone over the telephone, from within his office. Morgan tensed up and wondered why she could hear this so clearly; wasn't his room sound proof? Then she realized the door wasn't closed. She heard him bang the phone down.  Suddenly his office door swung open and she nearly jumped out of her chair.

“Morgan, I need you to book a two way trip to Montreal. The new division manager there is completely insane or simply incompetent, I’m not sure which of the two, and I need to get there for tomorrow midday. Just get a Greyhound; I really don’t care how I get there.” He rushed out.

She looked up at him briefly; his eyebrows knotted together and his face seemed dark with frustration.

“Okay, I’ll get your ticket right away” she stated.

She turned to her computer and opened up the web browser.

“I need two tickets; you have to come with me.”

She arched an eyebrow and looked up at him quizzically.

“Pardon me?” she asked.

“You need to come with me. You don’t understand how entirely disorganized their office is right now. If I don’t get there and if I don’t have you with me, then we won’t be able to train those fools. I need you to go there and show his weak assistant how to do things properly, not to mention if you’re there I can focus on the bigger issues and I trust you to handle the smaller loose ends. Their office is upside down and we’re losing clients. We’ve lost 3 clients already, from Quebec, thanks to him! Good thing he doesn’t handle international clients!” He ranted.

Morgan blinked at him some more and wasn’t sure if he was serious. Then, before he lost patience with her, she clicked into work mode and proceeded to ready the two tickets.

“Okay soooo…..our tickets are ready. We will arrive there tomorrow, 12:30 in the afternoon…” she said uncertainly.

“Alright, perfect, don’t forget about the hotel” he said absent mindedly while retreating into his office.

Morgan sat there, feeling as though a whirlwind had just passed through her office.

She called the Montreal hotel that she knew Junsu preferred.

“Hello, I’m calling from Mirotic Investors on behalf of Kim Junsu. I believe he’s a Preferred Client at your establishment” she waited on the line while the receptionist looked it up.

“Yes, we need two rooms. I know it is last minute notice; we need them for check in time of around 1 in the afternoon.”

The receptionist typed away, “What? Are you absolutely sure?” Morgan asked anxiously.

“You realize he IS a VIP at this hotel, right?” Morgan begged.

She sighed at the receptionist’s response, “Alright that will have to do. We’ll take it”

Morgan gave the receptionist Junsu’s company credit card number and finalized the booking. Once she hung up she sat at her desk and zoned out entirely.

“We’re sharing a room…….” She muttered to herself.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
seems interesting
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