Chapter 5

Untitled Fantasy


Morgan saw Junsu walk back into the party. He seemed disturbed.

“Good, it serves you right…” she thought.

She turned back to Dimitri. At first she had been annoyed and angry that he had shown up unexpectedly. She had been wondering what had happened to the extra ticket; she wasn’t able to find it anywhere that she looked. Now she knew where it had been all this time; in Dimitri’s thieving hands.

The more she drank a certain idea seemed all the more tempting: why not use Dimitri to try and get to Junsu? Junsu hadn’t been entirely honest with her so why should she spare his feelings? Her mind swirled with angry and hurt thoughts.

“Hey Morgan, shouldn’t you slow down on the drinks?” Dimitri asked her.

“Why? You love drinking. Let’s have fun tonight” she said; she took the straw out of her drink and the alcohol off of it, suggestively.

Dimitri couldn’t understand her sudden change of demeanor. First she acted like she wanted him off the face of the planet; tonight she was all over him. He watched her that straw and he decided to enjoy tonight and ask questions later.

He reached over and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

“We can have all the fun you want, baby” he said.

Amid the alcoholic haze her mind managed to click onto the tone of his voice. She realized that if she wasn’t careful, the night could go in a direction she wasn’t willing to go into. She got an idea.

“Hey, Dimitri, want to meet my boss?” she asked him, while straightening out his collar for him. She made sure her fingers brushed lightly against his neck.

He almost shivered at her light touch, “Sure why not” he said.

Morgan grinned; she leaned forward and stopped at his ear. She let her lips briefly touch his ear.

“Follow me” she breathed into his ear.

She walked off; Dimitri took a moment to adjust his belt and then he went after her.

They reached a table; there was a blonde and an Asian man sitting there. The blonde looked up at Morgan and looked her over. The Asian seemed surprised to see Morgan there. He looked over Dimitri.

Dimitri could have sworn he saw anger flash in the Asian man’s eyes. He shook his head; he must have been mistaken. Why would the man be angry?

Morgan straightened her back and saluted; a cheesy attempt to look military.

“I hope you’re having a good time, SIR!” she laughed.

Junsu looked amused; the blonde looked over at the Asian man, questioningly.

The Asian man stood up, the blonde stood with him.

“Hello Morgan. Morgan, this is Sara. Sara, this is Morgan, my assistant.” He said.

The two women shook hands, Sara spoke, a voice full of command, “Nice to meet you; I’m Junsu’s girlfriend”.

Morgan let go of Sara’s hand, “Oh how wonderful” she said, almost sarcastically. Morgan then turned to Dimitri.

“Hey, hun, this is Junsu. He’s my boss. Junsu, this is Dimitri.”

Dimitri looked at Morgan, surprised. Did she just say hun?

Junsu reached over to shake Dimitri’s hand. The two men shook hands; this time, Dimitri could not deny that he saw anger in Junsu’s eyes. Junsu practically stared him down.

Sara cleared , “Why don’t you two join us?”

“Oh that is soooo sweet of you! We’d love to join you!” Morgan exclaimed.

Both men looked at Morgan quizzically. They watched her take a seat and make herself comfortable. Junsu and Dimitri sat down at the same time. Sara immediately latched onto Junsu’s arm, almost like she wanted to make a point of holding his arm.

The four of them ate their dinners together. If anyone had been watching, they would have been confused. There was a definite triangle between three of the people in the group.

Sara couldn’t explain it but she had a feeling about Morgan. She had no specific reason to dislike Morgan but something made Sara uneasy; she just felt like she had to hold onto Junsu.

Junsu was quiet; he seemed a tad on edge. He would listen to the conversation between the other three and he couldn’t stop fidgeting with things; napkins, utensils, glass.

Morgan was all over Dimitri. She had her hands on his shoulders; she would run her hands on his back. She would laugh at things Dimitri said.

There was a moment when Sara left to use the bathroom that suddenly made everything clear to Dimitri.

Junsu leaned over and watched Morgan and Dimitri. He cleared his throat and Morgan looked over at Junsu.

“I’m glad Morgan has someone; I was under the impression she would be here alone.” He said in a monotone.

Before Dimitri could answer, Morgan sat back in her chair and crossed her arms. She spoke, her voice cutting and harsh.

“Funny, isn’t it? Just when you think you know everything, life always has surprises!”

Junsu cringed; Dimitri saw the anger flash back in his eyes.

“I’ll agree with you; life is complicated and things are rarely clear cut and simple” Junsu said, his voice strained with emotion.

Morgan scoffed and looked away towards the dance floor. Junsu leaned back in his chair and looked the opposite way.

Dimitri blinked and looked from Morgan to Junsu. For once he was glad that he wasn’t drunk; if he had been he might have missed what he just saw. He couldn’t believe it. The two people in front of him were actually having a fight. A fight he realized was rooted in mutual feelings for each other.

“You’ve got to be kidding me….” Dimitri said. Morgan and Junsu both swung their heads around to look at Dimitri.

“This is really ed up, you know?” he said loudly. A few other people in surrounding tables looked over.

“Dimitri, sit down. What are you talking about?” Morgan asked. She blinked awkwardly at him several times; Dimitri could only guess she was having trouble focusing her eyes.

Dimitri stood and threw his napkin onto the table.

“No, I am not going to sit. I can’t believe you two!” he shouted.

Junsu stood up moved towards Dimitri slowly.

“Dimitri, you need to quiet down.” He said.

“Don’t come near me; don’t tell me what to do. Your girl is here with you and you’re having a little love battle with Morgan?” he said, accusingly.

Junsu stared at him; “I don’t know what you’re referring to…” he trailed off.

Dimitri laughed, a cold sounding laugh, “Oh this is gold. You’re both in complete denial, aren’t you?” he said, once he saw Morgan sitting quietly staring into her hands that she had clenched in her lap.

She looked up at him, “You need to calm down…”

This only made him angrier.

“You’re so angry at me because of what? Huh? Because I ran every time things got tough? You’re mad at me because I wasn’t strong enough to support you? Oh, you’re probably mad because I told you I loved someone else. At least I told you straight up, but look at you!” He was rambling and speaking quickly.

Morgan got up and tried to get close to him, to calm him down.

“What’s going on?” a voice said behind Dimitri. Sara stood there, concern etched across her features.

The rest of the people around them were all staring; shocked yet interested in the dispute.

“You know what, whatever. I’m out of here; you can deal with this ” Dimitri spat.

He rushed out of the dining hall. Sara gasped, “What?” she asked, completely confused.

Junsu turned towards Morgan. She looked pale and she slipped back down into her chair. Tears were coursing down her face.

“Son of a….” Junsu growled. He ran after Dimitri.

He stopped once he reached the front hall; he looked to his right towards the bathrooms and didn’t see Dimitri. He looked to his left, towards the exit, and saw Dimitri walking out the door.

“HEY!” Junsu shouted. Dimitri glanced back, shrugged his shoulders and kept walking.

Junsu ran towards the door; he managed to catch up to Dimitri. Junsu snagged Dimitri’s sleeve and pulled him around to face him.

“Hey man, what the ?” Dimitri protested.

Junsu grabbed Dimitri by the collar of his coat and pushed him against the wall of the building.

“You will NOT speak to Morgan that way, ok? You hear me? If you do, I will personally make sure that you cannot walk and need to feed through a straw.” Junsu snarled.

Junsu slammed Dimitri into the wall for more emphasis. He let go of Dimitri and walked towards the door. He was almost there when he was pushed into the door. Junsu’s forehead slammed against the thick wood.

“You little chink, come back here and give it another shot” Dimitri taunted.

Junsu took a second to straighten his tie and he swung around.

Dimitri was a few steps away; Junsu rushed at him, quickly closing the gap between them. Junsu swung his fist and landed straight on Dimitri’s nose.

There was loud crunching noise.

“Oh , owww!” Dimitri yelled.

Blood poured out of Dimitri’s nose. Junsu laughed.

“I’m going to turn around now and walk back into the party. Do the smart thing and don’t try starting something with me that you clearly can’t finish, ok? Just go home.” Junsu said, in a deadly calm voice.

At that moment Sara and Morgan came out. Morgan seemed unsteady and Sara was helping her walk. When Sara saw Dimitri’s bleeding nose and Junsu’s calm exterior, she put two and two together.

“Junsu, what did you do…” Sara asked, disbelievingly. She held Morgan; Morgan was still crying, her shoulders shook as she sniffled.

“Here, take her” Sara told Junsu.  Sara gave Morgan over to Junsu.

“You people need to talk, seriously…” Dimitri said, vaguely.

Sara approached him, with a handkerchief in her hands. She walked up to him and pressed the cloth onto his nose.

“Listen, I’m not sure what’s going on but…just keep the pressure on your nose. Get yourself to a hospital or something and just…go. I think it is best if you go.” She ordered him.

Dimitri held the handkerchief to his nose, “You don’t need to tell me twice, lady”

He walked off to his car; started it up and left. Sara turned back; she saw Junsu holding Morgan gently and he was looking down at her. He looked so worried. Morgan looked broken.

Walking back to them, Sara sighed. “Morgan, is there anyone you can call? You shouldn’t be alone tonight.”

Morgan hiccupped and looked up at Sara, “Yeah, I’ve got someone…”

“Call that person now, Morgan. Call while Sara and I are here; we’re not going to leave until we’re sure you will be fine” Junsu said.

Morgan reached into her coat pocket and brought out her cell phone. She knew Sandra would be busy, so she called the next best person. She called Sandra’s boyfriend, Jaejoong.

“Yoboseyo…?” Jaejoong answered.

“Hey Jae…I need a ride, please, come get me” Morgan said, in between tears.

“Morgan, what’s wrong? Where are you?” He asked her, instantly concerned.

Morgan told him where she was and he agreed; he said he’d be there in 20 minutes.

Junsu was still holding onto Morgan. Sara watched them both, curious. She knew Junsu was kindhearted but even for him, he seemed a bit too worried. Morgan looked too comfortable.

15 minutes later a silver Lexus pulled up. A man got out of the car quickly. He jogged towards them; Sara could see that he was Asian. He was fair skinned and had platinum blonde hair. Dyed, of course, Sara thought.

“Yah, Morgan!” the man called out. Morgan looked up and fresh tears formed in her eyes. She stumbled out of Junsu’s arms and into the new man’s embrace.

“Shhhh, what’s wrong?” the man asked, speaking into Morgan’s hair, he stood with his arm around her shoulders and a hand smoothing her hair.

Junsu walked towards them, “I’m Junsu, Morgan’s boss. You are?” He asked.

The new man looked above Morgan’s head and saw Junsu.

“I’m Jaejoong; I’m a friend of Morgan’s. What happened?” Jaejoong asked.

Junsu noted the name; it was a Korean name.

“I think Morgan should tell you herself. I assume you know who Dimitri is?” Junsu asked.

Jaejoong groaned, “Oh geez okay, I can see where this might go.”

Sara walked up next to Junsu, she whispered in his ear. Junsu looked down at Sara.

“Yeah, here, take the keys, start the car. I’ll be there in a second” he said.

Sara took the keys and walked off into the parking lot.

Junsu looked at Jaejoong, “Make sure she drinks a lot of water and juice; let her sleep as much as she needs. She had a rough night…” Junsu said softly.

Jaejoong nodded, “Yeah, I will. Thanks for waiting until I got here. Don’t worry; I’ll take good care of Morgan.”

Junsu sighed, “I’ll be leaving now then; drive safely.”

Jaejoong watched Junsu walk away. He looked down at Morgan; she seemed to have passed out in his arms.

“What have you gotten yourself into, Morgan?” Jaejoong asked her sleeping form.

He had seen the way Junsu looked at Morgan and the fact that Dimitri had been here…Jaejoong could already guess what had happened.

He shook her and she stirred in her sleep.

“Morgan, sorry, come on girl. Wake up. We gotta get you home.” He said.

She mumbled incoherently and was half awake. It was enough to get her walking towards his car. Jaejoong made it to the car’s passenger seat and deposited her into the seat. He buckled her seat belt.

He walked back to the driver’s side and got into the car. He could see that Morgan had passed out again.

“Just please don’t throw up in my car” He joked to himself.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
seems interesting
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