I Love You and You Smiled

My Triangle Love Story



    Luhan... I won't forget you... Now, Sehun already catched by the police...
You feel better? I hope you smiled to us from the heaven...

Luhan, I feel I fall in love with Kai since you go to the heaven...

You said it's okay if I'm with Kai... So, I think...
He can protect me and Aleyna forever...


Luhan, I won't forget you...

You'll always in our heart...


Kai: Yoona...

Yoona: N, ne?

Kai: What're you thinking about?

Yoona: I thinking about Luhan *smile*

Kai: Yoona, I love you...

Yoona: I already know *smile*

Kai: The moment that I love was... The moment when I stare at you and fall in love with you more and more... And you smiled because you knew... 

Yoona: Will you protect me and Aleyna forever?

Kai: Nae, I promise princess... *Peck my lips*


Mrs. Xi: Kai, Yoona... I think you two must married... Aleyna need a father, and you Kai... I know you always want Yoona to be yours... Luhan said it's okay and he want you to protect his family... *Smile*

Yoona: I think we must wait *smile*

Kai: But...

Yoona: You're still in a weak condition... I don't wanna something bad happen *smile*

Kai: I understand... *Smile*


Many months already passed, now...
It's been a year since that moment...


I already fall in love with Kai... 
But, I'm afraid he'll make my heart broken again like what he did in the past...

He trust Seohyun and break up with me...
I don't wanna that happen anymore...


Or maybe something worse...
I don't wanna...


Luhan, help me...
What must I do? I'm too afraid to feel a pain again...


Kai: Yoona...

Yoona: Ne?

Kai: When do you wanna be my wife?

Yoona: I don't know, Jongin... I don't know...

Kai: Wae?

Yoona: I'm...


Kai: Wae?

Yoona: I'm too afraid to feel a pain again... I'm afraid that you'll make my heart broken just like in the past, or something worse... I don't wanna that happen!!!! I...


I'm not finished with my words... But, Kai already pull me and hug me tight...
He hug me and not letting me go away from him.


Kai: I won't let that happen... I already promise Luhan to protect you and Aleyna... 

Yoona: But...


Kai: Yoona, I fall in love with you! I won't let that happen!!! 

Yoona: ...


Kai: Trust me... *Look into my eyes*

Yoona: ... I'm too afraid to trust someone...


Kai: Don't be afraid... I'm here just for ya... *Kiss my forehead*

Yoona: Kai...


Kai: Ne?

Yoona: Do... Don't you ever leave me *hug him*


Kai: *Smiled* I promise...

Yoona: *Smiled*


Aleyna: Eomma! What're you doing?

Kai: Come here Aleyna *smile* *Hug Aleyna too*


Aleyna: Yaaa uncleee

Kai: I will be your stepfather soon *smile*


Aleyna: Really uncle?

Kai: Nae *smile*


Aleyna: Yeeeeyyy!!! I'll have a father~

Yoona: *Smiled*


Oh God... Thank you...


Luhan... I won't forget you, I promise... *Smiled*




I will write more fanfic ^^


I'll tell you someday if I already write a new fanfic~





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Btsnsd01 #1
Chapter 16: ♥Great so far

Chapter 16: Okay!!! Ur story is amazing really
AsianNerd101 #3
Chapter 16: I will abd please read my LuYoona fanflic too thanks! ^~^
AsianNerd101 #4
Chapter 25: I have tears in my eye when Luhan die
raeanne_rain143 #5
DeerLY90 #6
Chapter 25: It's a nice story, make me want to read it more and more but it kinda sad because Luhan is dead. :( I hope you will write new LuYoon fanfic cuz i love LuYoon the deer couple very much. Please write it! I'm sure "fawns" will always support you. please inform me if you have write one. and once again good job! :)
clasicoustic- #7
Chapter 25: The Ending... T_T *sob*
luyoon90 #8
Chapter 4: Wahhh!!!!!! It's getting better and better every chapter:)
luyoon90 #9
Chapter 2: I like your story:) I like how the story is in a conversation style.
Luyoon771 #10
Chapter 16: Nice story ! I will subscribe until I'm done reading sorry for the long wait! HWAITING!