
My Triangle Love Story


     Hello, This is me again... Im Yoona. When, the sun goes down... Me, Luhan, and Aleyna go back to our home... I said goodbye to all people that I miss so much. 

Aleyna: Eomma, appa

Yoona: Ne?

Aleyna: When will we arrived?

Luhan: We'll be arrive soon, Aley *smile*

Aleyna: Tonight... I wanna sleep with appa and eomma~

Luhan: But, you're to old to sleep with us...

Aleyna: But I wanna...

Yoona: Okay, but just this night okay?

Aleyna: Okay eomma!!!~ 


Then, we arrived at our house... I open the gate and then close the gate. We got in, I locked the front door. And then, we take a bath and watch TV in me and Luhan bedroom. 


Aleyna: Eomma... I'm sleep *yawn*

Yoona: You must sleep then... *Turn off the TV* *Hug Aleyna*

Luhan: Let's sleep... *Kiss Aleyna forehead, peck my lips*

Yoona: Luhan, saranghae *smile*

Luhan: Nado *smile back*

Aleyna: *Already sleep* zZzZzZz.... 

Luhan: Aleyna already sleep...

Yoona: She played all day, she must be tired... Come on let's sleep too...

Luhan: Okay *smile*




    I wake up and then take a bath, after that... I cook breakfast for my family and then waking Aleyna and Luhan up. 

"Aleyna... Wake up" I said then kiss Aleyna cheeks, after a minute... She get up and take a bath. 
"Luhan... Chagiya.... Wake up" I said then shake his body, he get up...

But, he hug me and make me fall on his body. His face and my face are so close...


Yoona: L, Luhan!

Luhan: I just wanna be like this *peck my lips*

Yoona: *Blush*

Luhan: This day... I want to hug you all day... I don't wanna lose you... *Hug me tight*

Yoona: Me too... *Smile*

Luhan: *Smile*


Then we eat breakfast together, and do our own things... 
Aleyna already go to school with the school bus. And Luhan, wanna go to his office now. 


Yoona: Luhan... I have a bad feelings...

Luhan: What's it?

Yoona: I don't know... Just stay here...

Luhan: But, I must go now... I'll be okay... I promise... *Smile*

Yoona: ... O, okay...


Then Luhan go to his office with his car... What's this feeling??? Why I have a bad feelings about Luhan? He musn't go to his office...

Please, make him safe...

I love him so much...


I pray and pray... I wish something bad won't happen... 
Then I decide to cook...


Yoona: Hmm hm hm hm lalalala~ *Cut the vegetables*


I cut and cut all the vegetables... 'WUSHHH' a wind come into my house and 'prangggg' Luhan photo fall and the glass is broken... 


Yoona: What's this mean??? *Clean the broken glass* Ouch! My hand... 


Geez, my hand... I must wash it. Then, I wash it and clean it again...
After that I cook the soup... But, the soup bowl almost fall to the ground...

Luckly, I catch it...


Yoona: Hmph... I better take a rest... *Sleep on the couch*


After a while...

'KRINGGGGG' My phone ringing. I answer it...

Yoona: Yeoboseyo?

???: Is this Xi Yoona?

Yoona: Ne, who's this?

???: This is from the hospital... You must go here fast... Something happen with your husband...

Yoona: L, Luhan?!?! What happen with him?!?!

???: Just come to xxxxxx hospital. Okay?

Yoona: N, ne... 


Then I close the phone and fastly go to the hospital...

There are Mr and Mrs. Xi too... Mrs. Xi so panick and crying...



"Someone... Someone... Try to kill Luhan, and we found Luhan lying with blood in his room" said Tiffany and cry...


Yoona: WHAT?! That musn't be true... Who want to kill him?!?!

Chanyeol: Boss, we already catch the suspensed. *Grab Kai*

Yoona: K, Kai?!?!

Kris: Bring him to the car...

Tiffany: K, Kris oppa?!?! You're a police?!?!

Kai: I'm not crazy! I won't kill my own brother!!! Even he's my stepbrother!

Yoona: Kai... But, why's your clothes full of blood?


My tears come down... And fall from my eyes to my chin...
Oh God...


Kai: I found him... I wanna bring him here...

Kris: Shut up! We found your finger print at the knife that you use to kill him!


Kai: What the ! I never know there's a knife and I never touch a knife there!!!

Kris: Chanyeol, bring him to the car.


Mr. Xi: You can't catch my son!

Kris: Of course we can... We'll release him if he's true...


Mrs. Xi: Sob... Sob... *Cry*

Yoona: Eomma... Where's Luhan?


Mrs. Xi: In the surgery room... I hope you'll be fine... Son... *Cry* *Pray*

Yoona: ... Luhan...






Then the doctor let us to come in...
Luhan isn't at a good condition... He need so much blood...


Luhan: Yoona... I love you... I, I...


Yoona: Luhan... I'm here...

Luhan:  Yoona...

Yoona: Who did this? Tell me *grab his hand*

Luhan: A... A boy... I... D, don't k. know w... who is... h, he...

Yoona: Is it Kai?

Luhan: N, no... Kai save me... He not... A... Murder...

Yoona: Luhan... Be strong... I'm here... *Cry*

Luhan: Yoona... I love you... Aleyna, where's she... Aleyna...

Yoona: Henry and Aleyna will be here soon...


Aleyna: APPA!!! APPA!!! *Run to Luhan*

Luhan: Aleyna... Be a good girl, dear... You must always listen to your mom...

Kai: I'M NOT A MURDER!!! LUHAN!!! HYUNG!!! *Run to Luhan room and run to him*


Chanyeol: Ne!


Yoona: WAIT! He's not the murder... Luhan said that by himself...

Luhan: Kai...

Kai: N, ne?

Luhan: Take care of Yoona... And Aleyna... 

Yoona: Luhan... *Cry*

Luhan: If it's Kai... I'm okay... Uhuk. *Cough*

Henry: Luhan...

Mrs. Xi: I'll give you my blood son... Don't go...

Luhan: Eomma, appa, Yoona, A... Aleyna, Kai, H henry, Tiffany... I love you guys...

Yoona: Luhan! If you go!!! I WON'T FORGIVE YOU!!!

Luhan: Yoona... I'm sorry... *Kiss my lips*

Aleyna: Appa... Hiks... Hiks...

Luhan: Aleyna, don't cry... Eomma and uncle Kai will always be with you... Saranghae...

Kai: Hyung...

Luhan: Kai, promise me you'll take care of them...

Kai: Ne... I promise... I promise...



Luhan... Die...

Someone kill him and let him die slowly...



Yoona: LUHAN!!! LUHAN!!! Luhan... *Cry*


Luhan... Luhan...
Why're you leaving me? I love you...



Sehun POV


Finally... Finally, he dead...

It's time for me to get Yoona back...


Yoona... I'm back and I'll get you back... *Evil Smirk*

I'll be yours and Kai... You can't get Yoona ever.



2 months later...


I come to Yoona house... And knock the door...
Then, she open the door...


Sehun: Hello, it's been a long time *smile*

Yoona: S, Sehun?! But y, you a... are in... 

Sehun: I'm here cuz I miss you damn much, I hear Luhan was killed by a murder. Is that true?

Yoona: ...

Sehun: I'm sorry, I don't mean to...

Yoona: It's okay...


Kai: Yoona, who's it... SEHUN?!?!

Sehun: Annyeong, hyung *smirk*

Kai: How could you...

Sehun: Wae? Suprise? 


Aleyna: Eomma... Uncle... *Come*

Yoona: Ah, Aleyna... You already wake up *smile*

Aleyna: Nae eomma~

Sehun: So you already have a child. She's beauty... Just like you *Smile*


Aleyna: Who are you?

Sehun: Oh Sehun *smile*

Aleyna: Ooooo...

Yoona: Come in *smile*



Sehun: Annyeong.

Luhan: W, who are you? Why're you wear a mask?!

Sehun: Because I don't want my face get touched by your blood... 


Stab him from back with a knife...


Luhan: ARKKHHH!!!

Sehun: You will die soon... And Yoona will be mine, ahahahaha!!!

Luhan: She won't be yours! Ukrh...

Sehun: *Kick him* You'll die soon, don't make me mad...

Luhan: Urkh...

Sehun: Good bye... *Smirk*

Luhan: G... Go to... The hell... Urkh!

Sehun: Of course *go away*


Back to future


Yoona: Sehun? Hello... Come on get in...

Sehun: A, ah! Okay...

Kai: You such a weirdo...

Sehun: Why aren't you in the jail?

Kai: That's not your problem...

Sehun: But you're a murder...


Sehun: Geez...

Yoona: Kai... 

Kai: ...

Yoona: Sehun, come in...


Inside Yoona's house.

Sehun: Wow, your house so big *Smile*

Yoona: *Smile back*

Sehun: Yoona... 

Yoona: Ne?

Sehun: Read this letter.... I better go now, bye *kiss her forehead and go away*

Kai: ... Urkh.


Yoona POV

A letter? From Sehun? emmm...
I'll read it later...

And, why he kiss my forehead? Nah. I shouldn't think about that...
Luhan... I miss you...

Kai: What's that?

Yoona: A letter...

Kai: Why you allow him to kiss your forehead?

Yoona: Wae?

Kai: I promise to Luhan, that I will take care and protect you and your child...

Yoona: ... I wanna go to my room, because for now you stay at this home... You can sleep at the first guest room. Aleyna, go to your room and sleep *smile*

Aleyna: But I wanna sleep with eomma and appa...

Yoona: Appa can't go back here anymore, Aleyna *smile*

Aleyna: But I want appa!!! Hiks... Hueeee *Cry*

Yoona: Aleyna, don't cry... Eomma here *hug Aleyna*


Then I wait until Aleyna tired of crying and then fall asleep...
After that I bring her to her room, and put her in her bed...

Then, I go to my room...


"I better read the letter that Sehun give to me..."

 Dear, Yoona

     Yoona, you know what? I still love you.
Will you be mine again? :) saranghae.


"Still love me?" I said to my self.... And then put the letter in my desk.

'Knock knock' someone knock the door... "Come in" I said


Kai: *Come in*

Yoona: Kai...

Kai: ... Annyeong

Yoona: Ne, annyeong...

Kai: Not sleep yet?

Yoona: Nope.

Kai: I'm sorry if I feel you uncomfortable... I just...

Yoona: Nah, it's okay *smile*

Kai: Yoona... *Hug me*

Yoona: .... Ne?

Kai: Don't you ever leave me... 

Yoona: I won't leave my own brother in law...

Kai: ... *Smile* Gomawo.

Yoona: Nae. *Smile*


Kai: Yoona, the police still ask me many question and search for more information... 

Yoona: I know that, be strong *smile*

Kai: You believe that I'm not the murder right?

Yoona: Ne, I believe you *smile*


One year later... I already close to Sehun again.

Sehun: Yoona~

Yoona: Ah, Sehun you come again *smile*

Sehun: I bring you this *give me a chocolate*

Yoona: Gomawo *smile*

Sehun: This is for ya, Aleyna *give Aleyna a baloon*

Aleyna: Waaa~ Gomawo uncle~

Sehun: Cheonma, honey *smile*

Yoona: *Smile*


'Drrrtttttttttttttttt' Sehun's phone vibrated. He go to the backyard for a moment...
I choose to make a tea for him. 

Okay, finished!~
I better give this tea for him now... *Go to the backyard*

What he doing? I better tell him that'll make me know the conversation...
Ah! I better record this too...



Sehun: Yeah, I kill him to get his wife.

???: Now, you'll get his wife right? She already love in you again?

Sehun: I don't know. But, soon... She'll be mine. Ahahaha

???: You're so evil. ahaha

Sehun: Yeah, I'll murder everyone if he/she try to make me far from Yoona. Hahaha

???: blablabla... Yoona again, okay goodluck.

Sehun: Yeah, thanks.



I come to him and slap him on face...


Sehun: Y, Yoona?


Sehun: ...

Yoona: How could you kill my husband?! You're not the Sehun that I used to know!!! You're not Sehun!!! You're a murder!!! I hate you!!! Hiks...

Sehun: Yoona I...

Yoona: How could you lie to me and make my life like this?! YOU KNOW WHAT?! I LIKE YOU AGAIN... BUT, YOU'RE A MURDER! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO MURDER LUHAN!!!

Sehun: I LOVE YOU! I kill him cuz I wanna be with you!

Yoona: But, your way's wrong!!!! Hiks... Hiks... *Cry*

Sehun: Yoona, you give me no choice...

Yoona: I hate you! Hiks...


Sehun: If I can't have you in a good condition. Then, I'll kill you and play with your body! And you'll be mine! *Get a knife from his pocket*

Yoona: KYAAA!!!

Sehun: *Grab my hand and wanna stab me*

Kai: *Kick him from back* HEY MURDER! Don't kill her.

Yoona: Kai ah! *Run to Kai*

Sehun: *Grab a gun* hahaha, looks like I'll kill you both.

Yoona: SEHUN!!!

Sehun: *Wanna shoot us*


'DUARRRRRR' He wanna shoot me first, but Kai fastly stand infront of me and he get shoot on his shoulder!

"KAI-AH!!!" I scream...


Suddenly the police come and shoot Sehun legs, so he can't run and they catch him fastly.


Sehun: Bastard

Kris: Come with us! *Pull him*

Tiffany: Yoona! W, what happen?!

Yoona: Fany ah!


Tiffany: God! What happen with Kai?!

Yoona: He got shoot by Sehun, he's the murder!!!

Tiffany: I'll call the ambulance!

Yoona: Jongin-ah...


Kai: ... Urkh...

Yoona: Just wait for a moment... I'm here...

Kai: Yoona...

Yoona: Jongin-ah... Hiks *cry*


Kai: Why're you crying? Don't cry baby... *Wipe my tears*

Yoona: There's so much blood... Kai... Don't leave me...

Kai: No, I won't *Smile*

Henry: The ambulance come! Bring him inside!!!


Then we put Kai inside the ambulance, and I waking Aleyna up...
We go to the hospital together... Before that, I call Kai's parents.


Yoona: Doctor, is he okay?

Doctor: Yes, he's okay... Just need a rest and wait until his shoulder health again *smile*

Yoona: Oh, God... Thank you *smile*

Mrs. Xi: Can we see him now?

Doctor: *Nodded*


Then, we go in and see Kai condition...
He's fine only look tired and bad....

Kai: Yoona?

Yoona: Ne, I'm here *smile*

Kai: .... *Smile*

Yoona: You okay?

Kai: Feel much better...

Yoona: *Smile*


I glad he's okay...

I miss you... Luhan, see?
Your brother already save my life...

If you're here, I believe you're the one who'll save me...


But's okay...



Will you wait for me to update the next chapter tomorrow?

I love you all.

Leave comments and susbcribe ^^


















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Btsnsd01 #1
Chapter 16: ♥Great so far

Chapter 16: Okay!!! Ur story is amazing really
AsianNerd101 #3
Chapter 16: I will abd please read my LuYoona fanflic too thanks! ^~^
AsianNerd101 #4
Chapter 25: I have tears in my eye when Luhan die
raeanne_rain143 #5
DeerLY90 #6
Chapter 25: It's a nice story, make me want to read it more and more but it kinda sad because Luhan is dead. :( I hope you will write new LuYoon fanfic cuz i love LuYoon the deer couple very much. Please write it! I'm sure "fawns" will always support you. please inform me if you have write one. and once again good job! :)
clasicoustic- #7
Chapter 25: The Ending... T_T *sob*
luyoon90 #8
Chapter 4: Wahhh!!!!!! It's getting better and better every chapter:)
luyoon90 #9
Chapter 2: I like your story:) I like how the story is in a conversation style.
Luyoon771 #10
Chapter 16: Nice story ! I will subscribe until I'm done reading sorry for the long wait! HWAITING!