Chapter 9

Who Are You?

Krystal had been walking for hours now and had only one sandwich left. It was gonna dark in just a few hours so Krystal had to move fast.



Krystal: *sigh* I wonder how much farther it is~ … hrmm~ I wanna eat



Krystal pulls out a bag containing the last sandwich and starts to open it. As she sticks her hand in the bag, she quickly stops herself.



Krystal: No! Krystal, you gotta save it. If you eat it now, you won’t have anything to eat after the TIRING fight. *seals up the bag and puts it away* … *sigh*



Krystal continued to walk on broken roads until she found herself in an empty city. Krystal thought to herself “This must be the place”. There were broken down buildings, broken cars, cars drilled into buildings, and a few holes scattered across the ground. Krystal figured that this was far enough so she stopped walking. She held out her wand and spoke.



Krystal: *gulp* what do I say? … umm~ … COME ON OUT YOU SHADOW SPIRIT!!!!! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A FIGHT!!!!! I-IF I WIN, YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!!!

Deep Voice: *from behind Krystal* and if I win?



Krystal quickly turned around startled to see a tall shadowy figure walking towards her. The 7 ft tall figure had yellow glowing eyes with a body made of shadows and a dark purple colored aura floating around it. Krystal stood there in horror.



Krystal: a-are you the Shadow Spirit?

Shadow Spirit: I am the king of all Shadow Spirits

Krystal: there are more of you?

Shadow King: yes, much much more

Krystal: *holds out wand* tch

Shadow King: *chuckles* If I win, I take control of your body

Krystal: w-what?!

Shadow King: *evil laugh* HAHAHAHAHA!!

Krystal: tch~ fine… *to herself* this means I have to win

Shadow King: *chuckles* alright then



The Shadow King then forms a sword into it’s right hand and charges towards Krystal. Krystal quickly stepped back and held out her wand. She charged up a small Fire Ball and shot it at the Shadow King. The Shadow King had been hit and fell down. Krystal was very confused when the Shadow King’s body disappeared as it hit the ground.



Krystal: w-was that seriously it?

Shadow King: not in a million years



Krystal turned around to see the Shadow King right up to her face. The two stood there staring at each other for a few seconds until Krystal was punched in the face. She had fallen down a few feet away from the Shadow King.



Shadow King: HAH!! Just give up! You won’t win against me

Krystal: …



The Shadow King slowly started walking towards Krystal with it’s sword transforming into a gun. Krystal looked up to see the Shadow King towering over her with a gun pointed to her face. Krystal quickly moved her head to the side as the shadow pulled the trigger. Krystal had managed to dodge the bullet and quickly stuck her wand in the Shadow King’s face shooting a huge Electricity Wave. The Shadow Spirit stood there roaring in pain. Krystal kept on electrifying the Shadow King as she took this chance to get back on her feet. The Shadow King was slowly transforming the gun into a sword and quickly brought it up to it’s face. The Electricity Wave was being deflected back at Krystal so she quickly stopped and jumped out of the way. Krystal rolled over behind a broken down car and sat there. She could see the Shadow King walking towards her location so she quietly walked against the car to the next one in front of it. The Shadow King held it’s hand out at the car and shot out a dark shadow sphere at it and blew the car away. Krystal was startled by the explosion that was made and jumped a little. The Shadow King heard the jump and started walking over to the car where Krystal was.



Krystal: *to herself* uh oh~ it’s coming. It’s now or never



Krystal rolled away from the car and stood up holding her wand with both hands. The Shadow King looked over at her and saw five large Power Shots coming it’s way. The first one hit it’s left arm, the second one hit it’s chest, the third and fourth one was dodged, and the fifth one hit right in the face. The Shadow King fell to the ground but quickly got up to meet a huge Fire Ball heading for it’s face. The Shadow King roared before the Fire Ball had hit. Krystal saw the shadow fall down to the ground not moving.



Krystal: *panting* d-did I win?



Krystal cautiously walks over to the shadow’s body. Krystal then figured that she’d better shoot another Fire Ball at it just in case it wasn‘t over. As Krystal was charging up her Fire Ball, the Shadow King quickly got up and picked Krystal up by the neck. Krystal’s feet were off the ground and was choking.



Shadow King: heh~ I must admit, that really hurt. You have much more potential than Zico




The Shadow King then threw Krystal at a car windshield. The Shadow King jumped over to her and spoke.



Shadow King: Im the one who’s responsible for this war.

Krystal: *cough* s-so you’ve been controlling Zico?!

Shadow King: that’s exactly right. Everyone that you think is working for him are being controlled by Shadow Spirits.

Krystal: w-why?! Why would you want to start a war?! What’s your reason?!

Shadow King: heh~ just for fun.

Krystal: YOU MONSTER!!!!!!

Shadow King: that’s what I am *grins*



Krystal then quickly kicked the Shadow King away and held her wand to it’s face. Krystal was disgusted with this Shadow King. The Shadow King then started laughing as crystal of Krystal’s wand started to glow. A sphere then shot out in between Krystal and the Shadow King. It started growing bigger and brighter. The Shadow King soon stopped laughing as he saw how bright the sphere was getting. After a minute of sitting there, Krystal finally shot the glowing sphere. The Shadow King screamed and was soon nowhere to be found. Krystal fell to her knees and let out a sigh of relief.



Krystal: finally~ … *looks at the sky* hm, it’s gonna get dark soon. I better get going.



As soon as Krystal got to her feet, she was suddenly knocked out from behind.


Back at the village of DSP…

Taeyeon: whew~ you guys ready to head out?

Jessica: yes! I need to make sure my sister came back home safely.

Se7en: yea, we can go now.

Gyuri: um~ Se7en?

Se7en: hm? What is it?

Gyuri: do you mind training me and my friends on how to fight?

Se7en: umm~

Rain: *whispers to Se7en* we could use their help for the war.

Se7en: *sigh* hmm… You’ve got a point… Gyuri?

Gyuri: yes?

Se7en: I will train you girls… On 1 condition.

Gyuri: *tilts her head* and what’s that?

Se7en: how do you girls feel about fighting in a war?



Seungyeon, Hara, Jiyoung, and Nicole then came running behind Gyuri.



Jiyoung: FIGHTING IN A WAR?!?!!?

Gyuri: I don’t know about these girls but I’ll be willing to.

Hara: *raises fist* Yea! I will too!

Seungyeon: *to Jiyoung* we owe them this much Jiyoung.

Jiyoung: *sigh* … ok then.

Nicole: I’m in.

Se7en: alright then, it’s settled. Why don’t you girls go pack your things and meet up with us at the entrance.

Gyuri: ok. See you in a little bit.



The five girls then walked off.



Jay: alright, let’s go guys.



Taeyeon, Jay, Rain, and Jessica walk to the entrance to find a man standing there. The man was bruised and bleeding. Rain quickly runs towards the man and grabs him by the neck with his sword ready to strike in his hand.



Rain: What are you doing here??! Why aren’t you with your other friends?!?!

Lay: *cough* please~ please just listen to me.

Se7en: let’s see what he has to say.

Rain: tch, fine.



Rain roughly lets go of Lay. Lay coughed a few more times and finally spoke.



Lay: the “Lay” you know was being controlled by a Shadow Spirit.

Jay: Do you seriously expect us to believe you?!

Lay: Please! You have to believe me!

Se7en: If you’re telling the truth then how’d you become free of it?

Lay: I just all of the sudden woke up in a room with one of those things looking at me. I killed it and made a run for it. When I got to the entrance of the place, I saw my friends guarding there. I ran to over to them and they started attacking me. Chanyeol, Tao, Suho, Baekhyun, D.O., Sehun, Xiumin, Kris, and Chen. They got me pretty badly. When I finally got away from their attacks, I sprinted myself out of there. And that’s when I finally found myself here. I’ve been running ever since.


Taeyeon: I don’t know guys~ I think I believe him.

Lay: Im not lying! Please! You guys gotta help me~



Se7en then starts to walk towards Lay. Lay thought it was over and that Se7en was gonna kill him. Se7en saw Lay drop his head while kneeling down. When Se7en got to him, he held his hand out.



Se7en: get up. I know your telling the truth.



Lay looks up at Se7en and takes his hand. Se7en helps him up to his feet and walks towards Rain.



Rain: He’s gotta be lying!

Se7en: if he was being controlled by a Shadow Spirit, his eyes would have come kind of dots on the sides.

Rain: but!

Se7en: he’s clean.

Rain: *sigh*



Gyuri and the others finally reach the group and become terrified of Lay. Se7en and Lay explain everything to them and continue the walk back to YG.


Back at Se7en’s house…



Tiffany: *sigh* im getting worried. Krystal hasn’t come back yet and it’s getting late.

Luhan: yea~ should we go out looking for her?

Luna: No! Se7en said that she had to fight the Shadow Spirit alone remember?

Kai: well, what if she already beat it and is coming back?

Sulli: …

Luna: you ok Sulli?

Sulli: I’m fine, it’s Krystal that I’m worried about.

Kai: hmm… what are we gonna do when Se7en and the others get back and Krystal doesn’t?

Sulli: DON’T SAY THAT!!!!

Kai: I’m serious~ what are we gonna do?



Sulli then leaves and walks into another room.



Luhan: will she be okay?

Luna: yea… hopefully.

Kai: *sigh* im gonna check on her.

Luna: no, I’ll go.

Kai: it should be me, I made her this way.



Kai then leaves towards the room Sulli was in. Just as Kai left, Se7en and the others came in. Jessica ran around the house looking for Krystal.



Jessica: KRYSTAL!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!?!!??

Luna: s-she hasn’t come back yet.

Jessica and Taeyeon: WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!



Tiffany, Luhan, and Luna then start to freak out once they saw Lay.




Lay: *runs to hug Luhan* IT’S SO GREAT TO SEE YOU!!

Luhan: uuh~ … w-what’s going on here?



Just then, Kai came running in.



Kai: SHE’S GONE!!!

Luna, Tiffany, Luhan: WHAT!?!?!?!?


Victoria: Y-YOU SURE!!!!??


Se7en: It’s already dark out!


Jessica: I agree with Victoria. They could be in some serious trouble right now.

Se7en: it’s not safe.

Rain: Jessica, Se7en’s right. It’s too dark and unsafe outside right now. Please just wait till morning.

Jessica: *rolls eyes* fine…



Jessica starts to walk away towards the hallway.



Kai: umm~ Luhan? What’s Lay doing here?

Lay: *runs to hug Kai* You’re here too?! Man, it’s so great to see you guys.

Kai: W-what’s going on?

Luhan: that’s what I said too.

Lay: *lets go of Kai* im sorry, let me explain everything.



Lay explained everything to Luhan, Kai, Tiffany, and Luna as Jessica walked to the bathroom to wash her face.



Kai: well that clears up a lot of things.

Luhan: yea~ it really does.

Lay: yea… we need to help the others.

Luhan: yes, we do. But first, we gotta get you outta those clothes.



Lay looked down at his clothing and noticed that they were worn out.



Lay: yea. That’d be a good idea.



Jessica walked back to her room, set her weapon down, and threw herself onto the bed.



Jessica: *sigh* I hope your alright Krys.










sorry for late update. i was gonna post this up saturday but i was busy. hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)

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abezface #1
Chapter 6: awsome update soon please i like this story
RFShip9389 #2
Chapter 1: cool opening :)