Chapter 4

Who Are You?

Krystal: *whispers* Jess? What do we do?

Jessica: *walks slowly towards Krystal and whispers* I don’t know

Mysterious Man: So you want this the easy way or the hard way?

Jay: I-is that you Zico?!

Mysterious Man (Zico): hah! To be honest, I really didn’t think you seven were gonna come here

Jay: why would you kidnap your own people? It just doesn’t make sense~ I mean, you are JYP’s President aren’t you?

Rain: No~ why would you think that?

Jay: because he was the only one in the building


Rain was now wearing a shocked and worried face.


Rain: where have you taken Jin-Young Park?

Zico: oh don’t worry. You want him back? Take him


Zico snaps his fingers and two girls came walking onto the bridge with a man covered in blood.




Jessica and Krystal both looked towards the two girls holding the man.


Jessica: so~ you work for this Zico guy huh?

Zico: Minzy, go ahead and finish him off

Minzy: *grins* with pleasure


As Minzy was about to swing her Two-Handed Axe at the man’s neck, a loud gun shot was made and she was found dead on the ground. Right after Minzy was shot unexpectedly, smoke came from beneath the ground. Jessica heard the sounds of somebody running around and was soon knocked out from behind.


An hour later.


Voice 1: oh~ crap! She’s not waking up

Voice 2: why’d you hit her so hard??!!

Voice 1: everything needed to be done quickly and the smoke was vanishing too fast so I kind of panicked ok!


Jessica slowly opened her eyes. She looked around her location and saw that they were in a small little house. Jessica then focused her eyes on the two men in front of her wearing huge, silver, thick armor.



Voice 2: You okay?

Jessica: *rubbing the back of her head* umm~ I think so… WHERE’S THE OTHERS??!!

Voice 1: don’t worry, they’re safe


The man then pointed to the other side of the room. Jessica saw Krystal and the others sleeping.


Jessica: where’s that Rain guy?

Voice 2: Rain? If you mean the guy in the black suit then he already left. As soon as he woke up, he took the injured man and said that he was gonna get him help

Jessica: oh~…

Voice 1: oh! Im sorry, we didn’t catch your name

Jessica: huh? Oh, my name’s Jessica. And you are?

Voice 1: im Luhan

Voice 2: and im Kai

Luhan: those caped men back there… they used to be good people

Kai: now they’re just brainless slaves being controlled by that Zico guy

Jessica: sorry to ask but why do you two care so much about those caped men?

Luhan: they used to be our Guild members

Jessica: “Guild” members?

Kai: a Guild is just another name for a team basically

Jessica: ooh~ ok, gotcha


Jessica then looked towards Krystal and saw her getting up.


Jessica: *smiling* sleep good?

Krystal: is this really a good time to be joking around Jess?

Jessica: haha! Probably not. Just trying to make the atmosphere more lively

Jay: *walking up next to Krystal while yawning* and how did that work out?

Jessica: obviously, not too well


After a few minutes, the rest of the girls soon woke up and walked towards the group.


Jessica: OH HEY! So um~ these two guys here pretty much just saved our butts

Kai: oh~ umm…

Luhan: it was nothing really~

Jay, Victoria, Luna, Amber, Sulli, and Krystal: Thank you so much~

Kai: umm~ well.. Haha its no problem… so what are your names?


After the introductions, Jay decided to ask “So who shot Minzy?”


Kai: that was me

Jessica: are there more of you?

Luhan: nope~ just us two

Jessica: *pointing at Luhan* so you’re the one who hit me?!


Jessica: haha!! I was just kidding. It’s fine. You guys did get us out of there

Luhan: oh~.. Um… yea… haha

Victoria: umm~ so what about the workers? What happened to them?

Sulli: Shouldn’t we go save them?

Kai: I don’t think we’ll be able to save them right now

Krystal: AND WHY’S THAT??!!

Luhan: because now, Zico will be watching for us

Kai: one wrong move and we’ll all be right where he wants us

Krystal: UH~ … errr.. You’re right

Luhan: if you really want to save them then I suggest that you guys get more people to help you

Luna: well… you guys are gonna help right?

Kai: We have our own matters to attend to


Victoria: Amber! Calm down~

Amber: whatever~ I’ll be outside


Amber then picks up her spear that was on the ground and walks outside.


Victoria: I am so sorry~

Kai: no~ it’s fine

Luhan: I’d probably be just like her if I were in her position

Jay: so umm~ where do you guys think we should start?

Luhan: well~ im pretty sure Rain’s gonna be trying to save those workers as well. You know, since they work for the same guy

Kai: you guys should go talk to him first. Im pretty sure he’ll be willing to join you guys

Jay: alright then

Jessica: so~ we should check back at JYP correct?

Kai: that’s where I’d check

Sulli: ok~ so.. Off to JYP?

Jay: yea

Luhan: so it looks like this is good bye then

Jay: looks like it

Kai: well… we wish you all good luck

Luhan: if we could come help, we really would. Just wanted to let you all know that

Jessica: it’s ok

Jay: well… we should go now

Kai and Luhan: ok. We’ll, hopefully, see you guys again next time


After saying their good byes, the seven left for JYP.


20 minutes later, the group had just found their way to JYP.


Amber: it’s about time we got here~

Luna: *laughing* it’s all your fault Jessica

Krystal: YEA UNNIE~

Jessica: WHAT!? How~??

Amber: you could’ve asked those two guys back there for directions instead of wondering around

Jessica: oh… well~

Jay: it’s fine. We’re here now right? So lets just go find Rain

Jessica: y-yea guys, lets go


The six girls followed Jay to the nearest hospital to find Rain. As they entered the building, all they saw were people sitting around, talking, waiting, crying, laughing, and some were even sleeping. Jessica then decided to walk up to the lady behind the desk.


Jessica: um, excuse me? Is there a patient here named Jin-Young Park?

Desk Lady: hold on, let me check

Jessica stood there, waiting, as Krystal walks up next to her.

Krystal: *whisper* any luck?

Jessica: *whisper* I don’t know. She’s still looking

Krystal: *whisper* she sure is taking a long time

Jessica: *whisper* I know right? Hey, where’d the others go?

Krystal: *pointing at a corner* they all went to have a seat over there

Desk Lady: AH~ here it is

Krystal: *whisper* its about time

Desk Lady: yes, he’s just down that corner in the first room on your right

Jessica: ok. Thanks


Jessica and Krystal walked back to the others.


Jessica: lets go

Jay: what? Where?


Jessica and Krystal started walking towards the room where Jin-Young was said to be. Jay and the rest of the girls then chased after them. As Jessica was about to open the door, someone from the other side opened it.


Jay: Rain?




Rain: he’s gonna be fine

Sulli: well that’s good to hear

Rain: yea, it is

Jay: so what are you planning to do now?

Rain: I plan to go get the workers back. Why?

Jay: we’re doing the same…

Jessica: and we came here to ask if you wanted to come fight along with us

Rain: …

Amber: so is that a “yes”? “no”?

Krystal: Amber~ leave him alone

Amber: …

Rain: yes

Jessica: “yes”?

Rain: we will need to find others to help get the workers back since Zico knows that we will be coming

Jay: Alright! Where should we start?

Rain: there’s a big town down South from here but it’ll take a while

Krystal: how long??

Rain: maybe a day or two

Jessica and Krystal: uughh~~

Rain: what’s wrong?

Jay: haha! They’re just tired from walking is all

Rain: oh~ … well how bout this? We can all stay the night at my place and then we’ll set off tomorrow. Sound good?

Krystal: yea! Sounds great

Jessica: haha! Oh Krys~

Krystal: what? Im tired Jess

Amber: hey Rain? What’s the town called anyways?

Rain: YG

Sulli: HEY!!!!

Victoria: WHATS WRONG SULLI~~?!??!

Sulli: when I was little, I was always told that there were six guys who would always hang out at the entrance of the place

Victoria: aaaaaaaand that’s bad?

Rain: I’ve heard stories of them just killing anyone they see that walk in or out of YG

Victoria and Sulli: WHAT!?!?!?!?

Rain: haha! Just kidding. But if that were true, we’d better keep our guard up


Sulli just gave an annoyed look.


Jay: so~~ … we should head to your house Rain

Rain: oh yea~ haha sorry. C’mon follow me


The group followed Rain outside the hospital and then to his house. As Rain opened the door to his house, Jessica and Krystal just stood there admiring on how big the house was. It was more like a mansion rather than an ordinary house. Everyone, but Jessica and Krystal, walked in the huge building. Jay steps in the house and as he turns to close the door, he spots Jessica and Krystal still standing outside.


Krystal: Its so huge Jess

Jessica: I know right? I’d love to live in this kind of building

Krystal: alone? That’d be pretty scary

Jessica: hmm… I guess your right

Jay: you girls coming in or not? No? *chuckles* ok then *starts to close the door*

Jessica and Krystal: HEY!!!

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abezface #1
Chapter 6: awsome update soon please i like this story
RFShip9389 #2
Chapter 1: cool opening :)