Chapter 6

Who Are You?

Jay just sat there listening to the footsteps of the two figures get louder and louder. Jay then stood up becoming frustrated of what was going on.



Jay: *quietly* what is going on here?



Jay started walking towards the two figures with his sword out in front of him. Jay then quickly hid behind the two figures to hear them talk. The voices that came from the two shadows were girl voices.



Figure 1: you sure we’re going the right way?

Figure 2: he said that they were heading to YG

Figure 1: yea~ but… shouldn’t we stop for the night? Its already dark. We’ll never spot Jessica or Krystal anywhere in this darkness

Figure 2: *sigh* your right. We’d better find an inn somewhere fast

Jay: *to himself* who would be looking for Jessica and Krystal besides Zico?



Jay then accidentally stepped on a stick causing the two girls to freak out.



Figure 2: HEY!!! WHO’S THERE?!!!!

Figure 1: um, seriously? Instead of holding me, why don’t you hold your Bamboo Staff?

Figure 2: oh. Yea… sorry



Jay now decides to ask questions while hidden.




Jay: what are your names?

Figure 1: my name is Tiffany Hwang

Figure 2: and I am Taeyeon Kim

Jay: and what is your purpose for finding Jessica and Krystal?



Jay: I need to know your purpose

Tiffany: we were asked by the president of JYP to help Jessica and Krystal on their journey to YG



Jay then comes out of hiding and sees the two girls. The girl with the Bamboo Staff was dressed in a white, long sleeve shirt with a small black vest, a pair of black pants, and a pair of black shoes. The other girl, that was holding a Naginata (Japanese spear), was dressed in a light blue tank top with steel shoulder pads, blue pants, a pair of black, fingerless gloves, and a pair of armored boots that reached up to the bottom of her knees. Jay looks at Tiffany for a second and then looks at Taeyeon.



Jay: I have a feeling that your telling the truth. So if you would please come with me



Jay then turns towards the camp. The two girls look at each other in confusion but soon caught up with Jay.



Jay: *points at Jessica then to Krystal* see? They’re unharmed. *smiling* So you can get those worried looks off your faces

Tiffany: haha ok

Taeyeon: well now that we’ve caught up with them, im gonna sleep

Tiffany: seriously?

Taeyeon: hey~ you should too

Tiffany: but what about… uhh… *to Jay* what’s your name?

Jay: oh~ its Jay Park

Tiffany: oh ok *to Taeyeon* yea~ what about Jay Park?

Jay: haha don’t worry about me. You guys just rest

Tiffany: uh.. eerr.. Well ok then. Good night

Jay: *smiling* good night



Tiffany looked towards Taeyeon and saw that she had fallen asleep already. Tiffany chuckled to herself and went to sleep.


The next morning, Krystal was the first one to wake up out of the group. She saw Jay still sitting with his eyes open. Jay was swaying back and forth with his eyes opening and closing.



Krystal: *quietly* DON’T TELL ME YOU STAYED UP THE WHOLE NIGHT??!!?!?!

Jay: huh? Oh~ good morning Krystal. And no~ I just took all the shifts that’s all

Krystal: AISH~ get some sleep, Now! Im awake so I can keep watch now

Jay: huh~? Umm… uhh… ok



Jay then closes his eyes and fall backwards. He was now sound asleep. Krystal was a bit frustrated that Jay stayed up the whole night by himself, watching over the group. Krystal then turned to see Taeyeon and Tiffany sleeping.



Krystal: oh! When did they get here?

Sulli: *yawns* good morning

Krystal: oh~ good morning Sulli. Sleep well?

Sulli: hm? Um~ I guess~ haha… you?

Krystal: yea~ I guess haha! Oh hey! Did you know that Jay stayed up all night by himself?

Sulli: WHA~…!

Krystal: *covers Sulli‘s mouth* Shhhh~! Don’t want to wake everyone up right now do we?



Krystal then takes her hand off Sulli’s mouth. Sulli sat there in scratching her head.



Sulli: oh hey~ do you still have any food?

Krystal: no~ that was the last of it

Sulli: aww man~ im hungry

Krystal: *stomach growls* haha~ I kinda am too

Sulli: we should go hunt… right?

Krystal: we should wait till some more of them wake up

Sulli: ooooh~~ what do we do till then?

Krystal: umm… I don’t know

Luna: *stands up yawning* you two can go hunt. I’ll stay back here and get the fire going

Sulli: Oh! Good morning Luna

Krystal: good morning

Luna: *smiling* good morning girls

Krystal: well, how is a Magic user gonna hunt?

Luna: well~ you need to at least be able to use a basic magic attack

Krystal: like?

Luna: the Power Shot

Krystal: how do I do that move?

Luna: hmm… still got the book I gave you?

Krystal: yea~ is it in there?

Luna: should be… alright, new plan~ Sulli will help me get the fire going while you learn whatever you can in that book. Ok?

Sulli: *sigh* darn~ we’re not hunting

Krystal: haha! Alright then. But what about food?

Luna: we’ll just have to wait till someone else wakes up I guess



Krystal then sat on a nearby rock to study the spell book while Luna and Sulli were grabbing pieces of wood, that were nearby the camp, to the center where the fire was. Sulli and Luna finally placed enough wood in the center and stood there. Luna stuck her staff out in front of her.



Sulli: what are you doing?

Luna: this



Soon, a fire ball shot out from the staff at the wood.



Sulli: aaahh~~~ that’s what you were doing

Luna: Yup



A loud yawn was heard.




Luna: What in the world was that?



Luna and Sulli turn around to see Tiffany walking towards them.



Luna: *smiles big* AH~ it’s nice to see you Tiffany

Tiffany: *smiling* it’s nice to see you two to

Sulli: so when did you and Taeyeon get here?

Tiffany: we got here just last night, thanks to Jay

Sulli and Luna: Jay?

Tiffany: yea~ he heard Taeyeon and I walking and he approached us

Sulli and Luna: ooh~

Tiffany: where’s Krystal?

Sulli: *points to Krystal sitting* over there

Tiffany: oh~ ok

Sulli: where are the other members?

Tiffany: it was just Taeyeon and I who were asked to come

Sulli: come where?

Tiffany: we were asked by Jin-Young Park to help you guys

Luna: Oh. Really?

Tiffany: yea~ is something wrong?

Luna: huh? No! haha!

Tiffany: haha ok then



Taeyeon then wakes up and walks over to Luna, Sulli, and Tiffany.



Luna, Sulli, Tiffany: Good morning

Taeyeon: good morning girls

Sulli: so Luna? What are we gonna do for food?

Luna: huh? Umm… well since there are more people awake, I guess… hmm… hey, Tiffany?

Tiffany: hm?

Luna: do you and Taeyeon mind hunting for food?

Taeyeon: sure! Lets go Tiffany

Tiffany: haha! Alright then. Be back in a flash



As the two left, Jessica then wakes up. Jessica walks over to Luna and Sulli to say “good morning” and then walks towards the lonely Krystal.



Jessica: why you over here by yourself?

Krystal: *still looking, intently, at the book* so I can study these

Jessica: aren’t you bored?

Krystal: *looks up at Jessica* to be honest~ a bit

Jessica: haha! *sits next to Krystal* so what have you learned so far?

Krystal: this



Krystal holds her wand out and a few seconds later, a small, blue sphere shoots out from the crystal of the wand. Jessica watches it get farther and farther until it suddenly hit’s a bird.



Jessica: what was that?!

Krystal: Luna called it the “Power Shot”. She said that it’s a very basic attack

Jessica: ooh… so what about the bird?

Krystal: haha! Umm… don’t know

Jessica: … poor birdy

Krystal: why don’t you go find it then?

Jessica: I would but… too lazy to haha! So what else do you know?

Krystal: well~ I know how to use the Force Field spell

Jessica: yea~ you proved that to us with that ugly beast thing

Krystal: haha yea~ I guess I did

Jessica: anything else?

Krystal: I learned some other stuff but I can’t do them here

Jessica: ok then

Krystal: oh hey Jess?

Jessica: yes?

Krystal: did you know that Jay stayed up all night watching over us?

Jessica: HE WHAT?!?!



Jessica then turns to see Luna and Sulli looking at her.



Jessica: *turns to Krystal* he did what?

Krystal: he stayed up the WHOLE night

Jessica: man~ that guy

Krystal: he’s gonna pay for it later

Jessica: with the things we’ve seen already, I wouldn’t doubt it



A few minutes later, Tiffany and Taeyeon finally come back to the camp site with some dead birds and other animals.



Jessica: Tiffany? Taeyeon? They’re here?

Krystal: oh~ haha yea

Jessica: when did they get here?

Krystal: they got here last night while we were all asleep

Jessica: ooh~ ok then. *to Tiffany and Taeyeon* Hi girls!

Tiffany and Taeyeon: *waves to Jessica* Hi



Tiffany and Taeyeon hand the dead animals to Luna. Krystal gets up and walks towards Luna as she was grabbing the animals.



Krystal: give me those for a sec

Luna: why?

Krystal: check this out



Luna hands the animals to Krystal and sat there in confusion. Krystal then walked over to a huge leaf and plucked it. Krystal walked back to the group and placed the animals on the leaf. Krystal held out her wand and shot at the animals.





Luna: GUYS! Relax~ look



Everyone looks down at the leaf and saw cooked food instead of animal corpses.



Krystal: your welcome!

Jessica: im sorry Krys

Sulli: yea, im sorry too

Krystal: it’s fine

Luna: how’d you learn that spell in such short time?

Krystal: wasn’t that hard. Im a fast learner I guess

Luna: haha! It appears so

Taeyeon: should we wake the rest of them up?

Luna: hmm… I don’t know about Rain

Tiffany and Taeyeon: Rain?

Jessica: *points to Rain* that’s Rain

Tiffany: oh~

Sulli: well im gonna wake up Victoria *walks over to Victoria*

Luna: I guess I can wake Amber up *walks over to Amber*

Krystal: what about Jay?

Jessica: I don’t know… when did he sleep?

Krystal: when I woke up and got on to him

Jessica: I guess we’ll let him sleep for a little while longer then



Sulli and Victoria soon walk over to the group and sit near the fire. Luna was having some trouble waking up Amber so she decided to just shoot her with a “painless” Power Shot. Amber was sleeping on her belly so Luna shot at Amber’s . Amber got up and started jumping up and down.




Luna: haha!! Im sorry, you weren’t waking up

Amber: *stops jumping* that hurt you know

Luna: haha im sorry

Amber: *sniff sniff* something smells good

Luna: that’s exactly why I woke you up. Food’s ready




Amber runs towards the group with Luna following from behind. As the girls were about to eat, Rain got up and walked towards the girls.



Rain: Good morning ladies

Everyone: good morning

Rain: *looks at Tiffany and Taeyeon* who are you two?

Tiffany: oh! Im sorry. My name’s Tiffany Hwang

Taeyeon: and im Taeyeon Kim

Tiffany: we got here last night while Jay was up

Taeyeon: we were asked by Jin-Young Park to help you guys with your journey

Rain: oh. *smiles* Well~ welcome aboard

Tiffany and Taeyeon: thanks



Rain sits down and the group starts eating. After they finished, Luna blew out the fire.



Tiffany: how are we gonna clean our hands?

Luna: like this



Luna held her staff with her right hand and held her left hand out. The staff shot out some glittery looking particles and Luna’s left hand was clean. Luna then did the same with her right hand.



Krystal: THAT’S SO COOL!



Everyone stuck their hands out and Luna cleaned their hands with the spell. Rain then went to wake up Jay.



Rain: HEY YOU! Wake up!

Jay: ugh~ im so tired

Rain: why didn’t you wake up any of us last night?!

Jay: how’d you know that I stayed up?

Rain: I was awake. I woke myself up at times to see if you woke up anyone to take a shift

Jay: huh? *grins* Oh, hehe… well like you said “I sleep when I die”

Rain: *smiles* aish~ you. Well hey~ we’re gonna head out soon. we saved you some food over there so you should go eat before we go

Jay: alright then



Jay slowly got up and slowly walked over to the food and ate. The girls were just chatting amongst themselves while Rain went into the forest. Rain continued to walk until he was completely surrounded by trees.



Rain: hmph I knew I saw something



Just then, a masked person swung a Bowie Knife vertically behind Rain. Rain stepped to the side before he could get cut and quickly grabbed the hand with the knife. Rain saw the masked person reaching for a sword on his back and quickly hit the Bowie Knife away. The masked person got the sword out and swung horizontally at Rain’s chest. Rain wasn’t fast enough to back away and had got cut.



Rain: tch~ who are you?



The masked person replied by throwing a kunai at Rain. Rain pulled his cane out and deflected it. Rain took his sword out of the cane and saw the masked person stand straight. The masked person just did some back flips and ran away.






hey guys~ :D just letting you all know that if i dont update on the weekdays then i will most definitely update on the weekends :) haha so yea~ hope you guys enjoyed this chapter~

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abezface #1
Chapter 6: awsome update soon please i like this story
RFShip9389 #2
Chapter 1: cool opening :)