Who Are You?

Do I Know You?


I opened my eyes slowly. And I saw a light burst,that remind me with the arrival of 3 scary guys. I flinched and screamed. I'm afraid to see the light. I'm afraid to see 3 horrible man came through the light again. I started to hard breath in tears. And suddenly someone hug me. I recognize the hand that give me a warm hug. I felt peace instantly. However I could not hold back my tears, I was crying in his arms.


Once I was a bit quiet, he loosened his arms but he did not let go of me, and then he looked at me deeply. That brown eyes was wondering what was wrong with me. I didn’tt dare to look at his eyes. I don’t want him to see the fear in my eyes. I kept my head down to avoid his sharp gaze. But he lifted my face, I felt my face redden. I braving myself to look at his eyes, and I noticed his eyes were very dark, sad, and looked thirsty. We are very close. I could felt his breath on my face. Now his face is getting close. And I'm aware of what he would do from his eyes. His eyes remind me of that 3 men. So I let go of his hand that held me and I ran. Ran as fast as I could.


That person was the same as the 3 terrible man. I ran while crying. I'm afraid. I bust out and into a rose garden. I tripped several times because of the dress that I use. My legs were sore but I can not stop. I found a lush corner that looked familiar and then I sat there, while hugging my legs. I feel my legs are sore and my heart is crying like a pin-prick in thousands of nails. I cried in silence. I hope no one will ever find me.


Sounds around me became crowdy. I repeatedly heard a name on-speed-dial by the home keeper. "Milady, lady Rae Mi, where are you? 'I felt that name was familiar. Is that my name? But how they know my name? I kept wondering to myself. But I tried to ignore the question. Now I have to hide and be silent. Suddenly I heard the sound of rattling bush. There's someone coming. I shuffled to the corner. Trying to hide myself. But someone found me. I wanted to scream but the man covered my mouth with his finger. "Sssstttt..."


I moved away from him. He was not that person, but a familiar figure. I think I know him. That guy looked at me and giggled. "Even if you lose your memory, you still hide in the same spot eh?." Said the man. I was confused at his words. Memory loss what does that mean? I? loss of memory? I'm trying to remember something from my past. But I didn’t manage to find any memories except the  memory that I was running at the dark hallway. I looked again at him with confused. But he give me his hand and smiled again. "Let's go back inside, people are worried about you," though I do not reply from what he said, his hand grabbed my hand and pulled me out from my hiding place.


He led me into the big house again and like he said earlier, all the people were gathering in there. All looked worried. Then I saw the that person, he seemed very agitated and ran straight at me as I entered the room. I'm still afraid of him, afraid of what have happened before. I’m still fear with that hungry look in his eyes. I hid behind the man who found me on the flower garden earlier. I don’t want to see his eyes.


"Kang Rae Mi ssi, don’t you remember me? "that person voice seems strange, vibrate, sad, and feel guilty. Although it seems not sound right, I still hiding my face in the rose garden man back, I don’t dare to make sure that voice. Then I felt the back of the rose garden he was shaking, shaking with laughter.


"Hyung, never mind. Don’t force her. I don’t know what you've done, but it looks like she's afraid of you. "Apparently he rose garden is the brother of him. " Jean, please accompany her back to her room, give her a warm beverage, and treat the wound," the rose garden man ordering the waiter named Jean. Who then came up in silence. I stay away from Jean hand that approaching me, but again, the rose garden man was laughing, "He will not bite you noona, go back to the room and rest, okay?" after I hear the words, I didn’t know what to do. With hesitate I follow the waiter named jean.


As I walked into a room that was my room, I saw some paintings. Beautiful paintings. Painting of a rose garden, painting of a fat man with one hand. Painting a happy family, and another a painting that make me very surprised. I stopped in front of the painting. I see myself and the person who saved me painted perfectly in there. I'm smiling at him and he with a very warm smile at me. As background, there’s a rose garden where I was hiding before. Why am I in the picture? What actually happens? Am I really lost my memory? I’m getting closer to in front of the painting. Touch the picture trying to remember something.


"You don’t remember?" The voice startled me, I go back one step to the sound, sound very familiar. It’s his voice. But the voice sounded very sad. I don’t know why I don’t like to hear that sound. I wouldn’t hold my curiosity, so I’m braving to ask. "What is this?" He smiled crookedly, and said softly, almost like mumbling to himself, "you do not even remember the happiest times." He approached painting it and look at it deeply. Then he smiled, a smile was like a smile in the painting. Suddenly my head hurts. I felt like something was trying to push into my head. I also staggered and fell, then I lost consciousness.



-continue in next chapter-

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locketblingermvp #1
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh I love this fanfic!
Cant wait for another update!!! I ♥ your writing