Five: Tears

The Scent Of Rain

“Miyeon-ah, Kitty’s not moving!”

The moment I heard my mom’s voice, I jumped out of my bed and ran into the kitchen. Then I knelt on the floor and stared at my black cat, Kitty lying on the floor lifelessly. I held out my hand and its soft fur. I couldn’t feel its breathing like I used to anymore. Kitty had left the world.

Without a word, I sat there silently with my arms around my knees and cried.




“You have puffy eyes, did you cry this morning?” Sungjong stared into my eyes and raised an eyebrow.

“My cat died.” I answered weakly. “I loved Kitty so much, why did she have to leave me today?”

“We’ll find you another cat later.” Sungjong patted the back of my hand.

“So how’s your life? Did you lock yourself in your room?”

“Yep. I didn’t even take one glance at the witch. I hope she’ll return to London soon.”

“Rich people suffer a lot, don’t they?”

“I wish my dad wasn’t that rich.”

“Do you wanna cry?”

“Nope, I already cried last night.”


“Miyeon-ah, let’s hang out at the café at the end of the street after school. You, me, Nana and Ara.”

“Okay. But, hey, where’s my ice cream? I thought you were gonna buy one for me.” I held out my palm in front of him, demanding cash from him. Instead of giving me money, he gave me a high five.




“I wish I could bring back a tank of cappuccino to my house. I’ll be the happiest person ever.” Nana smiled brightly.

“You know drinking too much coffee can make you go crazy.” Sungjong stated, stirring his cup of tea idly.

“My mom’s a big fan of coffee, she only drinks coffee. I tried giving her juice once but she wouldn’t drink it.” Ara sighed, hooking her long, wavy black hair behind her left ear. “I’m sick of smelling coffee, it makes me wanna puke.”

The four of us became silent after a while. I could hear the clinking of glasses coming from the kitchen of the café. I could also hear the soft music that came from the tiny speaker at the corner of the wall.

Out of the blue, Nana started crying.

“Yaa, why are you crying?” Sungjong asked her.

“Nana-ya, what’s wrong?” Ara draped an arm around Nana’s shoulders.

“I’m so stressed out right now. My parents had a fight recently and my father won’t even talk to me. It wasn’t my fault that they started fighting, why do I have to suffer the consequences?”

“Don’t worry Nana-ya, they’ll make up soon.” I assured her but she didn’t stop crying.

She only stopped after receiving words of strength from Ara. Again, I felt useless sitting there watching my friend cry. I couldn’t comfort people with words nor actions. None of them worked.

 Was I not good enough to be the person who could lend their shoulder when someone cried?

Or was I that emotionless to understand their feelings that I couldn’t comfort them?

I kind of understood the pain Nana felt when her parents fought with each other but I didn’t have that much feeling to be as sad as her.

Was it wrong for me to not feel anything while she cried out her heart?

I guess not.



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Fuu...this story is ending soon


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Chapter 13: Aw, this was a really touching and refreshing read. :)) I relate to Miyeon so much orz Can my life story be like this also? ;u; my own reality xD
Chapter 13: Wahhhh~! I love this fic >.<
It's really touching!
Unnie, this is good.
Write more slice of life story! /pleads
Chapter 13: why end so fast huh? haha XD nice story. can totally relate with the characters since i'm in high school myself. write more slice of life stories~
Chapter 13: Kkeut! Hehe one of the most delicious slice of life stories I've ever had. Very lifey~ XD
Chapter 12: LOL, I caught up with the story~!
Ooohhh, unnie, you write so well~ >.<
And the story's already ending?
Chapter 1: I'm a new reader~
Your fic sounds cool >.<
Chapter 12: LOL dancing in the rain. XD
but i'm really curious about miyeon and yeollie though... >.<
does sungyeol like her? what about ara then?
Chapter 12: Awh, friendship. That was pretty cliche of them to dance in the rain. hahaha
Ehhhh it's ending already? Funny, because I've been the only person commenting lately. Silent readers don't want karma points? =,="
Chapter 11: Some ppl can't help it, you know. It's not easy when everyone around you is super smart and you're the only person who has to work extra hard to keep up. Though sometimes it doesn't pay off. So masking the hurt is all that they can do.
Gosh, this is so depressing... :/
Chapter 10: Wha...? When it comes to Yeol, Miyeon is so different! She likes him! >,<"