Hate U Love U


Weekend had past and its start with a new week of I don’t know maybe hell? Since I’m seating next to that scary snob prince, I forced myself out of bed to get ready I looked myself in the mirror and WOAHHH! EYEBAGS..ahh it’s all his fault. How dare him to tease me! that in counter made me up for 2 nights!! 2 nights! Every time I shut my eyes the image of his eyes, his breath and his lips is all I can see. GOD, what did I do to deserve this torture?? Ah forget it, it wouldn’t help anyway.

“alright Yoona breath in…..breath out….just relax everything will be just fine..just ignore him..”

I went to the bath room and bathe then get dress, when I came down Jessica, Seohyun and Aboji are already in the dining table.

“good morning aboji…Morning Seohyun,,Morning Jess..” I greeted them before seating.

“morning unnie..” Seohyun smiled at me..

“that’s quite unusual, you’re always the first one to wake up.” aboji said.

“well…I kinda had a problem sleeping…” I honestly said.

“omo! Unnie are those…eyebags?”Seohyun notice and discussed was written all over her pretty face

“yeah…I haven’t sleep well for 2 nights now..”  I explained and shove a hotdog on my mouth.

“I think I know why.” Jessica said. Wait did she saw what happened at the race track?? O-O?  I looked at her but she just being the usual Jessica doesn’t care anything in the world haish..

“I wonder it a boy?” aboji said and I almost choke. There is nothing wrong on how he said it but a boy?? All of a sudden?

“aboji….w-why..the s-sudden question?” I ask wiping my mouth.

“well it’s normal is it..if the girl couldn’t sleep well it only mean one thing..and it’s a boy.” He said.

I laugh “ aboji..there are other reason aside from that..” I drink again to hide my uneasiness.

“ow, unnies let’s go…” Seohyun said as he puts her bag. “aboji were going byebye” we kissed him before leaving.

“Yoona-ah!” he called me..

“yes aboji?”

“all be glad if it’s him..”


“YOONA!QUICKLY!” I heard Jessica called me but I was frozen right where I am…dumbfound of what I heard.

“yah!unnie!!” this time Seohyun drag me.

We got to the car and made our way to the school. The whole trip to school what aboji told me kept me thinking.

“ALL BE GLAD IF IT’S HIM” now what that supposed to mean???OMO! don’t tell me…ahhh no it can’t be…he saw us at the race track. No doubt about it but….does he know him then?...”

“Were here Miss” my thoughts were disturb by Mr. Park, I looked at him then outside of the window..were at the school already I didn’t notice.

“yah, Yoona. Are you coming or not?” Jessica said..she and Seohyun are now waiting near the building entrance. As soon as I set foot in the building corridor.

“Hey Yoona, nice race!”

“Yoona that was awesome!”

“You’re so cool!”

Every student we pass greeted me.  I just gave them a force smile. “Jess,what’s going on?”

“why ask me? I’m not a broadcaster or something”

“unnie..maybe they knew about the race..”

Right! I forgot the race..aishhh that dam cursed race. It was like that, great now I’m the biggest news in school..yehey! I thought sarcastically.

“unnie I’ll be going…bye bye!”

“see yah later!” Seohyun went to her class now. When we entered the room

“alright!her comes our RACE CHAMP!”  then they all came to me.

“Congratulations Yoona!”  they all said and then a large tarpaulin was place in the front.

O.o!!! Great, Just great!

“hey Yoona, last Saturday was so awesome!”

“yeah we didn’t know that you race… we are all shock when you took your helmet off.”


“owwww…the last part..when you went to that last curve….man! that was awesome!”

Wow! they’re excited about what happen than me.

“hey by the used Prince Siwon’s bike right?”

ALARM!!! Okeyyyy….  I don’t like where this is going “ ahmm Jess…help..” I whisper to her

“you can do it” she said then walk to her seat. Great thanks a lot Jess.

“ahhhmmm..well yeah..I—“

“awesome!” that was Erin “ you know…he never let anyone drive his bike..”

“what?”  ow really??

“ true!...not even Prince Casey and Kris rode that  bike”

“wait! wait..wait..wait…I like this..” Miles my other classmate said jumping her face is totally happy.

“what? Stop jumping will you..” Erin said holding her hand.

“Yoona, are you two dating?”


(-_-) >>>>>> (O_O)>>>>>> (O.o)!!!! WHAT!

I turned to her abruptly wide eyes..i think it’s about to pop out of my face I look at Jessica and she was looking at me and so as the other classmate.

“m-me???d-dating him?! Are you ok? I don’t even like the guy..” Right his a monster who would want to go out with a monster.

“well..the fact that he let you use his bike is something..right girls?”

The girls all nod, please…get me a break!

“ beside..ahmm I kinda stole his bike actually..” I said and they were like looking at me their face saying “seriously?” look  I smiled at them..

“ what??” Erin said.

“I thought that was Casey’s, he was standing beside it so I thought that was his, so..”

“well enough with this..alright?!” Nathan said one of my classmate. “ were here to congratulate Yoona from winning, right?!”

Then everyone in the class all agreed.

“very well..” Erin said, dropping the subject..wheeeew…

I went to my seat and grab my Tab and open the school social site and

“WHAT THE—“ I blurted loudly and everyone turned to me.

“what is it?” Jessica ask, when I didn’t answer she came closer . “ ow, now you’re dead.” Great now how will I escape this.  someone posted a photo of me and that monster, it was when he took my hand and I suddenly turn to him. Argh!

“ hey Yoona!” I look at Erin she was holding her Tab too, i don't like that smile of hers..uh-ow!

“kyahhhhh!!!! Yoona and Siwon!!!ahH..geez you two look great!”

“hmm Yoona..Siwon..Yoona..Siwon..Yoooonnnna…Siwooon..ah!!! YOONWON right! YOONWON COUPLE!!”

“ok!it’s official.. for now we are the YOONWON COUPLE FAN CLUB!” Erin shouted.

“hey, count us in!” said my other classmate.. great even the boys are into it.

“ Hey Yoona!from now we are the YOONWON COUPLE FAN CLUB!” Erin shouted.

“we have to make a t-shirt!" one of the boys suggested. i felt old strenght all draining

“ Hey Yoona what’s with the face? You’re PRINCE will be here any moment…” Laica teased me. I just gave her a sarcastic smile.

“congrats Yoona, you have a boyfriend.” Jess said.

“yah!” I shouted at her.

ARG…what did I do to deserve this??? God why???why?! I drop my head on my desk.

“MORNING LADIES..” I heard Casey’s voice.

“Morning Prince Casey! “ the girls greeted him “ Morning Prince Siwon..”  I didn’t hear him answered then I lift my head to see, but I didn’t saw him, when I turn to my side he was already sitting beside me. I was startled because he turned to me. I diverted my gaze to the girls who is busy with Casey, he let go of them and then greeted us in Hangul.

“annyeong haseyeo”

“annyeong haseyeo” I greeted but Jessica just looked at him then Mr. Alvarez came in.

“Alright!everyone is in good mode I see…whoaaa..what is this?” Mr. Alvarez saw the tarpaulin…” Yoona? You race?” he ask..

“ahmm..well kinda…” I said, Erin told him what happened to the race and everyone was giving they side comments. 


“Sir! We uploaded a video of the race check it out later!” Nathan said.

“ow really? sure I will..”

“ow sir! Make sure to sign this up..” then Erin gave him a paper..what is this girl thinking..

“YWCFC? What is this? Ms. Sanchez?..”

“sir, YWCFC stands for..guys..”


O.O!ERIN!!!!! I looked at him..yekes! DEVIL’S ENCARNATE. He looked at me like you-are-so-dead look.argh! someone, anyone, anyboby HELP!!!!!! Ahh, I want to leave…please..

“wow, Mr. Choi. I didn’t know you two are dating so….how about tell us some story..”

WHAT! O.o?!  I think I’m going crazy here.

“there’s nothing to tell sir, beside..she’s not the type you would take a second look to.” He said, now wait I don’t like the sound of that.

“BWO?! Who do you think you are huh?! excuse me you think you handsome? Well you’re not!” yelled at him in Hangul. And everyone looked at me with What-are-she-saying look. I looked around the room and smile.

“ehhem…ok, let’s start with the discussion” Mr. Alvarez said and the lesson started.

AISH! I can’t believe this. me? dating this…. I looked at him from head to toe with disgust, this snob monster. Argh! I wouldn’t bother myself by him, right, I’ll ignore him like he don’t exist. The whole morning schedule turned our great, imaging that a ugly monkey was setting beside me really help.  But the everything was ruined again..when I entered the cafeteria, everyone was annoying again..i looked at the cafeteria monitor where advertisement regarding academics and any news on school was being broadcasted.

“alright! Good Morning BAE students..” it was Erin, I forgot she’s one of the anchor for the school news. “ I hope you all are enjoying your lunch, alright for some recent happening..i know that your all aware about the race..well here is another news, a new club was being open…guess what..YOONWON COUPLE FAN CLUB is being born because of this race! how great is that..and yes, stands for IM YOONA and the ultimate prince of the school CHOI SIWON!”

BWO!!!!!!(O.O)?!!! Seohyun had the same face as me and Jessica well the usual I don’t care look. i noticed that everyone was looking at me, others are congratulating me and others are giving me a sharp look.

“BAE’s very own, Racign Princess and the ultimate prince! So don’t forget to sign up ok?! this Erin and I’m out of here!!! Bye bye!”

“ahh! She is so dead!” I said.

“she’s not, but…you are.”  Said the voice in my back, I don’t have to turn to know who it was. he came closer and grab my hand.. not again….and whoosh.. he dragged me out of the cafeteria. (T.T) HELP!!

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sonemanu #1
Chapter 32: I seriously enjoy this fanfic. like seriously serious.... hope for more updates. son lol... kekeee and (0.0)(o.0) these tooooo
ElizabethCruz #2
Thank you very much for such a great fiction please update soon thanks
Heesica fan
........ ().. ()...
..... (")(=^_^=)(")..
Chapter 1: update soon please
Lament #4
Thanks guys...haha but becoz there are so many groups covering EXO chances of us to make it is really low so we all decided to cover SUPER JUNIOR! hahahha yes!!! i didn't got Luhan's part before but i got Kyuhyun's part to cover!!wooohh!haha
seoboycouple #5
Chapter 30: OMG good luck with ur cover <3 take ur time :)
Chapter 30: OMG! Are you referring to the kpop cosplay in sm megamall??? DAEBAK!!! :)
Chapter 30: seohyuuuuunnn. ... hideee~~!!
Chapter 24: 캬아아...!! 우리 렠시 형...!! ♡♡♡
soneseomates #9
Chapter 28: Thanks for the update!!!
Chapter 28: Update please I'm curious about the next chapter.