The "Veeeeeeery Small" Problem

S.O.S.: Save Our School!

School Bell rings...

"Okay that would be all for now. Please study the next lesson in advance."

              The teacher kept his things and headed for the door. The Vice President led the whole class to say their goodbye greetings. Chen was massaging his neck when someone tapped him from the back.


               He saw Lay as he turns around.


               Lay crossed his arms and looked at Chen suspiciously.

"What happened to Kris? Your roommates right?"

                                     Uh oh! Have to escape NOW!!! (Chen's thoughts).

               Chen slowly stepped back and grabbed his bag secretly.

"Ah he- I have no idea! I have to go now bye!!"

               Chen ran to the door as fast as he could. He heard Lay calling his name but he ignored it. 


He continued to run  until he reached the door. His eyes grew big when he looked on his left and he saw an angry Kris walking towards him. He switched to the right side but suddenly stops on his track when he saw Suho coming his way. 

                 “Oh my God, this is the end of me!” he thought. He slowly walked backwards until his back hits the wall. Soon he was cornered by Kris and Suho, both are holding his arms.

“Something bad's gonna happen huh?? Did you know I almost died from dehydration???” Kris asked angrily.

 “I-I didn't say you're not allowed to drink, I just said you can't accept drinks from anyone!”, Chen answered nervously. He bit his lips when he felt Kris was tightening his grip on his arms. He then turned to Suho who's eyes are burning with anger.

“Because of your stupid warnings I thought I was about to die! What if something bad did happen? Will you take responsibility for it??”, Suho's face almost touched his face. He just closed his eyes while answering.

“I just said you can't go to the men’s room, you can piss anywhere!!”

“That's not my problem yesterday!” Suho shouted.

            Chen opened his eyes. He caught Suho blushing from embarassment coz he can't continue talking about his problem.

“Aahh- you mean, number 2?” Chen raised his two fingers and bit his lips to stop himself from laughing. It made Suho even more angry.

“You’re a psychic right? I guess you already have an idea that ‘something bad will happen to you’ at any moment now.”

           He saw two fists are about to hit him before he closed his eyes again. He clasped his two hands and begs for forgiveness. ‘Please someone help me!!!”

"Dorm Leaders Yifan, Joonmyun and Kyungsoo, you are requested to come to the principals office now. This is urgent!”

                Chen felt like he was listening to an angel when BoA spoke thru the school's speakers . He was relieved when the two finally freed him.

Kris: Now what? What does that old man want from us?

Suho: I have no idea. Let’s just go. Where’s Kyungsoo anyway?

Kris: He’s in the infirmary. Someone told him yesterday that he shouldn’t blink his eyes for 20 minutes or something bad will happen.

 They both turned to look at Chen who was simply whistling while looking at the other students whe were passing by.


Kris: Listen Kim Jongdae, we’ll let you go..for now! But this- isn’t- over.

           Chen swallowed. He tried to remove Kris’ hands while smiling nervously.

Chen: Y-ye! I think you have to go now. The principal is waiting.

            Kris finally released him and the two headed to the principals’ office. Soon they were in front of the office, they were about to knock when they heard someone singing horribly. Suho and Kris rolled their eyes. The principal must have been listening to some random kpop songs again.

Kris: Aish, I really hate coming here.

           Kris used his two index fingers to cover his ears. 

Suho: His singing is not bad though.

           Kris looked at him with disbelief. 

Suh: What?

           The singing becomes more louder. Kris closed his eyes and pressed his fingers deeper. 

Kris: Oh God I can’t hear any more of this, just knock!

             Suho knocked three times before he called the principal. The singing stops.

Principal: Who is it?

Suho: Gyojangnim (principal) it’s us!! Joonmyun and Yi Fan!

Principal: Oh! Come in!!

            They found the principal sitting on the edge of the table. He was wearing a green suit with black trousers, and his shoes were shining black and white. He fixed his bowties as he smiled to them.



School Principal

Name: Park Jae-sang

Age: He wouldn’t tell

Personality: He’s a free-spirited person, likes Kpop a lot and wears “fashionable” clothes. The students fondly call him “Psy”, short for Psycho.


Principal: We have a matter to discuss. Where’s student Kyungsoo?

Suho: He’s being treated by the school physician. We’ll just inform him about our meeting later.

Principal: Ohhhh…alright! We’ll just start without him then. Sit sit sit!!

              He grabbed both of them and put them on the opposite chairs like little kids. He walked across the table and took his seat and clasped his hands. They were waiting for him to speak, but he just kept staring at them like he’s waiting for something. Kris and Suho furrowed their brows and looked at each other. Suho looked at Kris like he was saying “what the hell is going on?”, Kris gets his message and just raised his shoulders. Their attention was back to the principal when they heard them clear his throat.

Principal: Hey! Aren’t you going to tell me why you’re here?

Kris: Er- Gyojangnim, you were the one who called us here.




          ……..(birds chirping)…….


Principal: Oh right!! Ahaha Sorry for that. Well, our school has a veeeeeery small problem at the moment.

Suho: I’ll assure you we can fix that right away gyojangnim. So what’s this “veeeeeery small” problem?

Principal: Hoho I know I can trust the dorm leaders for this! I don’t have to worry about a thing anymore. I’ll let you handle this.

                Kris is becoming pissed about the hanging information from the principal. He crossed his arms and took a deep breath before he speaks.

Kris: Okay so what is it exactly Psy?

                Suho elbowed him on the rib cage to remind him that the person in front of them is still their school principal. Kris just ignored him and waited for the principal’s reaction. Psy walked towards Kris and pinched his cheeks until it becomes red.

Psy: Aigoo this is exactly why you’re my favorite student in this school! You’re the cutest when you become arrogant like this!!

Kris: Aish let go of me and tell us what the problem is now!!

                 Psy lets go of Kris and sits on the edge of the table again. Kris rubs his cheeks while giving death glares to the principal.

Psy: Okay here it goes. The President is indebted to this big businessman, and he says he wants the whole school as a payment. He’s planning to destroy the school and build a new establishment.

Suho&Kris: WHAAAATTTTT??????


Meanwhile at the Infirmary…

              Kyungsoo and Chanyeol was staring at the doctor as he writes his prescriptions. He lifts his eyebrows and stared back at them.

Dr.: What? You wanna pinch my face to make sure I'm real? Here!!

               The doctor offered his cheeks to the both of them. They moved their heads back to avoid contact.

D.O.&Chanyeol: Ah- aniyo uisangnim!

               He returned to his original position and continued to write. The two boys tried not to stare at him again.



School Physician

Name: Kim Heechul

Age: 29

Personality: He always says what he thinks, and likes to take care of himself. He loves it when people praise his looks.

Dr.: Here Jangyeol! 

                   He was offering the prescription to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo bowed as he accepted it.

Dr.: Are you sure you're cousins? Besides your big eyes I don't see any similarities. 

Kyungsoo: Ah my name is Kyungsoo, uisangnim (doctor), and this one is Chanyeol. And yes we're cousins.

              Kyungsoo pointed to Chanyeol. 

Doctor: Ofcourse I know that! Now here’s some advice, opening your eyes without blinking for more than 10 minutes is impossible and just plain stupid. So please, use your common sense next time okay?

Kyungsoo: I’m sorry uisangnim. It’s just that, Jongdae sounds scary when he warned me-

Doctor: You mean that student Kim Jongdae???

             They moved their heads back again when the doctor suddenly stoods up from his seat.

Kyungsoo: Y-ye uisangnim.

Doctor: I see...

             The doctor slowly moved his face towards Kyungsoo. He stopped when his nose was about an inch from Kyungsoo's neck, then he began to sniff.

Dr.: What perfume are you using? It smells nice.

Kyungsoo: I-I could give you some if you want u-uisangnim.

             Kyungsoo was relieved when the doctor moved back and showed him a big smile.

Dr.: You will?? Thanks!! And you!

            Now he turned to Chanyeol. The taller boy almost fell from his chair when the doctor raised his chin.

Chanyeol: Yes??

Dr.: Show me your teeth.

            Chanyeol opened his lips wider to show him his perfect set of teeth.

Dr.:'s perfect! What toothpaste are you using?

Chanyeol: I coud also give some to you uisangnim.

             He removed his hand from Chanyeol's chin and stood in front of them to give them a hug.

Dr.: The two of you deserve this!!

             Chanyel and Kyungsoo tapped his back and looked at each other while smiling awkwardly.

Chanyeol & D.O.: Ahehe thank you uisangnim.

              The two of them stood up after the doctor released them.

Kyungsoo: Thanks once again uisangnim. We don't want to waste your time so we'll be leaving now.

Dr.: Oh okay! You can drop by anytime! 

               They bowed to him before leaving the infirmary. They were talking about him as they walk along the hallway.

Chanyeol: I wonder if Dr. Kim is related to Jongin. They're both kinda...

                Kyungsoo smiled.

Kyungsoo: I get what you mean. I was thinking the same thing. Hey, thanks for coming with me. You really didn’t have to.

Chanyeol: It’s okay. I promised your mom I’d take care of you.

Kyungsoo: Thanks. I owe you one.

Chanyeol: Hey! Can you lend me 95,000 won? There’s this really beautiful snapback I wanted to buy. I’ll pay you back next week. I promise!!

Kyungsoo: No I won’t lend you anything.

Chanyeol: Come on Kyungsoo, what am I gonna do if someone else buys it??

Kyungsoo: Then just get over it.

Chanyeol: Oh come on, you said you owe me. Okay how about this, you can ask me any question; if I won’t be able to answer it, I’ll pay you twice the money you’ll lend me.

Kyungsoo: What if you answer it correctly?

Chanyeol: Then I’ll have the chance to ask you a question in return, and if you don’t answer it correctly, I won’t pay you back.

                    Kyungsoo suddenly becomes interested. He likes this kind of challenges. He decided to accept it.

Kyungsoo: Okay it’s a deal.

Chanyeol: Awesome!!

Kyungsoo: Now I can ask you anything right?

Chanyeol: Ofcourse!

Kyungsoo: Okay what’s the longest word in the English language?

                     He saw Chanyeol pause and thinks about the answer to his question. Kyungsoo thought that there was no way Chanyeol could know it.

Chanyeol: Hmm..i’ve read about that the other day. I’m just not sure of the exact words. I think it starts like Pneumonomicro- Pneumono-…

               Omo! He knows the answer?? No way!! He won’t remember the exact words!!

                   Kyungsoo was silently praying that Chanyeol won’t remember the answer. But to his dismay…

Chanyeol: Aha!! It’s PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS!! Uwah! I can’t believe I remembered it!

Kyungsoo: Fine at least I helped you prove you have an excellent memory.

Chanyeol: It’s my turn now!! Which one is correct? A. THE COLOR OF THE EGGYOLK IS WHITE. or B. THE COLOR OF THE EGGYOLK ARE WHITE?

 Kyungsoo: Are you serious? It’s very easy, it’s A!

Chanyeol: EEEnnnnkkkkkk!!!!

                   Chanyeol made an X sign using his hands. 

Kyungsoo: You mean to tell me it's B?? 

Chanyeol: Nope. Neither of the two! Because the color of an eggyolk isn't white, it's yellow!! I won! Where's my 95,000?

              Kyungsoo was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe he just got tricked. He was staring at Chanyeol's palms in front of him. He took his wallet and gave the money to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol: Thanks Kyungsoo-yah!! I'll show it to you later! Ahnyeong!!

               Chanyeol waved at Kyungsoo before he ran excitedly to buy his precious snapback. Kyungsoo was left on the hallway frustrated about the money that was taken from him. He was sadly returning his wallet on his backpocket when he heard his cellphone beeping. He received a text message from Kris.

         From: Kris

              Kyungsoo-yah, call us if you're feeling better. We're having an urgent meeting.



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misspurplefreak #1
Chapter 5: UPDATE SOON^_^
Chapter 5: OMG!!!! FInally you update kekekeke~ yeaayy ^^
I end up reading this started from the 1st chapter again.. LOL~
I'm LOL-ing at jongin when he was thinking that he's more suited for a jeans or underwear model hahaha but that's right!!! XD
oh please BaekTao.. why you guys got fooled by that walking troller chen? /SMH/
eh I don't know that Sehun already had a feeling for luhan? :O that's great! more HunHan please... can't get enough of them XD and KaiSoo too.. hehe..
SeKaiLu during DKFC.. so lucky of you T^T author-ssi I'll wait for your one-sho <33
thanks for updating this :')
imperfect_narcissist #3
Chapter 4: HAHA. Love kris's reaction at the end.
Chapter 4: OMG!!! This story jinjja.. ROFL!!! Really funny to read.. <33 love it! ^^ btw, new reader here~ you're so good author-ssi.. ^^
Chen you're such a troll.. LOL~
I just found this fic and can't enough.. Can't wait to read the next chapter soon ^^
Chapter 4: Ahahahahaha!! Kris' face!! Priceless!! Ahahahahahahaha!! Yes, he's my bias, and I'm laughing his face, even I've seen that, ahahahahaha!!
malayficsonly #6
Chapter 4: I wonder what Tao will said. update soon <3
Chapter 2: Woaah, good story, update soon ^^
malayficsonly #8
Chapter 2: I wonder what Chenchen said to Kyungsoo.kekeke. update please
Chapter 2: Wahahaha, ChenChen's fooling around and everyone believe that %(>.<)% LOL
This is so funny, specially is BaekYeol part ;)))))
Your story is great, update soon!
Chapter 2: LOL at Chen and it's funny when Kris and Suho believed him haha
I wonder what happened to the dorm leaders