Chapter 9

Not just a house.

  Yoo Rin's Point of View 

“Yeobo-ah, go home first.. I’ll just visit our dorm.” Aish. He just dashed off with that, making me carry all the bags home. That er.

I dropped the bags on the floor as I entered the house. Shizus, I’m worn out and my arms! Oh, how my poor arms hurt! I dragged myself upstairs to my bedroom and fell flat on my bed. Ah~ I could just sleep on my comfy bed like, forev- WAIT. A BED? As exhausted as I am, I stood up blinking stupidly at the sight before me. It almost took a minute for me to absorb what just happened, I even slapped myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.

Furniture. D-did Key b-bought these for m-me? Omona! My eyes widened at the study table, a laptop was sitting on top of it and a Blackberry too.  I grabbed the phone and went through the contact list – which only had the emergency hotlines and ‘Almighty Husband’ – I clicked it.

“Yeoboseyo?” He picked up on the 4th ring.


“Oh. Yoo Rin-ah, you called?  I’m on the way home now. Is there anything wrong?” Wow. Is he really having a care in the world? “I suppose you’ve seen my presents? Do you like it?”

“Ah, yeh~ I like it. Kamsahamnida, Kibum-sshi! But.. Why give me these all of a sudden?” I asked and he chuckled.

“Give? You’ll be paying for those. I’ll deduct it from your allowance.” Then he hung up.

How stingy! Hmp. I thought so.

As I was examining the dresser – which is, much to my dismay, full of flashy clothing that I don’t think I’ll ever have the chance to wear – the home phone rang.


“Is Key there?”  Cut the woman on the other line.

“Er, May I know who’s this?”

“I’m sorry, it’s Nicole Jung. Is Key there?”

“He’s not here at the mo- Hello? Hello~?” That was rude. She just hung up on me. Ugh, I get it why she’s friends with Key. Or maybe there’s just something wrong with the lines? Yeah, I’ll just stick to that.

“Yoo?” Key’s voice echoed and I dashed to the front door to greet him.

“Hi!” I greeted and smiled while he threw me a what-are-you-up-to look.

“You’re making me nervous. Spill it already. Did you break something?”

“Ani. It’s just.. nevermind.” I said and he raised an eyebrow. “Oh. Someone called just a while ago.. Nicole Jung, I think?”

“What did she say?”

“Nothing much. She was just looking for you.” I said as I headed to the kitchen where he followed me. “Do you want something to eat?”

“No thanks. That’s it? No message?” He asked as he sat down by the dinner table.  

“None~” Then he fished his phone in his satchel and dialed a number.

“Hey babe, you called?” Key said. “Yeah, I just got back.. I’m sorry. Okay.. WHAT?! Omo, where are you? Okay. I’ll go there.”

“Yoo, I’ll be going somewhere. Take care of the house, okay? Don’t break anything or mess with my things.” Then he was out.

“But you just got back..” I mumbled. I don’t know why I’m feeling lonely when I’ve spent half of my life alone at the house. Whatever. It’s not like Key’s a good company or something. I miss Chi Hoon and Soo Jin! But I can’t call them.. Those traitors. I’ve realized I’ve got no one. Gosh, I really am a loner. I’ll just keep myself busy.. Oh! I’ll just iron his clothes.

Two hours. And I’ve ironed about 15. I’ll stop after this white Armani suit. I bet he’ll praise me for this.

Ding Dong.Eh? I ran to the front door.


“Oh! Annyeong Taemin ah.” I smiled. “Come in! Why are you here? Your hyung went out.”

“I didn’t come here for him anyway. I was just bored and I thought I could visit you. I thought he went home hours ago.. ”

“He did, but he went out again.” I said. We headed to the living room. “Do you want anything?”

“No, thank you. So.. How was the honeymoon?”
“Oh. That. Er.. uhm. It was okay.. I guess.”

“You don’t look happy. Well, hyung looks he had fun. Did he do something to you?” Well, apart from nagging, criticizing and teasing..

“Nothing.” I said and smiled. I don’t want to reminisce those stressful times.

“Mhmm. Uhm.. Are you cooking something?” He asked and sniffed. 

“No. Are you hung-”

“I smell something burning.” Taemin said and I gasped.

“OH MY GAD. Key’s suit!” I ran panicky. I unplugged the iron and checked the suit. It now had an iron-shaped burn. Taemin went beside me to see what was wrong.

“Omo. He’ll go bananas when he sees this.” He gasped.

“What do I do?” I face palmed.

“Let’s just tell him it’s my fault. He doesn’t stay angry with me anyway.”

“But what if h-”

“It’ll be okay. Come on. Let’s just play Wii!” He said, pulling me back to the living room.

Thanks to Pokemon, Mario Kart and Taemin, I somewhat forgot about Key’s Armani. I was having fun until the door clicked and in came the Diva. Taemin and I stopped playing.

“What’re you doing here?” snapped Key.

 “I came to borrow a suit. But I.. hyung.” Taemin looked down. “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for?” Key raised an eyebrow.

“I burnt it.”

“What?! Which one?!” Key looked like he was about to pull out his hair. Uh-oh. Taemin then gave him the suit and his eyes widened. “Taemin! It’s one of my favorites! How could yo- oh my. Wait. Are you covering up for Yoo Rin?” He said as he eyed me.

“What. No. I really did it!”

“You never iron clothes, stupid. Moreover, we have the exact suit.” Key declared. It was useless lying to Key. He always figures things out anyway. 

“Don’t punish her!” Taemin pleaded.

“It isn’t your business. Get out before I call manager hyung.” Then Taemin mouthed sorry and went home. I played with my fingers nervously as Key was still shooting me laser eyes.

“I’m sorry..” I mumbled.

“Yah! Don’t think I’ll forget this. I’m deciding on how I should punish you.  And what’s with you and Taemin?! Look at the time! It’s already past midnight. You’re a married woman for Pete’s sake! Aren’t you ashamed you’re welcoming another guy to our house when I’m out?”

“He’s your dongsaeng.. And my friend.” I pouted.

“Yeah, but even so.. Arg! Yoo Rin! Whatever. Go to sleep!”

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Chapter 9: Damn it. Key better not be cheating...and Yoo rin better not fall for Tae-Baby. << Why does Key have to figure everything out? Although, that Armani suit was my favorite too. Made him look y.
Chapter 9: Please update soon! :)
Chapter 8: hahahahahaha xDDDD
Chapter 9: lol haha make lots of twist so it won't be the same as full mean it is great but still...make changes here and there ok^^ heehee
Yue-sama #5
Nicole Jung -_______- Tsk.
yay!!! an update!!! >.<
kyaaaa~ you're update,omg thank you. Oh i'm really miss this fic,it's like forever that you were not update but guest my waiting time is not waste hehe. . .Hope you'll update more in the future
Please update soon<br />
great story btw d(^.^)b
SHINeebias #9
OMG!!! This is really cute and funny and good!!! Update soon, please!!! :DD
resetandreplay #10
Waaaaah! *hyperventilating!* THAT WAS AWESOME. please update soon!