Chapter 7

Not just a house.

My head is spinning. The aisle looks warped. Everything’s going too fast. I’m sure I’ll pass out any minute now. Okay, maybe I’m overreacting. But still!

Ugh.Even my stomach is doing flips and my knees are shaking.

Why am I being like this anyway? It’s not like a real wedding or something.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

I started walking slowly arm in arm with Key’s dad – which I just met earlier.

Three hours before..

I was pulled to a room by at least 5 women, who I assume would be my make-up stylist, hair stylist and the others were assistants. They won’t make me do anything because they said they would be fired. They even bathe me! Geez, it was so uncomfortable.

Two of them did my hair while another put my make-up on. The others started on my nails too. Then they made me wear the elegant white wedding dress. It was beautiful. I just hope it would fit me. I haven’t tried it on because Key bought it without me; maybe he’s still mad at me for ruining his carpet – it was three days ago yet he still haven’t talk to me since then.

“Ms. Lee, everything is perfect!” said one of them. I looked at the mirror and wow! I gasped.

“Unnis! Omona~ I look pretty! This dress is beautiful! Kamsahamnida! Thank you for making me pretty!” I squealed. I was about to bow but they restrained me. Oh, I forgot my hair.

“Aniyo~ you’re very pretty already before we styled you.”

“Aigoo, unni! Thank you.” I thanked them and they soon went out of the room.

I grew bored. When is it starting anyway? Ugh.

Then my phone vibrated.

From: Bastard Key

Yah!! Are you done yet?

Somehow, it made me happy that he texted even though I know he’s pissed. I was about to reply when suddenly the door opened. In came a good-looking man and pretty woman. I stood up and greeted them.

“Our Kibummie really has good eyes.” The woman said to the man. Who are they?

“I’m sorry dear. We’re Kibum’s parents and you’re Yoo Rin, right?” Mrs. Kim said.

“Ah yeah.. umm..” I was lost for words.

“Our apologies that we’ve just met at your wedding day, Kibum should’ve introduced you before.” Said Mr. Kim, his voice a bit cold. Mrs. Kim nudged him.

“I’m really sorry. I don’t really know what the rush with Key is.” I said truthfully.

“Shouldn’t you be a part of the planning?” Mr. Kim asked.

“Oh. Um.. No, you know.. Key’s a bas- umm. A bit..” Phew! I almost said Key’s a bastard.

“I get it. He can be very demanding at some times.” I just nodded. I actually want to correct him. He’s always very demanding.

Someone knocked at the door and shouted “Wedding in 5!” My eyes widened. Only 5 minutes! . I’m getting nervous. I heard there’s so many artist and cameras out there.

“Where are your parents anyway? Is your dad going to walk you?” Mrs. Kim asked.

“They’re both.. dead, Mrs. Kim.” They stared at me with shocked eyes then turned to pity. Before they could even say sorry I said “There’s nothing to be sorry about, it was a long time ago.”

“Okay then. But please, call us Mom and Dad.” ‘Mom’ said with a smile. I nodded. Wow, I found myself a family.

“We should go out now.” Dad said smiling too and surprisingly, his arm was as if inviting for me to hook with it.

I stared.

“Come on. I’ll walk you.” He said and we went out of the room.

My head is spinning. The aisle looks warped. Everything’s going too fast. I’m sure I’ll pass out any minute now. Okay, maybe I’m overreacting. But still!

Ugh.Even my stomach is doing flips and my knees are shaking.

Why am I being like this anyway? It’s not like a real wedding or something.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

I started walking slowly arm in arm with Key’s dad.

“How beautiful you are, Yoo Rin-ah.” Dad whispered. It somehow made me less tensed. Thanks dad.

We started to walk in the red carpet.

Flash. Flash. Flash. God. How many cameras are here? Really, it was non-stop.

I could already see Key waiting on the other end. He was dashing. I couldn’t deny that he looks extremely handsome to the point he could shine.

I shook my thoughts away of him being perfect before insecurities fill me in. But really, I feel like I don’t belong in this. Even the guests, they’re all Key’s. Who would I invite anyway? My trickster best friends? Tch.

My eyes roamed the hall; I could see Taemin and Minho waving so I smiled. Then, I didn’t realize we’re already at the end. Dad turned my hand over to Key whispering “Yah! Take care of her, Arasso?” Key nodded without even looking at me.

The wedding was nothing really special. It was actually boring; I just exchanged my vows with him, stutter ‘I do’, clumsily put a ring - brought over by cutie ring bearer, Yoogeun! – on Key’s finger. Key did well, wait no, he did perfect.. Sigh. Anyway, Voila! Wedding done.

“You may now kiss the bride.” The priest interrupted my thoughts. Wait! Nooo! I thought it was done!

Key made me face him and cupped my face. His face was now inching closer. As much as I want to knee him.. well, I can’t. So I just closed my eyes and braced myself for the lips of the Almighty.

It softly landed on mine. I parted my lips a little. It was actually a gasp. But Key only made the kiss deeper, yet gentle. He pulled away and we both posed for the camera. Everyone clapped.

There. The wedding’s done. For real.

As we walked the aisle together, the cameras flashed madly than ever.

Time for the reception.. Ugh. Worst part (except the dinner.) Really. I just stood beside Key – who was chatting with the guests the whole ing time – with my fake smile plastered on my face.

After two hours, we headed outside which a sleek black car awaited with a cute lettering of ‘just married’ on its back.

We both entered the vehicle and it drove away.

“You look dashing, Key.” I complimented him, breaking the deafening silence. He just looked at me, scoffed and stared back at the window.

“Uhm.. Key, I’m really sorry about the carp-”

“Don’t talk. My head aches.” He said coldly.

“Should I get you medi-”

“I said don’t talk, didn’t I?! Or was I speaking a different language?!” He roared with his eyes shut and he was pinching the bridge of his nose. Even the driver flinched. I was just trying to be nice! I can feel tears forming in my eyes. NO! I can’t cry again! Be strong, Yoo Rin-ah! Hwaiting!

Ugh. My eyes betrayed me, tears just kept on flowing. I just can’t help it. I’m weak. I removed my gloves and hid my face with my palms.

The thing I hate the most is when somebody hates me. I might not seem to care, but I do. A lot.

“A-are you crying?” Key asked. You ! What do you think?! “I’m sorry. It’s just.. my head hurts. Really.”

“I was just trying to settle things! I don’t want us living together like this. It’s craz-”

The driver coughed. “What?!” Key shouted.

“W-we’re here, sir.” Where is here? I looked outside, there’s a yacht

“Oh. Thanks.” Key softened and ushered me out. Trying to be a gentleman, are you?

Before he shut the door he said to the driver, “Listen, spread our quarrel and you’re dead. Got it?”

To get to the yacht, you must get through this pier made of wood. I walked with difficulty because the heels of my shoes keep on getting caught between the spaces.

“Hurry up!” Key said who was already close to the vessel.

I was about to remove my shoes but Key ran to me and scooped me up.

“Aish~ Put me down! I can walk!”

“Shut up.” He said. So I did.

We rode the yacht in silence and it stopped on a beach house, it was actually good enough to be called a mansion. I guess this is where we spend our fake “honeymoon”

I roamed the house-slash-M-A-N-S-I-O-N still in my wedding dress.

“Uhm.. Key?” I called outside the bathroom door.

“What is it?” He was changing into something comfy.

“There’s only one bedroom! And uhmm.. One bed! Just one!”

“Of course there is!” He got out in his pajamas smirking. “What do you think? I’ll reserve a two bedroom house? You’ve got to be kidding me.” He grumbled the last part. I just made a face and he scoffed.

“Uhm, Hello? Earth to Yoo Rin! They’re supposed to think that we’re doing ‘it’ so of course we need an only – one and only bed!” He said in a mock tone.

“It?” I asked.

“Ugh. Yoo Rin! Do you really want me to explain ‘it’?”

I just shrugged and headed to the room to change. I removed the dress so I’m only in my bra and short shorts.

“Are you hungry?” He suddenly popped out of the door. I forgot to lock it, .

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!” I screamed and covering what was necessary while he covered his ears, still looking at me.

“What the hell is wrong with you, Woman?! Jeez, I think I’m going deaf.” He’s not even ashamed! Yah, when I entered his room, he scolded me then now.. Ugh!

“A little privacy please?!” then he looked at me like I was a mad woman.

“We’re married!”

“IT WAS A CONTRACT MAR- Whatever! Just get out!”

“Okay, okay! Sheez!”

When I was fully dressed, I headed downstairs and it was quiet. Where the hell is that bastard?

“Key?” I called out and no answer. I searched for him.. There was a piano room, movie room, gigantic dining hall, and a couple more rooms that could’ve been a house for most people but.. still no Key.

My last resort was the kitchen. Bingo! There he is – his back facing me.


He turned with a smirk. He slowly walked to me.

Every one step he took, he undid one button of his top pajama.

I froze at my spot, when all of it was ed. What the heck is he doing?

He pinned me to the wall, I can’t move. Damn he's strong!


“So.. Yeobo, you up for ‘it’?” He said with a playful smile painted on his face.

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Chapter 9: Damn it. Key better not be cheating...and Yoo rin better not fall for Tae-Baby. << Why does Key have to figure everything out? Although, that Armani suit was my favorite too. Made him look y.
Chapter 9: Please update soon! :)
Chapter 8: hahahahahaha xDDDD
Chapter 9: lol haha make lots of twist so it won't be the same as full mean it is great but still...make changes here and there ok^^ heehee
Yue-sama #5
Nicole Jung -_______- Tsk.
yay!!! an update!!! >.<
kyaaaa~ you're update,omg thank you. Oh i'm really miss this fic,it's like forever that you were not update but guest my waiting time is not waste hehe. . .Hope you'll update more in the future
Please update soon<br />
great story btw d(^.^)b
SHINeebias #9
OMG!!! This is really cute and funny and good!!! Update soon, please!!! :DD
resetandreplay #10
Waaaaah! *hyperventilating!* THAT WAS AWESOME. please update soon!