Chapter 43

Never Let Me Go
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When I got home, Young Soo greeted me by the door. I was so relieved he got home safe and sound. Earlier this week, I asked Mrs. Park, mother of his classmate who lives in our neighborhood, if she could fetch Young Soo along with his son, in case I didn’t get there in time. Fortunately, Mrs. Park was very nice, she happily agreed and didn’t ask me questions. She merely gave me an encouraging smile, giving me the impression that she must’ve known, somehow, what my family’s been going through.

Young Soo showed me the test he aced and I congratulated him. I noticed mom by the couch, she was watching TV. She shifted her gaze at me when I closed the door with a soft thud—her eyes were dull and vacant and she seemed so…tired. I smiled at her but she merely gave me a nod and then she turned her head again on the television. I hate to say this but I’m starting to get used to this situation but I already made my choice. I thought about sending her to a therapist but it will definitely cost a fortune. All I can do is to hope she’d go back to herself. Young Soo needs her. I need her.

At dinner, mom almost didn’t eat, again. She merely played with her food and then, she went to her bedroom without any word. Young Soo looked anxious, for a moment, but when he caught my gaze, he gave me a restrained smile. After I tucked him in his bed, I went to my bedroom and picked up my phone by the night stand.

The message was still there—Mrs. Kim’s message. The first time I read it, a few hours ago, I honestly thought I was only having a delusion but I wasn’t. It’s real. In fact, she sent me another text, she said we should meet after school (she must’ve forgotten I’m also studying) and she also told me not to mention about this to Jongin. I collapsed on my bed, feeling more anxious and read her messages over and over again, as though if I did, it’ll dissipate or something.

Me having dinner with Mrs. Kim. Just the idea of it makes my insides churn in apprehension. I remember eating with them for the very first time. Sure, they were all so nice to me but I couldn’t deny the fact that it still made me nervy. And now, she wants me to eat dinner with her. Just the two of us. I know Mrs. Kim wasn’t that bad, she can be really pleasant. But there’s definitely a valid reason why she wants to have dinner with me and I don’t think trying out this certain restaurant’s menu was one of them.

In addition, I wasn't sure if I should send a response because her text message seemed like a statement to me. Then again, I might appear impolite if I didn’t send back any message. If I were in her position, I would much appreciate it if the person I sent a message to reply, as a sign of courtesy.

And so I did. Hesitantly, I sent Mrs. Kim a text message and told her I’ll be there. Unwillingly.

Okay, I didn't include the last part.

I desperately want to call Jongin and ask him about this but Mrs. Kim clearly stated I cannot mention about this meeting to her son. That’s another reason why I feel queasy about this meeting. Why doesn’t she want Jongin to know about this?




Not for the first time, I wasn’t able to get a good night sleep last night. My meeting with Mrs. Kim kept me on the edge. I kept thinking what she could possibly wants to discuss with me. Throughout the day, I was strangely aware of my cell phone being on my skirt’s pocket. It felt heavy and warm. It’s really weird.

Jongin wasn’t at school today. He called me early this morning and said he’s going to spend the day at the agency and he promised me he’d be free on the next coming days. I almost brought up his mom’s text message but I was able to restrain myself. Jongin didn’t seem to have any clue about it and I thought he’s going to practice today and if I mentioned it to him, having known him, I’m sure he’d be bothered by it. And so, I told him I can’t wait to see him tomorrow, instead.

I tried distracting myself by writing my article on my interview with Daehyun. Luckily, I was able to get enough information on him needed for my article. Surprisingly, I finished it quite sooner. I went to the office and found Mi Young by her desk. After skimming through my article, she smiled at me gratefully and told me she’ll have to read it thoroughly and she’ll notify me if I need to revise some things.

Honestly, I was hoping she’d ask me to stay after school so I’d have an excuse on Mrs. Kim why I have to cancel our meeting but Mi Young was too busy with her own articles. I left the office and realized that I’m never going to escape this. On my last period, I was staring fixedly on the wall clock hanging across the room. I don’t know, maybe I was hoping I’d suddenly have a super power where I’m able to control or freeze the time because now’s the perfect timing.

The final bell of the day chimed in. It was too loud in my ears, like it was mocking me. I groaned and purposely gather my things in a slow pace. I slung my back pack over my shoulder and left the school grounds.

On the bus, I plugged in my earphones, trying to get my mind off the meeting by listening to music but it didn’t work. Jongin sent me a text, asking how’s my day.

Oh, my day’s just about start, I thought while re-reading his text message.

The bus halted to a stop and I got off along with other passengers. As I stride on the pavement, on my way to the restaurant she told me, I tried recalling if I did something wrong, thinking this maybe the reason why Mrs. Kim suddenly wants to have dinner with me. I stopped in my tracks when something seized my mind. What if Mrs. Kim found out that Jongin and I actually spent the night together at the hotel the other night? I thought, alarmingly.

“Oh my God, that’s it…” my knees started to buckle. “It’s impossible for her not to find out, I mean, she’s running the hotel. Maybe the employees told her about it...oh no…” I said, worriedly. I looked ahead, I can see the restaurant Mrs. Kim was talking about from where I was standing. I stared at my phone

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12/06: Yay! You guys got this featured! Thank you so much sweethearts ♡


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Chapter 4: Welll….. does Min Jee have a drinking problem?
Chapter 3: I’m so curious to find out what’s next- and I’m lowkey worried for Min Jee. What a bum that guy is
AiiSoo #3
Chapter 55: I just recently found out about this story and I am very grateful that someone recommended this. This is a really good read. I love your writing here. I just wish that I read this sooner. Well, better late than never
1882 streak #4
Chapter 4: hana almost had them for a moment shsjsk
1882 streak #5
Chapter 3: Jino is such a jerk
1882 streak #6
Chapter 1: Baekhyun is a nice friend hehe
Also, jongin is such a heartthrob!
JeMerald #7
Chapter 55: I was looking for the story about a bookworm and Kai, and realized in like the first five chapters that this wasn't the one, BUT i couldn't skip rereading this story TT. I can't believe i read this story at different moments/phases in my life and it always always always drowns me in so much emotions.
Pxnellyxq #8
Chapter 47: Communication is the key
KimHyeJoo #9
Chapter 55: Aw this is so gold!!
I keep crying at the chapters near the last tho, that’s so depressing i can’t help it

Thanks for sharing this story!! :)