Chapter 15

Never Let Me Go
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But the problem was, I was still feeling that way when I woke up the next morning. I was smiling the moment I opened my eyes. I know I was being silly but I can’t help myself. I got off my bed, washed up and get ready for my work today. A good news surprised me, too, when I went downstairs.

“Hana.” Mom said, beaming at me the moment I entered our kitchen.

“Hey, mom.” I said, beaming back at her. “Good morning.”

Mom sized me up for moment. “You look different today.” she said.

“Wh-what?” I stuttered, averting my gaze from her. “N-no, I’m not.” I fixed my beanie hat and walked towards the fridge. “I’m just in a good mood, that’s all.”

“Fine.” mom said after a moment of giving me a meaningful look, “Anyway, I have a good news to tell you.”

I turned to her after gulping on carton of orange juice. “You found a job?” I , wiping the sleeve of my cardigan over my mouth.

“Yes!” Mom cried, she clapped her hands gleefully. “Yes, dear, I did!”

I honestly didn’t expect her to say that at all, let alone find a job so fast. It usually took her a month to find one. “Mom, that’s really awesome!” I exclaimed in delight and pulling her into a hug.

“Now, all I have to do is to keep it.” Mom said after we pulled away from each other.

I nodded my head and smiled at her. “And you can do that.” I said, “I know you can.” mom gave me a smile. “Oh! We should celebrate! Let’s go eat something today, after my shift! Let’s take Young Soo out!” I suggested excitedly.

“Honey, I’d love to.” mom said, “But I can’t today. I’ll have to go to a meeting today, some sort of orientation.”

“But it’s Saturday?”

Mom nodded as if she found it odd, too. “I know.” she said, “Turns out I might have to work during weekends and holidays. Are you going to be okay with that?”

“Of course.” I said, giving her a smile. “Maybe tomorrow, if you’re free?”

“Right!” mom said, beaming again. “We can celebrate tomorrow!”

After a couple of minutes, Young Soo and I left the house. He’ll be spending his Saturday with me at Spines. When I told him that we’ll be spending Sunday with mom, he was so excited that he started bouncing up and down the street. As we took the quick bus ride to the Spines, I was starting to get a little anxious.

Since last Monday night, I haven’t seen or talked to Aunt Sora. I don’t know how I’ll work around her with the tension between her and mom. This is another reason why I hate them arguing. Maybe I could tell her that mom found a job, maybe somehow, Aunt Sora won’t be as stern anymore. But when Young Soo and I arrive at Spines, Aunt Sora didn’t greet us with her stern posture or voice, she was beaming at us and even hugged me and my little brother like what she always does when we arrive. Like nothing happened last Monday night. She had Yoon Mi fetch Young Soo to the Kid’s section where he usually hangs out while I work.

“Aunt Sora.” I started, knowing I can’t really work around her comfortably without bringing up the incident last Monday night. “About last Monday night--”

“Hana,” Aunt Sora interrupted, she looked and sound calm. “What happened between your mom and I…it’s between us. You know us. We’ve been at this since before. I did what I did because I care about you, your little brother and your mother.”

“She found a job.” I said.

“That’s good.” Aunt Sora said genuinely but firmly at the same time. “I just really hope she keep it this time because I meant what I said.” I merely nodded.

Aunt Sora smiled at me tenderly and then a horde of customers started rushing in.

“I should get to work.” I said, giving her a smile

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12/06: Yay! You guys got this featured! Thank you so much sweethearts ♡


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Chapter 4: Welll….. does Min Jee have a drinking problem?
Chapter 3: I’m so curious to find out what’s next- and I’m lowkey worried for Min Jee. What a bum that guy is
AiiSoo #3
Chapter 55: I just recently found out about this story and I am very grateful that someone recommended this. This is a really good read. I love your writing here. I just wish that I read this sooner. Well, better late than never
1882 streak #4
Chapter 4: hana almost had them for a moment shsjsk
1882 streak #5
Chapter 3: Jino is such a jerk
1882 streak #6
Chapter 1: Baekhyun is a nice friend hehe
Also, jongin is such a heartthrob!
JeMerald #7
Chapter 55: I was looking for the story about a bookworm and Kai, and realized in like the first five chapters that this wasn't the one, BUT i couldn't skip rereading this story TT. I can't believe i read this story at different moments/phases in my life and it always always always drowns me in so much emotions.
Pxnellyxq #8
Chapter 47: Communication is the key
KimHyeJoo #9
Chapter 55: Aw this is so gold!!
I keep crying at the chapters near the last tho, that’s so depressing i can’t help it

Thanks for sharing this story!! :)