Chapter 39

Never Let Me Go
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Jongin and I finally reached the open rooftop of the hotel. I had to stop myself from gaping as we stepped into the scene—it was genuinely breath-taking. Little bulbs were hanging in an almost invisible cord above and tables after tables were scattered in the area. There were little paper lanterns lounging on the stone tiled floor. It took a moment for me to realize that there was actually a pool in the middle. A some sort of fiber glass or something was placed on top of the pool, and it served as the dance floor for the guests. It looked so beautiful with that glowing light underneath.

I handed my clutch to the bellboy by the door and then Jongin handed me a drink while I looked around again. The guests were busy chatting with one another, the whole place was echoing with laughter and chatter. The guests were all looking elegant and prim and I felt incredibly lucky because I listened to Jin Hee into wearing this dress. I took a deep breath and vaguely gripped Jongin’s hand, he turned and smiled softly at me.

Speaking of Jin Hee, we bumped into her after a few moments. She looked stunning with her dress and she’s with a guy, who obviously likes her but Jin Hee said they’re merely friends. As we looked around to find Jongin’s parents, he told me that we should just stick together until his parents’ have seen enough of him and then we’ll both sneak out. It sounded like a good plan so I nodded my head in agreement.

We finally spotted his parents and walked down towards them. Mrs. Kim looked so beautiful and refined—she’s wearing a long black evening gown, her hair was in a French twist. Mr. Kim, on the other hand, was just as handsome as Jongin. He looked sharp and endearing in his tux. They both smiled at me as soon as they saw me and Jongin heading their way. Mr. and Mrs. Kim expressed how happy they are to see me again and it was my pleasure to return the gesture.

“Let me guess, Jongin’s girlfriend?” a woman who talking awhile ago to Jongin’s parents’ stated. She was looking at me with a smile.

“Yes, isn’t she beautiful?” Mrs. Kim said, smiling as she glanced at me. I didn’t really know what to say so I merely gave her an awkward smile.

“Oh, I guess my daughter would be brokenhearted if ever she finds out.” the woman said again, chuckling. “She’s always been fond of your son.”

Jongin shifted on his feet awkwardly and glanced down at his shoes. I squeezed his hand comfortingly.

“Hana’s quite special.” Mrs. Kim said, glancing at me with a smile. “Jongin’s been attending this event since he’s 13. It’s about time he brought a date.”

“Mom, give her a break.” Jongin said, sagging his shoulders and making his parents laugh in the process.

I moved a little behind Jongin to hide my burning cheeks. Both of his parents gave me a gracious smile and told me to feel comfortable which helped a lot because I was already feeling a little intimated by their regal presence. And just when Jongin and I were heading to the buffet table to get something to eat, Mrs. Kim called him to meet some of their business partners. Jongin gave me a hesitant look and I could tell he doesn’t want to go and leave me all by myself.

“Go.” I said after giving his hand another squeeze and nodding my head encouragingly at him. “I’ll be fine. I’ll just stay where you can see me.”

Jongin thought for a moment and before we parted ways, he gave me a lingering look.

I went to the drinks table and help myself with the punch, hoping it wasn’t spiked. I looked around, there were underage guests as well so I figured, since the event was organized by adults, they’d be more cautious with the drinks and food being served. I took a sip and felt relieved when it tasted as how a punch should taste. I couldn’t help but smile, though, when I suddenly remembered the punch incident between Jongin and I at Yixing’s house months ago. I was so stupid that time. I also went to the buffet table and took a piece of cupcake but it looked to precious, it such a shame it has to be eaten. I put it down and settled for a brownie, instead.

My eyes caught these girls, most likely my age, looking at me with their noses turned up just across the room. I pretended I didn’t notice them, I very well know what that look was for.

Just like I promised Jongin before leaving his side minutes ago, I stayed near where he’s talking to some guests so I can see him. No wonder why the girls couldn’t help but stare daggers at me, Jongin looked exceedingly attractive. He looked a model that came right out of a magazine. But for a moment, he seemed like a kid as he spoke to a guest, far from his smirk king and I’ll-dance-until-your-heart-burst-out-of-your-chest kind of image when he’s performing. I begin to wonder what on earth I did to deserve a boyfriend like him. It’s our 100 days today and I still can’t fathom how a guy like him would be attracted to me. I remember being so appalled when he confessed to me. Awkwardly. It’s not that I’m self-deprecating or anything, I’m just being logical. I’m a bit quirky and well, let’s face it, I don’t really have much to offer when it comes to figure. But he likes me still. As though, on cue, Jongin turned his head towards my direction. He gave me a smile and I smiled back at him and a little wave, too. Then, his mom started introducing him again to a new guest.

It’s been a couple of minutes already and my feet were starting to get sore. I love wearing heels but I hate how irksome it becomes when you wear it for a quite a long time. Then, some guests started speaking to me, most of them college students. They seemed nice so I thought having a conversation with them wouldn’t be bad. I was a bit timid, at first, but I was able to went with the flow as time went by. I genuinely find myself enjoying talking to them especially when I found out that one’s of the girls who were talking to me was a student at Han Bi College. I got quite absorbed with our conversation, too, especially when she started telling me that she could help me in applying for Han Bi. After we talked, I glanced to where Jongin was standing and talking to someone awhile ago but he’s gone. I looked around and found him nowhere. I caught the glowers of the girls just across the room and I suddenly felt a bit self-conscious. I walked around, looking for Jongin when a guy sudde

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12/06: Yay! You guys got this featured! Thank you so much sweethearts ♡


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Chapter 4: Welll….. does Min Jee have a drinking problem?
Chapter 3: I’m so curious to find out what’s next- and I’m lowkey worried for Min Jee. What a bum that guy is
AiiSoo #3
Chapter 55: I just recently found out about this story and I am very grateful that someone recommended this. This is a really good read. I love your writing here. I just wish that I read this sooner. Well, better late than never
1873 streak #4
Chapter 4: hana almost had them for a moment shsjsk
1873 streak #5
Chapter 3: Jino is such a jerk
1873 streak #6
Chapter 1: Baekhyun is a nice friend hehe
Also, jongin is such a heartthrob!
JeMerald #7
Chapter 55: I was looking for the story about a bookworm and Kai, and realized in like the first five chapters that this wasn't the one, BUT i couldn't skip rereading this story TT. I can't believe i read this story at different moments/phases in my life and it always always always drowns me in so much emotions.
Pxnellyxq #8
Chapter 47: Communication is the key
KimHyeJoo #9
Chapter 55: Aw this is so gold!!
I keep crying at the chapters near the last tho, that’s so depressing i can’t help it

Thanks for sharing this story!! :)