Meeting Them

Attached to You

“Yes, finally done with work!” I exclaimed as I jumped out of my office chair.

“Whoa, easy there Ji Hyun, you don’t want to break a leg.” A friend of mine said.

“I won’t, so relax; I’ll be on my vacation now, then!” I cried out loud, as I ran through the front doors of my tremendously large work building.


*At an orphanage*

“Hello, there. I’m here for today’s request.” I proudly stated as I held the papers out for the lady at the counter.

The lady on the counter scanned through mine information and education, then she gave a little nod and led me into a new room.

“Thank you very much, young lady, for giving us your time to help the orphans. We would like to request a little favor of you though.” The lady said as she walked.

“You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure to give my time to those in need. And what would be of the request?” I raised a curious eyebrow at the lady.

“I know very well, that you would like to take care of the young children, but you see, there are some young adults in here too that never get to go out. The parents, or people that come here are only the elders that can’t watch the young adults and you are probably one of the youngest ones that had ever come here, so I may suggest you to take care of the young adults this time.” The lady looked sincere and almost sad to reveal this fact.

“I’ll think about it.” I said as we entered the big room where there was a chaos of amount of people.

There were many kids playing around with some parents that came by to play with them. But what caught my eyes were a group of boys at the corner, glaring at everybody.

“This way please, I’ll introduce you to the young adults.”

I followed the lady and nodded my head.

As we approached the group of boys, they seemed to get taller and scarier by the minute.

“Boys, I would like to introduce you guys to a person. Her name is Hwang Ji Hyun, please greet her and introduce yourselves.”

I bowed and said, “Hello, my name is Hwang Ji Hyun, and I hope to get to know more about you guys.”

After my sentence, I felt like I made the greatest mistake ever.


Then, one of the shortest stepped out and greeted me first.

“Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Su Ho.” He smiled and bowed to me before going back to his spot again.

Well, at least that guy seems nice.

“Boys, come on, we don’t have all day here.” The lady interrupted us.

Then another short boy was pushed out of the group and he stumbled in front of me. His eyes looked cute and large, he seemed very frightened and shy; how cute.

He paused and looked around before introducing himself, “Hi, my name is D.O.”, and ran quickly back into the group.

And of course everybody followed along being pushed by these two people in the back; named Kai and Tao. *Checks them on the list as trouble makers*

“Well, boys thank you for your corporation, and I will be leaving with Miss Ji Hyun now.” The lady led me back to the front office.


“So, what do you think, Miss Ji Hyun? They’re not that bad right, it’s just that they don’t have much manners and basic knowledge.”

“Well, I’m not sure…” I twirled my fingers around nervously.

“Please, Miss Ji Hyun, they have no one except you. They’ve been waiting forever for someone like you to guide them to a new and better road. You are their hope.” The lady stared into my eyes and she looked a bit pitiful.

“Ummm… Sure, why not.” I gave my shoulders a little shrug, but it came back to normal when the lady sprung into my arms and hugged me tightly.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much for taking them! You don’t have to adopt them, just give them a roof to live under and something to eat and it will be fine, but if anything goes wrong you can bring them back. I am so thankful.” The lady’s face was cheerful and her tone was lively, unlike before.

“So do I take them in today?”

“Sure! Why not? I’ll be right back with the boys’ and their things!” She exclaimed as she disappeared through the door.

This won’t be a bad thing right? Yes. It’s the most terrible thing ever! I was planning to go on a 3 week vacation, ‘all-by-my-SELF’.

“Miss Ji Hyun, they are ready.” The lady escorted you to them at the front door, in which they were all ready.

Most of them looked annoyed and rolled their eyes, but some of them remained unmoved and emotionless.

I quickly took them home, by bus, because my car was too small to fit all of them and I didn’t want to go for any 2nd trips.


During the bus ride, everybody was quiet, so I talked to the guy standing next to me first. And I believe that his name was… Tao? Yeah, it was.

“Hey, so how are you feeling right now Tao? Excited?” I began.

He only looked forward and had seemed to ignore my question.

So without giving up, I took on another question, “Are you the youngest?”

Still there was no response.

And this was when I ticked off and I snapped my fingers in front of his face.

“What?” He said a bit annoyed.

“You haven’t been answering my questions, so I assumed that you were trying to ig-“

That’s when I saw him take out an earphone from his left air and he said back, “Can you say it again? I couldn’t hear you.”

I smiled sweetly and said, "NEVERMIND."

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Aiyana #1
Aiyana #2
Chapter 2: this story is sooooooooooo cute... and cool... update soon... please... i'm a new subscriber...
dodokchae #3
Chapter 2: Updateeee soooon! New reader here! :)
infiniteclub-WH #4
EXO are Bad >_< I feel your pain Ji Hyun...
HAHA annoying little pests ! :3
This is cute! Update soon! Btw how old are EXO suppose to be in here?
Update soon ! :b bad boys ! :b