My Annoying Brothers

✎ Endlessly Without Limit ║ A Collection of Requested One-Shots║
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[CONTENTID2]My Annoying Brothers[/CONTENTID2]

[CONTENTID3]Requested by: Sahee689

Story Title: My annoying eleven brothers ...? You can change it if you want, but keep annoying. lol. That's the point ^^ [My Annoying Brothers]

Genre: Comedy

Plot: Umm, there are some in my head but not much. CL comeback from somewhere and his holiday in Korea will be like a hell when she remembered that she living under the same roof with those eleven young annoying-guys. And the world didn't stop hating her. Her parent decided to go to a vacation for five days. And what will happened with the oldest sister when she have to take care of her eleven annoying brothers?

Main Characters: CL (2NE1) , hoya, woohyun and sungjong (infinite), ravi (VIXX), baro and shinwoo (B1A4) the others (I'll let you to choose). If you think eleven just too much, you can reduce it, maybe seven or nine? Or .. I don't know ._. [Minzy, Sandara (2NE1), G Dragon (Bigbang), unnamed mother and father]

Pairing: no pairing, just a family. But maybe it'll be nice if you add slightly skydragon (CL and GD) but as a friend

Keywords: sweet, laughter

Additional Requests: Spesific ending? Hmm, I don't know yet. Maybe you can made it like chaerin (cl) jsut realized how much precious her brothers are but in the next morning, she really regret saying those words (in funny way of course)


“Ah~ Seoul, I’m back!” A woman stretched her arms up high as she got out of the airport.

The woman had on a fierce aura. From the looks of her eyes all the way down to her fashion statement, everything looked perfect. She had on a grin that matched her mood, smiling ear to ear as she scanned the surroundings which she had left behind a few months ago.

“CL! What are you waiting for? Come on!” Someone called out from the side. The woman looked to the direction where the voice came from and waved, walking along towards the mini van parked just a few feet away.

“Whoops, sorry about that, Minzy. I got carried away,” she shyly smiled.

“That’s fine. You were just there grinning like an idiot and people were already staring and taking pictures so I had to break your thought. We can’t have people noticing you here, of all places, ya know?” Minzy stated as she tapped the driver, signaling that they could start heading out. “By the way, how was the tour? You were there alone and we were worried.”

CL beamed, “It went great! The crowd was amazing and the staff too! Ah, my dream of performing on stage has been accomplished.”

Minzy chuckled at her friend. “Don’t get all pumped up. We still have to make a new album together, so don’t waste your energy. The girls are already in the recording studio.”

“Really? I guess I won’t get any sleep then,” she sighed. Just then, her phone vibrated in her pocket. Upon a close glance, she noticed it was a call from home.  “Umma!” CL shrieked, “Long time no talk!”

“Aigoo, Chaerin-ah. How have you been? We haven’t seen you in a while except on TV.”

“Umma, can I visit there then? I want to eat the food that you make again. I miss them,” she whined.

“Of course, honey! You’re welcome to come by anytime you want! In fact, why not come now? Your appa and I have something important to talk to you about.”

CL thought for a moment and looked at Minzy. She told her everything and Minzy just nodded. “Sure, we can drop you off at your house. I’ll just go back and tell the president.”

“Awesome!” CL turned back to the phone and grinned, “Umma, I’ll be there in a minute. I’ll see you guys later!”

“Nae~ Come home safe, hmm?”

“Arraso. Bye!”


A few minutes later, CL and Minzy arrived at her home, where they were greeted by her parents, each giving one of the girls a big hug.

“Omo, you sure have grown since I last saw you, Minzy-ah. Your hair is getting longer too!” CL’s mother smiled, to which Minzy replied back with a shy laugh.

“I’ll be going ahead, Mrs. Lee,” Minzy announced. “I need to go back to the company and tell them that Chaerin is here.”

“Ah, is that so? Then give my regards to everyone there and you are welcome to come anytime too, okay?”

“Nae~ I’ll see you later!”

And with that, Minzy left, leaving Chaerin to enter the house by herself.

Now that you mention it, that last sentence foreshadows what’s going to happen next.  Anyway, on to the next part of the story…




“YAH! GIVE IT BACK!” CL jolted when she entered the house. It was, from her memory, the same as always: crowded, noisy, and not to mention, smelly. Hey, living with having only brothers have their downfalls too.

“Hoya, give that back to Sungjong,” their mother warned.

“But it’s my turn to play with it~!” he whined.

“And how old are you now?” Chaerin smirked as she ruffled his hair.

Sungjong plastered on a big smile as he saw their only sister walk in. He screamed, from the top of his lungs so that all three floors of the house can hear him, “HYUNGS! NOONA IS BACK!”

And to which they all replied with the same enthusiasm in their voice, “LEE SUNGJONG! YOU’RE TOO NOISY!”

Chaerin chuckled, remembering the past. Ah, this is going to be a fun visit.

“Welcome back, noona!” Hoya glided across the living room with the bamboo pillow while Sungjong was chasing him.

“Hey, Howon,” she replied.

“Yo, noona. Do you have a boyfriend yet?” Ravi asked as he his fingers after preparing a sandwich for himself. He went to wash his hands and when he finished, his sandwich was gone.

“Thanks, lil bro.” Woohyun started to walk towards his room, eating away the sandwich. “ ‘Sup noona?”


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[EWL] Revamped the whole thread and we're now featuring Nino from Arashi! I didn't edit the stories though (my gosh, they're so cheesy). Hopefully the layout is more pleasing to the eyes and that I correctly transferred the texts.


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Chapter 14: Hello author ann1914!!

Lmao this is another very funny one!!

Chapter 7: Hello author ann1914!!

This is actually extremely funny!!

Chapter 1: Hello author ann1914!!

Wow..I certainly was not expecting that to happen. I do feel sad for her but at the same time I am glad it was not oh she moved on quickly with the next guy. I would imagine that she would eventually move on but not with the first guy that shows up in her life who also happened to be a childhood friend which would be Jaejoong and I really have no problem with her moving on too even if it is with Jaejoong but I feel like it would take time for her to heal completely.

Chapter 3: Hello author ann1914!!

Aww..I really like this one!! Some of them were sad but I still enjoyed reading them!! Thank you!!

Chapter 6: Hello author ann1914!!

This was also a hilarious read!! Thank you!

Chapter 12: hello author ann1914!!

now this was a hilarious read!!

Chapter 22: hello author ann1914!!

this is so incredibly sweet..i am about to get diabetes over here lols..

Chapter 21: hello author ann1914!!

the way you wrote this has left me speechless..especially the way you depicted lay at the end..

Chapter 18: hello author ann1914!!

i absolutely love this chapter!!it is just wow..from the blind date to their relationship and their gradual progress!!love love it so much!!

794 streak #10
Chapter 22: Very relatable right there, not knowing exactly what you want to do after graduating. Jeonghan's gotta give us the speech about needing to find ourselves, yes, mom. XD You really made Jeonghan life-like. He's caring but teasing at the same time. And the line, "Saying things like that to a man could lead to some trouble." Something Jeonghan would definitely say! I wish more people could experience Boston cream pie. I know that I haven't had a lot of foreign desserts, but this one is really tasty!! And the way you described him making it. That right there is stress relieving in of itself. After a long week, it would be nice to sleep with Jeonghan. Not like that, but you know, cuddle XD

Thank you so much for this <3 I really needed it~