My Annoying Brothers 2

✎ Endlessly Without Limit ║ A Collection of Requested One-Shots║
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[CONTENTID2]My Annoying Brothers 2[/CONTENTID2]

[CONTENTID3]Requested by: Sahee689

Story Title: My Annoying Brothers [2]

Genre: comedy, family and jealousy perhaps

Plot: (For this drabbles I think Ravi should be the one who very very jealous towards skydragon)
In this drabbles, all of the brothers started feelling jelaous towards gd who steal their only sister attention away from them. And yeah, more annoying acts just for make cl turned to see them. But cl sees in different way, she just know the reason behind their act when (one of them or maybe Ravi) shouting at her. Made gd leave them, and yeah, bros&sist moments is very romantic than any love story. lol I hope I didn\'t confused you this time ^^; Fighting~~

Main Characters: just like before ^^ [CL (2NE1), G Dragon (Bigbang), Ravi (Vixx), Hoya, Sungjong, Woohyun (Infinite), Baro, Shinwoo (B1A4)]

Pairing: no pair, again

Keywords: touching moments? I don't how to called it ._.

Additional Requests: just make the brothers more annoying than cl imagined. lol. The ending? Well~ the annoying brothers comeback after some touching and jelaousy moments~


“YAH!” Chaerin screeched once she noticed all the wrappers and crumbs of junk food lying on the ground. They were practically everywhere and it was driving her crazy, being the clean freak that she was.


“Noona,” Sungjong popped out of the stairs. “What’s wrong?”

“This,” Chaerin pointed to the mounds of garbage on the living room. “What the heck is this?”

“Oh,” Sungjong threw his hands up innocently. “It wasn’t me.”

Knowing all of their personalities by now, Chaerin knew who the suspects were. Oh, most definitely. It would be none other than the two who have been goofing around since the day she came back two days ago to babysit them. Speaking of which, those two just happened to pass by, laughing like hyenas as they were trailing the floor with mud from their shoes.

Chaerin twitched. “Yah, Lee Howon. Shinwoo.”

“Yeah?” Both of them answered in unison.

“Clean that up and take off those shoes.” Chaerin pointed to the pile once again and to their dirty shoes. “Now.” The two guys looked at each other and began to run away from the scene, decorating the floor with mud everywhere they went. “YAH!”

“Hey now,” GD bent down and started to clean up the mess. “I’ll help, so don’t get mad, okay?”

“What are you doing? That’s the mess that they made so they should be the one to clean up. I’m just enforcing this because they always leave their stuff around and even my parents have to clean after them. Babies.”

GD chuckled as he grabbed an empty Pocky box and threw it in the garbage bag he was holding. “I feel your pain. You think I have it easy living with four other messy guys back in the dorms?”

“Heh,” Chaerin gave up and started to clean with him. “I have six.”


After both of them cleaned the whole place, sweeping and mopping the floors, GD and Chaerin went outside and sat under the sun, talking about their future activities both with their groups and personal lives.

“Hey,” Shinwoo spoke as all six brothers gathered behind the door that led to the backyard, all eyeing GD and their sister Chaerin. “Isn’t that guy going to leave yet? He’s been here since noona came back and just slept here too.”

“When is the guy even leaving?” Hoya asked.

“That’s what I just asked,” Shinwoo scoffed.

“Anyway, we can all agree that the guy’s become to clingy to noona.” Woohyun added as he placed his phone in his pocket.

“He’s annoying too,” Baro whispered and shivered. “He keeps on waking me up with that annoying voice and grin of his.”

“I agree, but well, what should we do?” Ravi questioned as he his hand after tasting his newly created soup for dinner that night. “It’s not like we can break noona’s heart and let that guy leave with force.”

At that moment, all six guys had a light bulb moment. They all thought the same thing as they remembered how much fun they’ve been lacking this past few days because of that guy named GD. They all huddled up and smirked.

“Game on.”


Later that night, as they were having dinner, the table became more rowdy than usual. The brothers were throwing food around, screaming at each other, and laughing around.

“Hey!” Chaerin reached her peak and slammed her hand on the table. “What the hell has gotten into all of you?! Huh?!” The brothers looked around at each other and remained silent but had smirks on their faces. “Woohyun, since you’re the eldest from all six of you, explain.”

Woohyun put on a sad face and looked at Chaerin. “Noona, we’re just having fun…?”

Chaerin sighed. “Don’t think that will work on me.” The house remained quiet for a solid five minutes and Chaerin stood up. “Fine. Since none of you want to explain, all of you will be on house duty till the day I leave this house, which is in two more days.”

“Why~?” All of them whined in unison.

Chaerin went over the living room and came back with a small white board and a marker. She started to draw a table with all the names of her brothers on the left and their assigned tasks over on the ot

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[EWL] Revamped the whole thread and we're now featuring Nino from Arashi! I didn't edit the stories though (my gosh, they're so cheesy). Hopefully the layout is more pleasing to the eyes and that I correctly transferred the texts.


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Chapter 14: Hello author ann1914!!

Lmao this is another very funny one!!

Chapter 7: Hello author ann1914!!

This is actually extremely funny!!

Chapter 1: Hello author ann1914!!

Wow..I certainly was not expecting that to happen. I do feel sad for her but at the same time I am glad it was not oh she moved on quickly with the next guy. I would imagine that she would eventually move on but not with the first guy that shows up in her life who also happened to be a childhood friend which would be Jaejoong and I really have no problem with her moving on too even if it is with Jaejoong but I feel like it would take time for her to heal completely.

Chapter 3: Hello author ann1914!!

Aww..I really like this one!! Some of them were sad but I still enjoyed reading them!! Thank you!!

Chapter 6: Hello author ann1914!!

This was also a hilarious read!! Thank you!

Chapter 12: hello author ann1914!!

now this was a hilarious read!!

Chapter 22: hello author ann1914!!

this is so incredibly sweet..i am about to get diabetes over here lols..

Chapter 21: hello author ann1914!!

the way you wrote this has left me speechless..especially the way you depicted lay at the end..

Chapter 18: hello author ann1914!!

i absolutely love this chapter!!it is just wow..from the blind date to their relationship and their gradual progress!!love love it so much!!

794 streak #10
Chapter 22: Very relatable right there, not knowing exactly what you want to do after graduating. Jeonghan's gotta give us the speech about needing to find ourselves, yes, mom. XD You really made Jeonghan life-like. He's caring but teasing at the same time. And the line, "Saying things like that to a man could lead to some trouble." Something Jeonghan would definitely say! I wish more people could experience Boston cream pie. I know that I haven't had a lot of foreign desserts, but this one is really tasty!! And the way you described him making it. That right there is stress relieving in of itself. After a long week, it would be nice to sleep with Jeonghan. Not like that, but you know, cuddle XD

Thank you so much for this <3 I really needed it~