10 Dates

✎ Endlessly Without Limit ║ A Collection of Requested One-Shots║
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[CONTENTID3]Requested by: pegase2311

Story Title: 10 Dates

Genre: Fluff, Romance, Drama

Plot: Luhan and Bora doesn’t believe in love. They met through a blind-date set-up by their friends. When they met, they found interest with each other, so they make a game, if in 10 dates they didn't falling in love with each other they can leave. When they started falling, suddenly their ex comes into their life again. When the 10th date comes, they finally come with a decision.

Main Characters: Luhan, Kim Minseok/Xiumin (EXO), Bora, Dasom (Sistar)

Pairing: Luhan - Bora

Keywords: sweet, romantic, heart fluttering

Additional Requests: a long shot and happy ending. Please make Bora a happy and bubbly girl while Luhan is cold yet sweet guy.


“You’re going to thank me later,” his friend smirked as both of them walked into a coffee shop later that afternoon. Once they set foot into the building, the door closed behind them with a ring of a bell. The smiling man scanned the vicinity for a familiar face, hoping that she remembered the occasion that they promised. Landing his eyes on a certain brunette, his smile widened as he motioned for his friend to follow him.

The other guy clearly did not like his friend’s idea as he donned a frowning expression and scrunched his eyebrows slightly along the process. His friend was walking a few steps ahead and he was actually debating if he should flee before his friend noticed his absence. He gave the thought another moment but finally gave up once he saw his friend smiling at a woman he didn’t know while giving her a small hug. His friend pointed to his direction and the guy finally began to move towards their direction.

“This is going to be troublesome,” he sighed. Once he finally came face to face with his friend and the mystery girl, he noticed another smiling woman sitting down looking up at him. The guy put on a worried smile as he whispered, “quite troublesome indeed.”

“Xiumin, who’s this handsome guy?” the girl who hugged him asked.

“Dasom, meet Luhan. He’s a close friend of mine,” Xiumin replied.

“Nice to meet you,” Luhan held out his hand and Dasom gladly shook it.

“Then, this is my friend, Bora.” Dasom introduced the smiling woman who was sitting down.

Bora stood up and shook both of their hands. “Nice to meet the both of you!”

“Excuse us for a moment,” Luhan said as he grabbed his friend to the side. “What the heck are you doing?”

“A blind date. Can’t you see?” Xiumin grinned. “You’ve been cooped up in the office for so long, you might have forgotten that girls even existed.”

Luhan groaned. “You know that I–”

“–don’t believe in love, Dasom.”

The two men looked at the girls behind them. This made Xiumin’s grin wider. “See, you both have something in common.”

“So you took me out for something this childish? I have a project due tomorrow and that annoying boss won’t let me go if I don’t finish on time. You already know that, you scheming bastard.”

His friend laughed, giving him a pat on the shoulder. “Now, now. Don’t say any profanities in front of the ladies; you’ll scare them away. Also, I know you have it all under control, so let loose for once, will you?”

“You’re going to pay for this. I’ll tell the boss you disrupted my work and he’ll take care of it.”

“You’re starting to sound like an actual yakuza.” Xiumin smirked as he faced the two ladies. “Now where were we, ladies?”

“Oh no! We’re going to be late!” Dasom looked at her watch and grabbed Xiumin by the arm.

“Late for what? You told me you had nothing planned except for this!” Bora eyed her friend. “And I came to keep you company too!”

“Sorry, Bora!” Dasom dragged Xiumin away. “At least Luhan is here, right?”

“Wait–” Luhan stood up halfway but he was ignored by his friend.

“So that’s how it goes. Take care and have fun with her, Luhan. I’m going to drop Dasom wherever she needs to go.”

The two left the coffee shop, leaving both Bora and Luhan speechless. Luhan dropped his head as his fist was curled up on the table. “I’m going to strangle that guy when I see him again.”


Outside of the coffee shop, Dasom and Xiumin peeked at the two behind the window.

“Do you think they’ll be fine?” Dasom said as she saw Luhan drop his head on the table.

Xiumin saw the fist-clenching and gulped, worried for his own future. “W-Well, Luhan may look like a cold-hearted guy but he did have a girlfriend once. I think they’ll be fine.”

And with that, the two decided to head to a nearby arcade to have fun.


“I apologize for my friend,” Bora sighed after taking a sip of her cappuccino drink.

Luhan looked up at the woman with a blank expression then he kept his eyes outside. “I’m sorry.”


“You’re probably going to be disappointed but I have other things to take care of.” Luhan stood up. “I’ll punish my friend for you later, so you can go home now.”

“W-Wait!” Bora grabbed the hem of Luhan’s sleeve as he turned around to face the woman once more. “Since we’re already here, why not get to know a few things about each other? I don’t have anything to do today so would you mind keeping me company for a while?”

Luhan sighed as he sat back down. “Fine then.”

“Thank you!” Bora took another sip of her drink.

Luhan folded his arms on the table, leaning a bit to finally look at the eyes of the woman in front of him. “So, you’re quite energetic. Your friend just fooled you, right? I’d be irritated if I were you.”

“I know she means well,” Bora started with a small smile. “She did this so that I can take my mind off of a few things, I guess. She even went ahead and told the manager to give me a day off today.”

“Had a bad week?”

Bora paused for a while then gave Luhan a sad smile. “You could say that.” She then coughed on her hand then straightened out. “So, where do you work? You seem a bit uptight so I was thinking that you work in a law firm or as a businessman or something.”

“I work as the vice president,” he replied matter-of-factly as if it wasn’t a secret.

Her eyes widened then a few seconds later, she burst out laughing, “You’re kidding, right?! That’s impossible. I mean, shouldn’t people of that caliber be heavily guarded? Like you’re not allowed to go out of the building and such or be seen in public. Plus, I thought the vice president was an old man or something.”

“I meant as the vice president of the Lu Company. My name is Luhan,” he stressed the last two words.

Bora was struck speechless. Now that he mentioned it, he did look familiar and not to mention, people have been staring at them since both Luhan and Xiumin came in.


Luhan chuckled at her response. “Why are you so surprised?”

“What are you doing here then?! I-I mean, you’re s-such an important person and-and you–”

“Calm down. Geez, you’re so energetic at this time of the day. It’s fine. I can take care of myself even without bodyguards. Then, let’s get back to this ‘getting to know each other’ business – where do you work?”

“I actually work at a branch of your company near here.”


For some reason, that piece of information sparked an interest in Luhan. Why? Because the branch she’s working with has the least sales for the past two years. The work that he had to do that night was actually for a report regarding that branch. He bet that she already knew that the branch would be closing soon, yet she’s become quite attached to it judging from the conversation that they were having about work life and the like.

The fact that she’s still cheerful and passionate about her work was interesting to him. Look at it this way, how many people would actually say that they still want to work in a low-sales shop that’s about to close down? They don’t even have a good amount as a salary yet they’re not complaining at all? Other employees would have been running their mouths with landslides of complaints but not this one.

She was weird, according to his logic.

For her, he was quite interesting as well. He seemed like a distant person but at the same time, he somehow felt like a close friend. She felt like although he had on a cool demeanor, he was a kind fellow. It was unbelievable for her that one of the big influences of the company would listen to a mere staff member. Not to mention, accompany them on a bad day. For that, she felt grateful.

He was weird, according to her logic.

“It’s getting late and I still have to finish that report,” Luhan began as he straightened up himself. “I have to leave.”

“Then, thank you for your time today, Mr. Luhan!”

“What the heck? Just call me Luhan. We’re not seeing as business partners.” He took out his wallet and left a few bills on the table enough for both of their orders.

“I can pay my share!” Bora immediately responded as she shuffled to take out her wallet as well.

“Forget it. I already paid. Think of it as a gift from your boss.”


Luhan stood up and walked towards the entrance. “Thanks for your time today. I’ll include your testimonies in my report.” He heaved a sigh of relief as he mumbled, “I guess this wasn’t a waste of time after all.”

Bora exhaled and mumbled to herself as well. “I should be the one thanking you. You did keep me company even though you were busy.”

To her surprise, Luhan heard her. He turned back around and placed a hand inside his pocket to take out a card. “Here, my card. By the way, this blind date thing is interesting. How ‘bout we play a game?”

Her heart skipped a beat as she saw his smirk. “Game?”

“Since our ‘lovely’ friends went out of their way to set this up, we should comply with their wishes. Let’s have ten dates with this encounter counted as the first. If we don’t fall in love by that time, we can separate ways.”

“Fall in love? You know, I don’t–”

“Believe in love?” he finished her sentence and Bora nodded. “It’s the same for me but,” he paused for a moment to think carefully of his word choice, “you’re interesting and I like interesting things.”




A few days have passed since the blind date. Bora was preparing her breakfast when she remembered Luhan. She went in front of her refrigerator and there, stuck with a magnet, was his card. She carefully took it out and read a few lines:

Lu Corporation

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[EWL] Revamped the whole thread and we're now featuring Nino from Arashi! I didn't edit the stories though (my gosh, they're so cheesy). Hopefully the layout is more pleasing to the eyes and that I correctly transferred the texts.


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Chapter 14: Hello author ann1914!!

Lmao this is another very funny one!!

Chapter 7: Hello author ann1914!!

This is actually extremely funny!!

Chapter 1: Hello author ann1914!!

Wow..I certainly was not expecting that to happen. I do feel sad for her but at the same time I am glad it was not oh she moved on quickly with the next guy. I would imagine that she would eventually move on but not with the first guy that shows up in her life who also happened to be a childhood friend which would be Jaejoong and I really have no problem with her moving on too even if it is with Jaejoong but I feel like it would take time for her to heal completely.

Chapter 3: Hello author ann1914!!

Aww..I really like this one!! Some of them were sad but I still enjoyed reading them!! Thank you!!

Chapter 6: Hello author ann1914!!

This was also a hilarious read!! Thank you!

Chapter 12: hello author ann1914!!

now this was a hilarious read!!

Chapter 22: hello author ann1914!!

this is so incredibly sweet..i am about to get diabetes over here lols..

Chapter 21: hello author ann1914!!

the way you wrote this chapter..wow..it has left me speechless..especially the way you depicted lay at the end..

Chapter 18: hello author ann1914!!

i absolutely love this chapter!!it is just wow..from the blind date to their relationship and their gradual progress!!love love it so much!!

794 streak #10
Chapter 22: Very relatable right there, not knowing exactly what you want to do after graduating. Jeonghan's gotta give us the speech about needing to find ourselves, yes, mom. XD You really made Jeonghan life-like. He's caring but teasing at the same time. And the line, "Saying things like that to a man could lead to some trouble." Something Jeonghan would definitely say! I wish more people could experience Boston cream pie. I know that I haven't had a lot of foreign desserts, but this one is really tasty!! And the way you described him making it. That right there is stress relieving in of itself. After a long week, it would be nice to sleep with Jeonghan. Not like that, but you know, cuddle XD

Thank you so much for this <3 I really needed it~