Chapter 4 : Be my girlfriend

Alice in SHINee Wonderland

Recap:  Suzy: What Job!?

Taemin: Be my girlfriend...




Suzy's POV


The what am I dreaming or what!? No it's more than dreaming ratner it's a nightmare..Ow..Wake me up please!

"I'm serious here! Besides you already accepted it. No turning back. You're my girlfriend now." 

Suzy is so dumb founded upon hearing that thing.. She can not barely move from her place..Taemin already leave the place but SHE is  still standing there...

Then all of a sudden. Everything comes in to her senses. But Taemin already left the park.

"YAH! Lee Taemin!!!!!!! YOU JERK! I don't want to be your GIRLFRIENDDDDDDDDDD!"


Taemin's POV

Kekeke >_< Problem solve I already have a girlfriend.... Surely my parents will be happy. Hehehe..

Bae Suzy! I will make you fall in love with me..Just wait! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...(Evil Laugh)

Then Taemin's phone rings...


"Hey Taemin. What you doin'?" It's Jonghyun hyung. What could be it this time.

"Nothing just driving home."

"Ow..I heard that you have a problem, I can give you some models if you want." said Jonghyun on the other line..

"You are too late Hyung. I already solve my problem.. You'll be surprised by tomorrow."

"Well...You're kinda creepy Taemin. What did you do!?"

"You'll see tomrrow.. I'll let you guys meet my girlfriend."

Then Hyung hang up. Can't wait for tomorrow. Hahahaha.. I will announced it in the whole school. You'll see Suzy!




Ahhhhh..I didn't get enough sleep because of yesterday.. Grr.. That Taemin he tricked me! Speaking of him.. I need to find a safe hiding place in this academy where I would not see him.. Where should I go!? 

You are busy finding some safe place.. Looking from left to right until you bump someone..A certain someone that you don't want to see at the moment..

"HEY! Watch your ste...." 

You bump into Taemin..The guy whom you want to hide... You are about to run when he grab your arm.. You look directly into his face and you see his bright smile..A smile that can melt hearts.. WHAAAAAAT..WAIT...WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!? IT'S A DEVIL'S SMILE NOT AN ANGEL SMILE...SHESSH..

"Where are you going wifey!? Are you not happy to see your hubby!?"

Wifey!? Hubby!? Where in heaven's did that name came from!?

"Hey! Stop acting like that you gave me goose bumps."

He pull you to be close to him and it was like your hugging each other then he whisper something..

"Your forgetting something Suzy...Your my girlfriend now, remember?"

"No I'm not!"

"Yes you are! And you agree with it."

"No! I don't want to be your girlfriend.."


Then He let you go...But before he leaves you he said something..

"WELL How do you like if I tell the principal that your working in a cafeteria!?"Then He walks pass you..

0_0 Your eyes widened and it was like a reflex that you hurriedly ran to catch him and whisper something..

"FINE! I'll be your girlfriend just don't spill my secret."

Then he suddenly turns to you and smile..No He grins at you..

"GOOD GIRL..Then act as my girlfriend today onwards."


You are about to live when he suddenly pulls you and pin you into the wall.. You are too shocked to response..

"What is it this time!?"

Then He leans at you.. Then...Kiss you at your cheeks..After kissing you he holds your hand and pull you to go with him..

Now you are walking with one of the hearthrobs of this academy.. Your walking with the famous Lee Taemin..And every people in the academy was looking at both of you..

You are still blushing from what he did to you. You can't blame yourself. That was the first kiss that you have..A first kiss from a boy...

"Enjoying the lime light!?"

Then you get back to your nerves.. And you look around you.. People are staring at both of you..


"hAHAHAHAHA..Your so cute wifey!" He pinch your cheecks that is still red from the kiss." Get used to it. After all I am your famous boyfriend."

Yah great you tell to yourself... After minutes of walking you and Taemin reach the cafeteria. As you enter you saw his other friends.. Jonghyun, Key, Onew and Minho..You and Taemin walks towards there table..

"HYUNGS!" Taemin greeted his hyungs..excitedly..

They are about to greet Taemin cassualy but they noticed you and eye you two.

"Hey Hyungs..Stop looking at my girlfried she might melt.HAHAHAHA" Taemin said while sitting near Key..

"OMMO! For real Taemin?" Key asked Taemin..

"Yah..For real!" 

"Your so beautiful in person!" Key compliment you..

Your super blushing right now.. Because you have a crush with key and Jonghyun. Now you are very close to them..

"Thanks.." Then you smile at him..

When suddenly someone holds your hand and kiss it.. It was Jonghyun..

Great your a tomato now.. You are super red..

"Hey there pretty lady..How come Taemin gets you and not me.."

Your heart is beating so fast.. Gosh! Am I dreaming..Jonghyun really kisses my hands.. Awwwwwwww..>_<

But then someone hugs you and lifted you up like a princess..

"Hey Hyungs! STOP IT! Stop flirting with my girlfriend." It's Taemin..Well he'a kinda angry.. Don't know why!? But still you are happy to get near with Key and Jonghyun..

They all laugh because of what Taemin did. He is still carrying you..

"Taemin, You can put me down now." you said in a sweet voice.. You don't know where it came from.. Hehehee "D

"NO. Not until my Hyungs stop flirting with you."

Yah..Taemin is surely a great actor! That's what is in my mind right now.

"HAHAHA..Taemin..Would you please stop whinning. Put her down already..Your hyungs are just being friendly." Onew said while opening a soda.

"Yah..Were just being friendly." Jonghyun said while laughing..

"Besides she's your girlfriend now.. We can't do anything to her." said key while opening his laptop.

Then Taemin put you down and sit beside you preventing you from talking to Key and Jonghyun.




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eighteens #1
Chapter 1: Taezy <3 update soon
JiYeung124 #2
Awesome story r u still making more?
But still very nice
Owwww..Thank you so much :D
cute ♥ .. continue updating .. :D fighting !