I got a new job!?

Alice in SHINee Wonderland

Aisshh... besides Lilly someone already know Alice's Identity..What should I do? What if that Kingka reveals my identity. It would be goodbye to my scholarship. OTTOKE!? Father please help me out. I can't concentrate  today because of that. I don't trust that Taemin. I can feel that he is up to something...

"yahhh! Taemin get out of my head!"

 That was just the time that I realized that Yoogeun is also inside my room and using my laptop. When I looked at him he was like smilling. Not the cute smile but the creepy one! It makes me shiver.. 

"Noona? Who's Taemin is he your boyfriend?"

I automatically glared at him. Grrr...Taemin? My boyfriend noway. I don't have time for boys. I need to study hard and get a better job.

"He is not my boyfriend. I don't have time for guys!"

He is still looking at me with his are you serious look. What kind of kid is my brother. Aishhh..

"WHAT!?" I shouted at him.

"Nothing!" then he smile again. 

Duh..Kids today! 

I can't think today I better go to the park and refresh. It's just 8 in the evening and the park is just near at our house.. Well the park became my hide out if I want to clear somethings out of my mind..



Taemin's POV

Alice huh!? That Suzy is a little bit weird but still impressive. She is not like the other girls that I dated. I think I want to play with her. Hehehe.. I got my new prey! This time I will make her fall in love with me.. Kekeke :D 

While I was walking my phone ring.


It's my dad. What could it be this time?

"Taemin, come here at our office. We have something important to tell you."

Something important!?

"Yah.. I'll be there in a minute."

What is it this time!? I hurriedly go to the office of my mom and dad. I feel somrthing terrible will happen today..

When I got there. My mom and dad are too serious.

"What's up dad!?" I asked while flashing my greatest smile."

"Sit down Taemin." my mom said in a serious tone.

Then I sit down comfortably in the little sofa. What is it that they are too serious about. Then my dad throw me a newspaper. It's our school paper. And I was there with a girl crying. OH SHOOT! That was the scenario awhile ago in our school. Then my mom started talking.

"My gosh Taemin what's happening with you!? Why do you keep hurting girls?"

Not again this would be a very long sermon.

"Mom. I didn't intend them to be hurt. They expect too much. It's their fault not mine."

Then my mom gives a loud sigh.

"But Taemin girls are girls."

"And boys are boys mom."

I know what is my mom's point but still I need to explain mine.

"Then settle for one girl!"

Yah. Right that's a great solution. WAIT..WHAAAAAAAAAAAT!? Settle for one girl!?

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAT!? Seriously Dad!?"

"I'm serious you kid! You always make our head aches. That would be a perfect soultion. You settle for one girl and then you can never hurt ANOTHER."

I think my dad is serious about this. GRRRR...

"DAD! That's ridiculous."

"No it's not!. Here is the deal I f you can not choose a girl as your girlfriend in one week then we will choose for you."

My parents. They can't do this to me! DARN!

"No help needed mom. I can do this. I can find a girlfriend in one week."

"It's not just as simple like that you need to introduce her to us. And then we will decide if we want her for you." 

"That's cruel mom!"

"Youre cruel as yourself my son for hurting those girls!" Then my mom glares at me. Huh.. I should really shut my mouth she's starting to get pissed off with me.

"FINE..FINE! I 'll find a girl that you will like."

"Hurry up son!" my mom said it with a smirk. 

Impossible mom and dad. Where can I find a girl in one week that they will like!? I don't know what is their taste when it comes to people. Oh HELP me out!

After that ridiculous conversation with my mom and dad. I hurriedly call Minho-hyung to help me out. He is the one who knows many girls besides Key-hyung.

Yah..Please answer it Minho-hyung.

"Yo!? Wassup. Taemin?"

"Hyung. Help me out!"


"Girlfriend problem. I need a girlfriend right now!"

"You can choose perfectly. There are many girls who wanted to become your girlfriend why don't you choose it by your self!?"

"Hyung. Yah..I know it but I have to be very careful in choosing. I don't know my parents type. Help me out please!"

"Okay. Fine.Fine. Let's meet at a cafe."

"Oh..Okay..How about the maid cafe."

"SURE.Be there!"

"Kay. I'll be waiting for you there."

Thanks God I got my Hyungs.. He's gonna help me out. My problems gonna be okay. Is Suzy still there? hmmm..

Then I go to the cafe but eventually Alice slash Suzy is not there. How boring... Anyways I see Hyung there and I wave my hand.



"Hyung help me out."

"Sure.So what's your plan?"

"I don't know where to find a hard working and persistent woman."

"That's easy Taemin!"

"Where is your brain Taemin!? Look around here at this cafe. Here you can see many beautiful girls and well as you look they are all hard working and persistent."

Well Hyung is right. After he said that a sudden realization comes into my mind. Why didn't I thought about ot a while ago. Suzy can be my girlfriend. But the problem is. ...WOULD SHE ACCEPT IT!?

"Hyung. I have to go somewhere."

"Wa..wait! How about your problem!?"

"Huh!? No I solved it already but thanks for your help hyung!"

"Oh..Okay. I will just enjoy this moment."

"Yah. Whatever."

Then I hurriedly run towards the door and to my car. Huh..I should go to their house directly...

Wondering why I knew their house. Well it's just nothing. Im so curious how she lives so I always follow her wherever she goes. A little bit stalker huh. Wait no I'm not. Im an admirer. Well I have a crush on her since junior years. Hehehe..Just a simple crush. Anyways. I need to find her.


Just then I parked my car and go out for a walk then I suddenly saw her alone. Playing at the seesaw and singing something. I walk slowly towards here then..



"Ahahahahaha.Youre funny Suzy!"

"Hey. How did you!? What are you doing here?"

"Hmmmm..Nothing. I just passed by then I saw you."


Well I can feel that she is not in the mood today to talk to me. But I need to talk to her.

"Umm..If you don't mind. Why do you work so hard!?"


Well that kinda surprise her.

"Ahhh...well I have to. You see..My Father died long time ago. My mom is sick and I have a brother. I need to work for us."


"Why did you ask me that question!?"

Here it goes I need to ask her now.

"Well do you want a new job!?"


"Yah.. Well because I knew one and if you like I can.."

But before I talk she hold my hands..

"SURE! I'll accept it. what would be my work!?"

"To become my girlfriend."


Hwehehehehe...I finished this chapter. Hope you read it guys :D thank you. We don't have classes today so I was so happy and updated this story while watching Hello Baby of Shinee..Yoogeun is soo cute! :D Kekeke "D





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eighteens #1
Chapter 1: Taezy <3 update soon
JiYeung124 #2
Awesome story r u still making more?
But still very nice
Owwww..Thank you so much :D
cute ♥ .. continue updating .. :D fighting !