I got a tipped with a handsome dude

Alice in SHINee Wonderland

(Alarm clock rings!)


"Ugh...5 more minutes please!"

I always hate mornings when my alarm clock is ringing. I wish I could just be someone else. Some one that is too rich and doesn't need to work hard and wake my off every morning. Huhhhhhh..But that would be just a dream. I need to get back to reality.

After 5 minutes.. I got up and go straight to the kitchen. It was just 5 in the morning to early huh! I need to deliver news papers to my costumers. Those are my sideline jobs. I have a stable work as a waitress in a cafe but still that is not enough to support our family needs. My mom is sick my brother needs to go to school and my father... He is already gone.. I need to do everything for them..

CUT OFF THE DRAMA! Need to start cooking breakfast for them..

(While you were cooking suddenly your mother checked you out.)


"Oma!? Why did you stand up it's not good for you."

"I'm just fine. How about you. You worked late and you wake up early  to work again. I think you need to loosen up a bit and focuse on your studies."

"No mom. I can do it! No worries."

(You smile a bit and directed her to seat at the chair to wait for there breakfast.)

After  cooking you called Yoogeun to eat now.

"Yoogeun. YAH! Wakkie! Wakkie!"

"Noona! To loud in the morning."

"Yah! You need to eat already."


Huh! Were always like this every morning. A bit of drama and a bit of happiness. I just so loved my family! While eating we always talk about certain things. Me I talk about my studies and my jobs. Yoogeun talks about how he enjoys school that much. While mom. She always smile and hug us. How I loved my mother.


After the breakfast Yoogeun helped me to clean the dishes and then I go off to start my job as a delivery girl.

The wind is so cold the sun does not yet shine. A perfect day to start off again :D 


"GOOD MORNING!" I greeted one of the maids of the Lee Family. Well their house is kinda far than the others.. It was like almost near the woods. But it is really worth it because It was like I'm inside a very big castle. I always wait at the maids quarters. 

"Oh.. Suzy! Youre here already."

"Yah.. Am I too early!?"

"You always are my dear. The master would be happy."

"Here it is."

"Then here is the money."

"Wait. I think it's too much?"

"No it's not our master said that you should always have a tip.Youre lucky I thin He kinda knows you."

Their master knows me!? That's impossible. Well it's just Im lucky today.

"Thank you! I think I need to go now! Bye.."

Then I ride again my bike. Yay! I think my lady's luck is working today... Hehehe ~_~

After I delivered all the news papers. I go home to have some break and also prepare for my school..


Well I'm already a senior now. I need to get serious.  I was enrolled at the prestigious SM University because of my scholarship. Well I have a really big chance here to be rich because of the school name and the teachings there are so great.


After preparing my things. I again ride off with my bike and started to travel..After an hour I got to our school. I put my bike at the bike TRACK then suddenly someone hug me behind my bike.


"Morning Suzy!" It's Lilly my only friend in this school. Well see she is super rich but she is the only one who thinked that Iam cool. Well whatever!

"Morning Lilly! What's up!?"

" I miss you. I got nothing to do this weekend. My oppa is too boring he always flirt with useless girls. Tsk.. I would be happy if he will noticed you."

Yah.. I forgot Lilly has a Kingka Brother named Jonghyun who I really not meet yet.

"Hey! Don't want that thing to happened."

"Why!? I think you and my brother would be a perfect couple?"

Oh..There she goes again. Insisting me to like his brother.

"Stop it Lilly. Will you."

"AHHH...Whatever. It's my final desicion I will let you meet my brother."

"Lilly.I just don't have time for boys. I have to work remember?"

"But If you maried my Oppa. You don't need to work hard for your family."

"I'm not that kind of person. You know it."

"Yah! That's why I like you!"

"Let's stop this. Let's go to our class."

"You bet!"

While were on our way to our room we noticed a little commosion on the garden. Being Lilly as bubbly as ever. She pulled me to go on that way. When we got there we see a girl and the guy. Whom I think one of the Kingkas of the university. It was like the girl is confessing to him.

"Hyung I thin I'm falling in love with you."

"Sorry. Im not interested."

"Why!?" The girl started crying.

"Do I need to tell you a reason?"

"You said that you like me?"

"Yes.. I admit it. I say that I liked you but that is what you wanted to hear right? Girls are just the same."

After saying that. He immadietly left and the girl also run crying. How ruthless! That is just so unfair.

"Taemin is just too cruel."

"What!? You know him?"

"Yah..He is one of the friends of my oppa."

"They are just the same. HUh?"

"No there not. Once my oppa falls in love he will never hurt someone."

"Whatever. Let's go."

When we got into the room many students are already talking about the incident earlier. Poor girl. and bad kingka! How dare him to humiliate that girl infront all of the students in the university. TSK..TSK..

Then the first class starts....


Taemin's POV

"YAWN" It's too early in the morning. Why do I have to go to school? Tsk..

"Yah! Taemin!"

"Hyung? Why are you here. I thought you have classes?"

"Yes. But I skipped it. What did you do to that poor little girl?"

Here we go again acting like my mother Key- hyung. Always like this when I break someone's heart.

"Like the usual."

"Yah..Then don't date if your always like that!"

"Key-hyung! It's their fault not mine. I just give what they wanted."


"Hey. What's with the commosion?" Jonghyun- hyung appeared suddenly.

"Taemin. Break another girls heart."

"AGAIN? WHAT? Seriously Taemin?"

"That's Taemin for us!" Onew said while holding his most preciuos chicken.

"Taemin! HAHAHAHAHA" Said Minho.

They all just laughed well except for Key-hyung. He's alwayas like that. Like a NAGGING mother. Hahahahha :D








"Hey Taemin. Don't have any classes?"

"I just finished my 3rd subject it's our break two more. Why!?"

"Well if that's the case can you go get my sister. I can't pick him up today because I have a date."

"Lilly!? Yah. Sure!"

Huh..Again. Hyung always let me pick up Lilly when he got some date. Well Lilly became like my sister. I bet she will lecture me again togetehr with Hyung. Hehehehe :D

"Hyungs. I think I need to go now! Better be early for class."

"Are you sure by that?"

"Why! Onew hyung?"

"We all know you come on Taemin. Youre just gonna look for another prey am I right.?" Onew said.

"Yah... You really know me. I think I want to play another game!"

"Hey. Taemin.. YOU!"

Before Key hyung lecture me again I huriedly run off the cafe and go to the nearest score board. Well as you can see SM university ranks all the students according to their grades and not by their riches. They seperate girls from boys and as usual in the Highschool Senior department I always get on top then I looked at the girls ranking and I again saw  a consistent name in the top. Bae Suzy. With her picture. Well I didn't see here yet but she's beautiful huh!? Maybe I should meet here.

Suzy's POV

Yah! Just finished my class. No assignments for today. I can work freely. Hehehehe.. But before that I need to go to the library.to study in advanced for the next lesson. Im still with Lilly but she is busy texting someone. When we get in in the library. I immadietly go and find the books that I needed then I sit beside Lilly. Then suddenly..

"YAHHHH...OPPA YOURE SO BAD!" she shouted out loud.

Then the librarian noticed out and thanks to here I got kicked out. My books. Bye..Bye to my BOOKS.. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! T_T

I didn't looked at here. Hwehehe.. Just acting like Im annoyed but not.

"Hey..Suzy.. Im sorry. It's just..It's just I hate my oppa."

Well Im a kind hearted gal so I can not snob her that long.

"Fine. But you need to get me those books that I need." Well Im just joking.


"EH!? No way. Im just joking."

"No I will really do that!"

"Fine. Then tell me what about youre oppa?"

"Yah// He's a jerk. He will date another woman so he can not fetch me. And get Taemin to fetch me. I hate them both."


Taemin? That dude! Huh.. Don't wanna see him.

"Hey.. I need to go Lilly. I need to go for my worked. Bye. See you tomorrow!"

"Bye! But what about your ...."

But before she finished saying something I hurriedly ran to my bike. It's time for Alice.. Identity to go once again...




How come there are soo many people today in this cafe? ARGHHHH...So many work to do!

"ALICEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Called the manager.

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Serve this at no. 24"


Yah..My screename is Alice. Why? Well because according to the guidelines of the SM university. Students are not allowed to  work. But I can't accept that because I need to work for my family so I just changed my name and put on some wigs everytime I worked here. Hehehe.. Tha's the story of Alice! Anyways I need to worked hard today with soo many people to serve.

When I got to table no. 24  I see a familiar dude! OH NO! I think he is the Kingka! The Ruthless Taemin.

"Hey.. Wassup!"

"He..here's you order sir.."

"Yah.. Suzy.. It''s you right?"

"No Im not. I'm Alice sir."

"Don't fool me I know you are Suzy. Anyways. Here this is the book that Lilly wants to give to you. She told me to go here and look for a girl named Alice then I see you. Youre not even Alice youre Suzy."

I should punch this dude. HARD!


"Hey..Know the student's guidelines?"

Oh no....! My job!

"Please.. Don't tell it to the principal.."

GRRRRR.. I need to beg this jerk.

"Don't have any plans like that. Anyways. Nice meeting you Bae Suzy.. Here's my payment. Oh and here is your tip."

Then I go inside the kitchen. Suddenly I thought it was the end but.. Oh...THANK YOU! THANK YOU!.. I also got a tip. I think I can buy something delicious for mom and Yoogeun. Hehehehe.. So happy today.. But I just hope that he would not tell anyone that I am working here. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..That would be a nightmare . And it would be the end of me.. SHESSSSSSSHHH.. That Kingka! AISHHHH...

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eighteens #1
Chapter 1: Taezy <3 update soon
JiYeung124 #2
Awesome story r u still making more?
But still very nice
Owwww..Thank you so much :D
cute ♥ .. continue updating .. :D fighting !