8 Years Later

A Family Once Forgotten

Sophie’s POV

“Hurry up, hurry up,” my three-year-old daughter, Miyoung, says as she runs through the airport.

“Miyoung, you have to wait for mom and dad,” I tell her.

“Mom and Dad are slow,” she complains. Due to me speaking English and never really learning Korean, Miyoung has the ability to speak both because of her father.

“Sophie, I think we should put her on a leash,” L.Joe whispers into my ear.

“We are not putting our daughter on a leash,” I say laughing at him.

Everything that happened eight years ago is simply a memory. After L.Joe and I graduated from high school, we moved to America and were still together, eventually deciding to get married when we were twenty-one, a young age, but we were sure that there was nobody else that we would rather want to be with. Daehyun was someone of the past and I was ready to start my life over. L.Joe had been there for me every step of the way and slowly, I found myself loving him and trusting him without even realizing my feelings.

Of course, like all couples, we had suffered our breakups and makeups after being in America once we started college. There were a bunch of girls that would fawn over him and slowly, I found myself starting to become jealous. The bold confession for me to just marry him happened one night after I found myself on his doorstep after he had agreed to go on yet another date, but that time it was with someone that I truly didn’t like. After that, we just decided to get married to each other and then had Miyoung a year later.

“Tell me why we decided to take our hyperactive daughter on an airplane in a different country,” I say looking at him.

“Hey, you wanted to come here as much as I did, you miss it,” L.Joe says. “Plus, I wanted to see how my house was doing after we left.”

“Why didn’t you just sell the thing?” I ask. Still, after all of this time, his house in Korea still belongs to him.

“Because I knew that we’d be back here one day and we would need a place to live. I don’t even pay for it, my parents owned it and it was passed down to me,” he explains.

“Anyway, let’s just go. Miyoung,” I say calling her back over. “We’re going to go to the house, okay?”

“Okay,” she happily says as she comes and holds my hand.

After gathering our luggage for our two week stay, the three of us get into a taxi and reach L.Joe’s house. It still hasn’t changed after all of these years. Besides maybe some more weeks and things growing in, it still looks the same.

“This is where Daddy grew up,” I say pointing at the house to Miyoung.

“Daddy, you grew up here?” she asks looking at him with wide eyes.

“For a short time,” he says laughing at her. “Let’s go inside, shall we?”

The three of us enter the house and the inside looks the same, too, but a little dead since no one has lived here for close to nine years.

“Why don’t we unpack some of our things and then we can show Miyoung around?” I ask L.Joe.

“I see no problem in that,” he says shrugging his shoulders. “Miyoung, do you want to go around and see the place?”

“Okay,” she says nodding her head in agreement, although I know she’s a little tired now from the long ride and the time zone change.

“Or do you think we should put her down for a nap?” I suggest instead. “She seems pretty tired. We can tidy up the house while she’s sleeping.”

“Yeah, let’s put her down,” L.Joe says agreeing after he sees Miyoung’s droopy eyes. “You can go put her into the bedroom upstairs, the bed should still be there, and I’ll bring our suitcases up, too.”

“Alright,” I say as he hands Miyoung to me. “Do you want to go to the store after that and we can get some food to fill the fridge while we’re here?”

“Yeah, I’ll do that,” L.Joe says. “Just give me a couple of minutes.”

I nod my head as I take Miyoung up to sleep on the bed, despite her protests saying that she’s not tired, but the yawn appears to contradict it.

Eight and a half years ago I would’ve never expected my life to turn out like this, but I’m happy and that’s all that matters now.


Daehyun’s POV

“Come to your uncle,” Youngjae says picking up the five-year-old Junhong.  “Now, you better play nice with me.”

“Mehrong,” he says sticking his tongue out at him and wiggling out of Youngjae’s grasp causing me to laugh at him.

“Yah, noona!” Youngjae yells. “Your son is being mean to me.”

“That’s what you get,” she says coming in with her large stomach and Jieun following her with hers.

“Hey, Youngjae here was tempting him,” Himchan says with a laugh.

Within eight years, Himchan and Hyosung got married and had a first son and are now expecting a child while Jieun is pregnant with our first child. Slowly, I learned to accept Jieun by my side and when times were tough running the country, I found myself leaning on her more and more. Of course I will love Sophie, but she is now someone of the past, someone that I can look back at and have good memories of, despite not seeing each other ever since the day I found out what really went on behind her kidnapping and so did she.

The night, she disappeared out of the café and I never saw her or L.Joe again. Shortly after that, I returned to Korea, so there was no chance of us ever meeting each other ever again.

“Youngjae,” I say looking at him. “When are you ever going to get a girlfriend?”

“I’ll get one when I have time,” he says.

“Of course, because playing your games gives you so much free time,” Hyosung says shaking her head.

“Noona, it’s not just playing games,” Youngjae complains. “You don’t understand.”

“Of course I don’t,” she says laughing. “I just know that you’re not getting any younger. Look, I’m a mother and Daehyun is going to be a father, now you’re the only one left out.”

“I’m not left out; I have wonderful cousins that I can play with while you guys are away. Think of me as an official babysitter,” Youngjae says with a smile.

“You’re not getting anywhere near our child,” Jieun jokes.

“Daehyun, control your wife,” Youngjae tells me.

“Nope, I’ll let her do what she wants,” I say wrapping my arm around her shoulder and pulling her close to me. Despite our rocky beginnings, we’re now sitting here and we love each other. What else is there to say? What else is there to do?

“Hmm, I feel like going out,” Jieun says looking at me.

“You want to go out? Where?” I ask. “Remember, you’re eight months pregnant.”

“Yeah, I know, but still, I don’t like being cooped up inside of the house.”

“Two pregnant women in one house is an overload,” Youngjae says causing Hyosung to throw a pillow at him.

“Hey, is that any way to speak to your noona?” Hyosung threatens.

“Sorry noona,” Youngjae says holding up his hands in a defense. “Sorry Jieun.”

“You better be,” Jieun says throwing up a fist like she’s going to hit him.

“So where do you want to go?” I ask her again bringing her attention back to me.

“Let’s go to the school.”

“You want to go to the school?” I ask in disbelief. “Of all places?”

“Well yeah, we can think back to when we were teenagers and in school together before we become parents,” she says laughing and looking down at her stomach.

“I guess if you want to go to the school, there’s no me stopping you.”

“Shall we go now?”

“Sure,” I say laughing at her eagerness. I never knew she liked school that much. “I’m sure the students wouldn’t mind a visit from the King and Queen.”

“Queen, it still sounds weird when you use it.”

“Oh well,” I say getting off of the couch and helping her also get off. “That’s your title, you better like it.”

“Yeah, yeah,” she says with a smirk as she eyes me. I can only laugh at her.


Sophie’s POV

“Aww, did Miyoung get a good nap?” L.Joe asks picking her up as she makes her way down the stairs.

“Yeah,” she says nodding her head and looking at him.

“Oh, give Dad a kiss,” he says as she kisses him on the cheek. I smile at the sight as I stand in the doorway. “Hey, did Lay say that he and your mom were going to come to Korea?”

“Yeah, they actually were already here before we even arrived,” I say laughing as I look at the phone. Since L.Joe, Miyoung, and I were going to be in Korea to visit and since we wanted to Miyoung to visit, Lay, his wife and twins, and my mother were going to come see her. They saw her when she was first born but they didn’t see her after that and we haven’t been able to make it to China. One day we will, though. We both want Miyoung to see it there, too.

Ever since the incident happened, I’ve gotten closer with Lay and my mother. I mean, that was eight years ago. It took a year to get used to the idea and ever since then we had a good relationship with one another. Lay got married three years after the incident and they have three-year-old twins who I’m sure will get along greatly with Miyoung.

“Miyoung, you’re going to get to see your cousins,” I say as I take her out of L.Joe’s arms. “You’re also going to be able to get to see your grandmother and your aunt and uncle. Isn’t it fun?’

“Fun,” she says with a wide smile.

“Aw, you’re so cute.”

“Did they say where they’re meeting us?” L.Joe asks as he sits himself onto the couch.

“They’re just going to come here, I already gave them the address,” I explain to him. “He said that it would only take them five minutes.”

“Good, we haven’t seen him in quite a while.”

“Ever since Miyoung was born,” I say as her and I sit down next to L.Joe. “Should I get some fruit or something for them?”

“If you want to, do you want me to help you?” L.Joe asks.

“Sure,” I say looking at Miyoung. “And Miyoung can be our little taste tester.”

The minutes pass and the doorbell rings to reveal everyone standing there. “Hey,” I say coming out of the kitchen to greet them with Miyoung hanging onto the back of my legs. I can tell that she’s shy about the appearance of new people. “It’s been so long.”

“It has,” Lay says coming up and giving me a hug. “Is this Miyoung?” he asks looking behind my leg.

“Yeah, she only speaks English and Korean, though. We haven’t gotten around to teach her Chinese. Then again, my Chinese isn’t even that good,” I say.

“That’s why she has her uncle to teach her,” Lay says kneeling down and getting onto Miyoung’s level. “Hello, I’m Uncle Lay,” he says introducing himself.

“He’s not a bad person,” I tell Miyoung. “He’s your uncle, say hello.”

“Hello,” she quietly says.

“Hey Sophie,” Meihua, Lay’s wife says.

“Hello,” I politely greet. “Are those your twins?”

“Yup,” Lay says looking at me with a big smile. “Jiao and Jie,” he says pointing at the boy and girl respectively.

“Well, who’s hungry?” L.Joe asks entering with the plate of fruits. “Let’s all sit down, why are you still standing up?”

As they start moving towards the couch, I go back by the door to see my mother. “Hey,” I say hugging her, sort of catching her off guard I guess. After all of these years it still doesn’t hit her that her daughter is back with her.

“Hello, Sophie, you have a beautiful family,” she says with a smile. It looks like she’s about to cry.

“Mom, don’t cry,” I tell her. It doesn’t feel weird to call her mom anymore. I can call her it comfortably after knowing what the own people that I trusted did to me. I haven’t visited their grave once after I found out what happened. In actuality, this is my first week in Korea since finding that out. She also calls me Sophie now. I explained to her about my name and everything that I went through before and she understood.

I watch as everyone sits there on the couch and excitedly talks to each other. It seems like Miyoung is getting along well with Jiao and Jie. It doesn’t seem like this could be any more perfect. I finally feel as though my life is perfect…a little bit.


Daehyun’s POV

With permission from the school, Jieun and I are able to walk around and see everything. “There’s our classroom,” she says pointing as we’re standing off to the side since we don’t want to disturb their ongoing class.

“Yeah,” I say remembering back to the high school days. “I wasn’t even in there very often. I think I went to like two classes.”

“Well everything happened, I understand,” she says giving me a supportive smile.

“Thank you,” I say leaning down and quickly kissing her just in case anyone were to roam in the hallways and see us.

“I wonder how she’s doing though. From what you told me, she seemed pretty upset.”

“What person wouldn’t be upset about that?” Jieun asks. “I would be upset to find out that that happened to me.”

“Yeah,” I say sighing as I think about it. Sometimes I think about what happened that the café and wondered what would’ve happened if I went after her. I wonder what would’ve happened if I told her that I was there for her and that I wasn’t going to let her go, but I didn’t. I let her go; I let her run from the café to never be seen by me again. I never saw her again and she never contacted me. In the end, I wasn’t the one that was supposed to by her side, no matter what my feelings were.

I guess I didn’t want my image to be tainted. I thought about my image more than I thought about my feelings towards her. That there goes to show that I didn’t care as much about her as I thought I did. I didn’t want people seeing me running after her when I already had a wife, making it even harder for me to leave her, but that’s what happened and that was the past, I can’t think about it anymore. I have more concerns now.

“When are you leaving for your trip?” she asks me as we’re finished with our tour of the school and are heading to the outside food stand that we had gone to a couple f times before.

“In two weeks,” I say. I have to go to America for a conference with the president there to discuss partnership matters. I have to leave Jieun for about a week and I actually don’t want to because of her being pregnant, but Youngjae and Hyosung, and even Himchan, told me that they’d watch over her closely for me and make sure that they would call me if anything were to happen.

“I don’t want to see you go,” Jieun complains.

“I know, but I have to,” I say as we both sit down.

We both order our food and just have a light talk while we eat. It’s nothing too serious; we just want to spend time with each other before I have to leave. I love spending time with her and I love hearing updates about the baby when I’m not there, like the doctor’s appointments. It’s going to be hard for me to even leave for a week.

“You know that if I would, I would take you,” I tell her.

“I know, but because of me being pregnant it’s not advised that I go on a plane,” she pouts. I know how much she wants to go to America and see where I lived before. We haven’t gotten a chance to do that before and I know that she would want to.

“After the baby is born and grown up a little, unless you would want Youngjae to babysit the baby, then we can go and see where I lived when I was younger. I know you really want to see it.”

“Do you think other people live there now?”

“Probably, maybe?” I ask shrugging my shoulders. “I know that my aunt lived there, but I don’t know if she lives there anymore.”

“Do you even remember where it is?” she asks with a laugh.

“Hey, I’m not that bad at forgetting things,” I say giving her sad look.

“Aww, Daehyun, don’t feel bad, I love you,” she says giving me a cheesy smile.

“I love you, too,” I say smiling and reaching over the table to kiss her.

After we finish, we take the usual route home by walking instead of driving since Jieun wants some fresh air. By chance, we happen to past by L.Joe’s old place and instead of being dark like it normally was when we passed, it’s lit up.

“Do you think people are living in there now?” Jieun asks.

“I don’t know,” I say looking at it. “I mean,  I never saw a sale sign up for it.”

Getting closer and taking a peek into the window, I stop in my tracks. “Daehyun?” Jieun asks. “What’s in there?”

“Sophie,” I say looking at Jieun and looking back into the window as I make my way up to the door. “Let’s visit.”


Sophie’s POV

“I’ll get it,” L.Joe says getting off of the couch and going up to get the knocking at the door. “Uh, Sophie, you might want to come and see this.”

“What?” I ask. “Sorry,” I say looking at the rest of them before I get off of the couch and go over to the door with L.Joe. “Yeah?”

I look out the door and that’s when I see Daehyun standing there with a very pregnant Jieun. I don’t know what to think, I don’t know what to say. After eight years, here are the four of us standing at the front door.

“Daehyun,” I say as I look at him.

“Sophie,” he says looking at me. I don’t know what’s going on in his mind. I don’t know that if after eight years his mind still works the same as it did before. “Um…how have you been?”

“Good, good,” I say not knowing what else to say. “Um, come in, my family is just visiting, it’s alright if we have some more.”

Jieun and Daehyun come into the house. “Um, everyone,” I say getting the attention. “This is Daehyun and Jieun, the King and Queen of Korea,” I hesitantly say.

“Oh, Daehyun,” Lay says and then I remember that they probably have met before when we were in China before. “Long time no see.”

“Yeah,” Daehyun says as he stands there.

“Come, sit,” my mother says gesturing towards the open seats. “I’m Sophie’s mother and you already know my son, and this is his wife, Meihua along with my grandchildren, Jiao, Jie, and Miyoung.”

“Well I’m Daehyun and this is my wife, Jieun,” he says gesturing to himself and Jieun. “And she’s pregnant with our first child.”

“Are all of these yours? How old are they? They’re so cute,” Jieun says gushing over them.

“Jiao and Jie are mine,” Lay says. “Miyoung is L.Joe and Sophie’s.”

“You guys are married?” Jieun asks looking at me with a shocked look and I nod my head while L.Joe interlocks our fingers.

“Yup, we’re married,” L.Joe happily says. “And Miyoung is our daughter and she’s three. Jiao and Jie are three, too. So, what brings you here?”

“We were just eating and taking the usual path on the way home,” Daehyun explains. “We were surprised when we saw that people were in here.”

“Yeah, probably surprising after eight years of this house being abandoned,” L.Joe says looking around.

“Can you believe that it’s been eight years?” Lay asks.

“No,” I say shaking my head. “It doesn’t feel like it’s been eight years. So, when is your baby due?”

“I’m eight months pregnant,” Jieun says, “so I guess it’s quite a while.”

“Don’t worry, it’ll go by faster than you think,” Meihua says causing me to laugh with her.

“So, what have you guys been up to?” Daehyun asks.

“Nothing really,” L.Joe says looking at me. “We went back to America and we currently live there. We’re just visiting here for two weeks before going back.”

“Well hey, I’m going back to America in two weeks to visit with the president, maybe I’ll visit,” Daehyun says.

“Maybe,” I say.

I’m glad that we were able to see again, even though it kind of bothered me about seeing him again, but somehow, I was able to enjoy him being there and getting to know my family a little more. Sure there may be more complications in the future, but after being what I’ve been through, I’ll sure to be able to get them all with the people that love me by my side. Who knows, maybe I’ll go see my parents’ grave and maybe I’ll end up forgiving them in the future, but those things, it takes a long time for them to heal. Right now I know that I have family and friends that I’ll never forget. Ever.


Well, that's it. That's the end. Sorry of the ending may seem a little lame, but that's the ending of this fanfic.


I hope you enjoyed the whole story and thanks for sticking with it and reading it. The next chapter as some Extra Stuffs in it like I explained before in the previous chapter. Feel free to check it out if you want to, but this is the last chapter. 


So..goodbye :)

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Halimalikesrice #1
Chapter 29: Even thought the story kinda dragged an some parts didn't make sense like sometimes the name changes or you would mention something and then it was supposedly not mentioned OVERALL THE STORY WAS AWESOME!!! I'm currently reading It You and I love that too! Keep up the awesome stories!! :)
Chapter 29: Omgg this fanfic is so good !!! I really thought that she would be with daehyun :( but oh well I really enjoyed it :)
Ewitsjaydelol #3
this story fcuked with my mind so much.. i reallythought she would end up with daehyunnie instead though. anyways~ this was/is and AMMAAAAAJING story.. :D *gets up to give author-nim a standing ovation* <3
LiliLee #4
I'VE SAT IN ONE SPOT FOR 2 HOURS CATCHING UP! (still only up to chapter 19 lol)

-goes round linking mah biatches to this fic- wooooo
LiliLee #6
All the ____'s coming out now o.o A part of me wants to break down and cry for some reason.
LiliLee #7
*smashes head against the wall*
littlelamb86 #8
gosh....i just read thi s all in one go...it's so frustrating why daehyun's parents can't tell him everything but has to go all secretive and make him look for the answers...
LiliLee #9
Why you don't have more subscribers will forever be a mystery to me.
And I feel like my comments are getting repetitive xD So look at my last comment and pretend its the comment for this chapter xDD
LiliLee #10
*flails around* what the ____. No. Why. No no. Omg. What. Omg I can't. What. Sdyikxsyporqzlyqagllxb