Living in my own world Chapter 20

Living in my own world

Hebe still layed in bed asleep while Arron was awake debating wheather or not to call Gui Gui. In the end he dial Gui Gui's number, in 3 rings Gui Gui picked up.

Gui Gui: OMG! Arron I thought I lost you forever, I thought you weren't ever going to call, I missed you sooo much.

Arron: Gui Gui..... I have something I want to talk to you about

Gui Gui: what is it?

Arron: Ummmm it's better to talk about it in person

Gui Gui: Ok meet me at Second cup down the street from the school in about an hour.

Arron: kk see you than....

(End of phone call)

Arron: Baby wake up, we have some where to go (shakes Hebe)

Hebe pushed Arron's arm away, pulled the blanket over her head and continued to sleep. Arron chuckled at Hebe's cute action, climbing onto bed Arron pulled the blanket away from Hebe. He hovered himself over Hebe, his arms supporting his weight. He leaned down and kissed Hebe on the nose. Hebe wiped her nose than went back to sleep. Amused Arron kissed Hebe on the lips, Hebe ignored it. Slipping his hands into Hebe's shirt Arron reached for her ; now that woke her up. Hebe's eyes shot opened, she glared at Arron, laughing lightly Arron pulled his hands out.

Arron: Morning

Hebe: (looks at the clock) It's only 11!

Arron: We have some where to go

Hebe: I don't want to go..... you can go by yourself

Arron: I need you to go, I want to prove to you what I said yesterday was true

Hebe: What?

Arron: I love you (kisses Hebe)

Hebe smiled while she continued to kiss Arron, the words "I Love You" brought butterflies to her stomache. The kiss was suppose to be a small kiss but Arron went further than he had intended to. His hands ran up Hebe's shirt again, it landed on her , he gave it a little squeeze and recieved a little moan from Hebe.

Hebe: (breaks away from the kiss) Didn't you say we have to go some where?

Arron: Being a little late won't hurt anyone

Hebe: (pushes Arron away) Let's go get ready.

Arron: (pouts) But we were just getting into the mood

Hebe: Too bad for you

Hebe got off the bed and made her way towards the bathroom in Arron's room. Yes she slept in Arron's room again, Arron wouldn't let her sleep in a seperate room; they did nothing.

Hebe came out fresh and clean, still in her pj's though. On the other hand since Arron woke up earlier he was already in his clothes and his hair neatly fixed. Hebe made her way to her room with Arron following closely behind her, so close he had his arms wrapped tightly around her. Right infront of her room Hebe stopped and turned around to look at Arron.

Hebe: Aren't you going to leave? I need to change.

Arron: ( his lips) I already saw your y body. What's there to hide?

Hebe: (blushes) So! Doesn't mean you can watch me change!

Arron smirked mischievously at Hebe, without a warning Arron picked Hebe up and carried Hebe into her room, locking the door on the way in. He placed her down inside her closet, he looked around for a nice outfit. Hebe stood there dumbfounded, until Arron came walking towards her with a husky look on his face.

Hebe: (hugs herself) Don't you dare take another step. Or else I am going to kick you

Arron: (smirks) I'll take my chances

Arron continued to make his way towards Hebe. Hebe stopped when her back reached the cold wall. Arron trapped her inbetween his body and the wall. His hands landing on Hebe's hips, his hands made it way around the front to the waist line of Hebe's pants.

Hebe: Yah! Arron what are you doing?

Arron: (whispers into Hebe's ears) I am dressing my baby up what else would I be doing?

Hebe: I can dress myself!

Arron: what fun would that be?

Arron pulled down Hebe's pants and let it drop to the floor, leaving Hebe in her underwear. Then his hands made it way to the hem of Hebe's shirt, he was going to lift it above Hebe's head, but Hebe's hand pulled her shirt down. Using one hand Arron placed both Hebe's hands above her head. In one quick motion Arron pulled the shirt above Hebe's head and threw it across the closet.

Arron: baby you're so y

Arron grabbed the outfit he had picked out earlier for Hebe. Arron gave Hebe a little kiss on the shoulder before continueing to dress Hebe up. While helping Hebe with her clothes Arron placed kisses here and there and occassionally he left a mark on Hebe's body. After much difficulties Hebe was dressed and ready to go.

Hebe: You're such a ert! (walks out of her closet)

Arron: All for you baby (kisses the back of her neck) come on we should get going

Hebe: Where are we going?

Arron: We're going to meet Gui Gui, I promise to show you really love you

Hearing the name Gui Gui Hebe shivered, and was scared, she pulled back and stared at Arron.

Arron: What's wrong?

Hebe: can I not go?

Arron: why not?

Hebe: I am not feeling well.....

Arron gave Hebe a reassuring smile, he turned around and huggged her.

Arron: I promise she won't be able to lay a hand on you, I'll be there to protect you.

Arron pulled away and placed his hand infront of Hebe, he wanted Hebe to go on her own will. Looking at Arron than his hand, Hebe reluctantly place her hand on top of his.

On the way to the cafe Hebe felt nervous, she was scared to around Gui Gui. Arron noticed Hebe nervousness, leaving one hand on the stirring wheel Arron used the other one to hold onto Hebe's hand. Feeling Arron's hands on her's Hebe turned to look at Arron, he gave her a light smile and squeezed her hand to give her some reassurance.

Arron: everything's going to be ok

Hebe's Pov.
I hope

Arron and Hebe picked a seat at the corner of the cafe waiting for Gui Gui to arrive. Gui Gui arrived a couple minutes later, she looked around the cafe. Spotting her at the door Arron stood up so she could see him. Smiling Gui Gui walked up to him, she gave him a hug and was going to go for a kiss but Arron stopped her. Gui Gui frowned, but that was until she spotted Hebe sitting down looking at her hand.

Gui Gui: what is she doing here?

Arron: That's what I wanted to talk about

Gui Gui: I am leaving (turns around)

Arron: (grabs Gui Gui's wrist) come on Gui Gui don't be like this

Gui Gui turned around and glared at Hebe,  Gui Gui sat down infront of Hebe.

Gui Gui: What is it that we have to talk about that Hebe has to be here?

Arron: I think we should break up

Gui Gui: What?!?

Arron: Gui Gui it's over...... that day I left I was thinking to myself alot I-

Gui Gui: (covers her ears, tears running down her face) No! I am not going to listen!

Arron: Gui Gui stop being so stubborn!

Gui Gui: Why!! Why are you doing this to me!!

Arron: I just don't think it will work

Gui Gui: Why!! Does 2 years mean nothing to you!! I gave you my heart the first time I saw you, I've always been faithful, I gave you everything you wanted!  WHY!! (glares at Hebe) What did you tell him!?!? What did you do to make him change his mind!?!? You can't take him away from me!! I can't live without him!!! I LOVE HIM HEBE!! YOU KNOW THAT!!!

Arron: Gui Gui! It wasn't her fault! I made the decision on my own it has nothing to do with her. I have no feelings towards you anymore I guess I realized too late

Gui Gui: since when? We were doing perfectly fine!

Arron: I don't know but ever since I came back from the honeymoon, I felt......different.

Gui Gui: (cries) How can someone's feeling change in less than one month!! Before all this happened you said you loved me! You said you would always be by my side!!

Arron: I am sorry......

Gui Gui: (stands up to leave) Fine..... if this is what you want (whispers)  You're going to regret it because I'll be back.......

Arron stares at Gui Gui as she walked out of the cafe, after she left he turned to look at Hebe. Hebe had tears running down her face, her hands were trembling.

Hebe: (looks at Arron) We hurted her. We destoryed her. It's all our fault.

Arron: (hugs Hebe) shhhhh, everythings ok, she'll be ok and we'll be ok.

Hebe hugged Arron tightly, she was scared, she was scared of Gui Gui, she heard the last thing Gui Gui said before she left. A few minutes passed, Arron and Hebe finally left the cafe and was heading towards Arron's car. Hebe stood outside of Arron's car and stared at Arron.

Arron: (wipes Hebe's tears) Come on I still have 2 more places I want to bring you too

Hebe: (nods her head)

Arron kissed Hebe's forehead before opening the door to the passenger seat for Hebe.

Hebe looked at the store infront of her confused, she was standing infront of the same jewlery store that she and Arron had gone to not too long ago to pick out wedding rings.

Hebe: What are we doing here?

Arron: well I realized what a jerk I was last time when we came to pick out our wedding ring. We'll put aside our current wedding ring and we'll buy a new one, and this time I'll make sure I pay attention to what you like.

Hebe was touched, she felt happy inside, she was happy Arron was doing so much for her. Hebe hugged Arron as tears ran down her face.

Hebe: Thanks Arron......

Arron: Anything for my baby, come on let's go inside.

Arron stood behind Hebe, his head leaning on Hebe's shoulder and his arms around her while she looked at the wedding ring. Suddenly Hebe turned around and looked at Arron.

Hebe: Let's go

Arron: Why? Do you not like any of these?

Hebe: It's not that, I want something else.

Arron: What?

Hebe: Give me your wallet

Arron reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet confused. Taking the wallet Hebe opened it and still found the picture of Arron and Gui Gui in it, taking it out Hebe passed it to Arron, than she made sure the picture of her and Arron was placed neatly inside of Arron's wallet.

Hebe: finish (hand Arron's wallet back)

Arron: That's it?

Hebe: (nods) I don't need a ring

Sale lady: sir you've got a very unique girl, usually every girl who comes in here they would pick an expensive ring. I can tell she different.

Arron: (smiles) that's because she is (kisses Hebe)

Hebe: (blush) come on let's go, didn't you say there's one more place to go to?

Arron: right, come on

On their way out Arron threw the picture of him and Gui Gui into the trash can.

The last destination was Hebe's new school. Once again confused Hebe looked at Arron for an answer.

Arron: I am transferring here

Hebe: What?!? Why??

Arron: Because my wife is in this school, how can I go to a different school? I wouldn't know if any guys are hitting on you? or if anyone is bothering you.

Hebe: You know you don't have to do all this.

Arron: I want to

Hebe and Arron walked into the school hand in hand, since it was a Friday school was still in session. Walking to the office Arron signed the transfere paper and got everything ready.

Office lady: Ok well you'll be able to attend Taipei high on Monday, and welcome

Arron: Thanks (turns to Hebe) all done

Hebe: You know you didn't have to go through all those troubles for me, we're going to graduate in one year anyways. And you can see me everyday after school.

Arron and Hebe walked out of the office to Arron's car.

Arron: I know but I want to spend every second of my day with you

Hebe: When did you become such a sweet talker?

Arron: When I realized I loved you (winks at Hebe)

Hebe: Sweet talk or not you're not getting anything from me (sticks her tongue out)

Arron: what?!? Why?!?! (pouts)

Hebe: I knew it! You wanted something in return!!

Arron: I want your body in return (winks at Hebe)

Hebe: ert!! (runs into the car)

Arron walked to his side of the car pouting, even the drive home he kept pouting, he was even pouting even when they reached home. After changing Hebe came down in a long hoodie and saw Arron still pouting while he sat on the couch.

Hebe: (stands infront of Arron) awww are you still pouting?? (pinches Arron's cheek)

Arron: I still don't think it's fair how I don't get anything in return after I've done so much for you.

Hebe: well I never asked you to do them for me (sticks out her tongue) you did it on your own will

Hebe walked to the kitchen, she took out ingredients from the fridge and started to bake. Arron followed her to the kitchen, he stood behind her his chin resting of her shoulder and his arms around her.

Arron: If you didn't want to do anything than did you have to wear something that shows your y legs? ( Hebe's thigh)

Hebe: Well it was long enough to cover my and half of my thigh so I didn't think I would need pants underneath, but thinking about it now, I do live with a ert I should go slip on some sweats

Hebe was about  to walk away but was pulled back by Arron.

Arron: I like you like this, it makes things easier for me when we go to sleep tonight.

Hebe: (blush) ARRON YAN YA LUN!! (pushes his hands away from her)

Arron: hahahahaha I was joking, you can continue on baking.

Hebe turned around to give Arron a quick glare than turned back to her baking. While baking Arron attached himself to her, not once did he let go of her, finally Hebe finished her baking, white chocolate cake.

Hebe swipped a little of the chocolate that she made on her own onto her finger and placed it in front of Arron's mouth. He his mouth and Hebe's finger tasting the icing.

Hebe: Is it ok?

Arron: All I could taste was you

Hebe: Aishhh... you're no help.....

Hebe pushed Arron away from her, she took out some icing from the cupboard and started putting decorations on the cake.

Arron: Who's the cakes for?

Hebe: One is for Ya Tou''s birthday tomorrow and being nice I made you one too.

Arron: Thanks baby (kisses Hebe's cheeks)

After 15 mins Ya Tou's birthday was finally finished, Hebe looked at the cake proud of her own work. She was concentrating so hard she didn't realize some icing was swipped across her face. Hebe picked up the cake and turned around to show Arron the cake.

Hebe: How is it?

Arron: hahahaha very pretty (puts the cake on the counter) but you have some icing on your face.

Hebe: really?

Hebe used her hands to wipe the icing off her face but ended up smudging it even more.

Arron: hahaha here let me help you

Arron leaned in closer and kissed the icing off her jaw then he went to kiss the icing off the corner of Hebe's mouth.

Arron: Finish

Hebe: (blush) Thanks

Arron and Hebe sat on the couch and started digging into the small cake Hebe made for Arron. Taking his finger Arron swiped icing across Hebe's cheek.

Hebe: Arron!!

Taking revenge Hebe grabbed a bit of the cake and smushed it onto Arron's face.

Hebe: hahahahahaha

Arron: You think that's funny?

Arron swiped his whole hand across the cake than across Hebe's face.

Arron: hhahahahahahaha

Hebe: ARRON!!

Unconciously Hebe grabbed a fistful of cake and smashed it onto Arron's face.

Arron: (spits some cake out of his mouth) Thanks.......

Hebe: hahahaha (wipes Arron's eyes) how's the cake?

Arron: it's...... sweet

Hebe: hahahahaha

Hebe wiped alittle of the cake off Arron's cheek with her finger then placed her finger inside .

Hebe: I think I am a pretty good baker

All of a sudden Arron pushed Hebe down onto the couch and climb on top of her.

Arron: I want to try some too

Arron a bit of the icing off of Hebe's face, making Hebe laugh at the tingly sensation. Then he proceeded down to captured Hebe’s lips with his. Hebe smiled and kissed Arron back. Their little cake game continued until Hebe was down to her undergarments and Arron in his boxers.

Arron: Baby you should bake more often (Kisses Hebe's stomache)

Hebe: You wish…. This is the last time I am ever baking near you

Arron chuckled then leaned down to capture Hebe’s lips again but Hebe turned her head away from him.

Hebe: I feel sticky, I want to go take a shower.

Arron: You can take one later (kisses Hebe)


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I thought gui gui and aaron will be together at the end i was like in chapter 8 then i told my self to read the FINAL when i knew gui gui and aaron will not be together I lost faith to read dis <br />
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SORRY!! becuz i only like guilun 4ever!<br />
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I'm really sorry!!
HaeSica4ever #2
I love the ending, it's so sweet! I just curious about the baby is a boy or a girl<br />