Chapter 16 - Yeobo?

I wanted you as my girlfriend

Continuation of Chapter 15. 
Thanks to Nabila Fatharani for this wonderful poster. :) 


He saw pain in her eyes. Ljoe thought why would Jiyeon do things like this? Isn't it we are just friends?. "Why are you doing this?" Ljoe said. "... let .. just stop this Ljoe. Get out now. Thank you for saving this dumb life of mine. Get out now! NOW!" Jiyeon shouted and pushed Ljoe away. 

Ljoe closed the door of her room. Went downstairs and clean up the mess. 

Jiyeon's POV

Ljoe... I am sorry. I don't want you to know how much I love you cause I know I will just ruin your relationship with Aeyoung. It hurts but I believe that this will be gone too. Just please don't show up again. I cried. 

I heard someone downstairs like someone is gathering up my things. I slowly walked up to the door, I was about to open the door. Suddenly, I heard a man crying.. He was sniffing and he keeps on murmuring things that I can't hear at all. I believe it was Ljoe.. but how can he cry like this? I mean why would he cry? . I opened the door and walked downstairs. I saw Ljoe sitting on th floor. .. Hugging his both legs. It was no joke. He is so sad. Is that how much he treasure me? I went to him and sat beside him. I looked at him and hugged his manly shoulders. "Why are you crying?" I desperately said to him. 

Ljoe kept on crying. "Ljoe .. I didn't mean that. uh ... Ljoe! Just stop crying!" I said in a mad way. I feel like I made a kid cry. He looked at me and hugged me. 

"Jiyeon-shii! I really didn't mean to hurt you!" Ljoe cried again. "Aigoo! Stop it!" I said. "Why did you do it anyway?" Ljoe wiped his tears. "It's ... because ... I .. like you .." I said in a very lowest tune of my voice. 


Ljoe is not deaf, He is good at hearing. He smiled to Jiyeon and jokingly said "What? What is that? Like who?" Jiyeon jokingly punched him and stood up. 

He grabbed Jiyeon's wrist and pulled her to him. There bodies are connected. 

Jiyeon blushed. Ljoe smiled and kissed her in the forehead. "I don't like you Jiyeon-shii, I love you!" Ljoe said. Jiyeon pinched his cheeks and stood up. 

"Let's clean up the mess, yeobo!" Ljoe hugged her. "Yeobo?" Jiyeon looked at him in a face like WHAT_DO_YOU_MEAN? 

Ljoe laughed and they both cleaned up the house. 



Yeobo means Honey. HOHO. 
Anyway, Thanks for all the support! ;) 
L.JI Supporters. HAHAHAHA 


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Great story, wish I could write like you X3
HeoGayooni #2
Your poster is so cute !
Lyny99 #3
Chapter 24: Its cute.Good work !
xxw00uxx #4
Chapter 24: its a really a cute story you there ..
aww the end :(
i'm new btw..unnie umm can you have the sad and scary ending? i kinda want to know what will happen...
It's alright if you don't want..
Auww~ it ends. :) but the ending is cute..
peachy0987 #7
@T-araNation: Thanks for commenting and for being anxious on what's going to happen lol @nekomiou They just broke up T_____T
Wow! L.joe finally back. I wonder
how jiyeon will react.
T-araNation #9
UPDATE SOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO CURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!