Screw the plan

love in four walls
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The plan was simple.

Attend to karina without making much conversation with her, leave the room, and repeat the next day.

Winter smiled to herself, proud of whatever she came up with.

It would be easy, she had thought.

Until she imagined karina's madly adorable smile and decided maybe it wouldn't be so easy avoiding the girl as she had thought.

Yeah, it would be hard for winter, having to act cold towards the girl she liked a little too much,

But if it succeeded and they go back to how they were before winter had decided making friends with the loon was a good idea, it would be better for the both of them.

So winter prepared herself as she stood outside the door of room 411, making sure her voice sounded as emotionless as possible.




"Have you taken your medication yet?"

Her voice was perfect! Firm and serious, just what she wanted.

Yeah, she didn't want to sound cold.

A doctor should treat their patient with respect, not coldness.

Winter reminded herself she still had to do her job as a doctor.

"Mhm," the girl nodded her head animatedly, and winter shouldn't have found it super endearing, but she did, "uhm ... Win?"

The nickname was not helping winter's case, because winter had felt her whole being soften after the girl had spoken.


As distant as possible. You got it!

"You sound different today. Are you okay?"

Uh huh.

So karina did know how to read the room.

Okay, maybe she was a little smarter than winter had given her credit for.

Winter hadn't thought karina would notice the slight change in demeanor on her part, but she did.

"Yes, i have. I'll take my leave now."

After karina had pointed it out, winter realised the maybe she was making it sort of obvious.

"Are you sure? If it's just a bad day then we could like.. talk about it, or something."

Karina's voice softened and her words slowed as she finished or her sentence, as if unsure of herself.


Why was karina being so awfully sweet?!

The thought of abandoning the plan crossed her mind right then and there, but she chose to stick to it.

It might have been hard, but things would be even harder if karina did end up reciprocating her feelings.

God knows how that would play out.

"I'm fine, please don't stick your head into my business. If you don't need anything, i'l

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181 streak #1
This story is interesting
No_looksies #2
Chapter 6: Woohoo ! Happy Birthday to Karina! And so glad that winter was able to make her happy!
I don't know how karina feels about winter and whether it was something in the romantic spectrum..but I hope everything works out for them!
I really hope they are able to help karina and then she may be able to get discharged from the hospital...
Aaah karina is just so adorable!!!!
No_looksies #3
Chapter 5: Winter just abandon the plan! I wouldn't have the heart to hurt karina especially with how adorable and innocent she is 😭
Please make her birthday amazing winter!
Also I wonder how Karina's mental health is actually.. will she ever be able to leave the hospital.. I really hope she gets better and is able to leave
216 streak #4
oohhh interesting
No_looksies #5
Chapter 4: Damn winter is moving too fast.. but I get her feelings to be honest.. when you like someone and you start feeling something deep for them it ceases to remain confined to just a crush..
As always Karina is just so adorable!! Please!
Chapter 3: Yeah.. the chapters are a little short. But that's alright, it doesn't make the story less interesting. 🫶
Kannakobayashi09 #7
bestarmy1_1 #8
Chapter 3: i love karina in this 😍
No_looksies #9
Chapter 3: Damn winter really did end up developing feelings for rina! I am curious about rina's past and how they concluded that she was not normal two years ago... Also Karina ends up asking some really odd questions..maybe it has something to do with her past... Like asking about her hair after running through the rain? The mundane-ness of it is quite striking
But Karina is still so adorable!
No_looksies #10
Chapter 2: Wow so karina seems to have some kind of ocd that makes her want everything perfect...
I get winter so much like you see this adorable human be even more adorable and has to remind herself that she is talking to a mental patient and to not cross any boundaries...
Karina seems so cute and adorable in this story... Would have kept her in my pocket if not for the murder