Chapter 8.

What It Cost
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As they rode on horseback through the dense forest, the morning sun filtered through the canopy, casting dappled shadows on the ground below. Occasionally, they would come across fallen logs or rocky outcroppings, forcing them to navigate carefully to avoid obstacles. The air was crisp and cold, but the promise of a new day filled the atmosphere with a sense of hope.


Yunjin sat behind Sakura, her arms wrapped securely around the older woman's waist as they navigated the winding path. Kazuha rode alone ahead of them, her posture tense but relaxed, while Eunchae nestled against Chaewon's back, her cheek resting against the fabric of Chaewon's jacket.


As they approached a clearing in the forest, the trees began to thin out, revealing glimpses of open sky and distant hills. Eunchae's voice broke the tranquil silence, her words carrying on the chilly breeze. "I'm hungry..."


Chaewon glanced over her shoulder, a brow lifting itself in curiosity as she regarded the sulky teenager. "What do you say?"


"I'm hungry," Eunchae repeated, a hint of stubbornness in her tone. Chaewon felt a smile playing at the corners of her lips; she chuckled softly, amused by the teenager's persistence.


"Kkura, the kid's hungry. Is it possible to stop for a bit?" Chaewon called out to Sakura, who glanced back at them and gave a nod of assent.


"Yeah, the horses are surely getting tired too. There's a village not too far where we could stop," Sakura replied, her voice carrying easily through the crisp morning air. Yunjin felt a pang of hunger in her own stomach, and she and Sakura shared a quiet laugh at the synchronicity of their rumbling bellies.


As they continued on their journey, the anticipation of a brief respite filled Yunjin's heart with warmth. Despite the dangers that lurked around every corner, for a fleeting moment, everything felt peaceful and hopeful. It was a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there were still moments of joy and camaraderie to be found.



As they approached the village, the dense forest gradually gave way to open space, revealing the remains of a once-thriving community. Dilapidated buildings stood as silent sentinels, their weathered facades bearing the scars of time and neglect. The air was heavy with the scent of decay and abandonment, a reminder of the world that had been lost.


At the entrance to the village, they spotted two horses tethered to a makeshift hitching post, their saddles adorned with small bags and equipment. The sight immediately caught Yunjin's attention, and she couldn't help but wonder who the horses belonged to. Were there survivors here after all?


Sakura's voice broke through Yunjin's thoughts, her tone cautious yet resolute. "There's people here already, at least two. Let's proceed with caution."


Yunjin nodded, her senses on high alert as they approached the village. The possibility of encountering other survivors filled her with a mix of hope and apprehension. They had learned the hard way that not all encounters in this new world were friendly, and they needed to be prepared for anything.


As they dismounted their horses and gathered at the entrance of the village, Chaewon's suggestion to divide their group immediately sparked a debate among them. She helped Eunchae down from the horse, her posture tense as she addressed the others.


"Isn't it better if we divide? We have to find these people, right?" Chaewon's arms were crossed, her expression serious as she emphasized the urgency of their mission.


Yunjin, standing right next to her and sensing the underlying tension, voiced her agreement. "She's right. What if they're in danger? We need to cover more ground and make sure they're safe."


Chaewon's disapproval was evident, though she remained silent. Her priority seemed to be ensuring they weren't facing any potential threats rather than immediately rushing to rescue others.


After a brief exchange of glances between Sakura and Kazuha, they reluctantly conceded to Chaewon's suggestion. The groups were decided: Eunchae, Yunjin, and Kazuha would go one way, while Sakura and Chaewon would take another route.


Before they parted ways, Chaewon handed Yunjin the smallest gun she had (she only had three, and the two others were rifles anyway). It was a smal handgun with carved wood on the handle. Yunjin wondered if the little pimp was Kazuha-made. "Use this only in emergency conditions," she instructed, her tone firm. "If you shoot, the noise will attract the infected if there are any nearby."


Yunjin hesitated, feeling the weight of the firearm in her hand. She had held a gun before, but the sensation still made her uneasy. She nodded solemnly, acknowledging Chaewon's warning as she tucked the weapon into her belt.


Venturing deeper into the village, the desolation surrounding them became more pronounced. Dilapidated buildings loomed ominously, their crumbling facades a testament to the passage of time. The once bustling streets now lay deserted, with only the occasional gust of wind disturbing the thick blanket of snow covering the ground.


Footsteps, likely left by previous visitors, marred the otherwise pristine snow, leading the group further into the heart of the village. Kazuha walked with purpose, her bow held firmly in her grasp, a silent sentinel ready to defend against any potential threat. The intricacies of her weapon spoke volumes about the craftsmanship and dedication she had poured into its creation.


Eunchae, her eyes wide with curiosity and apprehension, surveyed their surroundings with a mixture of awe and caution. Despite the eerie silence that hung heavy in the air, she remained resolute, her determination to press forward unwavering.


Yunjin took in the scene with a mixture of trepidation and fascination, the haunting beauty of the abandoned village both captivating and unnerving. Every creak and groan of the dilapidated structures seemed to echo through the empty streets. 


Each house they entered bore the unmistakable signs of previous occupation, yet now stood as empty husks, stripped bare by the passage of time and the harsh realities of survival. Cabinets yawned open, their contents spilled haphazardly onto the floor, evidence of desperate hands searching for anything of value amidst the chaos.


But it wasn't just the marks of scavengers that greeted them. In some of the homes, they found blood splatters marring the walls and floors, a grim reminder of the violence that had once visited this place. Yunjin's heart clenched at the sight, a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked in the world beyond their sheltered existence.


Despite the unsettling discoveries, Yunjin couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence for the lives that had once inhabited these spaces. She moved through the rooms with a mixture of curiosity and solemnity, her fingers trailing over the remnants of a life now lost to time. With each step, she couldn't shake the feeling of being a trespasser in someone else's tragedy, a silent witness to the untold stories that lingered in the empty air.


Yunjin stepped into a room, the door’s decorations inviting her in, a wave of nostalgia washed over her. The once-vibrant wallpaper, adorned with images of planets, stars, and swirling galaxies, now hung in tatters, its colors faded and its edges curling with age. Despite the decay that surrounded her, the remnants of a child's imagination still lingered in the air, a bittersweet reminder of the innocence that had once filled this space.


The theme of the room was unmistakable: space. On the walls, faded images of rockets soared amidst a sea of twinkling stars, their colors muted by time but still retaining a sense of wonder and possibility. A worn-out rug lay scattered on the floor, its once-bright hues now dulled by years of neglect, yet still bearing the outline of dreams.  


Yunjin's gaze swept over the room, taking in the remnants of a life that had once been lived here. A small bed sat against one wall, its sheets rumpled but still holding the memory of countless nights filled with dreams of far-off galaxies and daring adventures. A toy chest sat in the corner, its lid slightly ajar as if inviting her to explore its hidden treasures.


"You'd have loved this," she murmured softly to herself, her words barely more than a whisper as she addressed the memory of her little brother. She could almost picture his face lighting up with wonder at the sight of the space-themed decor, his eyes filled with the same sense of awe and curiosity that could have once filled this room.


In her mind's eye, she could see him standing there, his small hands reaching out to touch the images of planets and stars that adorned the walls. She could hear his excited voice as he regaled her with tales of far-off galaxies and daring space explorations, of the aliens he created, his imagination boundless and his dreams as vast as the universe itself.


But now, as Yunjin stood amidst the remnants of this once-beloved sanctuary, she couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness mingled with a strange sort of comfort. For even though her brother was no longer with her, she couldn't shake the feeling that he was somehow still a part of her, a part of the stars that shone brightly in the night sky above.


Amidst the desolation, Yunjin's eyes fell upon a childish drawing, its colors faded but its innocence still intact. It depicted a family with space suits, their smiles frozen in time, surrounded by a vibrant world of crayon hues. 


As she reached out to touch the faded drawing tucked away amidst the debris, Yunjin couldn't help but smile through her tears. For in that moment, she knew that her brother had found his place among the stars, his dreams forever etched into the fabric of the universe he had so longed to explore. 


With a sense of solemn determination, Yunjin carefully folded the drawing and tucked it into her pocket, unwilling to let the memory of this family fade into obscurity. In that simple act, she vowed to carry this kid's story with her. 


As Yunjin stepped out of the room, her heart pounding in her chest, she was greeted by the sudden crack of gunfire echoing through the desolate streets of the village. The sound sliced through the air like a knife, tearing through the silence and shattering the fragile calm that had enveloped them. 


Her mind immediately raced to the safety of her companions, her thoughts consumed by a frantic worry for their well-being. With a sense of urgency gripping her, she hurriedly made her way down the creaking staircase, her footsteps echoing loudly in the empty house as she descended into the dimly lit foyer below.


Emerging into the cold embrace of the outside world, Yunjin's eyes darted anxiously around her surroundings, searching for any sign of danger or distress. Her heart lurched in her chest as she caught sight of Kazuha and Eunchae standing nearby, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and concern.


Without hesitation, Yunjin rushed towards them, her steps quickening with each passing moment as she closed the distance between them. Eunchae's panicked expression sent a jolt of adrenaline coursing through her veins, her mind racing with a million questions and fears for the safety of their friends.


"What happened?" Yunjin asked breathlessly as she reached their side, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency. Kazuha's concerned gaze met hers, her brow furrowed with worry as she spoke.


"Did you hear that too ?" Yunjin asked

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