Chapter 2.

What It Cost
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Yunjin had never felt so terrified in her entire life.


The forest lay cloaked in a blanket of pristine white snow, the frozen ground crunching beneath Yunjin's boots with each determined step. Each breath hung in the frigid air, visible puffs of vapor disappearing into the darkness that enveloped them. Yunjin's lantern cast a feeble glow ahead, its flickering light struggling to penetrate the dense thicket of trees that loomed on either side of the narrow path.


Beside her, Eunchae clung to Yunjin's hand, her fingers icy cold and trembling with fear. Despite the biting cold, sweat beaded on her brow as she struggled to keep pace with Yunjin's brisk strides. Her cheeks were reddened, peeking slightly from under the old heavy scarf around her neck, a feeble attempt to shield herself from the biting cold.


"We're almost there," Yunjin murmured, her voice barely louder than a whisper in the silent night. She spared a glance at Eunchae, her eyes filled with concern for the younger girl. Eunchae's eyes were wide with fear, reflecting the uncertainty and danger that surrounded them. The younger girl held her second arm close to her chest, Yunjin's heart sank as she saw the fabric stained in red, the ripped material seeping. Yunjin wasn’t mad, couldn’t be, not when Eunchae had hurt herself while trying to help her take down the trap they had set up a few days ago, the ugly metal claws closing themselves on the poor girl’s arm : the cold had surely made it dysfunctional. “I got you.” She reassured. 


It was partly her fault, afterall. She had tried to patch up the wound, it’s been a couple days since it happened, but the younger girl’s arm showed no clear signs of healing, and Eunchae’s rising fever had only started to make Yunjin worry even more each passing day. 


Now they were walking through this empty forest just to try and find something that could help, and Yunjin swore that during one of her expeditions she had seen something in that way. She was sure she saw light that day, and light surely means help. And as long as Eunchae could get patched up, she’d do anything.


A low, rough growl shattered the stillness, sending a shiver down Yunjin's spine. She halted in her tracks, her heart pounding in her chest as she scanned the darkness for any sign of movement, the lantern swaying when she held it out. Then, without warning, the forest erupted into chaos. From the shadows emerged a horde of infected, their tattered clothing caked with snow, their eyes gleaming with primal hunger.


"! Run!" Yunjin's voice pierced the night, sharp with urgency. With a surge of adrenaline, Yunjin propelled herself forward, dragging Eunchae along the path behind her. The snow crunched beneath their feet, a stark contrast to the cacophony of snarls and growls that echoed through the trees.


In the chaos, disaster struck once more. As they fled, Yunjin stumbled over a hidden root, her ankle twisting painfully beneath her, the oil lantern smashing itself to the ground, the fire scaring some of the wraiths that run away with screeches. A sharp hiss escaped her lips as she fell to the ground, Eunchae's hand slipping from her grasp and sending the two to the ground. 


Breathless and trembling, Yunjin struggled to her feet, her injured ankle throbbing with every movement. She reached for Eunchae, but before she could help her up, another infected lunged out from the shadows, its claws slashing through the air with deadly intent.


The infected managed to catch up to them, lurching itself at Eunchae, sending her sprawling back to the ground with a cry of pain. Yunjin's heart lurched as she watched Eunchae tumble into the snow, the towering corpse of the creature looming over her, its decaying teeth bared. 


“Eunchae!” Yunjin's voice was filled with desperation as she reached for her knife, previously secured around her waist. Yunjin's instincts kicked in, adrenaline coursing through her veins as she pushed Eunchae out of harm's way. With a swift motion, she drew her knife and struck at the infected, the blade finding its mark with lethal precision right in the temple. The creature's eyes met hers, its ill driven mind staring back at her with wrath until all life drained out of it. Yunjin felt a searing pain shoot through her side as the infected’s claws grazed her flesh with its last bits of strength, the ripped coat around her body providing only weak protection. 


Breathless and trembling, Yunjin turned to Eunchae, her heart pounding with concern. "Are you alright?" she asked, her voice soft yet urgent, her eyes searching Eunchae's face for any signs of injury or distress. “I- I’m fine..” 


"Get up, we have to go!" Yunjin's voice was compelling as she was scanning the forest for any sign of pursuit, of any other lurking threats.


Gritting her teeth against the pain, Eunchae struggled to her feet, her face contorted with agony. She was exhausted.


“Eunchae, get on my back,” Yunjin urged, her voice firm but gentle. Eunchae hesitated for a moment, fear and uncertainty written across her face, but Yunjin's determination was contagious. “Quick!”


She helped Eunchae climb onto her back, crouching down to provide support, ensuring the girl was secured before rising to her full height once more. With Eunchae clinging to her back, Yunjin broke into a sprint, the weight of the younger girl slowing her pace but her determination undiminished.


Her legs burned with exertion, her ankle felt as if it was being stabbed repeatedly, her breath coming in ragged gasps, but still, they pushed forward. They had no other choice— Eunchae's injury could turn bad and no, that was the last thing Yunjin wanted right now, to lose someone else in this unforgiving world. 




As the glow of the shelter's lights flickered in the distance, Yunjin started to find some more strength to add to her step. She’s been walking for so long she can already see the moon starting to set, as the sky is beginning to lighten up. 


The shelter stood before them like an oasis in the desert, offering the promise of safety and respite from the dangers that lurked in the darkness of the night. But it was an unknown refuge, its inhabitants unfamiliar to Yunjin. What if they end up finding a group of bandits that would only have against what they had ? The problem was, they had nothing, they didn’t bring anything except for Yunjin’s old rusty knife. The smoke emitted from what could be a fireplace was what guided her until then, peeking out from over the trees, Yunjin saw it, somehow, as her north star.


Eunchae clung to her back, seemingly waking up from the nap she took, despite reluctantly. The weak grip she had on Yunjin’s coat tightening for a few seconds as she stirred. She had argued that she wasn’t tired, but ended up falling asleep mid-way while making a hushed conversation with the oldest.



“Is it far away ?” She had asked, when Yunjin was walking up a particularly high hill, grunting with each step. 


“Shouldn’t…be too far anymore.You can rest, you know.” She had half-lied, they were past half of the forest, but concern grew in Yunjin’s chest as the dark made her struggle to recognize what was around her. 


“Where are we going ?” Eunchae asked, ignoring Yunjin’s comment on her being able to close her eyes for a while. She rested her head on Yunjin’s shoulder.


“Somewhere where they’ll help you.” The older girl’s face was frowned, her eyebrows knitted together and her jaw locked tight. Eunchae felt bad, Yunjin’s answer showed that the girl’s only concern was her health and not her own. “They can help you too…” She mumbled. 


“C’mon Eunchae, rest a bit.” 



Yunjin approached the shelter cautiously, her senses on high alert for any signs of danger. The gate looked well maintained, adorning a few dents and bends here and there. There was, indeed, light still coming from it and Yunjin could almost feel the warmth over there- it was nothing like the old cabin in which they used to live for the past seven years, it was bigger, simply better. Her exhausted arms let Eunchae back to the ground once she was fully awake. ”Is it—”


Eunchae quickly shut up at the sound. 


“...-go back-...”




Yunjin's gaze turned back to the illuminated place, voices could be heard inside, and shadows moved behind the frozen windows. Two silhouettes, until one of them disappeared. 


“...-shouldn’t be up !” The door swung open, Yunjin's arm straightened in front of Eunchae, making her take a step back to hide behind her. 


A woman stood there, holding up a rifle pointed directly towards them, and Yunjin was sure that if she fired, it would conveniently shoot right between her eyes. “Who the hell are you ?” She asked, the sweet undertones of her voice betraying the sharpness of her gaze. 


Yunjin gulped, trying to take a step—


“Don't move ! Stay back or I'll shoot.” The woman warned, Yunjin knew she wasn't playing when she saw her finger ready to pull the trigger despite the gate's metal bars being slightly in the way. 


“Chaewon, stop that.” Another voice, Yunjin assumes it to be the one that belonged to the person she heard from outside before. The second woman emerged from behind the first one, her big eyes sending a glare to the one holding the rifle. She had foreign features tha

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