Chapter 3.

What It Cost
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27th of October, 2023. 


I don't even know where to begin. 


Yunjin left early this morning like she always does . I tried to act tough, to pretend like I wasn't scared for her, but deep down, I was terrified. I can't shake this feeling of dread that something bad is going to happen to her, or to me. I don’t know anymore.


I tried to keep myself busy, to ‘distract’ myself from the gnawing fear in the pit of my stomach. But the silence in our cabin felt suffocating, it still is, like it was closing in on me from all sides. I needed to get out, to escape the walls that felt like they were closing in on me.


So, I went outside. I thought maybe a walk would help clear my head, but instead, it just made everything worse. It wasn’t the first time I saw one, but the sight made me want to vomit; an infected, lurking in the shadows like some kind of nightmare come to life. Yunjin told me so many times not to do this, not to get out. She keeps saying that it’s for the better, for my own safety, for her sanity . 


I froze, I couldn’t find any strength to move even if my mind screamed at me to run back to safety, my heart pounding so loud I thought it would burst out of my chest. I wanted to run, to scream for help, but my legs wouldn't move, they wouldn’t move and if only they did I wouldn’t be writing all of this right now. I was brought back to reality the moment it ran at me, its eyes straight into mine until its teeth pierced the fabric of my shirt. I tried to push it away, pull it back with my other hand clawing at its face but it just wouldn’t move— 

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