Love Charade (4) END

WINRINA one shot collection
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Love Charade

(Part 4 - END)


Winter emerged from the bathroom, a fluffy white towel wrapped loosely around her figure. Her hair, still damp and clinging to her shoulders in dark strands. But the warmth in her stomach quickly turned to ice as she reached the door. The insistent ringing of the bell of her hotel room shattered the tranquility of the moment.

Winter cursed under her breath. "Who is it at this hour," she muttered, approaching the door cautiously. A quick peek through the peephole revealed not a bellhop with a cart, but Karina's face staring back at her.

She slammed her back against the door, her heart hammering a frantic rhythm against her ribs.  "What is she doing here?" she hissed, her voice barely a whisper.

The bell continued its insistent clanging, adding to the growing tension in the hallway. Finally, unable to bear the noise any longer, Winter cracked open the door a sliver, secured only by the thin metal chain.

"Why are you here?" Winter snapped, her voice laced with ice.

"Can I come in?" Karina pleaded, her eyes wide with desperation that sent a tremor through Winter.

"I just came out of the shower and I'm not decent," Winter said coldly, hoping to deter Karina with a flimsy excuse. "What do you want?"

"I really need to use the restroom," Karina blurted out, her voice betraying a hint of panic. "Please, just let me in for a second."

Winter rolled her eyes, the absurdity of Karina's excuse evident in her scoff. With a sigh of resignation, she unhooked the chain and swung the door open, revealing Karina standing on the threshold.

"Thanks," Karina mumbled, slipping past Winter and into the room.

Winter slammed the door shut, a rhythmic click of the lock echoing in the silence. As she turned around, there stood Karina, mere inches away, her face an unreadable mask.

Winter yelped, startled by the unexpected closeness. The towel slipped slightly, revealing a glimpse of her milky white skin before she instinctively clutched it tighter.

The playful glint that usually danced in Karina's eyes was absent, replaced by a raw vulnerability that sent a jolt through Winter. A sudden understanding dawned on her – Karina's visit wasn't about a bathroom break. It was about something far more serious.

"What now?" Winter demanded, her voice a mixture of confusion and a hint of something else, a flicker of something she couldn't quite define.

Karina stood rooted to the spot, her gaze locked on Winter's. The silence stretched on, thick and heavy, before Karina finally spoke. The words tumbled out in a rush, her voice barely a whisper.

"I'm sorry," Karina mumbled, her shoulders slumped in defeat. "I slept with Jia."

Winter's initial reaction was a surprised laugh, a single, nervous chuckle that quickly escalated into full-blown laughter. The laughter surprised Karina, a confusing mix of amusement and unease.

As Winter's laughter subsided, she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye, her voice trembling slightly. "What does that have to do with me, Karina?" she asked, her gaze flitting away from Karina's for a fleeting moment.

Karina's frown deepened. "Aren't you mad? You literally watched me…" her voice trailed off, unable to voice the intimacy she shared with Jia.

"Why should I be mad?" Winter retorted, her voice regaining some of its strength. "Karina, we don't have that kind of relationship. This is all a job, a performance." Despite her words, a tightness constricted her chest, a pang of something she couldn't quite define.

"But you should have mad!" Karina's voice rose a notch, a desperate edge creeping in.

Winter let out a humorless chuckle. "We're undercover, remember? There's no 'should' or 'shouldn't' when it comes to feelings. This is all fake, Kar."

"I wish you would stop me," Karina's voice dropped to a pleading whisper.

Winter sighed, a heavy weight settling on her shoulders. "Because even if I hadn't seen it, you would have done it anyway, wouldn't you?" It wasn't a question, more a statement laced with a bitter truth.

Karina fell silent, the weight of Winter's words hitting her like a blow. Winter took Karina's silence as confirmation, her grip tightening on the towel around her as she walked away from Karina.

"It wasn't what I wanted," Karina finally confessed, her voice barely audible. "I just… couldn't think of another way to get close to Jia, to get into her apartment."

Winter froze, her body tensing at Karina's words. Slowly, she turned back, her eyes searching Karina's face. Her next words were a harsh whisper, a knife twisting in Karina's gut.

"There were other ways, Karina!" Winter said, her voice laced with a raw emotion that sent chills down Karina's spine. "But you chose to sleep with her." Maybe it was jealousy, a possessiveness she hadn't acknowledged before, that ignited the sudden anger in her voice.

The accusation sent a jolt through Karina. Shock gave way to defiance. She grabbed Winter's shoulders, her grip surprisingly strong, and pinned Winter against the wall.

"Is this all fake?" Karina demanded, her eyes searched for Winter’s. Her voice thick with emotion. Before Winter could answer, Karina silenced her with a forceful kiss. It was a desperate plea, a tangled mess of confusion and a truth she was only now starting to confront.

"Tell me!" Karina gasped between kisses, her voice raw. "Tell me if your sudden anger isn't jealousy!"

Winter struggled against Karina's hold, her heart hammering against her ribs. "Stop it, Kar!" she pleaded, pushing weakly against Karina's chest.

But Karina was stronger, fueled by a sudden surge of revelation. She ignored Winter's protests, her kisses raining down on Winter's face, her neck, anywhere she could reach.

"I love you, Winter!" she confessed between breathless kisses, the words tumbling out in a torrent of emotions. "I really love you, and it hurts!"

The weight of Karina's confession hit Winter with the force of a tidal wave. In a surge of raw emotion, she shoved Karina with all her might, sending Karina sprawling onto the bed. The impact stole the breath from Karina's lungs, a surprised gasp escaping her lips.

Before Karina could even register the fall, Winter was on top of her, straddling Karina's stomach.  Winter leaned down, her face hovering inches above Karina's. Her damp hair, still clinging from the shower, brushed against Karina's cheek, sending a shiver down her spine.

For a long, agonizing moment, silence reigned supreme, broken only by the ragged gasps escaping Winter's lips. Then, the dam broke. A choked sob wracked Winter's body, tears spilling from her eyes and tracing a wet path down Karina's cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Winter," Karina whispered, her voice trembling with regret. "I never meant to hurt you."

Winter's sobs morphed into raw, anguished cries. Her fists clenched, and with a primal scream, she punched Karina's shoulders, the blows landing with a dull thud.

"You idiot!" Winter shrieked, each word laced with a mixture of pain and fury. Her fists continued to rain down on Karina, a desperate attempt to exorcise the storm of emotions raging within her.

Karina flinched with each blow, but she made no attempt to block them. She understood. She deserved every hit, every harsh word.

As Winter's rage began to subside, a wave of exhaustion washed over her. The towel, forgotten in the heat of the moment, slipped further down, exposing her upper body. But Winter didn’t care. All that mattered was the tangled mess of emotions binding them together.

A wave of memories crashed over Winter, a sudden tide of understanding. Giselle's words echoed in her mind, finally clicking into place. It all came together: the reason for Karina's sudden three-day absence, her involvement in profiling Winter's targets. Everything had been for Winter, a way to make her job easier. Even Karina had tried to gather information from Ningning about Winter's likes and dislikes for their fake anniversary event. And what was even more surprising, their first meeting was not just a mere coincidence. Karina had purposely observed her from afar out of curiosity for her partner in the next mission, as Captain Lee had already informed her, but then fate brought them together as Karina helped her that night at the club.

The woman who seemed so cocky, flirty, and free spirit, had been orchestrating everything behind the scenes. Winter's heart ached with a complex mix of betrayal and…dare she admit it…admiration.

With a shaky breath that hitched in , Winter landed one last, weak punch on Karina's shoulder. It barely registered, a whisper of a blow compared to the emotional turmoil churning within her. Defeated, she slumped forward, her head finding a resting place in the crook of Karina's neck. The violent sobs subsided, morphing into soft, shuddering whimpers that spoke of a deeper hurt.

"I hate you," Winter whispered, her voice hoarse.

Karina nodded, a flicker of pain in her eyes. "I know," she replied softly, accepting the weight of Winter's words.

Karina held her tightly, her hand gently Winter's back in a soothing rhythm. "I'm so sorry, Winter," she murmured, her voice thick with remorse.

After a long while, the storm finally passed, leaving behind a fragile silence. Winter pulled back slightly, wiping away the tears that stained her cheeks, her gaze never leaving Karina's face. Then, leaning down, she brought her face mere inches from Karina's. Their eyes locked, a silent conversation passing between them, filled with a potent mix of fear, love, and a desperate hope for a future neither dared to speak of.

Winter's voice trembled as she pleaded, "Say it again, please." Her eyes searched Karina's face, a silent plea for confirmation of their unspoken feelings.

Karina understood. A tender smile softened her lips. "I love you," she rasped, her voice weak but filled with sincerity. Leaning forward, she brushed a gentle kiss against Winter's lips, “I love you Winter,” she repeated.

Winter clung to Karina's jacket; lips still locked with each other. Fear and love warred within her. She tightened her grip, as if afraid that letting go would make this entire scene, this stolen moment of love, vanish like a dream.

The kiss deepened, a slow dance of lips that spoke volumes without a single word. Winter surrendered to it completely, a wave of warmth and desire washing over her.

Unlike their previous encounter, fueled by adrenaline and alcohol, this kiss felt different. It was a raw and honest exploration, a meeting of souls that ignited a spark within them. It wasn't just about longing of hearts, but a deeper connection, a genuine outpouring of love that intensified with every touch.

Between breathless gasps, Winter whispered, "Make love to me," the words laced with a raw yearning for connection.

The plea sent a jolt through Karina. A shiver danced down her spine, a mixture of surprise and a surge of answering desire. Without breaking the kiss, Karina reached up, her fingers fumbling to take off her jacket. Winter, sensing her intention, mirrored the action, her own hands working on the zipper of Karina's jeans. The brief friction of denim against her bare skin sent a jolt of urgency through Winter.

Winter let the towel that was barely covering her fall to the floor, her vulnerability a silent plea.  Karina's eyes met hers, a flicker of possessiveness and fierce protectiveness mingling with desire.

"You're beautiful," Karina rasped, her voice thick with emotion.

Winter's breath hitched. She wasn't sure if it was from the raw honesty in Karina's voice or the way Karina’s gaze lingered on her body.

Suddenly, Karina shifted, gently maneuvering them so Winter was lying beneath her. Winter almost whimpered at the loss of contact, but Karina's movements were deliberate, fueled by a desperate need for closeness. Karina lifted herself slightly, only to remove her shirt, tossing it aside with a sigh.

Winter shivered when Karina returned, their bare skin finally meeting in a spark of electricity. A strangled sound escaped her lips, a mix of pleasure and the lingering fear of what had just transpired.

Their lovemaking wasn't about violence or revenge, despite the circumstances. It was a desperate expression of love, a fierce clinging to each other in the face of uncertainty. It was a frantic dance of emotions, a silent promise whispered against skin, a desperate attempt to find solace and hope in the darkest of moments.




Passion burned through the night, their bodies finally succumbing to exhaustion. Silence, thick and heavy, settled over Winter's hotel room, broken only by the gentle rise and fall of their breathing.

But their peaceful slumber was short-lived. A shrill ring shattered the quiet of dawn, the insistent sound of a phone ringing.

Karina stirred first, her eyes fluttering open. With a groan, she reached out a sleepy hand to fumble for the source of the noise.

"Babe, your phone!" she mumbled, swatting at Winter with the back of her hand.

Winter grumbled in response, burying her head deeper into the pillow. "Not mine," she mumbled through the fabric.

Karina, fully awake now, jolted upright. Panic surged through her as she recognized the familiar ringtone. "Oh, crap!" she cursed, her eyes frantically searching the room.

Spotting her discarded jeans lying in a heap on the floor, she scrambled out of bed and lunged for them. Fumbling through the pockets, her fingers finally brushed against the smooth surface of her phone.

Karina finally answered the call. "Hello?" she gasped, her voice breathless.

"Yo, K! Rise and shine! The lab results are in," Giselle's voice crackled over the line. "Confirmed, it's a new type of drug that just hit the streets."

Excitement bubbled up in Karina's chest. She couldn't help but let out a triumphant shout, the sound echoing through the room and jolting Winter awake.

Startled, Winter propped herself up on one elbow, her eyes landed on Karina who was pacing around the room wearing nothing but underwear. It took great effort for Winter to resist tackling Karina back onto the bed. She could hear bits and pieces of their conversation - drug tests, raid plans, a captain barking orders.

"But what the heck are you doing there?" Giselle's voice cut through the conversation, a hint of suspicion laced in her tone. "Still at Winter's hotel?"

Karina froze, her smile faltering for a beat. "How did you know?" she stammered, her voice betraying a flicker of surprise.

Giselle scoffed. "You dummy. We can track you through the GPS on your smartwatch."

Karina cursed under her breath, a low growl escaping her lips.

"Just get back here, ASAP," Giselle continued. "Captain Lee wants you at the station. Needs to finalize the raid details. We're splitting up – Team Alpha's hitting Jia's place, Team Bravo's ambushing Alex and his crew at that Gunsan port delivery today."

"Copy that," Karina replied, her voice tight with professionalism.

The call ended, and Winter immediately bombarded her with questions. "What is it? Did they find something?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

"The drugs," Karina muttered, pulling on her jeans. "They confirmed it's a new type of narcotic."

"Then what now?" Winter asked, a frown creasing her forehead. "Shouldn’t you be laying low now, protecting your cover?"

Ignoring Winter's question, Karina zipped up her jeans and grabbed her shirt and leather jacket. "Captain Lee wants me back at the base," she said, her voice clipped.

Winter's playful demeanor vanished, replaced by a pout. "Can't I come with you?" she pleaded, a flicker of hope in her eyes.

Karina shook her head firmly. "No, you stay here. It's safer."

Winter slumped back against the pillows, her initial disappointment morphing into a sulk.

Seeing the pout on Winter's face, a pang of guilt shot through Karina. She leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Winter's forehead. "I'll be back as soon as I can," she promised.

"Just be careful," Winter mumbled, her gaze lingering on Karina's face.

Karina offered a reassuring smile. "Always."




Winter finally crawled out of bed, the previous night's events leaving a pleasant ache in her muscles.  She rummaged through her suitcase and took out a pair of comfortable jeans and a loose T-shirt. After a fresh shower, she put on her shoes and initially wanted to walk to a nearby food stall, but her laziness suddenly came, her stomach grumbled, and instead she reached for her phone, she scrolled through the room service menu, watering at the delicious options.

After a long ten minutes, a doorbell rang announcing the arrival of her food. Winter hurried to the door, a smile already blooming on her face. She threw the door open, expecting to see the familiar face of the bellhop.

Instead, two figures stood in the doorway, towering over her like imposing shadows. Before she could even register the surprise, a rough hand clamped over , stifling her scream. A cloth, reeking of something chemical, was pressed against her face, and the world around her dissolved into darkness.

Meanwhile, miles away, Karina weaved through the bustling city streets on her motorbike. A flicker of movement in her rearview mirror caught her attention. A sleek black car, seemingly harmless at first glance, but then looks suspicious amongst the colorful chaos of traffic.

A frown creased her forehead. She swerved into a different lane, trying to lose the car in the maze of vehicles. But the car mirrored her movements, staying stubbornly glued to her tail. A growing unease settled in her gut.

Just then, her smartwatch buzzed with an incoming call. She glanced down at the screen and saw Giselle's name flash across the display. With a flick of her finger, she activated the communicator built into her helmet.

"Where are you?" Giselle's voice crackled through the speaker, laced with urgency.

"On my way," Karina replied tersely, her grip tightening on the handlebars. "But I think I have company."

"Damn it!" Giselle swore. "K, be careful!"

A horrifying realization dawned on Karina. "Oh, !" she muttered, her voice laced with dread.

"What is it?" Giselle demanded, panic creeping into her voice.

"Did you put a tracker on Winter? Can you track her?" Karina asked, her voice sharp.

"Yeah, we put tracker on her bracelet, hold on a sec." The sound of frantic keyboard typing filled the air for a moment.

Karina focused on the road ahead, her mind racing. She needed to buy some time, distract whoever was following her long enough for Giselle to get a fix on Winter's location.

"K, she's moving," Giselle announced finally. "Looks like she's headed towards Gunsan."

Gunsan? The name sent another jolt through Karina. A cold dread settled in her stomach. "Hey," she said, her voice grim. "I think this whole tailing thing is just a distraction. They're trying to get me away from Winter."

"! Alright, alright! I'll try to launch a drone first and see if we can follow them," Giselle replied.

"Keep me updated," Karina said, pushing the button on her communicator to end the call. Gripping the throttle, she twisted her arm. The engine roared to life, propelling her forward in a surge. She weaved through traffic like a phantom, dodging cars and zipping between lanes, putting as much distance as possible between her and the black car.

Finally, after a series of daring maneuvers and a healthy dose of luck, she was able to shake off her pursuers. Without wasting another moment, she changed course, heading straight to Gunsan.

Her phone buzzed again, and she saw Giselle's name on the screen. This time, she didn't hesitate.  She answered the call with a single, urgent word.


"They got her," Giselle confirmed. "She's in a black minivan. The plates are fake, unregistered."

"What the hell?" Fury boiled in Karina's chest, a dangerous glint flashing in her eyes.

"But there's a lead," Giselle continued. "Security footage from the BM club shows this car being used by Mila's crew several times for weapon deliveries."

"Mila?" Karina repeated, her voice tight with barely contained rage. "Someone still holds a grudge!"

Giselle couldn't help but let out a small, humorless laugh. "Or maybe," she drawled, "maybe she found out about how you ed her girlfriend. Ugh, lesbian drama. So complicated."

"Ugh, shut up, Gi!" Karina groaned, exasperated.

"Just saying," Giselle said with a playful lilt. "But one thing's for sure, she has no idea you're a cop."

Karina took a deep breath, trying to tamp down the inferno of emotions churning inside her. "Yeah, this is personal," she said, her voice hard with resolve.

"We hope so," Giselle said cautiously. "But listen, going in alone is crazy dangerous."

Karina shook her head fiercely. "I don't care. I'm getting Winter."

"K, this is a bad idea!" Giselle pleaded. "Don't even think about disobeying orders. Captain Lee will be furious."

"Just keep the teams on track with the original plan," Karina countered, her voice laced with desperate determination. "I'll handle this."

"You're gonna get yourself in so much trouble," Giselle warned.

"I know," Karina said, the weight of the decision settling on her shoulders. But the fear for Winter's safety drowned out any voice of reason.

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🚨 New Story Alert! 🚨
Introducing "Love Charade" ❤️
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Chapter 8: this was so well put together i loved it so much
raenaya #2
Chapter 1: 😍😍😍
kariselleheart #3
Chapter 8: wow.. i just finished love charade and i love it so much. i usually dont read stories like this but it was sooood good. my fave part was the hotel room convo 🥹 my heart was going through it.. what a great read. thanks you author!!!
jamesaidenliu29 #4
Chapter 1: It was very cute making me want to have a relationship too someone who would understand me even though I don't have that kind of money to spend on her/him. Still spending but in the rich type of way or luxuries anyways it is making me remind I'm single 😔🥲🤣
279 streak #5
Chapter 8: 😭😭 so cuteee even tho we got action stars right here 🤭 thank you for this authornim! 🫶☺️
monsalaimx #6
Chapter 8: i reallyy love them.. and how realistic that conversation is in the hotel room. since eng is not my first language i cant exactly tell how i feel but its really special to me. im in love with this story😍😍
yujinergetic_ #7
Chapter 8: i loveeee this!!
Hiccups_ #8
Chapter 8: Oh wow, didn't expect to be this gooood!!
LlamaAmerica #9
Chapter 8: I loved it!!! Thank you for this great story.😍❤️
22 streak #10
Chapter 8: Finally they both have time with each other..