Love Charade (3)

WINRINA one shot collection
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Love Charade

(Part 3)


The sterile white of the hospital room pulsated around Winter, each fluorescent light a beacon of her growing despair. Every beep of the heart monitor echoed in her skull, a relentless drumbeat against the silence of Karina's unconscious form.

Winter paced back and forth, her steps ragged and uneven. Stealing a glance at the monitor, the steady lines offered no comfort.

"Just a few hours," Winter muttered, her voice raw and hoarse. It felt like a lifetime had passed since paramedics rushed Karina away, a whirlwind of flashing lights and frantic activity. Now, the only movement was the rhythmic rise and fall of Karina's chest, each breath a fragile promise.

With a defeated sigh, Winter collapsed into the chair beside the bed. Grief threatened to overwhelm her, a cold fist tightening around . "Half a day," she choked out, her voice thick with despair. "It's been half a day, Karina. You said..." Her voice trailed off, the accusation unspoken.

Winter's gaze drifted to Karina's face. In repose, she looked almost serene, the worry lines on her forehead smoothed away. It was a cruel illusion, a stark contrast to the storm raging inside Winter.

"Why?" Winter whispered, the word barely a breath. The carefree banter they'd shared before seemed like a scene from another life. Regret gnawed at her insides, a relentless ache that mirrored the worry constricting her chest.

Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the image of Karina's face. Winter reached out, a hesitant hand hovering over Karina's. Finally, with a trembling touch, she intertwined their fingers. The coolness of Karina's skin sent a weird sensation for her.

"Come on, Kar," Winter pleaded, her voice cracking with emotion. "Don't do this to me. You promised." Tears spilled over, tracing a path down her cheeks. She wiped them away with a trembling hand, only for more to take their place.

Winter leaned closer, her forehead resting against the cool back of Karina's hand. In that sterile room, with the steady hum of machines as her only audience, her voice softened, filled with a vulnerability she rarely allowed herself to show.

"I… I never thought you'd actually take those damn pills, why you have risk yourself like this," Winter confessed, her voice barely a whisper. "You scared the hell out of me, Karina. Please, wake up.”




A few blurry shapes swam into focus as Karina cracked open her eyes. The harsh fluorescent lights of the hospital room fell right to her eyes. She groaned, wincing, and shielding her eyes with a forearm.

"Ugh, my head," Karina mumbled, her voice thick with sleep and medication.

Suddenly, a chipper voice pierced the silence. "Wakey wakey, sleepyhead!"

Karina squinted through her arm, finally making out the ever-so-familiar smirk of Giselle standing at the foot of her bed.

"Giselle?" Karina croaked, her voice raspy as sandpaper. "Why are you here?" Confusion clouded her mind as she tried to piece together the fragmented memories of the previous night.

"The star attraction of the fake anniversary party?" Giselle finished with a raised eyebrow. "Took you long enough to grace us with your presence."

Karina's brow furrowed. "Where's Winter?" Her heart lurched at the unfamiliar term.

Giselle's smirk faltered for a moment, a flicker of concern crossing her face. "Oh, your Juliet? I sent her home. Seemed like the poor girl was about to take root next to your bedside."

A pang of guilt shot through Karina. "Sent her home? Why?" she rasped, concern rising in her voice.

"Well, someone had to break the news, Romeo," Giselle said, her tone softening slightly. "You scared the living daylights out of her, you know? Waiting here all night, barely ate anything."

"What?" Karina's voice cracked, barely a whisper. "She... she stayed?"

"Stayed by your side day and night," Giselle confirmed, shaking her head in exasperation. "Just how many of those pills did you pop anyway?"

Karina winced at the mention of the pills. "Uh... three or four, maybe?" she offered sheepishly, racking her brain for a clear answer.

Giselle's eyes widened comically. "Three or four?! Are you out of your mind?" she shrieked, her voice laced with a mixture of anger and relief. "I told you two, tops! Two!"

Karina shrugged weakly, trying to maintain a nonchalant facade. "Hey, mistakes happen," she mumbled, earning a withering glare from Giselle.

"This wasn't a mistake, Kar, this was reckless!" Giselle scolded. "Those sedatives are strong enough to knock out a grizzly bear in hibernation!"

"Exaggeration much?" Karina attempted a playful roll of her eyes, despite the throbbing pain in her head.

"I'm not exaggerating, you dummy!" Giselle shot back, her voice laced with genuine worry. "You could have seriously hurt yourself! Consider this a near-death experience, alright?"

Karina sighed, a defeated slump to her shoulders. "Okay, okay, I get it. No more near-death experiences, I promise." She shot Giselle a weak smile.

Suddenly, with a surprising burst of energy, Karina reached for the IV drip, her fingers fumbling with the plastic tubing.

"Whoa there, rockhead!" Giselle exclaimed, her reflexes kicking in as she swiftly pushed Karina back onto the bed. "You're not going anywhere yet."

"I'm going home," Karina declared stubbornly, her gaze fixed on the door.

Giselle threw her hands up in exasperation. "No, you're not! Look, if we're going to pull off this whole 'overdose' charade, you gotta commit. A few days here will convince Jia you really messed up, alright?"

Karina slumped back into the bed, defeated. Giselle had a point. As much as she hated causing Winter any further worry, staying in the hospital was the only way to maintain the illusion.

"Fine," she grumbled, closing her eyes with a sigh. "But make sure they have decent food here. And tell Winter..." she trailed off, unable to voice the apology that burned in .



Winter shuffled towards her apartment, her body a lead weight, mirroring the heaviness in her heart. The frantic events at the club and the sterile vigil by Karina's bedside had drained her completely. As she fumbled with her keys, Jia showed up from behind.

"Winter!" Jia exclaimed, her voice laced with a mixture of surprise and concern.

"Oh, Jia," Winter stammered, startled by the unexpected encounter.

"I heard about Karina," Jia said gently, her gaze searching Winter's tear-streaked face. "How is she?"

Winter fought back a fresh wave of tears. "She's still unconscious at the hospital," she choked out, her voice raspy.

Jia's face softened with sympathy. She reached out, pulling Winter into a warm embrace. "Oh, dear," she murmured, her voice a soothing balm. "She's strong. She'll pull through this."

Winter melted into Jia's embrace, the tears she'd been holding back finally spilling over. Her body wracked with sobs, the worry, fear, and exhaustion of the past few hours cascading out in a torrent of emotion.

In that moment, the line between acting and genuine emotion blurred. The fear for Karina's well-being, the whole mission, and the sheer exhaustion of living a double life – it all coalesced into a single, overwhelming truth.

Jia held her close, whispering comforting words that Winter barely registered through the fog of grief.

"Come on," Jia said softly once Winter's sobs subsided into shaky breaths. "Let's talk in my place. You need a hot drink and a chance to talk."

Winter sniffled, nodding weakly.

The real vulnerability of the past few hours lingered, a raw ache in Winter chest. But she shoved it aside. If she couldn't clear her head, the entire operation could be compromised. This was her chance. Every fabricated detail, every carefully constructed lie she'd rehearsed in her head, all hinged on convincing Jia of the story she was about to tell.

As they entered Jia's apartment, her gaze darted around the room, a trained eye subconsciously scanning for any hidden details, any clues that might unravel the web of lies Jia had spun.

Jia reappeared with two steaming mugs of tea, their fragrant aroma a welcome comfort. "Here, drink this first," she offered, handing a mug to Winter.

"Thank you," Winter mumbled, taking a hesitant sip. The warmth of the tea soothed her chilled hands, but it did little to dispel the cold dread that coiled in her empty stomach.

"What happened?" Jia asked gently, her voice laced with concern.

Winter launched into a fabricated story, her voice gaining a semblance of control. "Lab results showed a high level of narcotics in her blood," she explained, weaving a tale of a relapse, of a hidden struggle Karina had been battling alone. All the while, she monitored Jia's reaction, searching for a flicker of suspicion, a hint of doubt.

Jia's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh my god," she gasped, her hand flying to . "Is she... is she an addict?"

Winter met her gaze, a flicker of despair crossing her face. "She's been through rehab before," she admitted, "but I thought she was clean, maybe her work must have brought back the stress, the pressure..." she trailed off, her voice heavy with manufactured grief.

Jia nodded slowly, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Have you noticed any signs lately?"

"Honestly, no," Winter said, shaking her head in a practiced show of bewilderment. "In our relationship, everything seemed fine. We were happy, supportive of each other."

Jia seemed to accept the explanation, a flicker of sadness replacing the initial shock in her eyes. "Maybe it was work then," she ventured, a hint of accusation aimed at the unseen force that had pushed Karina to this desperate act.

"Work could be," Winter said vaguely, desperate to steer the conversation away from the club itself. She couldn't risk drawing Jia's attention back to the scene of their carefully laid trap. In a desperate attempt to change the subject, she added, "I don't know, Jia. I just…"

"Everything's going to be okay, Winter," Jia interrupted, placing a reassuring hand on Winter's shoulder. "She's under medical supervision now, right? They'll take good care of her."

"I hope so," Winter echoed, clinging to the fragile thread of hope. "Oh, Jia, I actually need to get back to the hospital. I just came home to get some things."

A flicker of understanding crossed Jia's face. "Of course," she said, her voice warm. "Just let me know if there's anything you need. Anything at all."

"Thank you, Jia," Winter replied, a small, genuine smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

"No worries, Winter," Jia said, her smile mirroring Winter's. "Just take care of yourself too. Don't skip meals, alright?"

Winter nodded, a silent promise.




Winter pushed open the door of Karina's hospital room, expecting the sterile white walls to greet her. Instead, the rhythmic tapping of a phone screen and the faint hum of a mobile game filled the room. Karina, propped up against the pillows, her face aglow in the phone's light, was a sight so unexpected it almost knocked the breath out of Winter.

"Oh, you're here, babe?" Karina chirped, a wide grin splitting her face. The nickname, usually a source of playful annoyance, landed wrong this time. Winter's stomach churned, a sour cocktail of worry and frustration.

"Don't 'babe' me," Winter muttered, tossing a duffle bag to Karina with more force than intended. The bag thudded on Karina’s stomach, momentarily breaking the cheerful atmosphere.

"Ouch!" Karina exclaimed, feigning hurt. "Hey, is that how you treat a patient?"

Winter slumped onto the sofa across the bed, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. Her annoyed silence was a stark contrast to Karina's bubbly demeanor. Karina, oblivious to Winter's mood, tilted her head with amusement.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," Karina teased, her voice laced with humor.

Winter let out a frustrated groan. "Ugh, even in this situation you're still annoying!" she blurted out, puffing out her cheeks in a childish pout.

"What did I do?" Karina's smile faltered, replaced by genuine confusion.

Winter uncrossed her arms, her voice tight with barely suppressed anger as she walks closer to Karina’s bed. "Why? Why did you do that?" she demanded. "Why put yourself in danger like that?"

Karina blinked, taken aback by the intensity of Winter's question. But before she could respond, Winter continued, her voice trembling slightly.

"You scared the hell out of me, Karina. I thought…" She trailed off, unable to voice the terrifying scenario that had played out in her mind all night.

Karina playful facade replaced by a concerned frown. "Hey, hey," she soothed, reaching out to take Winter's hand. "I'm okay, Winter. Look, I even climbed ten levels in Gardenscapes in just a few hours!" she announced proudly, a hint of her usual cheerfulness peeking through.

Winter snatched the phone from Karina's grasp with a scoff. "Who cares about that damn game!" she exclaimed, but her anger seemed to be waning, replaced by a mixture of exasperation and relief. The sudden movement, however, sent a jolt of pain through her hips, and she stumbled forward, losing her balance.

With a gasp, Karina catching Winter, their bodies collided, Winter's upper body landing awkwardly on top of Karina. A strangled laugh escaped Karina's lips.

"See? If you missed me that much, at least don't pounce on me like a wildcat," Karina joked, her breath tickling Winter's ear.

Heat flooded Winter's cheeks. She scrambled to her feet, self-conscious under Karina's amused gaze. "I-I wasn't," she stammered, avoiding eye contact.

Winter started to walk away, her steps stiff, but Karina reached out and grasped her hand. The touch sent a warm shiver down Winter's spine.

"Hey," Karina said softly, her voice sincere. "I'm sorry. I know I scared you. It was stupid, reckless…"

Winter remained silent, her back to Karina, a million unspoken questions swirling in her mind.

"But listen," Karina continued, her voice firm despite the weakness of her recent ordeal, "I'm okay now. Sorry to make you worry."

Winter finally turned around, her eyes searching Karina's face. Relief and concern battled within her, a turmoil mirrored in her expression.

Karina, sensing Winter's hesitation, patted the space beside her on the bed. "Can you join me here?" she invited with a small smile. "Just for a little bit?"

"What for?" Winter retorted, her voice still laced with a touch of annoyance.

"Come on, babe," Karina wheedled, patting the space beside her on the bed. "Surely a near-death experience deserves a little lovin', wouldn't you say?"

Winter considered the invitation for a moment, her initial resistance slowly melting away. With a sigh of defeat, she nodded and walked towards the bed. Finally, she slid onto the bed next to Karina. As she did, a blush crept up her neck, betraying the warmth that flooded her at the simple act of being close.

Karina, oblivious to Winter's turmoil, beamed, her smile as bright as the phone screen she'd tossed aside earlier.

A comfortable silence enveloped them. Karina, ever the one to break the ice, reached out and s her arm around Winter's waist, pulling her closer. Karina’s touch sending a jolt through Winter's entire body, she stiffened for a moment, but then, hesitantly, wrapped her own arm around Karina's waist.

A small smile played on Karina's lips as she leaned into Winter's touch. "See? Not so bad, is it?" she whispered, her voice laced with contentment.

Winter mumbled a noncommittal response, her gaze fixed on the white ceiling. Being this close to Karina was a sensory overload. The faint scent of Karina's shampoo, the warmth radiating from her body, the gentle rise and fall of her chest – it was all incredibly distracting.

"Does it have to be like this?" Winter finally blurted out, her voice barely above a whisper. The awkwardness gnawed at her, and the concern she'd felt earlier was now laced with a confusing mix of irritation and something else entirely.

Karina tilted her head, her playful smile faltering for a moment. "Ssshh!" she hushed playfully, before a teasing glint returned to her eyes. "You ask too much, Agent Winter."

Winter couldn't help but crack a small smile at the nickname. Despite herself, a flicker of warmth danced in her chest. This entire situation felt so… strange. Here she was, undercover, tasked with gathering intel, yet all she could think about was the way Karina's hair tickled her arm and the rapid beat of her own heart.

A comfortable silence settled between them for a moment, broken only by the rhythmic beeping of a nearby monitor. Finally, Karina spoke, her voice softer this time.

"Did you see Jia?" she asked, her eyes searching Winter's face.

"Yes," Winter replied, her voice regaining some of its usual coolness.

"What did she say?"

"I think she believed it. That you're an addict," Winter admitted, the words leaving a bitter taste in .

"Nice! Then our little charade paid off." Karina grinned, a hint of pride in her voice. "At least all that passed out, nausea and headache wasn't for nothing."

Winter couldn't help but let out a cold scoff. "It's not even funny, you know."

Before Karina could retort, Winter reached out and poked her side playfully. The unexpected attack sent shivers down Karina's spine, a surprised yelp escaping her lips. Winter peppered her side with more tickles, earning a string of giggles and squirming protests from Karina.

Suddenly, Karina lunged, her playful attempt to grab Winter's hand morphing into a clumsy hug. In the process, their faces collided. Winter froze, stunned by the unexpected closeness.

Before she could react, Karina surprised her again. A soft kiss landed on her forehead, sending a jolt through her entire body.

"Hey, what was that for?" Winter stammered, her cheeks burning with a blush.

"Oh, it worked," Karina said with a sly grin once Winter stopped tickling her.

Winter stared at her, speechless, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

"What is it?" Karina asked, her voice laced with playfulness. "Do you want me to kiss you properly?" she offered, her lips pouting playfully.

Winter's annoyance flared. This whole thing was getting… complicated. She wanted to be angry, to maintain her professional distance, but the warmth of Karina's kiss lingered on her skin, a sweet temptation.

The frustration must have shown on her face because Karina's smile faltered, replaced by a serious expression. With a gentle hand, she cupped Winter's chin, tilting her face upwards. Then, in slow, deliberate movements, she drew Winter closer and kissed her.

This kiss was different. It was soft yet filled with a quiet intensity that sent shivers down Winter's spine. Her initial resistance crumbled under the gentle pressure of Karina's lips. Despite the internal war raging within her, Winter found herself melting into the kiss, her body betraying the logic that screamed at her to pull away.

As they finally broke apart, both of them were breathless, their eyes locked in a silent conversation.  Winter knew she should push Karina away, maintain the facade they'd so carefully constructed. But for a moment, lost in the afterglow of the kiss, she simply couldn't. Maybe, just maybe, a tiny part of her, the part she kept hidden away, was starting to fall for the woman who'd just kissed her.

The realization hit Winter like a rogue wave, leaving her momentarily disoriented. Her head spun with conflicting emotions – duty versus desire, logic versus the undeniable pull she felt towards Karina. Pushing away wouldn't be easy. Not anymore.




Following the incident at the club, a few days later the highly anticipated drug party took place at the exclusive VIP lounge. As Karina had mentioned previously, this party would provide valuable information on the distribution of drugs within the club. The investigation team finally collected a substantial amount of evidence from the devices they had hidden previously, but their work was far from over; they were only halfway through their mission.

As the days passed, Karina and Winter found their relationship growing more and more blurred. Despite the gradual loosening of boundaries between them, there remained a towering wall that they both yearned to break through. Yet they were constantly held back by their own sense of professionalism and propriety, unable to fully give in to their desires.

Karina, restless, tapped away at her phone, stealing glances at the clock. It ticked past nine, an unusual hour for Winter's return, and coincidentally she didn't bring her car because it was being serviced. A rumble of thunder shook the apartment, followed by the relentless drumming of rain. Karina jumped, a grimace twisting her features.

"Seriously!" she muttered, her voice laced with frustration. She glanced at the door, Winter's umbrella stood sentinel in the corner. Panic clawed at . "Ah, she didn't bring it…"

Karina fumbled with her phone, dialing Winter's number. The line went dead. Her stomach lurched. Ignoring the nagging voice in her head that labeled it a 'friendly concern,' Karina snatched an umbrella from the stand and bolted out the door.

The bus stop offered meager shelter. The night wind whipped the rain into a frenzy, soaking Karina to the bone. Her teeth chattered, a stark contrast to the burning worry in her chest. Every approaching bus sent a surge of hope only to be dashed moments later. An hour crawled by, each minute adding to her growing fear. She kept checking her phone, praying for a message, a call, anything.

Just when despair threatened to engulf her, a familiar light pierced the downpour. A groan escaped Karina's lips as she recognized the bus route. And then, she saw her. Winter, huddled against the window, oblivious to the frantic figure waiting for her.

A surge of relief washed over Karina. With a renewed burst of energy, she sprinted towards the bus, flinging open the umbrella the moment the doors hissed open. Winter stepped out, blinking in surprise as a wall of protection materialized above her.

Winter's eyes widened. "Karina? Why are you…?" Her voice trailed off, the concern twisting her features mirroring Karina's.

Only then did Karina reali

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🚨 New Story Alert! 🚨
Introducing "Love Charade" ❤️
This story will unfold in four parts, and guess what? The first part is already out!
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Chapter 8: this was so well put together i loved it so much
raenaya #2
Chapter 1: 😍😍😍
kariselleheart 14 streak #3
Chapter 8: wow.. i just finished love charade and i love it so much. i usually dont read stories like this but it was sooood good. my fave part was the hotel room convo 🥹 my heart was going through it.. what a great read. thanks you author!!!
jamesaidenliu29 #4
Chapter 1: It was very cute making me want to have a relationship too someone who would understand me even though I don't have that kind of money to spend on her/him. Still spending but in the rich type of way or luxuries anyways it is making me remind I'm single 😔🥲🤣
284 streak #5
Chapter 8: 😭😭 so cuteee even tho we got action stars right here 🤭 thank you for this authornim! 🫶☺️
monsalaimx #6
Chapter 8: i reallyy love them.. and how realistic that conversation is in the hotel room. since eng is not my first language i cant exactly tell how i feel but its really special to me. im in love with this story😍😍
yujinergetic_ #7
Chapter 8: i loveeee this!!
Hiccups_ #8
Chapter 8: Oh wow, didn't expect to be this gooood!!
LlamaAmerica #9
Chapter 8: I loved it!!! Thank you for this great story.😍❤️
29 streak #10
Chapter 8: Finally they both have time with each other..