Love Charade (2)

WINRINA one shot collection
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Love Charade

(Part 2)


The pulsing beat of the music filled the air, beckoning everyone to the dance floor as the DJ worked their magic. Winter sat at the bar, ordering drinks and taking in the vibrant atmosphere of the club.

Jia spotted her and made her way over, a glass of vodka in hand. "Hey, you made it!" Jia greeted Winter with a smile.

Winter returned the gesture, "Hi Jia."

"Where's Karina?" Jia asked curiously.

"She went to the restroom," Winter replied, gesturing towards the direction of the facilities.

"Oh, I see." Jia nodded before gesturing towards a group sitting in a corner, "Come join us."

"I would love to, but I'm waiting for some friends to arrive," Winter politely declined.

"Alright, next time then, have fun tonight," Jia said with a smile before heading back to her circle of friends.

Winter settled in at the bar, taking in the lively atmosphere and eagerly awaiting the arrival of her own group.

The vibrant lights illuminated the dance floor as people moved and swayed to the beat of the music, creating an electrifying energy throughout the club. As Winter sipped her drink, she realized that Karina had been gone for far too long and decided to go look for her in the restroom.

As she pushed open the door, Winter's eyes immediately fell upon a familiar figure being cornered by several women. Her protective instincts kicked in, and she quickly made her way towards Karina.

"Excuse me, ladies," Winter said, her tone icy and sharp. "Is there a problem here?"

The women, startled by the newcomer's assertive presence, faltered. Before any of them could stammer a reply, Winter barged between them, her gaze fixed solely on Karina.

"What's going on here?" Winter demanded, her voice a low growl. "What are you doing to my girlfriend?"

Karina's eyes, wide with surprise, softened with relief as they met Winter's. A hesitant smile played on her lips. “Babe,”

Winter wrapped a protective arm around Karina's waist, her fierce gaze sweeping over the group of women one last time. Without waiting for an answer, she propelled Karina out of the hostile circle.

"Let's go," Winter muttered, her voice tight with barely controlled anger.

As they walked away, Karina leaned into Winter's side, showing her gratitude with small pecks on the cheek. Her actions spoke volumes to the women who had been trying to devour her earlier that she belonged to Winter, and she wasn't afraid to show it.

"What was that about?" Winter whispered after the kiss, trying to maintain her composure but unable to hide her concern for Karina. "Those girls... what were you doing there?"

"They were cornering me," Karina’s brow furrowed in confusion as she explained, “I don't know what they wanted.” she shrugged.

But Winter knew better - Karina had an undeniable charm that seemed to attract attention wherever she went. After all, Karina had a strong charm that seemed to draw people towards her like moths to a flame. It was both endearing and frustrating at times.

Rolling her eyes at Karina's obliviousness, Winter stated the obvious, "They want you."

"But I already have you," Karina responded with a sly grin, sidling up next to Winter and wrapping an arm around her waist.

Despite wanting to pry Karina's hand off her waist, Winter gave in and allowed Karina to hold onto her as they walked back to the bar.

"I met Jia earlier," Winter explained, "She invited me to join her circle, but I declined because it was too early and I said my friends would be coming."

Karina playfully teased, "Do you even have friends?"

"Don't start," Winter pouted unconsciously as she quickly walked ahead to the bar.

Karina followed behind, chuckling. "My friend is on the way here, tell your friend to hurry up."

"She's on the way too," Winter said, pushing a glass towards Karina.

Grinning, Karina took a sip of her favourite drink and revealed the fact that Winter remembered her preference. The cool liquid slid down , leaving a pleasant warmth in its wake.

Suddenly, a gentle tap on her shoulder interrupted Karina's thoughts. It was Giselle, one of Karina's closest friends.

"Oh, Gi! You made it!" Karina exclaimed with genuine excitement.

"Hi, Winter," Giselle greeted with a smile. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Hello Giselle, it's nice to see you outside of work," Winter forced a smile before turning to Karina and teasingly saying, "I didn’t know you were friends with her."

Giselle hails from the same headquarters as Winter, while Karina belongs to a different regional headquarters. It's common for police agencies from different regions to collaborate on risky or secret operations, requiring teamwork and coordination across boundaries.

Giselle joined in on the joke and quipped, "Yeah, I guess I’m the only friend she has."

"Whatever," Karina rolled her eyes before proudly announcing, "Anyway, she's my girlfriend now," while wrapping her arm around Winter's waist.

The warmth of Karina's body against hers sent a thrilling sensation down Winter's spine.

"Congrats guys," Giselle chuckled knowingly, already aware of the couple's undercover mission together. She turned to Winter, "but be careful not to fall for her, she can be dangerous."

"Hey!" Karina elbowed Giselle playfully, "What the heck!”

Before Giselle could respond, someone called out Winter's name. Winter turned to see her friend Ningning standing behind her.

"Winter!" Ningning exclaimed, wrapping her friend in a tight hug.

"Ning, you here!" Winter smiled widely, happy to see a familiar face to her, pulling back. "This is Ningning, guys. We used to be practically inseparable back in high school."

Karina's heart warmed at the sight of Winter's genuine smile and eagerness after Ningning's arrival. It was a rare sight for her since they started living and working together.

"Oh, I want to introduce you to Karina and Giselle," Winter continued, her voice tinged with a hint of pride. "They're friends of mine from work."

Karina beamed and waved at Ningning. "I'm Winter's girlfriend," she declared proudly.

A blush crept up Winter's neck. "Stop it, you're embarrassing me," she whispered, giving Karina a playful elbow nudge.

“Hi,” Ningning waved back before leaning closer to Winter, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Ohhh, Winter, your girlfriend is gorgeous. Seriously, drop-dead gorgeous." she teased in a low voice.

Winter met Ningning's gaze with a secret smile. "I know, right?" she whispered back, her voice filled with a warmth that spoke volumes.

Ningning couldn't help but grin. Her eyes then shifted to Giselle, who possessed a different kind of beauty – one that radiated quiet confidence and an air of mystery. Giselle, catching Ningning's stare, gave a small wave and tilted her head in question.

"I'm Giselle," she said, her voice like honeyed silk. "Want to keep me company and ditch these lovebirds for a drink?"

The offer hung in the air, laced with a hint of playful challenge. Ningning, never one to back down from a good time, rose to the occasion.

"Yes, sure," Ningning replied, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Winter watched as the two made their way to the other end of the bar, feeling relieved that her best friend was comfortable with Giselle. There was something about the way Giselle looked at Ningning that warmed her heart. Perhaps this would be more than just another ordinary night for the two of them.

Despite the vibrant energy of the club, her focus remained sharp. Leaning in close to Karina, she murmured, “Keep an eye on Jia. She's sitting at the table at 4 o'clock.”

"I know, the woman next to her is Mila, her girlfriend," Karina replied.

She pulled Winter closer as if to kiss her, but instead she wanted Winter to get a better view from her shoulder. This gesture took Winter by surprise; it was smooth and tempting, causing her heart hammering a frantic rhythm against her ribs.

“Mila is one of the main players in the smuggling of rifles from Russia through Gunsan Port,” Karina explained, her lips brushing against Winter's ear.

The words were a stark contrast to the heat lingering on Winter's skin. With barely a beat, Winter shifted her focus, memorizing Mila's features.

"They're throwing a big party in two weeks at the VIP lounge," Karina continued, her voice dipping even lower. "Word on the street is, there'll be more than just champagne flowing."

A shiver of anticipation ran down Winter's spine. The combination of danger and proximity was intoxicating.

"Well now, we need to make sure they see us," Winter said, a steely glint in her eyes.

"You got it, babe," Karina winked at Winter. "So, shall we dance?"

“Yeah, sure,” Winter takes Karina’s hand as she leads Winter to the dance floor.

As they hit the dance floor, the music thrummed in their veins. Winter, fueled by adrenaline and a touch of liquid courage, surprised even herself. Her body moved with a newfound fluidity, mirroring Karina's lead with an unexpected grace.

Karina raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Seems the alcohol loosened more than just your inhibitions, babe." Her voice was a husky murmur, sending shivers down Winter's spine.

Winter met Karina's gaze, a playful glint in her eyes. Leaning in close, she whispered, "Maybe. But trust me, this act is more convincing with a little extra spice."

With a slow, deliberate movement, Winter spun, her back momentarily pressed against Karina's chest. The heat of Karina's body was a tangible presence, sending a delicious thrill through her.

As the music transitioned to a slow, sultry beat, Karina took the lead, her body gliding effortlessly across the floor. Winter, mimicking her steps, was surprised by their sudden, unexpected synergy.

Their movements became a silent conversation, a dance of unspoken desires. Karina dipped low, her laughter like a melody in the air. Winter leaned closer, their faces inches apart. The air crackled with electricity, the smoky scent of the club a hazy veil over their heated gazes.

The dance floor became their stage. They moved as one, their bodies a symphony of unspoken connection. Around them, whispers turned into stares. Not far from the dance floor, jealousy flickered in Jia's eyes. A flicker quickly masked by a forced smile.

Winter, emboldened by the music and the intoxicating proximity, closed the distance. Her lips met Karina's in a slow, searching kiss. It started tentatively, a brush of lips that sent shivers down Winter's spine. But then, as if ignited by a spark, the kiss deepened.

Karina, ever the master of seduction, deepened the kiss, her arms winding around Winter's back. Winter, lost in the moment, melted into her touch. The world around them seemed to fade away, the pulsing music replaced by the frantic rhythm of their beating hearts.

Pulling away, Winter found herself trapped in Karina's gaze. It was a beautiful gaze, yes, but a puzzle she couldn't quite decipher. A disarming warmth bloomed within it, a warmth that sent shivers down Winter's spine and simultaneously muddied her thoughts with confusion.

A sliver of fear pricked at her. This mission demanded focus, a clear head. Yet, here she was, flustered and undeniably affected by a single kiss – a kiss that was supposed to be an act.

The air crackled with unspoken possibilities, the line between act and reality blurring with every stolen glance and lingering touch. Tonight, the dance floor was more than just a dance floor; it was a battlefield, a stage, and a canvas for a performance that was both thrilling and undeniably seductive.




The clock struck at 3 AM as they fumbled with their keys, finally slipping through their apartment door. The air, thick with unspoken emotions, felt heavier than the night itself. Winter kicked off her heels, their clatter echoing in the sudden silence. Karina shrugged off her jacket, her movements stiff and formal.

"Thanks for tonight," Winter blurted, the words tumbling out awkwardly. "You did well today."

"Yeah," Karina replied, a forced smile tugging at her lips. "You did great too."

The air crackled with unspoken desires and a strange tension. Neither woman met the other's gaze, their eyes flitting around the room like nervous butterflies.

They retreated to their separate routines, preparing for bed. Winter, lost in the afterglow of the night, couldn't shake the memory of the dance floor. The heat of Karina's body against hers, the electricity in their kiss, replayed on a loop in her mind. A shaky smile curved her lips as she pulled the covers over her face, a blush warming her cheeks.

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🚨 New Story Alert! 🚨
Introducing "Love Charade" ❤️
This story will unfold in four parts, and guess what? The first part is already out!
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Chapter 8: this was so well put together i loved it so much
raenaya #2
Chapter 1: 😍😍😍
kariselleheart 14 streak #3
Chapter 8: wow.. i just finished love charade and i love it so much. i usually dont read stories like this but it was sooood good. my fave part was the hotel room convo 🥹 my heart was going through it.. what a great read. thanks you author!!!
jamesaidenliu29 #4
Chapter 1: It was very cute making me want to have a relationship too someone who would understand me even though I don't have that kind of money to spend on her/him. Still spending but in the rich type of way or luxuries anyways it is making me remind I'm single 😔🥲🤣
284 streak #5
Chapter 8: 😭😭 so cuteee even tho we got action stars right here 🤭 thank you for this authornim! 🫶☺️
monsalaimx #6
Chapter 8: i reallyy love them.. and how realistic that conversation is in the hotel room. since eng is not my first language i cant exactly tell how i feel but its really special to me. im in love with this story😍😍
yujinergetic_ #7
Chapter 8: i loveeee this!!
Hiccups_ #8
Chapter 8: Oh wow, didn't expect to be this gooood!!
LlamaAmerica #9
Chapter 8: I loved it!!! Thank you for this great story.😍❤️
29 streak #10
Chapter 8: Finally they both have time with each other..