# 9 (Bad Boss)

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Hyukjae's having trouble. He can cook. He's not bad. It's just... he's nervous. The bread was burned already. Because those bunnies distracted him. Then he took Hayun over. To Donghae. Forgot the pan on the stove.

So that's burnt too.



Hyukjae spills the coffee. Behind... his magic is disrupted. The stove's flame rises.


Hyukjae waves his arm. Quickly extinguishes the fire. Removes the food.

"Noooo!" he whines. "What am I gonna serve him?"

"What are you doing in the kitchen?" Sungmin says.

"W-What do you think?"

"Hyukkie, we already agreed you shouldn't be cooking or using magic in the kitchen unless someone is here with you..."

"I am your boss," Hyukjae mutters. Cleans the spilled coffee. The cup and saucer. Fills it again. Places it on the tray. "Go back to bed."

Sungmin comes up behind him. Takes the pot from him.

"This doesn't look right."

"What?! W-Why isn't it right? What do you mean?"

"This is tea, Hyukkie."

"What?! How? No way!"

"You're actually worse than I thought..." Sungmin mumbles. "Who was it that said you're okay in the kitchen?"

"I-I'm just a little stressed, okay? I'll fix it -- now go away."


Sungmin holds his arm. Both his arms. Brings him close.

"I could smell something got burned, Hyukkie. What's going on?"

Hyukjae gulps. He got rid of what was burning. So fast. How did he notice?

"It was just the... bread. Toast. Nothing serious."

"You burned toast?"

Oh. That makes him even more inept.

"Everything's okay, Sungmin. You can go back to sleep--"

"Where are the others? Hayun, Lily, and Kyuhyun are supposed to be helping you."

"T-They went out to get some... stuff...."

"All of them?"


"They left you all alone?"

"W-Well, we don't have guests around this time, so... it's okay..."

Sungmin brings him closer. Lowers his voice. "But we do have one regular guest around this time, Hyukkie."

"Yes. T-That's who I'm making breakfast for!"

"Ryeowook's also up, Hyukkie," Sungmin says. His eyes are wide. "I said I'd come check what's up and I'm sure he's also out of bed by now."

Hyukjae gasps. Pulls himself away. Runs out of the kitchen--

Someone with a long robe is behind the counter. It has giraffes on it. Ryeowook. He straightens. Smirks.

"Go look at what they're doing."




Hyukjae bursts into the room. Runs to Donghae's table.


The bunnies are all over Donghae. One's on his shoulder. Nuzzling his cheek. Another's hanging from his chest. The third is his lips.

"Stop!" Hyukjae yanks Kyuhyun away. "You can't do that!" He pulls Hayun too. Lily. "Kyu -- Mr. Pudding, no!"

Donghae's laughter and giggles stop. His smile fades. He gazes up with those gentle eyes. Worriedly.

"Hyukjae... what's the matter?"

Hyukjae struggles to hold them. His squirming workers. "Ha--Biscuit! Stop

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Thank you for reading :) I have very little time these days. But this fic takes less time than others.


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970 streak #1
Chapter 13: Oh dear!
They didn't get to pay for their dinner.
Now, who's the ogre?
Thank you so much for the update.
HelenDamnation #2
Chapter 13: Lol. You'd think they'd be afraid he'll turn them all into bunnies again.
ldh2013 #3
Chapter 13: Thank you for updating! I'm always happy to see a new chapter of this story. hehe. I half expected a gaggle of bunnies to meet Hyukjae at the restaurant, which would have been really hard to explain. Hayun/Coconut is nice too. I love how they all flock to Donghae who coos over them whenever Hyukjae is getting upset with them.
ldh2013 #4
Chapter 12: awww. nooo. The bunnies are going to mess up Hyukjae's date! To Hyukjae anyway. They really can't function without him.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 12: Of course they don't have to get Hyukjae. :D
Chapter 12: I love that Hyukjae brought all the things necessary to make sure they will be able to communicate. Very thoughtful of him. I'm looking forward to the next update full of bunny gang shenanigans 😄
970 streak #7
Chapter 12: This is really such an amusing story.
ldh2013 #8
Chapter 11: Hyukjae basically attempting to herd rabbits. hehe.
Chapter 10: Working in Hyukjae's inn must be quite the experience 😆 Thank you for this update I can't wait for the next
ldh2013 #10
Chapter 10: Thank you for sacrificing your sleep and giving us another dose of this cute story. Voice energy? Is Donghae's voice magic? Hyukjae may have less reason to be nervous about exposing Donghae to magic than he thinks. If Donghae needs healing, maybe Hyukjae can help.