# 3 (Innkeeper)

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"Welcome! What would you like today?"

Donghae's suddenly all butterflies. Here he is again.


He gets the menu. His eyes fly all over. Not seeing much. Reading much.

Donghae came two days ago. Four days ago. Both times... Hyukjae wasn't here. Someone named Sungmin greeted him. A chipper lady named Lily. Through them... Donghae learned his name.

Hyukjae. This is an inn. He's the innkeeper.

"I'm not sure if you've been told, but you can actually ask for whatever you like, even if it's not on the menu. We can make it, if we have what we need. If not today, then next time."

Oh, why does he feel red? Why's his heart beating so fast? Why isn't his mouth working?

Donghae ends up nodding. Smiling. He points randomly. Hyukjae leans over. Blinks. Donghae looks down, too. It's a blank space.

Why's there a blank space?

"You do have a special request for something?" Hyukjae says.

Donghae feels redder. He shakes his head. Grabs his phone now. His previous note is there. He shows it to him.

"Oh, same as last time?" Hyukjae says. "Sure thing. It'll be around fifteen minutes."

Donghae nods again. Gulps. Watches him leave. Slumps in the chair.

What the hell?



Donghae had wanted to come again. Often. He couldn't. It just felt like...

He shouldn't.

This man's face stayed ever present. In his mind. The warm gaze. The radiant smile. The flash of endearing pink gums. He'd seemed a friendly person. From that first encounter. Someone kind. Patient.

So Donghae did end up coming. The past two times.

Only to be slightly disappointed.

"Hyukjae was doing a night shift, so he's getting some sleep!"

That was Lily. She wore a nametag.

"Are you open twenty-four-seven?"

"Of course!"

Donghae had nodded. Smiled. Given his order.

His voice is usually fine. In the morning. It diminishes by noon. If he uses it. So he lets it rest. For a few hours. Then he's good for a while.

But that first time....

And now....

He never gets to say much. To this... Hyukjae. He knows his voice is fine. It's just..

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Thank you for reading :) I have very little time these days. But this fic takes less time than others.


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969 streak #1
Chapter 13: Oh dear!
They didn't get to pay for their dinner.
Now, who's the ogre?
Thank you so much for the update.
HelenDamnation #2
Chapter 13: Lol. You'd think they'd be afraid he'll turn them all into bunnies again.
ldh2013 #3
Chapter 13: Thank you for updating! I'm always happy to see a new chapter of this story. hehe. I half expected a gaggle of bunnies to meet Hyukjae at the restaurant, which would have been really hard to explain. Hayun/Coconut is nice too. I love how they all flock to Donghae who coos over them whenever Hyukjae is getting upset with them.
ldh2013 #4
Chapter 12: awww. nooo. The bunnies are going to mess up Hyukjae's date! To Hyukjae anyway. They really can't function without him.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 12: Of course they don't have to get Hyukjae. :D
Chapter 12: I love that Hyukjae brought all the things necessary to make sure they will be able to communicate. Very thoughtful of him. I'm looking forward to the next update full of bunny gang shenanigans 😄
969 streak #7
Chapter 12: This is really such an amusing story.
ldh2013 #8
Chapter 11: Hyukjae basically attempting to herd rabbits. hehe.
Chapter 10: Working in Hyukjae's inn must be quite the experience 😆 Thank you for this update I can't wait for the next
ldh2013 #10
Chapter 10: Thank you for sacrificing your sleep and giving us another dose of this cute story. Voice energy? Is Donghae's voice magic? Hyukjae may have less reason to be nervous about exposing Donghae to magic than he thinks. If Donghae needs healing, maybe Hyukjae can help.