My Love

Moving On With You, Jinjoo
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Soft quilts and the entangling of legs. It all seemed like the perfect situation for a winter morning, seeking warmth from the other. But not quite when the warmth seemed to come from something rigid, yet so comfortable. A place where rolling seemed endless.

A silent thud greeted the room, followed by a soft groan from the girl who was on the heated floor with the blanket wrapped around her. Yujin hisses, hand going to her forehead, fingers rubbing the area she hit.

Her eyes squinted, realising the bed leg was now her newfound enemy. She looked around, processing where she was and sitting up slowly. Turning to the bed, she saw Minju curled up in the corner, not knowing how she threw herself off the bed.

Yujin stood carefully, going back to the bed, worried the brunette might be cold. She herself was way too warm. She needed anything cold. She needed Minju.

Lying back on the bed, she slipped her arms around Minju's body. Nestling her face into the curve of Minju's neck, she sensed a faint whimper, feeling the older girl's chilly hands clutching hers. As she slipped her hand beneath Minju's shirt, fingertips tracing her waist, she drew the elder closer, finding the comfort that wasn't with her the entire night.

Yujin's ears were greeted with a sigh of relief as she held onto the girl comfortably, bodies fitting like pieces of a puzzle, sizzling in each other's presence. Minju shifted slightly, settling onto her back, sensing Yujin's hand gliding up her form, skimming over her chest and finally settling to cradle her neck.

Yujin pulled her closer, her thumb caressing Minju's jaw, the latter reciprocating by resting her arm over the younger girl's, fingers delicately brushing against the heated skin. "Why are you so warm?" She wondered, absorbing the latter's comforting heat.

"So you won't feel cold," Yujin murmured, her forehead nestled against Minju's shoulder.

The older girl gently turned, her hand grazing the side of Yujin's neck, meeting her gaze as the younger one opened her eyes.  Yujin held onto her ice-cold hand, making her cup her cheek so she could take as much warmth as she wanted.

Concern etched Minju's features as she sat up slightly. "Do you have a fever?"

When Yujin saw her putting her hand on her forehead to compare their temperatures, the corner of her lips curled upwards as she tugged on Minju's shirt, asking her to lie back down.

Yujin's arms crawled around her waist, hands slipping under the brunette's shirt as her fingers lightly rubbed her lower back. "How did you not realise I was gone the whole night?"

Minju's touch grazed a red spot near Yujin's temple. "What's this?" she inquired softly, prompting a slight twitch from the younger girl.

"I'm fine," the younger assured. "It's normal when you sleep on the floor."

Minju's eyebrows furrowed. "You slept on the floor?"

Yujin playfully narrowed her eyes. "Not sure how I got there but that's where I woke up," she said. "The heat's from the floor. Not me. I'm fine." She resumed hugging Minju. "Good morning." Her voice muffles in the cave of the brunette's shoulder.

Minju enveloped Yujin's head in her arms, a leg draping over the younger girl's body. "Good morning," she whispered into the younger girl's ear, giving a kiss on the top of her head, an affectionate kiss that influenced a soft smile on Yujin's lips.

The younger girl melted into Minju's embrace, her hand trailing down Minju's back. "What are we doing today?"

With her fingers tenderly the back of Yujin's head, Minju hummed softly.  "It's Kimchi day," she said. "But Halmi only starts making them late afternoon."

"I've never done that before," Yujin confessed. "Is it fun?"

"Very." Minju lies a little, knowing how tiring the job is and how demanding her grandmother could be.

Yujin hummed, already anticipating the day ahead. "Does that mean we can lie here until then?"

"You want to do that?"

"I want to lie here forever. It's so comfortable," Yujin expressed, tightening her embrace around Minju. She gently pressed her lips against Minju's neck, a silent gesture of appreciation. "But my back hurts."

The older girl chuckled, gently prying Yujin away from her, earning a soft whine. Shifting her to lie on her stomach, Minju placed her palm on Yujin's lower back.

She gently rubbed in a circular motion as soft groans greeted her ear.

"Oh, that feels good," Yujin murmured into the pillow, wincing slightly when Minju added a touch of pressure. "You're so good at this." She endured the good pain, voice going inaudible.

Minju chuckled softly, straddling Yujin's back. "I'm good at this?" She pulled the blanket over, earning a hum from Yujin.

Lying atop the girl's back, she slid both arms beneath Yujin, resting her cheek on Yujin's shoulder. "Wake up," she mumbled, pushing her fingertip against her soft cheek, earning a dimpled smile.

Yujin shook her head, wanting to stay in this position a little longer. Minju rubbed her shoulder in persuasion. "Five minutes," the younger girl said.

And the next thing Minju knew was staying in bed for the next hour.

Mr Kim heaved a box filled with lilies onto the dining table and started counting the stems of white flowers.

He spotted Minju coming down from the stairs and gestured for her to come over. The brunette went to him and signed, "Delivery?"

Mr Kim smiled and nodded. "I'll need your help with this. You can visit her after." He handed a bunch of flowers to his daughter to arrange them.

Yujin came down not long after and saw the two of them. The sound of her footsteps caught Minju's attention as the older girl patted the space next to her.

"What's the occasion?" Yujin politely greeted the man with a small bow before taking a seat.

"Do you know how to tie ribbons?" Minju took a roll of white cloth tape and placed it in front of Yujin.

"What kind?"

"The pretty kind," Minju said, earning a look of disbelief which made her chuckle. "I'll teach you."

As she started teaching the girl, Mr Kim watched the two of them. His heart warmed at the sight of his daughter patiently teaching while Yujin listened intently.

Soft laughter evoked from the two of them when Yujin made a mistake and even though he couldn't hear it, he felt it in his heart with the smile that plastered over their lips.

When Yujin got the hang of it, she asked, "Why do we have so many flowers?"

"He owns a flower shop," Minju said.

The younger girl nodded slowly, pushing the safety pin into the cloth tape to secure the ribbon. Out of curiosity, "Why lilies?"

As Minju glanced at her father, a tender smile touched her lips. "Because they signify new beginnings and purity," she said softly, her gaze shifting to the box b with delicate white blooms. "For us, they're often associated with the arrival of a new season, a fresh start, much like the petals that bloom anew as spring emerges."

Yujin's eyes widened with realisation, a glimmer of understanding reflecting in her gaze. "So, it's like a message?" she inquired, carefully tying another ribbon under Minju's guidance.

The brunette looked to her father and signed while saying, "He likes to do this every start of the season."

Mr Kim nodded, his expression gentle yet filled with silent significance. While he signs, Minju translates, "Sometimes, flowers convey sentiments that words cannot articulate. They carry emotions and meanings within their petals, welcoming change and embracing new chapters in life. Whenever I deliver these around, it's for them to feel welcomed and familiar even though things have changed, and so do seasons."

Mr Kim gave a nod, signalling the end of his statement while the brunette turned to Yujin who had a smile of awe.

"So that's why lilies." The younger girl liked the meaning behind the gesture.

The older girl hummed, nimble fingers deftly arranging the lilies into elegant bouquets while Yujin mastered the art of tying ribbons.

Not long after, they found themselves lifting the box full of lilies into the back of Mr Kim's truck. She tugged on Yujin's hand, giving a small wave to her father who got into the driver's seat.

Pulling the girl back into the house and towards her room, she told Yujin to dress warmly because they were going out.

Within a few minutes, Yujin was standing in front of a bicycle parked by the gate, all bundled up in her muffler.

Minju settled a small bouquet of lilies in the front basket, tugging Yujin's sleeve for her to come over.

"Can't we just take the car? It's warmer in there."

"The roads are too narrow."

Yujin relaxed her shoulders, still worried that the winds might make it too cold for the older girl. "Okay," she prepared herself, hopping onto the bike. "I'll brace the winds for you." She waited for Minju to get on but heard her laughing.

Looking over her shoulder, the brunette sat behind her, making herself comfortable. "How do we get there?"

"I'll guide you on where to go." Minju pats her shoulder. "Let's go."

Before Yujin did anything, she took the girl's hands and slipped them into her coat pockets loaded with heat packs. "Now, we go." She lifted a foot onto the paddle, pushing off before the other followed.

They glided past the roads, between the houses as Minju rested her chin on Yujin's shoulder, feeling the cool winds tousling her hair, nipping at their cheeks.

"Are you comfortable?" The younger girl spoke past the winds.

"Too comfortable," she replied, holding onto Yujin tightly. "You're good at this."

"I am?"

"Keep going." Minju smiled, watching the passing houses, happy to be back in the neighbourhood she grew up in.

Yujin paddled comfortably as they turned out of the small town. Though apprehensive about the cold, she couldn't help but marvel at the picturesque scenery of the coast before the shade of tall trees loomed over them.

The crisp air bit her cheeks but the warmth of Minju's presence behind her was comforting. It was better than the warmth of the car.

She trusted the older girl completely, even if their destination remained a mystery.

They cycled through a scenic route lined with towering trees, their branches reaching out like embracing arms, leading the way to a place Minju held close to her heart. The rustling leaves whispered secrets of seasons gone by, carrying a sense of tranquillity that enveloped them both.

Yujin admired the beauty of the surroundings, the quietude broken only by the rhythmic hum of the tires against the gravel path and the voice of Minju giving her directions.

With each turn, she felt herself drawn deeper into the serene atmosphere, unaware of where they were headed but didn't mind as long as Minju was with her.

As they continued, the trees began to thin out, revealing an expanse of open space ahead, governed by tiny hills. Yujin slowed down, taking in the sight of the memorial grounds that lay before them.

Rows of gravestones adorned with flowers stood in silent tribute, a testament to lives lived and memories cherished.

Yujin glanced back at Minju, a question forming on her lips, but before she could voice it, the brunette gently touched her shoulder, guiding her to stop near a cluster of trees, a place that seemed both serene and alive with memories.

Minju dismounted carefully, helping Yujin off the bike before reaching for the bouquet of lilies nestled in the basket.

With quiet grace, she held Yujin by the hand and led them down the small path, passing by stone markers.

Yujin's breath caught in as she realised the significance of their journey. They stopped at a specific spot, a place adorned with a simple yet meaningful marker.

As they stood there, the air thick with emotion and unspoken words, Yujin observed the older girl tenderly arranging the lilies by the marker. It was evident that this was a cherished ritual, a way to honour someone dearly missed.

Yujin stepped closer, a supportive presence by Minju's side, knowing the significance of this moment despite it being her first time here.

Her eyes followed Minju as the girl stood up, caught in a silent embrace as the rustling leaves and the gentle whispers of the wind served as a poignant symphony.

Minju turned to the girl, meeting her gaze, her eyes reflecting both gratitude and a depth of emotion that transcended words. With a soft smile, she reached out, intertwining her fingers with Yujin's, a gesture of comfort.

"My mom," she introduced.


Minju nodded. "The lady at home is Minso's mother." She gestured at the marker. "This one's mine. My mom."

Yujin squeezed her hand gently, offering silent comfort and support. She turned to the marker and gave a full ninety-degree bow to show her respect and gratitude to the lady who brought Minju into the world and raised her. She wondered what happened but didn't have the courage to ask. 

Yujin stood upright, gazing at the marker as the brunette's fingers circled her arm. She looked at the girl who was lost in her thoughts, smiling as she felt Yujin's thumb rubbing the back of her hand.

"What are you thinking about?"

The younger girl turned to her, words forming at the tip of her tongue. "About how I was right when I first met you," she said. "You're the strongest person I know, do you know that?"

Minju suppresses a smile, briefly resting her head on Yujin's shoulder. "You always tell me."

"Even if you're the strongest person I know, you don't always have to be strong. At least when you're with me because I'll be strong for you."

"You'll be strong for me?" The older girl turned her body so she faced Yujin, earning a firm nod.

Yujin held onto her hands. "If you ever decide or happen to break one day, know that I'll be there to catch you. Even though it'll be better that the day never comes, if you ever feel like the world's turning on you, I'll be there. Right in front of you, next to you and behind you. I'll be wherever you

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"I'll protect you from the polar bears."
~ Yujin


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KhessyV 0 points #1
Chapter 49: thank you so much for this beautiful story authornim! looking forward to your next masterpiece!
bluejin 0 points #2
Chapter 49: ugh cutest couple ever
future_mrs_liu 0 points #3
Chapter 48: If this is the end, then I am so happy. It’s like everything is finally in full circle a d how they really moved on together.
Thanks author for this beyond words beautiful masterpiece. I’ll leave it up to you to make sequels. As as I want to, I know you’re busy as well with reality. But thank you for always updating. Fighting!
bluejin #4
Chapter 48: please dont end please dont end ㅠㅠ
future_mrs_liu #5
Chapter 47: Woah!! Speechless! Just when I thought this story could be better. Boom. This happened. Thanks author!
Chapter 47: Ohhh my heart!!! I love it love it!!
pandamaos #7
Chapter 46: It hurts…. Oh my heart hurts…..
future_mrs_liu #8
Chapter 46: Awwww. Finally back in each others arms. Yujin and Minju fighting~~~ thank you for the update author. As always, no matter how short, this masterpiece of a story is always giving us the feels. After being infatuated from all the fluff and their chemistry, this is another side of the couple we should also see. Them as separate individuals dealing with their own thing. Again, I really appreciate this update so much. Thanks and Fighting author!
Chapter 46: Hnng, comeback yujin
bluejin #10
Chapter 45: ugh this hurts more than it should.. and here i thought we were past the angst