Stars Are Prettier

Moving On With You, Jinjoo
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The concept of night drives was something Minju loved. But being in a car she once wished she could often go on drives in didn't give her the best feeling. The silence she loved having with the person she adored became the silence she wanted to escape from. But she kept an open mind, knowing there were still strings tying them together.

Strings she had a hard time cutting.

Minju had her fingers laced, thumb rubbing against her knuckles. Her eyes followed the passing trees as the night view of the coast appeared, casting over the horizon.

Wonyoung glanced at the girl, knowing she had to say something. She lets out a small sigh, detesting the heavy atmosphere between them. She thought that not seeing the brunette would mean it disappeared but not at all. It still and will continue to exist between them. Nothing was going to change.

"I thought you said you were never going to see me again," Minju said.

Wonyoung looked at the girl briefly and back on the road. Her grip loosened on the steering wheel, taking a hand away as she drove a little slower. "I know." The weight in her heart tugged on her voice.

The brunette finally lifted her gaze away from the outside, letting them lie on Wonyoung. She would be lying if she said she didn't miss the girl who made her into a better version of herself. Those little pep talks in the morning and deep ones at night. Whenever a problem arises, Wonyoung never lets them sleep without resolving it. 

She missed those days when Wonyoung would go out of her way to appear at her school just to deliver homemade lunches. Even if it meant having the worst day, Wonyoung would make sure the brunette was eating well since she cram nights before exams. The first two years of med school for her were hell and so was Wonyoung's time getting used to a whole new world.

Down to every little thing she does, Wonyoung has set the bar for Minju. There wasn't anyone who could reach that. Minju didn't need to go out to meet new people to realise, Wonyoung was the girl she never wanted to lose. Whatever the girl did, she never fails to think about Minju.

The years they spent building something together came out to nothing when reality decided to pull them apart. It was scary.

One day things were so certain and the next second, everything was gone. 

It wasn't anyone's fault. Feelings weren't lost. But knowing there was no future with them together made them realise, it wasn't going to work out. Minju wants to think of it as they're from different worlds.

Wonyoung took in a deep breath as she pulled up to a small parking area near the end of the beach where they used to go. The place where they would meet since their universities were on the other ends of the city. But Wonyoung would be the one fetching her anyway.

The taller girl pressed a button on the dashboard, lowering the fan of the aircon, knowing Minju didn't like it blowing directly at her. She drops her hand onto her lap, turning to the girl.

There were so many things she wanted to say to Minju. Her mind wanted to let her live, but her heart didn't want to hold back. Not when she knows she'll probably never see her again. Not when she knows it was a decision they made. "I know I said I wasn't going to, but I missed you," she said. "That's why I came to see you."

Minju tried to ignore the way her heart clenched at those words that once gave her butterflies. Wonyoung saw those eyes that didn't look at her like they used to.

"How have you been doing these days?" One of the questions that can't go un-asked. "Have you been eating well?"

Minju nods slowly. "Everything's been the same." She lightly pushed her fingertip into the leather of the armrest.




"I'm trying."


Minju looked at the girl, knowing what she was asking. But all she could say was, "I've been fine." It wasn't the answer Wonyoung liked but she understood. "You?"

Wonyoung flattened her lips into a little smile. Her jaw clenches, trying to stop the thoughts that were telling her to break and shatter in front of the person who wouldn't mind if she did. But things aren't the same. No matter how many times her head told her to hold back, she just couldn't when the brunette was here. If breaking and showing her true self meant being selfish, Wonyoung didn't want to regret anything.

She shook her head at the latter's question, telling her nothing was the same for her. Not when she wasn't around. But words couldn't seem to leave the tip of her tongue, knowing she'd let her tears run if she managed to say something. It wasn't that simple to let go of the person who once meant the world to you.

But that's the only reason why she's here.

"I kept myself busy," Wonyoung said. "So I wouldn't think about you." She looked down. "But I don't think it worked. I don't think it ever will." Her voice softens, knowing her heart is bound to let itself loose. It always did around Minju. She couldn't keep it in no matter how much she tried.

Her thumb tapped on the bottom of the steering wheel as she tried to smile the pain away so she could at least look Minju in the eye before she never got to do it again. "I just thought if I let myself see you one last time, it would make things feel better." She snickers when it all sounds ridiculous because nothing is working. "That I wouldn't regret anything."

Minju could tell she was holding herself back so she wouldn't worry her. Wonyoung has always done that. She made sure Minju was fine but didn't do much for herself. It always went, If you're happy, I'm happy like it was her motto in life when she was with Minju. She never wanted anything more than the girl. And when that part left her, Wonyoung wasn't sure if she would be okay.

"Do you want to go outside?" The brunette thought it might be stuffy to stay in here. She unbuckled her seatbelt so they wouldn't hesitate.

Wonyoung saw her open the car door and step out. She grabbed her jacket from the back seat and got out after her. The moment the winds found their way to them, everything felt lighter but their hearts. She watched Minju walk over the grass patch and followed her. They went towards the ledge where there were stairs leading them onto the shores. However, the tide was too high, leaving them with the stoned ledge.

Minju sat down, dangling her legs over the edge while Wonyoung did the same. The fingers on their hands weren't enough to count how many times they'd been here and done this. The first thing Wonyoung did was to put the jacket over the brunette's shoulders.

Minju let her, knowing there was no use refusing when it was Wonyoung. She buries herself in the warmth of the jacket and looks at the girl who is gazing over the sea with her hands placed behind her for support. If she's comfortable, Minju couldn't ask for more.

"Do you remember that?"

The brunette followed her gaze towards the swing under a huge tree. A tree far from the shores where the waters would never reach. Some people decided to attach a swing to its sturdy branches for the little toddlers who came here to play. There was a preschool just five minutes away from here on foot, in one of those small villages.

It was also the swing where Wonyoung made her second confession. She found that doing it through text wasn't the most memorable thing. Even though it meant taking an hour's bus ride all the way here.

A swing that started everything.

"How can I forget?" Minju remembered receiving the funniest thing for a confession. At least to her. "You're the only person who would give me a movie ticket and ask if I could watch every movie with you." The ticket was handmade too. A ticket that serves as a promise that whatever happens, a movie will solve everything. To cry things out or to laugh things out. Movies were their go-to thing for deep conversations and late nights.

Wonyoung looked a

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"I'll protect you from the polar bears."
~ Yujin


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KhessyV 0 points #1
Chapter 49: thank you so much for this beautiful story authornim! looking forward to your next masterpiece!
bluejin 0 points #2
Chapter 49: ugh cutest couple ever
future_mrs_liu 0 points #3
Chapter 48: If this is the end, then I am so happy. It’s like everything is finally in full circle a d how they really moved on together.
Thanks author for this beyond words beautiful masterpiece. I’ll leave it up to you to make sequels. As as I want to, I know you’re busy as well with reality. But thank you for always updating. Fighting!
bluejin #4
Chapter 48: please dont end please dont end ㅠㅠ
future_mrs_liu #5
Chapter 47: Woah!! Speechless! Just when I thought this story could be better. Boom. This happened. Thanks author!
Chapter 47: Ohhh my heart!!! I love it love it!!
pandamaos #7
Chapter 46: It hurts…. Oh my heart hurts…..
future_mrs_liu #8
Chapter 46: Awwww. Finally back in each others arms. Yujin and Minju fighting~~~ thank you for the update author. As always, no matter how short, this masterpiece of a story is always giving us the feels. After being infatuated from all the fluff and their chemistry, this is another side of the couple we should also see. Them as separate individuals dealing with their own thing. Again, I really appreciate this update so much. Thanks and Fighting author!
Chapter 46: Hnng, comeback yujin
bluejin #10
Chapter 45: ugh this hurts more than it should.. and here i thought we were past the angst