
Moving On With You, Jinjoo
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Yena drags her feet across the kitchen with a bowl of cereal in her hand and a spoon in the other. The moment she enters the living room, she sees Yujin sitting at the dining table, staring into thin air, aimlessly stirring the cereal that was probably getting soggy.

She sits opposite the girl, getting her attention with the squeak of the chair. Yena dug a spoonful of cereal, bringing it to just to ask, "Did something happen?" She eats, sighing softly when sugar finally enters her body.


"You're dazing," Yena spoke with a mouth full, stretching her lower back before going in for another bite of cereal. "What are you thinking about this early in the morning?"

"Nothing," Yujin remembered to eat her cereal, frowning when it went all mushy in . She stirred it for too long but dealt with it. Her mind was filled with things other than the texture of her cereal.

She regrets dropping by the convenience store before returning to the dorm last night–the store painfully close to where Minju stayed. She could've gone to the one right below their dorm but no. She thought the brunette might need ice cream after a long day. If only she were a minute later, she wouldn't have walked into something that eventually ruined her morning–and her whole night.

Minju was with a girl. Yujin only saw the latter's back, but she towered over Minju like she did. It was dark, gloomy. But the way they hugged made Yujin realise it could've been that girl right at the back of Minju's mind. The hand at the back of her head, arms tightly around her shoulders with her face buried in them.

Yujin realised, it was the person that would be tough for the brunette to forget. That person anyone would find hard to move on from.

"Unnie," she called Yena who hummed, drinking the milk straight from the bowl. The older girl saw her hesitating and gave her a few more seconds to think about whatever she had in her mind.

Yujin looked at her, folding her left arm above the table. "Should I just give up?"

"Give what up?" Yena wiped the corner of , reaching over for a piece of tissue in the box at the end of the table.

Yujin shrugged, lifting the spoon of cereal into . Yena could tell something was off with her body language, eyes not as bright as the day. "Just, everything," the younger replied. "I don't know if it's going to work out."

"What's making you think that way? I thought everything was fine."

"I want to think that it is. But what if it's not?"

"What are you going on about?"

"Five years." was what Yujin had her mind running about.

"Five years?" Yena pushed the bowl aside.

Yujin sighed softly, leaving the spoon in the bowl, not caring if it slipped into the leftover milk. She never wanted to finish it anyway. "What if all this was just a mistake? What was I thinking when I decided to do all this?"

"Yujin," Yena said. "You have to give me some sort of context because I'm not following."

"I know I said I was willing to wait. But what if what I'm waiting for turns out to be nothing? They were together for five years. How is someone supposed to move on from that?" The fear of waiting was getting to her.

When the older girl had a gist of what was happening, she let out a long sigh and sank into the chair with her arms crossed. "That's what you're worried about?"

"I'm not worried. Do I sound worried?"

"Desperately," Yena muttered. "But you could be worried. It's not easy to wait for someone who's yet to move on from what happened previously. But if it's her that you like, and you trust where she's leading you, her previous relationship should be the least of your concerns. Now, what did you see that made you think about all that? There's no way you've just found out she had an ex of five years."

Yujin got caught a little off guard to be hearing such things from the older girl, but she made sense to an extent. "I might've..." She sighs. "...saw them last night."

"Last night?"

"I'm not sure if it was her. But it must be."

"You're assuming. That's not a good sign for anything."

Yujin flattened her lips, hearing a door closing and footsteps coming from the hallway.

Hyewon walked out groggily as if she were getting over a hangover. "What happened last night?" She overheard them and pulled up at the coffee machine.

Yena tilts her head back to look at her. "Girl problems." She grins, earning an amused snicker from Hyewon.

"Yujin? Girl problems?" Those two didn't go together but at the same time, it did. She retrieved the mug from the coffee machine and joined them on the dining table.

She looked at Yujin who was certainly distressed with her hands clasped behind her neck, facing the ceiling. "What is it, darling? You don't look too good." She sipped on her bitter long black.

Yena told her everything about Minju that Hyewon hadn't quite heard about because of her busy schedule. The girl shot Yena a surprised look when she was made aware of those details. Turning to Yujin, she asked, "My baby's got a whole situationship going on. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Stop calling me that," Yujin warns but it doesn't intimidate the girl.

"I'll only stop calling you that when you turn this girl into your girlfriend or when I have one of my own." Hyewon gently rubbed the latter's chin, earning an unbothered snarl.

Yujin sits up. "What do you think I should do?" She asks Hyewon who glances at Yena. She'd love to help a younger one out, being six years her senior.

She crossed her arms comfortably, letting out a breath. "You should talk to her, sweetie."

"I've done that before. I don't want her to feel as if I'm being impatient or that I'm...you know." Yujin furrowed her brows. "Maybe I'm just thinking too much."

Hyewon placed her hand on her head and smiled gently. "Never assume anything and talk to her. That's all I can tell you." She ruffled her hair and stood up. With the coffee in her other hand. "These things take time." She goes back into her room, remembering she had an online call she dreaded waking up for.

"Don't you have class today?" Yena reminded the girl who almost forgot.

Yujin has always been one who listens to class no matter how tired she is. Even when there were many things on her mind, her academics were her priority.

However, not at the moment when she finds herself glancing at her phone whenever she can, thinking whether she should reply to a text from Minju asking her if she were going down to the cafe today.

Yujin wanted to see her as much as she didn't want to keep thinking about last night. But seeing Minju would mean thinking about last night would be inevitable.

"You should really quit doing that." The girl next to her commented. Yujin didn't know her personally but her name's Danielle. Small face, huge eyes, and a slim build. She's known to be one of the top few students in this class. Yujin doesn't doubt those black, squared frames of hers. "It's really distracting." Danielle rolls her eyes but doesn't lose focus on the lecture going on.

"What is?" Yujin whispers, earning a soft glare.

"Your hesitation's distracting."

Yujin had her eyebrows knitted in confusion and decided to slip her phone into the pocket of her bomber jacket.

"And don't make that face. I can see your judgement."

"I'm not even—" She kept shut so she wouldn't bother this nit-pick girl. Her own frustration was enough to deal with.

"Still nothing?" Chaewon pressed the button of the cashier and the tray of cash popped out. Minju shook her head, refilling the coffee beans of the machine.

"How busy can she get to not reply to a message?" The older girl mumbled, taking out the cash and storing it in a ziplock bag which she chucked into a drawer underneath.

"I mean, she has class. I get it. But she should at least tell you if she's coming. Even you texted her first. And nothing," she rants as if she were Minju. "Are you sure she likes you? I don't think I can resist ignoring a message from the person I'm interested in."

Minju neatly folds the empty bag of coffee beans and places it into their own recycling bin. She dragged the wet rag across the counter, walking towards the older girl who was probably cursing under her breath.

Chaewon turned her body to face Minju. "Are you not bothered by it?"

"Why exactly should I be bothered?" The brunette thinks of it lightly. Yujin could just be too busy to reply. The girl wouldn't be ignoring her because she didn't do anything wrong. She has learnt from her lessons.

Chaewon looked at the younger girl who thought she was hiding it really well. She didn't want to ask more, trusting Yujin had a good reason.

Sitting on the roller chair, she asks, "So, why did she want to see you?"

"Who?" Minju has been avoiding this particular curiosity of the older girl's. Chaewon gave her that you can't hide it from me forever look which made her sigh. Wonyoung coming to find her wasn't an everyday thing.

The brunette could only sigh. "She's leaving next year. That's all."

"That's it?" Chaewon didn't want to believe. "She wanted to see you just for that? To tell you she's leaving the country when you knew that all along?"

"What else do you want me to tell you? It's as if you have a specific answer you wanna hear." Minju flicks the ball of plastic from the straws she has been rolling the whole time at the girl.

"Well." Chaewon threw the plastic in the small bin under the counter. Part of her was glad Wonyoung would have no reason to be finding Minju other than being acquainted with their friends. "Are you okay?" She really wanted to know.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?"


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"I'll protect you from the polar bears."
~ Yujin


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future_mrs_liu #1
Chapter 47: Woah!! Speechless! Just when I thought this story could be better. Boom. This happened. Thanks author!
Chapter 47: Ohhh my heart!!! I love it love it!!
pandamaos #3
Chapter 46: It hurts…. Oh my heart hurts…..
future_mrs_liu #4
Chapter 46: Awwww. Finally back in each others arms. Yujin and Minju fighting~~~ thank you for the update author. As always, no matter how short, this masterpiece of a story is always giving us the feels. After being infatuated from all the fluff and their chemistry, this is another side of the couple we should also see. Them as separate individuals dealing with their own thing. Again, I really appreciate this update so much. Thanks and Fighting author!
Chapter 46: Hnng, comeback yujin
bluejin #6
Chapter 45: ugh this hurts more than it should.. and here i thought we were past the angst
future_mrs_liu #7
Chapter 45: Awww. First time yujin hurt her (unintentionally). But totally understandable. :( at least at the end of the day they are still putting their partner’s feelings before themselves. Being selfless. Thanks for the update author. I love this story so much and it definitely deserves a thousand upvotes. Fighting!
Chapter 45: Bawling here
Jinjoo21 #9
Chapter 45: Thank you for the update.🫰
jonghogae #10
Chapter 45: Thank you for keeping jinjoo alive<3
Every update makes me fall in love with this story more, this is really the best!