(Super Junior) Cage of Blue Bird

Project Kwangya - Alternatives Talles

Autor: Rubi

Personagem principal: Kim Ryeowook

Personagem Menor: Kwon BoA (Solista)

Localização: Earth, Coreia do Sul

Inspiração de cenário: Mv Bluebird, Hiding Words (Ryeowook) e CAMO (BoA)


Scenario inspiration: Mv Bluebird, Hiding Words (Ryeowook) and CAMO (BoA)

Daejon, South Korea, September 13th.

"Don't you think it's time to move on, Wook?". The woman with long dark hair and infectious smile asked, sitting on a stone bench at the edge of the woods.

"It's all under control, my Lady". The little prince was hurriedly writing something down in the dark blue notebook, with a fine and discreet handwriting.

"It's been months and you keep returning to this place. There is nothing there, your mission is not to catalog a forest, we need to know which places have cracks in the fabric of chaos and how many creatures have already escaped". She approached with a voice a little tired of repeating the speech one more time.

"Dama Kwon, I'm sure there's something wrong with this land.". Answered Ryeowook finally facing the woman. "During the night, this place becomes dark, it smells of magic and I'm pretty sure I heard ferocious roars.

"Almost sure, is not be sure..."

"If I can prove that there is something wrong here, will you help me convince the General to contact the forces of the planet so that we can make an alliance?"

"Ryeowook, humans will have no power to oppose any of the creatures, let alone form an alliance with us.". The woman touched his shoulder trying to reason with him. "Besides, they are a young and primary race, suspicious beings, they fear and attack everything they don't know. They won't welcome us, even more so when they know what we are."

"We have to try, we need all beings alert to what is to come."

"Convince me about that grove and I'll convince Chil-Hyun to keep a troop on Earth.". BoA sighed knowing that the prince of Super Junior squadron wouldn't give up until he showed his results.

"Thank you ma'am, I promise it won't be a waste of time.". The young man smiled and flipped through the notebook one last time.

They returned with calm steps to the ancient construction that the traveler used as a base. A simple rustic stone house, low, with little or no polishing, with a unique aura, its irregular windows seemed to watch over the environment around it; the construction had long been forgotten by humans, just abandoned, thus, a not shy vegetation took over part of the rooms, reaching up to the height of the waist of the two beings. Ryeowook had chosen that place not because of its proximity to his object of study, the place reminded him of ancient times, easier and more cozy times, "Memory is selective and treacherous, respect the past but live in the present", even though he constantly forced his remembering the last conversation he had with General Choi Sunghee, he betrayed himself by seeking refuge in places with long-lost histories. With the intention of mixing with the past and being able to experience, even if in imagination, the few moments when he had more than eight brothers.

His research base took up no more than two-thirds of the main room, a dark wood table that held most of his notes, maps, sketches, drawings, half-finished reports, and some cartography equipment. There was in fact no comfort, only a simple chair is used to sit, the prince avoided spending a lot of time on the human planet, even if he returned periodically and everyone in Kosmo had received instructions to suppress their auras, the presence of beings could still arouse the attention of the inhabitants, causing unnecessary inconvenience. As such, he felt a bit embarrassed at not being able to provide the Primordial Lady with even the slightest resting and waiting place, fortunately for her laid-back personality, BoA just smiled, understanding the situation, and conjured up luxurious wine armchairs and a table with a small feast, so that the two of them could wait comfortably for nightfall.

As such, he felt a bit embarrassed at not being able to provide the Primordial Lady with even the slightest resting and waiting place, fortunately for her laid-back personality, BoA just smiled, understanding the situation, and conjured up luxuri...

Even though he tried to appear confident, the young man was restless, anxious, having walked to his desk twenty minutes ago, scribbling on the terrain map thinking about the best place to prove his theory

Even though he tried to appear confident, the young man was restless, anxious, having walked to his desk twenty minutes ago, scribbling on the terrain map thinking about the best place to prove his theory. He had only been granted this opportunity and he couldn't miss it, even though he had never glimpsed any creature in the woods, he knew he wasn't mistaken. It took millennia of training for Super Junior to become the tactical force, his instincts had never failed until then and at the moment, they screamed deafeningly that those trees were hiding something evil and would use it as evidence to mount Kosmo's better protection under the Earth. Glancing back, he could see that BoA was serenely enjoying a berry pudding, seeming oblivious to Ryeowook's nervousness, he wasn't sure what motivated the Mistress to pay any attention to his suspicions, perhaps Leader Bada had commented to her sister about his dedication to the job or just luck, however, he was grateful that he was heard by the highest echelon of entities.

Glancing back, he could see that BoA was serenely enjoying a berry pudding, seeming oblivious to Ryeowook's nervousness, he wasn't sure what motivated the Mistress to pay any attention to his suspicions, perhaps Leader Bada had commented to her s...

"Ryeowook". BoA's voice echoed in the room.

"Madam?". He directed his gaze a little surprised to notice the woman next to him, he had been so absorbed in his thoughts and notes that he had lost track of time.

"It's getting dark.". She commented while pointing to the nearest window. A red color mixed with orange and yellow touches penetrated through the room, indicating that the Sun was already getting far from the reach of that earthly country.

"Thank you for letting me know, Lady Kwon.". The man smiled awkwardly. "I ended up getting too distracted by the map."

"You don't have to worry about that, and you don't have to refer to me so formally either. You can call me BoA."

"Ma'am, your status does not allow me to address you informally..."

"Ryeowook, thousands of years have passed. I'm granting you the permission, my brothers also can't see themselves in the ranks of generals anymore, so rest assured."

"Okay then, Mister...BoA.". He tested the name, it seemed wrong to treat someone from the First Generation Entities so casually, so he decided to add a treatment he had heard among the natives of the country. "...Sunbaenim..."

"I can accept.". The woman chuckled in amusement knowing the little prince wouldn't give in completely. "We can go?"

"Yes, of course, I've already finished the last coordinates.". He responded by gathering his belongings and placing them carefully in a brown leather messenger bag. Adjusting his light blue overcoat, he smiled and indicated the exit.

They walked calmly, guided by Ryeowook's flashlight, the duo quickly reached the edge of the forest

They walked calmly, guided by Ryeowook's flashlight, the duo quickly reached the edge of the forest. The prince checked the Lady one last time before leading the way, even though he knew BoA is infinitely more powerful than the entire Super Junior Force, he didn't want to risk putting the young General in a dangerous situation, having the fury of Kwon's older brothers directed at you is far worse than facing armies of chaos creatures; then he smiled in relief when the woman waved them on.

The prince checked the Lady one last time before leading the way, even though he knew BoA is infinitely more powerful than the entire Super Junior Force, he didn't want to risk putting the young General in a dangerous situation, having the fury o...

At that moment, the aura of the place wasn't evil, however, there's no denying that a change of atmosphere was taking place. The duo walked with a slight feeling of resistance, as if their skin were rubbing against a thin film of reality, they felt an uncomfortable transition taking place, a second reality is gradually straining the human veil, expanding and trying to accommodate itself at the limit. As possible, a gigantic beast trying to rest in a shoebox. They walked for twenty minutes until Ryeowook returned his eyes to the Lady beside him.

"Sunbaenim, we'll be heading into the heart of the forest from here."

"Change is smooth for young creatures. Humans don't feel anything, for you it must be the feeling of pushing off the thin film, but for me...". BoA commented picking up a sheet in her hands making a face. "You're right, Wook, there's something evil borning in this place. Let's go to the center."

The forest seemed to sing, the wind blew rhythmically, an unholy prayer cursing the visitors

The forest seemed to sing, the wind blew rhythmically, an unholy prayer cursing the visitors. The temperature had dropped and a faint red color was emanating from the ground, cold sweat was running down Ryeowook's worried face, he constantly looked over his shoulder making sure the Lady's still behind him; BoA walked with a contemplative expression, partially hidden by the dim light, she seemed to be meditating, concentrating beyond the path, as if trying to locate something or someone. "The air is suffocating, how much is she noticing?", the man asked himself.

"Whoever it is is making our journey difficult. Perhaps it is wise to repress our aura.". Kwon spoke as if he heard his companion's thoughts.

"I agree, Sunbaenim, the air is thin and reality is elastic. We must be almost in the heart of woods."

"Have you ever been to the heart of the woods, Ryeowook?"

"Madam?". He stopped instinctively, the woman's tone drawing attention. Was low, somber, different from her usual humor. "No, I've never been."

"And you point the way based on..."

"I beg your pardon, ma'am."

"I'm not scolding.". A low chuckle erupted. "I just found your relationship to this place curious, as if you belonged or talked to it."

"Sorry if I misunderstood, General Kwon, I would never act against Kosmo.". His heart sped up and his posture stiffened at the woman's words, feeling the immediate need to apologize, he would rather die than betray the generals or the brothers.

"You don't have to call me General, I told you. I didn't say that you was acting against Kosmo... intentionally, at least."

"Madam... ". He swallowed hard, he knew about the obsession with the forest, for the first time in months he felt fragile, afraid he had been manipulated. "I'd rather die than become a pawn of Chaos."

"It's a noble statement... I believe you.". BoA gave a placating smile. "Come on, we still need to get to the center."


"I trust your principles, Kim Ryeowook. We'll find out together what happens to this place and call my brother, as I promised."

"Are you sure we should go on, Mistress?"

"I suspect we have no other way forward.". The woman pointed the way ahead.

Unlike the dense landscape of minutes ago, a more open look, with spaced trees forming a well-defined trail. As the vegetation behind the visitors closed in completely, a wall of green emerged, trapped in a labyrinth. The prince took a deep breath, the suspicion of having been manipulated, the change of paths, they shouldn't have entered there, however, he had a mission to accomplish.

From that moment on, the resistance increased at exponential levels, Ryeowook felt as if an invisible being was pressing his chest to prevent his advance, BoA kept silent and a neutral expression, however, a trickle of sweat ran down the side of her face. They walked practically blind, an increasingly hostile environment, growling and scratching claws could be heard; even though no creature had crossed the path they were following, the prince was increasingly regretting taking the young General to that place, he should have only presented his theories and not entered the forest... The imminent danger, the probability of having been manipulated and the fear of failing the sister of great leaders is taking control of his body, intensifying the discomfort with every step, swallowing hard, the flash of his flashlight darted quickly to a slender being who rested on a high branch.

The imminent danger, the probability of having been manipulated and the fear of failing the sister of great leaders is taking control of his body, intensifying the discomfort with every step, swallowing hard, the flash of his flashlight darted qu...

"It's a hallucination, Ryeowook.". BoA's serious voice invaded her ears, making her look back. "Calm down."

"How...". He didn't have to finish the question.

"If you look closely, you'll realize it's not something natural or real. —. She pointed to the spot that was now empty. "You need to calm down Mr Kim, I can see the conflicting thoughts in your head and how uncomfortable you are. This is giving strength to the Chaos of the forest."

"Lady Kwon, Sunbaenim, I shouldn't have brought you into my investigation.". He admitted defeat.

"Ryeowook, so far, your suspicions seem to be right. Besides, I know you're afraid because of my brothers' protection.". The little woman sighed. "Yes, I am the youngest of the Primordials, yet I am countless millennia older than you and anyone in the Super Junior force. Kim Ryeowook, I can take care of myself... Calm down and focus on your mission."

"I'm sorry, BoA Sunbaenim.". He closed his eyes for a few seconds, sharpening the senses, expanding them. "The center is close."

"Very good.". The woman smiled. "Tell the way."

They went on for a few more minutes, the prince reinforcing his mental barriers to avoid the periodic hallucinations of dancing nymphs

They went on for a few more minutes, the prince reinforcing his mental barriers to avoid the periodic hallucinations of dancing nymphs. They passed a leafy tree that was adorned with countless red threads, which formed a large intertwined cat bed, right after it a clearing opened up. With ancient buildings in ruins, vines took hold of what time had not yet reached. They were arranged in a broken semicircle, the main building had a large circular hole in the center, resembling an eye, the overall environment was strange, wrong. BoA, took the lead, walking slowly while analyzing the surroundings, gently touched one of the hanging plants, with impassive expression, walked for some more time until she stopped near the center.

BoA, took the lead, walking slowly while analyzing the surroundings, gently touched one of the hanging plants, with impassive expression, walked for some more time until she stopped near the center

"Ryeowook, come.". The young man strode over, standing promptly beside her. "Can you tell what that machine does?"

"I will start work now, Sunbaenim.". He practically ran in the direction the woman pointed. In a side opening, a tall panel, glowing green and red, with a few cables cluttered.

In a side opening, a tall panel, glowing green and red, with a few cables cluttered

"Wook... stop.". The voice was little more than a whisper. His body froze, movement reached his ears.

"There's someone nearby.". He quickly returned to the woman's side. "Come on, ma'am."

"Why are you in such a hurry, little prince?". A tall, androgynous figure, dressed in a blue suit, emerged from the darkness, his face remaining unknown due to the shadows, his tone humorous and laughing. Ryeowook in a swift action, summoned his weapons and put himself in front of Primordial. "A bit of an exaggeration, little prince, believe me...". Smiled. The two were surrounded by a vast group of misshapen, gray, rabid creatures that roared at the new arrivals. "I'm not your biggest problem... Enemies live so nearby..."

"Go away!". He locked his jaw, tightening the hem of his rapiers. "I won't ask again."

"You're cute little prince, I'm glad it was you, your brothers are annoying.". The figure tilted its head in an attempt to better see BoA. "You...you shouldn't be here.

"And you're low-ranking if you think your creatures are a threat.". The woman answered seriously, without emotions. She hadn't changed her posture, she smirked. "Little troublemaker."

"Lady Kwon...". Ryeowook spoke quietly. "I'll slow them down... get out of the woods."

"Ryeowook, they're not a real danger.". She replied, when the creatures began to move closing the circle.

"Lady, please, I know you can handle them, but I will never forgive myself if something hurts you... Go, I'll delay them". He looked at the woman's soft expression. "Warn the General... my brothers, Earth will need protection."

"Ryeowook..." BoA tried to speak, however, a creature rushed forward, being slashed by the prince. The movement spurred on the other monsters, who jumped towards the man.

"DON'T TOUCH THE GENERAL". For the first time, the being's voice was uncertain and nervous as it shouted orders. BoA without much patience, in a quick blow, incinerated the entire attacking front.

BoA without much patience, in a quick blow, incinerated the entire attacking front

"Madam?". Ryeowook felt fear run through his body at witnessing a small part of the Primordial's power, his terror increased when he noticed a thin layer of red climb through the woman's fingers. "General Kwon!"

"I'm fine, Ryeowook, that was nothing.". She spoke quietly, watching more creatures emerge from the darkness, not attacking right away.

"General Kwon BoA, it is an honor to be in your presence.". The figure spoke in strange adoration, seeming to have realized who was in front of him. "While the little prince is not important, I humbly suggest that you follow his words. Your skin must not be injured, General. Too much precious"

"Who do you think you are to address her, pawn of Chaos?". The prince spat irritably.

"Someone above you, little prince, that's for sure."

"Sunbaenim". Ryeowook pleaded before resuming his defense post. "Leave, I cannot fight the lady here."

"I don't want to leave you here, it's not right.". She warned.

"The plea for help needs to reach General Kangta's ears.". He swallowed hard. "For Kosmo's sake...for Kwangya's sake."

"Escape to the west side of the woods. The creatures didn't get there.". She whispered to the man, making him blink slowly, wondering how the General had this knowledge. "I'll pick you up, Kim Ryeowook."

"General.". The figure had taken two steps back as the creatures slowly backed away, clearing a swift path away. "Please."

"I will remember your mistakes today, Huang.". The woman spoke taking the first steps away from the battle, the figure in a clear expression of fear, tensed his body and made a soft bow, the creatures moved away even more. "Do as I say, Wook, your rescue will come."

Beings and monsters alike waited patiently until BoA was out of sight, even the forest itself seemed to bow in respect, making way for the Primordial. Ryeowook firmed his swords in his hands, trusting the General's words, he went on the attack as soon as the creatures resumed their posts.

Ryeowook firmed his swords in his hands, trusting the General's words, he went on the attack as soon as the creatures resumed their posts


He couldn't say for sure how much time had passed

Ele não soube dizer ao certo quanto tempo se passou. Vestes rasgadas, rapiers perdidos, feridas abertas, amontoados em uma pequena caverna. O pequeno príncipe pensava, muitas vezes, que não conseguiria sobreviver, respirava com dificuldade para se lembrar das cenas. Os demônios do Caos atacaram todos de uma vez, levando vários à morte rapidamente, no entanto, lutar até que caíssem seria um desperdício de força e poder, a figura andrógina desapareceu segundos após o início do ataque. Correu o mais rápido que pôde, resistindo à atmosfera, às alucinações e, acima de tudo, aos monstros que estavam em sua trilha. Sem saber ao certo como seus pés o haviam guiado cegamente até onde estava, ele quase esgotou sua energia vital lutando contra o pequeno exército; Seu corpo convulsionou quando ele expeliu a comida de seu estômago enjoado.

Ele não sabia dizer quando as criaturas terminavam seu ataque, respirava lentamente abraçando seu próprio corpo, seus olhos ficavam pesados, misturados com o sangue que corria em seu rosto, o cansaço obscurecia seus sentidos... Quando a perda de consciência era inevitável, Ryeowook podia jurar que uma pequena pena branca invadiu a fenda da caverna.

When the loss of consciousness was inevitable, Ryeowook could swear that a small white feather invaded the crevice of the cave

"Sunbaenim...". Ele sussurrou enquanto fechava os olhos.


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1196 streak #2
Wow sounds awesome