(WayV) To Stage

Project Kwangya - Alternatives Talles

Author: Ruby

Main character: Xiaojun (WayV)

Minor Character: Changmin (TVXQ, Soloist)

Location: Kwangya.

Inspirations: MV Phantom, Turn Back Time (WayV) and Devil (Changmin)


It was a white, long, oppressive room, full of elongated screens, irritating the young man's vision. Seven seats, taking the third chair on the left, cleared his throat and adjusted his jacket uncomfortably. A choice was offered... well, that's what he believed, there was a glass of water and two colored pills in front of him. He thought about... He believed he thought, took the two pills in his hand trying to analyze them, blinked slowly and put them in his mouth...

He believed he thought, took the two pills in his hand trying to analyze them, blinked slowly and put them in his mouth

"C'mon C'mon!! No delays, our guest hates delays". Kun hastily called our group. "We have to be perfect today."

"Who's that guest?". Hendery asked a little shyly.

"I... ". The leader of the group seemed to be trying to retrieve some memory that had just slipped through his fingers. "I don't remember his name for sure..., but, he's one of the captains of the army... something like that."

"What's a captain comes do here?". Yangyang questioned as he straightened his suit. "I thought the army didn't have time for fun."

"You dont believe in our work". Ten rolled his eyes. "We present classics, we are the vision."

"I don't take anything underneath, hyung, I trust our talent. It's just weird, we've never been visited by anyone from the army."

"Why smiles so much, Xiao DeJun?". Winwin narrowed her eyes. "You are strange."

"Just enjoying the scene, Dong Sicheng". A grimace came over the man's face. "It's almost time and you're debating why our guest is here."

"Xiao is right, we need to focus on our presentation and not on speculation". Kun intervened. "Focus on what we do best."

Time seemed to jump right after the small talk, the rush backstage was commonplace, however, even that seemed accelerated... His vision blurred, an oppressive corridor full of rusty pipes appeared in place of the theatrical landscape, hot smoke irritated his eyes , a sharp noise... "No... this is not the time to suffer from nervousness!", he thought irritably, he felt his body bend momentarily, took a deep breath trying to calm down, "It's just nervousness, it has to be! I'm not going to let my teammates down today."

"Are you coming? You can't be late". Hendery's gentle voice called him back to reality, he smiled nervously and nodded.

"I'm right behind you."

An atmosphere of tension hovered in the room, the strangeness did not return, but, something was odd, pressed the jaw and swallowed hard. DeJun always wanted to become a musical director, convey emotions on stage in a raw and unveiled way, due to his vocal power, he received the unexpected invitation to play the honorable role of Christine Daaé, in a reinterpretation of one of his favorite classics, accepting with enthusiasm, he didn't even bother to inquire about the other roles to be played. Knew the group at just their first rehearsal...or was it their first performance? To be honest, he wasn't sure, it just felt like the WayV theater company had always been there and he'd always been a part of it.

He closed his eyes, banishing the thought and smiled, as if the world were his best friend...he remember reading that in some book. He smiled, embodying Miss Daaé, adjusted her clothing that mixed the feminine and the masculine and started counting until her first step on stage. He tried to search the audience for the guest Kun referred to, however, the spotlight seemed calibrated above normal, blinding the view towards the audience. Focusing on his dancing and music, he mentally marked the ghosts' key exchanges. Yangyang being the Angel of Music during the terrace scene with Raoul's Winwin; Kun as Red Death, mounted on the boat, surrounded by the ghostly fluttering sails; Hendery traveled across the stage like Daroga, with his jades for eyes and Ten... suddenly Ten disappeared from his mind, leaving him apprehensive. Again an irritating smoke appeared, his eyes burned, however, he continued his staging, resuming his position in the middle of an improvised disguise, embodying the innocence of the character and her anguish.

Again an irritating smoke appeared, his eyes burned, however, he continued his staging, resuming his position in the middle of an improvised disguise, embodying the innocence of the character and her anguish



"Poor Erik... How could anyone not choose you? I choose you.". Uttered at the apex of the staging, sealing the fate of those characters.

The collapse occurs, the end of the play has approached with mastery, effusive applause echoed through the environment. They smiled, bowed in thanks and left the stage in anticipation of preparations for the encore, while the crew removed the destroyed set. Unlike the iconic and customary "Phantom of the Opera", the young company wrote their own music, only "Phantom", took their positions when the strong beat echoed.


"What is it? What is it?". Chittaphon manifested with a rehearsed pose.

"Hanging on the brink of unconsciousness

The nightmare shatters

Who had their fears manipulated?The rules of this world turned upside downAll the noise in my brainThe night takes over my every lookWhen it only gets louderYeah, it just gets harder"


They danced on the stage now devoid of adornments, the wood creaked rhythmically with the steps, with black clothes, only Xiao and WinWin with clearer details, due to their roles, they smiled gently at the mesmerized audience.

They danced on the stage now devoid of adornments, the wood creaked rhythmically with the steps, with black clothes, only Xiao and WinWin with clearer details, due to their roles, they smiled gently at the mesmerized audience

"A mysterious silhouette breaks the silence (tell me)

In the depths of the dream abyss, who dares to see? (let me)


Hey, who are you calling in your dream? 

The visions turn darkit makes me thinkThe moment it all began"


For the first time, Xiao DeJun was really paying attention to the lyrics, his comrades' theatrical words pierced his mind, generating a fine layer of sweat that contrasted with the chills his body was suffering. He kept his concentration, telling himself that it was just the nervousness... but why nervousness at this point? sensation of danger.


"Four, three, two, one time. 

A posture difficult to distinguish between good and bad

Footsteps of a masked existenceOn a journey of self-discovery

Because the truth doesn't exist"

Because the truth doesn't exist


He blinked slowly past his verses, swallowing hard. His will was to finish the performance as soon as possible, could it be that he was getting a cold? he lowered his gaze in sudden irritation.

"Like a phantom that is pulling my strings

Hey, oh, hey, oh, the puppeteer pulls the string and

The world loses control of this dark scene

The truth is buried and hidden by this unusual dreamUsing this mask to see beyond the facade

Chaos is fed through fear

Oh, standing in the dark

Only I can see the truth, so crazy

As if the face in your line of sight is clear

The light and shadow of truth are not yet lost

Fade out, phantom"

Fade out, phantom



The music finally came to an end, the company made a near the edge of the wide stage, they smiled amused, bowing again received the last applause and the red and white flowers in pompous bouquets. In line they walked backstage, the shared dressing room was a mess, it was always like this after performances, hasty clothes changes, new costumes, they always stayed late to organize everything for the next day. The young people smiled among themselves, exchanging a group hug and congratulations.


"WE DID! WE KILL IT!". Ten shouted excitedly jumping up.

"We are invencibles when we're on stage!". Hendery looked like he had tears in his eyes.

"Dinner's on me!". Kun declared embracing Yangyang.

"And our guest, hyung?". Winwin questioned. "Did he enjoy the show?"

"Really, hyung, what did he say?". Xiao stopped his celebration to focus on the conversation.

"I still don't know, they didn't say anything when we left the stage". Knocks sounded at the door.

"If it had been rehearsed, it wouldn't work. —. Winwin and Xiao exchanged knowing glances.


Kun arranged his robes and formally walked to the door, a quick exchange of words, generating a smile and an expression of confusion, agreed, turning to his colleagues who were waiting for him anxiously.

"Then". Hendery asked.

"Xiao, our guest wants to talk to you". Kun looked worried, perhaps distressed.

"Why?". DeJun questioned straightening her uncomfortable outfit.

"I don't know, but he called you by name and he's waiting for you on the stage."

"Qian... what do you think?"

"That you should go soon, DeJun, you can't keep him waiting". The leader smiled trying to look confident.

"Why so scared of a guest, anyway? He's just a captain, it's not like he's going to recruit us.". Ten intervened irritably. "Xiao, you can go, anything, shout. Soon we will be there to help you."

"Thank you, hyung". He hugged his colleagues and walked out of the room.

Returning to the stage, the path felt different, maybe a little longer than usual

Returning to the stage, the path felt different, maybe a little longer than usual. Initially, he noticed that there was no adornment in the place, as if it had been empty for ages, only a central spotlight was on, illuminating the slender and elegant figure that had his back to the actor. A suit that was a sober purple on one side, an oppressive black on the other. Hair organically swept back, he turned at the sound of the first footsteps on the hardwood floor. His face was gentle, definitely a gentle yet dangerous smile; his gaze was serious, analytical and strangely empty, features defined and harmonic, Xiao would bet a singer or even an actor if he didn't know his military rank.

His face was gentle, definitely a gentle yet dangerous smile; his gaze was serious, analytical and strangely empty, features defined and harmonic, Xiao would bet a singer or even an actor if he didn't know his military rank

"Nice to meet you, my name's Shim Chang-min." He held out his hand, showing his sharp black nails.

"Nice to meet you, you can call me Xiao DeJun". He greeted awkwardly.

"I was very impressed with your performance today, Mr. DeJun". Changmin said smiling. "From all of you, actually, but you've generated a lot of curiosity in me."

"Thank you, sir. We work hard every day."

"How long have you been with the company, Xiao?"

"I... ". He scratched his head in confusion. "Sorry sir, it's been so long I can't even remember."

"Don't worry". He smiled gentle. "This reaction is normal... after all, we lose track of time during work, right?"

"Yes sir."

"From the look in your eyes, I can see that you took the pills, that's why such a complicated dream". He seemed to comment more to himself than to the young man.


"Xiao DeJun, what is your earliest memory?". He questioned seriously.

"Why do you want to know that?". It was suddenly uncomfortable.

"A test."

"I don't intend to serve in the army, sir". A humorless laugh came to Chang-min's lips.

"I'm sure of that, but you entered the middle of a minefield without the slightest protection". He pondered.

"What? You? What do you mean?"

"Your earliest memory, DeJun."

"I was studying space...in a fraternity". Xiao didn't know why he started to speak, it didn't seem right, but he couldn't interrupt. "I had others with me...I...there was a hole in the ceiling...I woke up."

"There is still hope for you, Xiao DeJun, congratulations". An evil smile appeared.

"Who are you?"

"Already said."

"What are you?"

"A God". He shrugged.

"A God". He laughed in disbelief. "A god came to the theater to ask my memory?"

"It's not like I have a choice". Changmin rolled his eyes.

"A God"

"Do you want proof?"


"Sorry, but, i'll not give this to you. Humans and your disbelief is ridiculous, the one who has patience for you has always been Yunho... he had to disappear right now, but if we think about it, you're not even human anymore, are you?." . Chang-min fixed his suit. "Anyway, let's go on."

"What are you talking about? Of course I'm human."

"Humans don't pass through walls and solids like ghosts."

"This makes no sense."

"Humans don't need containment pills either."

"What the hell are you talking about?". He locked his jaw. "I'm leaving."

"Xiao DeJun, August 8, 1999, Year of the Rabbit". He started with a sour mood. "Guangdong, China."

"How... is this my information......"

"Maybe not that hopeful, but I can still use you."

"How do you know these things?"

"I told you, I'm a god."

"Why are you wasting time with me?"

"Orders. Generals...you know how it is."

"Are there general gods?"

"There is something much more powerful than that, but, we can call them that."



"What do you want with me?"

"In a few minutes, will sound the alarm, your colleague Chittaphon will take care of it, after that you won't have much time... you.". He thought for a while. "You picked a terrible place to pass out... don't worry, someone will find you anyway. I need you to guide your friends to the train."


"That's right, in the middle of the desert, the Kwangya train will pass by taking the entities to the Palace. You have to go in, there we can assess the damage done to your DNA."

"Why?Our DNA?"

"If I explain, I don't finish today and I don't have much time. It was hard enough getting in here. Get on the train". He seemed to ponder a few more seconds. "I don't think it's wise, but if you must, use your powers to protect yourself."

"You know I don't have powers, don't you?". Chang-min pursed his lips, seeming to hold back the urge to strangle the young man in front of him.

"You are a ghost, Xiao DeJun, use this."

"I played Christine, not the Phantom."

"I'll consider the pills so I don't call you stupid.". He smiled without humor. "You'll understand when you wake up. Just. Arrive. At. ing. Of. Train."

"Why me?". The young man still not quite convinced. "Why am I the nominee?"

"Because you are ready to obey, Xiao DeJun". He smiled crookedly, pretending to offer the young man a toast. "You already ran away, you just don't know it yet."

Before Xiao could retort, he began to feel his body react to an external movement, a slight jolt that increased every moment, insistent and nervous. A voice that was distant before, came closer each time, repeating a numerical sequence. His vision blurred and the man in front of him seemed to lose focus.

"Our time is up, ghost...". Suddenly the air rushed from his lungs and his vision darkened.

* * *


 "1000...1000...let's go.". You can hear apprehension in the voice." 1000, wake up at once!"

"Where are we?". Xiao voice came out hoarse, his throat hurt.

The evening wear was gone, along with the scenery; the ostentatious carvings gave way to a systematic sequence of pipes in a tight, body-checked hallway, now in a worn, black outfit with a few chains. The young man in front of him looked at him anxiously, seemed to want to talk, however, he looked around looking for something, an annoying siren echoed in the room, making his head throb, he wanted to scream for them to turn off, however, he decided to focus his attention on the man In front of her, her quick eye sweep stopped immediately on a dog tag pinned to the scribbled sweater.

The young man in front of him looked at him anxiously, seemed to want to talk, however, he looked around looking for something, an annoying siren echoed in the room, making his head throb, he wanted to scream for them to turn off, however, he dec...

"10110... ". He narrowed his eyes at the boy's face, they were in an environment with poor lighting, making his task difficult. "10110."

"Great, 1000, you're awake. Come on, get up!". He pulled up, dragging him a few steps. "We do not have much time. Come."

"10110... ". DeJun repeated lost, staring into the face of the man who was now supporting him.

"Yes, I'm 10110, I know my number. Pleasure, 1000.". He looked impatient. "You have to focus or you'll die, walk faster."

"Yangyang.". He spoke when remembering his theater companions, making the young man stop and stare with a dark look.

"How do you know that name?". He walked away suspiciously.

"I know you... The ghosts... we're WayV.". He said lost, trying to recover the memories.

"We are nothing... how do you know that name?". He was pulled by the collar. "Say it."

"I met you...in a dream...I don't know.". Seconds passed, Yangyang stared hard, seeming to assess the situation.

"I'll deal with you later, 1000.". He finally sentenced. "We don't have time to waste now, we have to go."



"My name is XiaoJun."

"Fine... use your skills to move faster, XiaoJun.". Yangyang indicated the hall.

XiaoJun swallowed the question on the tip of his tongue and started to run after Yangyang who was leading the way. The siren continued to wail, getting louder and louder, followed by an irritated march followed by gunfire. He ran through closed corridors, dark and blindly, just following the man who had woken him up, he wasn't even sure what he was running, however, the nausea in the pit of his stomach warned that it wasn't something good; at some point, they bumped into a group of young people. The WayV...


"Don't ask, DeJun, just keep running.". Yangyang warned when Xiao threatened to open his mouth, he knew those boys, however, questions should be for later.

They continued their nervous and flustered flight, managing to break into one of the exits of the tower that held them captive

They continued their nervous and flustered flight, managing to break into one of the exits of the tower that held them captive. A messy building, filled with dead-end corridors, twisted metal, and empty cells. They were faced with a revolting ocean, dark, as well as the storm above their heads, which had the skies illuminated only by the rays and lightning that tore the horizon. Before he could take a step towards the freedom he didn't remember needing to reach, a chill ran down his spine and the melodious voice echoed in his ears.

Before he could take a step towards the freedom he didn't remember needing to reach, a chill ran down his spine and the melodious voice echoed in his ears

"Get on the train, ghost."


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1196 streak #2
Wow sounds awesome