(Red Velvet) Ophelia's Duality

Project Kwangya - Alternatives Talles

Author: Onyx

Keywords: Joy (Park Soo-young); Kangta (Ahn Chil-Hyun, H.O.T.); Kosmos

Inspiration: Ice Cream Cake; Feel my rhythm.


Inspiration: Ice Cream Cake; Feel my rhythm.

The worst responsibility they could give me is the recon mission

The worst responsibility they could give me is the recon mission. I think the conclusion is obvious, it's so brazen where your loyalty lies, completely unnecessary for me to sneak through the dark borders of Queedom merely to see which side is chosen by the five entities of magic. Following them will be hard work, as they are intelligent beings, I admit, their tracks are instantly erased wherever they go, however their instability allows them to map their actions. My mission is to ascertain any and all traces left to define the true loyalty of such deities. Which brings us back to the Palmdale Desert, on this occasion I will be looking for information on the representative of RV04 magic, Park Soo-young, nicknamed "Joy".

My fate was unusual, I think, since their temporary appearances were usually situated in or around cities. I realize that a search for the local is not necessary, it would be a waste of time and energy. Walking calmly along my steps would be enough, all I had to do was find anything unusual and peculiar in the middle of a monotonous and boring desert. My responsibility had been analyzing this big cat box... I found that it took only 12,635 (twelve thousand six hundred and thirty-five) steps to find my way. My ride, affectionate nickname for the P.O.S., had missed the spot "only" a few kilometers. I was so happy to have this opportunity to enjoy every moment of my time in this orb abecula... Later, I will make a point of thanking you for the favor.

"By the warriors' graces," I sighed in relief. I held back my euphoria from quickening my steps as I finally spotted my goal. Yes, I long to remove myself from this cosmic dust immediately, but it was essential to maintain care and patience at this juncture. This fact also makes me aware that a mission given to the Super Junior Order needs to be accomplished, no matter the numerous obstacles during its follow-up, after all "No challenge. No change". My brother Siwon's so illustrious phrase permeates my thoughts, thus making me laugh involuntarily.

I was a few steps from my destination, however I stop before crossing the paved road, it would be prudent to find out the place, after all it would not be interesting to alert them. "Maybe Ningning was right..." I recognize her wisdom in activating the P.O.S at a reasonable distance so it wouldn't be noticed. Caution is needed, just by manifesting the least amount of energy, it could already mean a warning that there would be an unusual visit in one of their territories. Retracting my aura as much as I could, It was in a lower degree even for the inhabitants of this planet. I hated this part of the job, because it boiled down to suffering, since controlling cosmic energy would be as agonizing as stepping on needles, in addition to a slight (very slight) remorse for having be chosen this mission. With these incentives, it had to be done exclusively by someone well trained, for my misfortune and for them, I have enough experience in the field, in addition to having a giant patience.

Its desert domain would go unnoticed to common eyes, it was unoccupied, but little worn out for what it should. Totaling a value of zero surprises, since just by being close it was possible to recognize the fabric of the Kosmos shaping that construction, the aspect of that place exuded our primordial energy, just like the rebelliousness of the Kwangya. Again, I'm not surprised, especially coming from them, it still doesn't make the situation any less worrisome.

The commercial building was juxtaposed in an "L" shape so that the main block, that is, referring to the gas station and the convenience store, were in evidence, between the restaurant and the inn. The small complex was out of date, I believe the creatures of this planet call such architectural conduct as retro style. To the right connected to the building was a shabby green property with faded moss accents, with lettering with a bizarrely large light yellow bracket spelled "Dinner" in local vocabulary. To my right there was a hotel pink with a strange eccentric red and yellow sign, my curiosity piqued when I wondered if it were could be more beautiful, which I doubted this hypothesis. I walked on until I was in front of the prominent pale pink building with red roof detailing that appeared to be the main entrance.

I turned the knob and felt an icy sensation run through my fingers, I took a deep breath preparing myself for whatever I was about to face. Those few millennia that I've known them have been enough not to trust, or even the slightest suspicion, especially in their sense of morality, and I don't think anyone in Kwangya knows what they're capable of. I pushed the door cautiously and found myself in a completely different environment than the facade suggested, I assumed I found a convenience store, but I found an extensive compartment with bifurcations which indicated circulations routes. It was possible to be in front of a labyrinth, I thought about drawing a small map so I wouldn't get lost, but it seemed in vain. I suspected the ways might switch positions, just to play around and confuse my instincts.

Upon entering the room of that small complex, at first, an unpleasant feeling of ersity and sadness, contracting with a certain childishness. It had traces of familiarity, I suspect, but I couldn't identify what it could be until then. The walls, light pink, had not suffered with the action of time, the environment was closed, without openings such as windows, having its lighting only from white pendant lamps, all in operation, placed sequentially. The luminous flux enhanced the black and white checkered tile flooring. The room gave the impression of stepping into of the representation of Queendom present in the train car, confirming my initial hunch.

From the main door, there were light blue doors ahead, I followed the only possible path, observing the interior of all the ones I passed, through a glass opening located in it. I'll restart my step count, sighed in frustration, already thinking about how long I could be stuck there, not being able to use any means from cosmic energy to locate myself or find what I need. It was fair to say that at that moment I could only trust my instincts.

Undeniable to affirm the duality between each environment, their auras were contrary and abnormal. On the left there were colorful and playful environments, as if they had been imagined by the mind of something or someone pure and happy, while on my right there were spaces, whose configuration was more factual, but the mind of this innocent soul was collapsing, plunged into pure chaos. I intuitively followed deeper into its domain, progressively entering the bifurcations. I could feel the atmosphere weighing on me, growing wilder, as if the place itself wasn't saying I wasn't welcome.

I realized that I was in front of a large diary, extremely valuable and peculiar, yet there was no time to waste. There were too many doors to investigate, I needed to stick to something concrete and substantial. I continued on what I understood to be the 'least happy' and therefore the most hostile way. I admit that it was not as difficult as I would like to report, it was enough to observe the details, sharp enough that even a mundane creature could see. "It is the manifestation of the essence of these entities." , concludes. The truths were available, it was enough to know how to interpret them. Looking out of the rooms, you could clearly tell the fragile loyalty of this millennial flourish.

I couldn't say I was tired, however after 5,942 (five thousand nine hundred and forty-two steps), between segments with multiple compartments, I began to question the reasons why the unit leader would have sent me and, perhaps, my existence in this material plane. I arrived at what appeared to be the worst of them so far. In the room there was an atmosphere of desolation, decadence, disorder, which caused in those who looked at it a feeling of repulsion, sadness and violence. It was difficult to observe it in its entirety, as the lamps were broken, leaving a lamp which was flashing repeatedly, apparently malfunctioning. Despite the poor lighting, something caught my attention, an element that was not found in any other room in that property: Pictures. Pictures of natural landscapes like gardens and forests. In addition to joyful portraits of those five magical beings that once inhabited this domain.

The walls, once lived in, now almost colorless, made up cracks which extended from the already dull floor with parts of ceramic missing, to the ceiling lining. Only the light blue doors were intact, there was a set of five doors, each with the names of flowers, I remained in front of the door that would be my final destination, almost with tears in my eyes. I grabbed the doorknob and walked into the room, whose name was written "Ophelia." I felt a gloomy atmosphere upon entering. I see some broken furniture in the retro style, simple but beautiful, true beauties. In the center of what would once have been a bedroom, I glimpse an overturned bed with its upside-down iron frame, mattress and pillows torn apart. Closer to the door, an armchair covered in a blue flowered fabric and, like the other furniture, dusty and torn. The window, located on the wall opposite the door, had weathered wood with its shutter broken, thus allowing the only streaks of light to enter the room. The mirrors were still hanging, but cracked.

As gloomy as it may seem, it did not have any indication of a resident, it only resembled an abandoned place. There were no decorations, clothes, accessories, nothing. Merely some papers torn into pieces of the most varied sizes scattered around the room. "Papers..." I had a sudden idea. I turned every corner possible, it seemed like hours had passed, I picked up any and all fragments I could find. Despite the alteration between its texture and coloring, I was led to think that the pages were taken from the same book. Since the difference between them can be clarified by time stamping. I decided to open the window so that I could do my work more efficiently, but when I touched it, to my surprise, it fell apart and its wreckage fell to the ground with some noise. I just sighed and dislodged as much of the rubble as possible with my foot, making enough space to assemble all the pieces of this puzzle. Relatively quickly I unraveled the enigma, taking as a reference his sayings when connecting with the most suitable fragment, so it was not necessary to spend so much time. Solved this mystery, I saw what was in front of me.

Who would have thought she'd let something so important pass her by. However, looking at the state of her room, I can say that her instability was the main factor in leaving these tracks. It aroused my interest, because what could be so intriguing about those pages to be in that condition? Minutes passed, while I analyzed my find, not believing that I was facing what in the past would be the first pages of the most sacred book for such a deity, the grimoire. I started reading what I believe to be the first page, there were no more than a few notes with single words, however it contained a small reflection on its genesis. Every singularity of the Kosmos has a unique principle, its own conception and beginning, varying between generations. And, whatever is in these pages, it can be used as a weapon, since saying its origin means exposing its essence, just like enunciating its greatest weakness, in most cases.

"millennia of silence"

"an eternity in darkness"

"the purest marasmus"

"The void stretched across the hitherto infinite."

"Wandering through the current of an endless river..."

"A deep sleep. I feel myself waking up."

"I'm still sleepy...maybe I should keep resting."

"Days? Months? Years? There was no hint of time elapsed, my mind wandered through my dark, lonely, peaceful reality."

In his first memories, it was possible to notice that Joy, like the forces of Kwangya, initially, was nothing more than a primordial, amorphous form and gradually awakening his consciousness

In his first memories, it was possible to notice that Joy, like the forces of Kwangya, initially, was nothing more than a primordial, amorphous form and gradually awakening his consciousness. It was not always this fearless and proud entity that we can observe today. I suspected, but reading records of her confirms her birth, or rather emergence, of the last deities before the creation of this Earth, before the Great Primordial War. That said, I come to the conclusion that the Red Velvet Force is not different from who we are, after all our consciousnesses were in the same sentient state.

"I felt a new sensation permeate my primordial form. It made me wake up from my deep sleep, I was numb, I don't want to let this situation pass, come back! please..."

"I'm still tired, this monotony is boring me... Will it go on like this forever? When will I really feel alive?"

"I believe that sleeping is the best option. No... I don't want to! I need more stimulation... I can't spend my eternity stagnant, oblivious to any event, for centuries on end."

"What is this? My perception is sharper, I can see it's not the same stimulus, but the feeling it causes is. I still can't identify..."

"Again! These hot sensations are intoxicating. This impulse triggers me and it's becoming more and more frequent. I can sense a presence, but I don't feel physical, so how is that possible?"

"The 'presence' came again! I was able to experience it longer. I would like to have it always around. What is this feeling of regret? I'm euphoric, but I don't want to lose this warmth. That's what gives meaning to my existence .''


Joy began to experience all kinds of sensations, the emptiness she had known for so long was replaced by the fascinating vibrations of a world still so little explored by her

Joy began to experience all kinds of sensations, the emptiness she had known for so long was replaced by the fascinating vibrations of a world still so little explored by her. It reminds me of when she was in this primal form, curiosity is our primary will. The core of our spirit cries out for new experiences, demands challenges, pleads for new purposes in life. Without it, what would we be? We would die little by little, slowly killing our spirit.

"What must the world be like? I imagine what the sky, the air, the earth, the colors, the figures, the sounds would be like... I believe it to be my truth, living in search of what I still don't know, always on the looking for challenges"

"Eccentric to say the least, but never in my life had I heard a more beautiful, more calming sound than my name being pronounced in a soft voice. 'Joy'. I don't know who named me, I just felt like I was being called and I'm immensely excited. grateful. Finally, an identity."

"I can't explain it, it's a mix of experiences very different from what I was used to. Through the symphony, I realized it's in an open space, where nature manages to stand out."

"I heard a male voice, he was laughing lovingly, he seemed to be playing with a girl. I heard him warn 'Shoo, be careful! Flowers can get hurt' To which she replies with a sweet voice 'Sorry brother Hee' I thought they were gone, as I only listened to the sounds of nature, but the girl asked, 'When will they bloom, Brother Lee?' Another voice replies, 'Only they can say, little one, it depends on how long they want to live. I don't know who said it, but I felt challenged! What I want most is to get out of this prison I'm in and explore every corner of this vast universe."

"In this garden, the plants, I believe I am included, are taken care of. Don't ask me why, I just know. Proof of that is that the other day I heard one of them, a Chil-Hyun say 'Rain' and instantly I could hear noises of a drizzle through the place. It was bizarre!"

"My days are still full, in order to 'bloom' my only job is to stay still and grow and grow. My favorite pastime is listening to conversations that I won't understand, listening to sounds that I won't be able to distinguish, etc... This is my life, exciting!"

"My perception is more refined, it seems easier to perceive the external world, but it is complex to interpret it. Mainly, now with my new acquired powers, I can smell the aroma around me, especially the delicate perfume of my sisters-flowers. "

"I believe I have already learned a little about the dynamics here. The gardeners, and I believe responsible for the garden, are composed of five beings, and the other entities take turns in other functions, except for the youngest who only comes here to play."

I had to take a little break, I was having a lot of fun reading it, completely fascinated by that testimony

I had to take a little break, I was having a lot of fun reading it, completely fascinated by that testimony. I couldn't stop decoding those words, the way her describe all your awakening of the senses, your first sounds... no, your first harmonic symphony provided by your garden. I was enchanted with innocence and the charisma of this flower, it was only a few pages, but I enjoyed them as if I were in the presence of a good book. I admit to having burst out laughing at the sight of the great general Kangta being called a gardener. Ignorance is a gift in some cases. I just find myself distressed to realize that the pages were coming to an end.

"Today is a day of celebration, I can clearly hear the sound of laughter, shouts of exaltation. Everyone was very excited, because finally after millennia the first flower bloomed. There was food of all kinds, it was a complete feast, after all, Irene, the first deity of magic has finally blossomed. I heard a young woman, now the youngest of all present, exclaim 'So beautiful!', a woman replies 'Be a good reference to her, BoA, don't forget our promise.' The young woman replies 'I promise, Sister Shoo'. The weather was very good, I'm very happy for my older sister. It reminds me of what really matters and renews my hopes. Not that it needed much, but it's always good to have a motivation to more. One day it will be my party! My feast! This day will be recorded not only as my sister Irene's birthday, but also the beginning of the last days that I have left in this immobile, fragrant and beautiful, but boring form."

"The climate was very good, every day was peaceful and happy, I learned more and more, after the birth of Irene, the entities spent more time in the garden. What was great, their presence filled my heart with a welcoming feeling. and happiness. I can't say how long I've been 'alive', if I can say I am, but during my entire period of consciousness, realizing I was there was one of the best. I recognize complete happiness, I may not be the way I I'd like to, but I'm surrounded by my sisters, having warm people to take care of us. For now it was more than enough."

" When I think that something good has happened, I was useless. It was simple, I opened my eyes and that was it. Darkness. I just realized that one fine day I was waking up from a sleep that was dry I was unconscious and I just woke up. I thought I still had getting used to the light and for that reason I wasn't seeing, but the good old darkness I'm used to still hasn't left me. What's the point of having my super vision power, and not using it? I literally open it my eyes and I realize it's inside my cocoon. What the !! I'm outraged. How do I know I'm in a cocoon? Listening to other people's gossip! Also, there's a very thin opening that allows you to glimpse the petals of my receptacle. But that's not important! I want to contemplate the world! I'm a poor flower, it's not too much to ask..."

"It didn't take that long (a few hundred years, maybe) before I could hear another celebration taking place. It seems to have been not one, but two new flowers. Everyone looked very excited, music was playing, while everyone cheered excitedly, danced with the new divinities. There was a contagious happiness in the air, apparently no one wanted to stop, the celebration would continue into the night. When will my time come? This magical moment with my sisters and masters, I want to enjoy it, after all, who doesn't like a Happy party? I need to get out of here! I've never hated being a flower so much. While they're partying, they're here, permanently motionless."

"Tony, don't forget to check on the Ophelias', today I'll stay with the Petunis', Chil-hyun said. I may not have developed tact, but the gardeners' aura radiated with the purest energy and I felt surrounded by affection and love, it was cozy being close to them. He approached and began to ramble alone, believing that at some point we would respond. I liked Uncle Tony, he would talk to us for hours, always bringing a lot of gossip. 'My beauties are healthier than the last time, okay, it's been over 200 years, but I'm busy being a warrior'. Did I hear right? Did he call himself a warrior? Usually masters don't call themselves that, preferring only their initials, H.O.T., or their own names. It was weird, but there's nothing one can do, I don't even talk or walk. Uncle Tony, kept telling the events of the last 200 years."

"I need to remember everything he tells and get the stories straight, I don't know, Uncle Tony seems to me to exaggerate a lot. Believe that my masters create entire universes, I think it's a little too much. I felt her warm and harmonious aura approaching.' So this is Joy, the oldest among the Ophelias!' , he continued, 'Hurry up! Are you lazy by any chance?' Help me then, if you're complaining, I would have been born if it was up to my will. 'uhn.. I thought you would bloom before Irene'. New information. Why did you think that, Uncle Tony? 'We'll be waiting here when your time comes, okay? We'll have a big party. Can we promise this to each other?' He said seriously, as if his words carried a greater weight than he might think. 'But don't take too long, my brothers and I are dying to meet you. Kangta can't stand the excitement." He starts to laugh, as if he's telling a joke that only he understands. I felt his aura a little regret, it was darker. 'My beauties, I have to go, duty calls.' After that moment, I felt him leaving."

"After that day, the deities became increasingly busy with their tasks. Now, most make sporadic visits to the garden. Only a few from the H.O.T. visited us with a certain frequency. Time is relative, especially when it comes to entities, but at least they had a constancy. Less and less I felt their presence, it was almost as if I was regressed in my sentient state. When they are not close, despite hearing the sounds of nature around and smelling my sisters' perfume, I still felt a small emptiness when they weren't. There's not much to do, just learn to deal with it. I think they must be quite busy, it can only be... Creating universes is certainly hard work..."

"Right now, I have words left over from the contained tears of homesickness I'm feeling. I can't smile anymore so much I miss it. I couldn't even hear a see you later. Have we been forgotten? No, it can't be possible. together were short but grand, and I'm sure it wasn't one-sided."

"If I could have one wish, I would ask for a little more life beside you, I don't care about my bloom anymore. I just want you to come back!"

"In the end, the smallest things are the only things that matter"

"What the wind couldn't take away, stayed in my memories"

"The worst part of parties is knowing that one hour they end. The music stops, the light is turned off, the magic stops..."

"My sadness has no end, unlike my happiness."

"I feel my hope fading..."


"The wind had a different smell, I'm not used to it. It looked like vegetation, however, it was different. Something is wrong. I began to feel a dread, an inexplicable regret, without understanding the reason. My intuition said that we were in danger. . The strangest thing was hearing small noises as if something was popping. I started to have a new stimulus, the temperature rose, my cocoon quickly became a chamber, petals seemed to burn."

"Fear was controlling me. I couldn't think, the pain was temporary, it could last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but when it finally ended, something else took its place. The smell of rust dominated, disturbing me every day. I could feel the walls of my cocoon now, but something heavy was preventing me from blooming. My world was immersed again in complete darkness, only now I knew what was valuable."

"My day has come. However, it didn't matter, knowing that no one would be there was what discouraged me the most. At this moment I just want to embrace my darkness. With no other option, my petals begin to open, revealing a scenario full of horror, the The picture ahead was surreal. The scream of agony caught in the huge lump in my throat. It was night, it didn't take long for my eyes to adjust. My white dress, was immersed in ashes... ashes? yes... ashes of my sisters "It was completely stained by what was once Ophelias waiting for it to bloom. I wanted to scream in horror, but I had to control it. I noticed amorphous, grotesque figures walking towards a fire. My hands were shaking, my eyes didn't understand what I was seeing." 

"These beings were dragging piles and piles of dead flowers, disinterestedly, as if we were garbage to be discarded. The flame was high, it was possible to see several fires in the garden. I didn't know what to do, besides be terrified. There was no one, I was alone... I'm a useless person who doesn't know how to defend herself, I was saved because my sisters' bodies protected me, hiding my location enough for those beings to not notice. I couldn't stop crying profusely, but I struggled to stifle the sounds of my suffering, I couldn't escape." 

"What chance would I have? I needed to use them as a shield again. "I'm sorry," I whispered through tears. Hoping they were at peace in the Kosmos. Their lives were lost before they were even born, without a chance to scream and cry out for help. After a few minutes, feeling disgusted for desecrating my sisters' bodies in this way. I calmed down enough, I needed to leave, before I do anything, I could feel a flow of magic, didn't notice it before but something was pulling me in a direction, a connection. Had any of my sisters survived? Taking care not to make a fuss, leaves in desperation following this weak trace, however, lived in magic. "

"Not far from what would be the field of ophelias, there was the field of cherry trees, I searched quickly among the ashes, dirtying my body even more, I dug the earth in a mixture of anger and hope, scratching my palms, only stopping at the spot a small button. So small, it was so pure. I took great care to take it out of the ground, protecting its roots, I let the magic go through my fingers and I opened a smile, a tear of happiness ran down my face when I realized that I had managed to cast a protective magic, albeit primitive. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you, my little Yerim. I won't let anything else happen to you." The throbbing pain returned latent. My body trembled hugging the little cocoon, knowing it was the last bud in the garden.

"We found an Ophelia! Quick, I need backup!"

I finished reading in shock. Understanding why she decided to abandon these pages, she wanted to erase a very painful memory. Unfortunately that's not how it works... The war even affected the emergence of beings that should be pure, now I can understand some of their most recent attitudes, their instability. I had a powerful weapon in my hands, memories are very effective for attacks, cause pain far beyond physical. Determined on what I needed to do, collected all the pieces, shoved them hastily into all the pockets of my robes, without any care. I needed to get out of that place as quickly as possible. The idea was to walk calmly the same way I entered, however, anxiety was making me run through the halls. It didn't take long to be outside. I sighed in relief, but still with a weight in my chest. I saw a gallon of gasoline, it wasn't full, however, there was enough. I dragged a garbage can as far as I could and threw all the leaves inside, pouring out the flammable liquid and setting it on fire. let my body fall to the ground, next to the fire, convincing myself that I had done the right thing. I didn't do it out of charity, however, I don't agree with using suffering as a bargaining chip or for the mere pleasure of watching someone's soul bleed, the origin is sacred and must be respected.

I triggered the panel for the first time that day, "Ningning... tell to Leeteuk there were no tracks. the domain was empty." . I turned off the panel, my eyes wandered until I saw a small flower of Galanthus Ophelia growing in the middle of the desert. Smiling at the sight of her, I greeted her with a nod.

- You don't need to thank.


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1196 streak #2
Wow sounds awesome