Track #21

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SEULGI’S eyebrows formed a frown when she saw that the leave that she filed for Friday was rejected and brought back to her. Her eyes immediately darkened, she leaned back to her chair, crossed her arms and stared at her computer screen for some time. The person beside her felt goosebumps since that was the first time they saw that look on Seulgi’s face without alcohol at all.

The assistant manager then printed her rejected leave and everyone followed her movements as she went to pick the document from the printer. Everyone knows something has changed with Seulgi. Her whole aura was different. She didn’t tie her hair like she usually does and she just carries herself differently from the Seulgi that they were used to.

Gasps were heard when Seulgi didn’t go back to her desk but instead went straight to the desk of their Section Manager. Shin-chajang was currently checking a report from another employee that time but Seulgi didn’t care and placed the document she printed on the man’s desk.

Shin-chajang’s eyebrow rose after looking at the file. He then gave Seulgi a glare. “What?”

“I want to know the reason why you sent my application for leave back.” Seulgi firmly said.

The Section Manager frowned. “Are you demanding something from me?”

“There should be a reason, right? I have the right to know why you’re not letting me get a one-day leave.” 

Everyone stiffened in their place. The atmosphere was so thick that no one could ever make a sound. They could just look at each other in disbelief. Kang Seulgi questioning their Section Manager and not getting fazed by his intimidating glare and voice was something that they never thought they would ever witness. 

The man then crossed his arms. “Tell me then, why are you getting a leave?”

“The reason is already written in my application. Did you just reject it without actually looking at my reason?” Gasps were heard once more. Seulgi was really on the attack mode. “I have to go to the hospital tomorrow for an eye operation. That’s what is written in my application. I also attached the text the hospital sent me as a reminder if you’re not convinced that I will be having an operation.”

The man rolled his eyes and just faced his computer. “Move the operation next week. You already missed two days of work because of that band thing. There’s a lot of work to do.”

“We didn’t play during those two days. It was still technically work.” Seulgi answered again which made the man look back at her. “I believe I also already finished all the projects given to me. Does this mean the other’s projects will be passed to me again?”

“Kang Seulgi.” The man called her name with his jaw clenched and eyes narrowed. “Am I hearing you correctly? Do you hear how you speak to your superior?”

Seulgi raised her chin and looked down on him. “How do you expect me to speak to you if you treat me without respect at all.”

“Kang Seulgi!” The man finally lost and stood up from his seat. All the other managers were alerted and stood up as well. The Senior Manager scoffed. “What? Just because you’re getting a bit popular because of that competition you’re going to come at me this way?”

At times like this, the normal Seulgi would’ve already cowered and went back to her desk but the Seulgi that came that day didn’t faze at all and didn’t let herself lose the stare down. 

“Chajang-nim, just because you’re a superior you don’t get the authority to look down at your subordinates. All of us here are humans like you and we have our own rights. One of them is using our leaves. Just how many of us here were able to use our monthly leaves regularly?”

“Kang Seulgi!”

“I will go to the hospital because my eyesight is really, really bad. Isn’t it enough reason for a leave? I don’t have any piled assignments either, despite being gone for two days. What’s stopping you from giving me approval?”

“YOU!” Panicking sounds were heard when Shin-chajang pulled Seulgi by the collar. “When did you even learn to talk back to me like that!?

“C-Chajang-nim, calm down!” The Team Manager tried to pull him off from Seulgi but the Senior Manager wasn’t letting go. “Chajang-nim!”

“What are you going to do then? Are you going to fire me?” Seulgi answered back with a taunting smile. “Let’s see who’s going to do all your errands.”

Eyes widened when Shin-chajang lifted a hand, about to slap Seulgi but Seulgi was so ready for it. She won’t be backing down and be abused by this person anymore. 

“Go ahead and hit her!” Everyone turned to Yerim who was holding her phone out. “I have everything recorded.”

Shin-chajang was splashed with cold water. She forgot that the Chairman’s daughter was still in their section. He let go of Seulgi and shook his hands but he didn’t apologise.

“Damn it.” He gritted his teeth and threw the paper back to Seulgi. “Fine! Submit the application again and I will sign it!”

Seulgi nonchalantly fixed her collar while still looking down at the guy who already went back to his seat. She knew she still had a lot to say but chose not to say anything. She also went back to her seat, passing by Yerim who was worriedly looking at her.

“Are you done?”

Everyone felt chills run down their spine when they heard that voice. They turned to Joohyun who was actually there and witnessed what happened. No one even noticed that she was there. Shin-chajang knows that he’s going to be roasted again, already massaging the back of his nape.

“Shin-chajang, in my office now.” 

“But I wasn’t the one who started this!”

Joohyun turned to him with those judging eyes. “Are you giving me this reason? Are you a grade-schooler?” The director then turned to Seulgi who was already looking at her PC monitor. “Kang-daeri, come to my office after I talk with Shin-chajang.”

“Yes, Director.” 

Joohyun felt another pang of pain in her heart before she tore her eyes from Seulgi. “Let’s go, Shin-chajang.”

The man heavily dragged his feet, glaring at Seulgi when he walked past her. Seulgi just looked back at him which made him more furious.

When everyone heard the closing of Director Bae’s door, the other employees went to Seulgi’s desk, asking if she was okay and praising her for actually standing up not just for herself but for the others who were not getting their leaves as well. Everyone thought that her sudden change was very cool which made her think that Joohyun would surely praise her for what she did.

But, it was the opposite.

“Did you purposely anger Shin-chajang?” 

Seulgi’s brows furrowed after hearing that question. “I simply expressed my dissatisfaction because he returned my application for leave which I really needed.”

Joohyun crossed her arms. “Is there really a need to engage into a verbal fight like that? I was actually about to ask him about why he returned it that’s why I went out. I couldn’t believe I would see you there fighting with him.”

Seulgi gritted her teeth. This isn’t the reaction that she was expecting from Joohyun.

“Didn’t I tell you that you can just tell me if Shin-chajang bullies you again? I will be the one to—“

“Director Bae.” Seulgi lifted her head up and looked at Joohyun. “I appreciate your concern but I want to stand up for myself for once. I don’t want to get used to leaning on you for I am well-aware that you will not always be there for me. I simply stood for my rights.”

Joohyun noticed how Seulgi’s fists were clenched since they were placed on her lap. “The operation was supposed to be on Saturday but we suddenly have a band schedule on Sunday. If I don’t move the operation a bit earlier, I might have a bit of trouble playing the bass on Sunday. I just don’t want to bring trouble to the band since it’s our special project.”

Joohyun let out a deep sigh. “Just don’t get yourself into trouble. Shin-chajang is so angry at you, he even pulled your collar…” The director’s voice softened. “Are you okay though?”

A smile curved up on Seulgi’s lips. “I am okay. I never felt so satisfied with myself.”

Joohyun bit her lower lip. “You’re going to have LASIK tomorrow, am I right? Is there someone who’s going to drive you back? I had LASIK before too and it would be best to have someone to bring you back home.”

“Again, thank you for the concern, Director Bae. I already have someone who will pick me up after the operation.”

“Is it Taeyeon-ssi?”

Seulgi’s brows frowned once more. It wasn’t Taeyeon, it was her aunt who was going to pick her up but she couldn’t believe Joohyun would ask her that. “I am sorry, Director. I believe this is about my private life now.”

Joohyun felt embarrassed and lowered her head. “Right… I am sorry for asking.”

“I’ll make sure to attend the practice after I get some rest. I want to perform that song really well too so there’s no need to worry about my participation in the practice.”

Seulgi then fixed her clothes. “Now, if there’s nothing more. I will have to excuse myself. I still have a few projects needing some last touch.”

“Alright, you may now go back to your desk.” 

Seulgi stood up, gave Joohyun a bow and went straight to the door but before she turned the knob, she gave one last look at Joohyun and said, “What happened to you, Director? This doesn’t feel like you. I believe you were more outspoken than this.”


Seulgi just shrugged her shoulders. “What am I even saying? I’ll be going then. Have a good day ahead, Director.”

Joohyun leaned back on her seat and smiled to herself. “How dare she ask me that when she’s the reason for this?”

She closed her eyes for a second and remembered what her mother told her last night. “What should I do to bring you back to me? Am I really late?”




SEULGI was eating alone by herself just like usual when someone suddenly sat in front of her. She looked at the person and went back to eating right away.

“I thought you don’t like the food here.” She commented before putting more food in .

“Who are you?” Yerim asked her. Seulgi just sneered.

“I don’t know as well but I feel great.” Seulgi just shrugged her shoulders and continued eating.

“What happened?” Yerim worriedly asked. “If this is because of what happened then please… I am—“

“Sorry?” Seulgi scoffed. “I bet you’re only sorry because you were caught.”

Yerim rolled her eyes as she sighed. “Daeri-nim, please. I believe you know Saebyeok a lot. She’s really a menace.”

“I know about my sister.” Seulgi sneered. “I know how twisted she is but we are talking about you here, Yerim-ssi. You were the one said to make a bet about me. It was you.”

“That’s why I am really sorry.” Yerim pleaded. “They were the only friends I have and that’s the only way to associate with them. They were the only friends my mum approved for me.”

Seulgi stared at Yerim while she chewed her food. Yerim was just waiting anxiously for her to say something. Seulgi just shook her head. “You should make some new friends. Friends that you choose yourself.”

A smile was finally seen on Yerim’s face. “T-Then I really want to—“

“I can’t be friends with you though.” Seulgi cut her sentence. “You are friends with Saebyeok. I don’t know when you’ll suddenly attack me at the back.”

“Daeri-nim…” Yerim immediately sulked as if strength was taken out of her. “I promise I won’t do that to you. I’ll be on your side.”

“That’s too good to be true.” In no time, Seulgi managed to clear her plate clean. “The last person that told me that actually gave me up because of my brother. I don’t want to trust people that have any relation to the Kwon’s.”

Seulgi stood up and Yerim could only watch her go away. Yerim removed the tray of food in front of her and continued sulking at the table.

She started throwing tantrums, causing people to look her way. “Kwon Saebyeok, really you! You ruined everything when Daeri-nim already opened up to me!”

Yerim suddenly felt like crying. She couldn’t believe that she would actually cry because of Seulgi.  “It’s my fault too. I shouldn’t have sent things like that. How could I even win her trust again?”




“THANKS for picking me up, Imo.” 

Seulgi’s aunt, Doona, led her niece to the front seat of the car. The woman then quickly went to the driver’s seat and helped Seulgi with her seatbelt. Finally, the LASIK surgery is done. It went so fast  that all the mental preparation Seulgi made felt so useless because it was really quick.

Seulgi was made to wear some protective glasses so she won’t accidentally scratch her eyes once the numbness fades. She was also told to keep her eyes closed longer.

“Are you sure you want me to drop you to your dorm? You can just rest at our house for tod

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Chapter 40: thank you authornim🥹🫶🏻
The songs on each track are the best, thanks author-nim ¡ENCORE! ¡ENCORE!
1760 streak #3
Finally added the playlist to my account going to reread while listening for the feels!
MYOBusiness #4
Chapter 40: S-soowan sounds like a n-nice n-name.. HAHA
MYOBusiness #5
Chapter 39: THIS IS SO GOOOOD! I enjoyed this story so so much! I can't believe how many times my heart breaks because of the events that happened and how it warms me at the same time. Ahh~ The roller coaster!
My favorite part is when Seulgi first sing in public! Not because they sang a song I like (btw the song recommendations here are so good! It's always nice listening to it while reading the chapters) but because I believe that's the first crack from our wolf, not only from the facade she had that time but also a breakthrough from her old self in general. I wanted to celebrate with her for that haha.
There's a lot of memorable scenes and I can't pick just one! The bands' dynamic is always fun to see. Reading each perspective from the characters is so refreshing that I felt what they're going through at the time and understand all the decisions they made, may it be good or bad decisions (of course it's all because of how cut-nim wrote it~). Also, witnessing Seulgi gain confidence made me emotional. All the problems and how she battles with herself about the things that holds her back just makes my heart break when clearly, she has so much potential. Everyone wants the best for her and that's what I want too that's why I've been rooting for her until the end! All you really need is good people on your side and that's a win already!

P.S. Ack! I finished late :( But I'm back! Hi cut-nim! Thank you for sharing this universe too, it's amazing as always :)
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
Chapter 39: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 1: reread 2nd time.. ☺️☺️ just casually count numbers whenever I reread stories...
Chapter 30: i can't stop coming back to this chapter.. the moment with joohyun and seulgi in the karaoke really hit a spot in my heart. i've also been listening to 노래방에서 by jang beom june all day because of how meaningful the lyrics were, the song is beautiful so thank you for sharing it with us!!
Chapter 39: i'm crying in my class, my heart hurts but in a good way. that's how you properly put an end to a story, wow. i now remember why every day i would come here and binge all our your stories. it's because you're so incredibly talented and you truly know how to put emotions into words. i've had a soft spot of writing and i really admire the way people can express each emotion and feeling in the form of words. i don't mean to be cheesy but i think you are by far my most favorite writer, solely of the fact that you can make me laugh, cry, and experience these feelings i really don't think i will be able to in my own life because im too much of a coward (much like seulgi lol) and i tend to stay away from what i've never experienced in fear of what the outcome would be. so i thank you for giving me the chance to feel so many things just through the magic of your words and writings. i wish you well!! stay happy and healthy dear author ^^
Chapter 37: i cant help but imagine kang hanna as kang hanna from 200 pounds beauty, is she the inspo of seul's mom? i loved that movie and it really touched my heart so if it is, you have excellent taste author ^^.