Track #20

Overtime Playlist
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“WHERE is Kang-daeri?”

Yujin and Minjeong looked awkwardly at Joohyun who went to their room the first thing in the morning. Ryujin who was still on the bed took a peek of Joohyun. 

“Is there something wrong?” The rhythm guitarist asked. “Seulgi-unnie woke up early and went outside to go by the beach. For some reason she said she wanted to go jogging.”

“I-I see…” Joohyun suddenly felt uncomfortable. There could be a chance that Seulgi is with Taeyeon and she just didn’t like the idea of them being together. “I was just thinking about helping her with her makeup.”

“Ah about that…” Ryujin forced herself to stand up. “I don’t think there’s a need for it. Jimin will be doing her makeup just like yesterday.”

“But Yoo-jooim is already—”

“What’s wrong, Director?” Ryujin asked with a challenging smile on her face. “Don’t you feel awkward at all? You just rejected Seulgi-unnie yesterday and now you want to be in a close distance with her the next day? Just the thought of it makes me cringe.”

“Hey, Ryujin. Don’t you think you’re crossing the line?” Seungwan joined the conversation when she overheard what Ryujin said. 

Ryujin looked rather confused with that question from Seungwan. “Crossing the line? I am just telling the truth. Isn’t it normal to feel awkward after everything that happened? What’s wrong with what I said?”

“But Ryujin—”

“Seungwan-unnie…” Ryujin sighed while scratching her head. “Director Bae rejected Seulgi-unnie. Of course, she will be hurt especially when she thought there was something special between them. Who knew she would be rejected just because her brother was Director Bae’s ex? She’d be really devastated! Do you think she would even want to see Director Bae now?”

“Still, you don’t have to be harsh to Director Bae like that.” Seungwan’s shoulders dropped. “It wasn’t easy for her to reject Seulgi. She didn’t even know that they were siblings—”

“Not easy?” Ryujin scoffed. “I disagree with that. She was well aware of how Seulgi-unnie got hurt when she left her during the event but still proceeded with rejecting her. She didn’t even let Seulgi-unnie breathe at all!”

“Ryujin…” Minjeong worriedly called. 

“What?” Ryujin looked at everyone, confused on why everyone makes her feel that she was the one on the wrong. “I don’t understand you all. Seulgi-unnie is our friend! Why are you protecting Director Bae?”

“Let me ask you then.” Seungwan leaned on the wall. “Do you support whatever Seulgi is doing now? Don’t you think Seulgi being involved with someone who’s obviously just playing with her would be good for her?”

“Come on, Unnie.” Ryujin felt so frustrated with Seungwan. “What do you think of Seulgi-unnie? A freaking child? She’s obviously aware of the game she got herself into. Let her learn whatever she could learn from it.”

“So you support the other girl?” Seungwan asked, her frown deepened.

Ryujin just shrugged her shoulders. “What should I do then? Both parties consented to it. Being in a casual relationship isn’t that bad at all. Getting deep into love doesn’t work out for her anyway. At least I didn’t cheer for someone who just gave her hope and then dropped her just like that.”

“Shin Ryujin—”

“Tell me what’s wrong with what I said then.” The rhythm guitarist went back to lying and covered herself with her blanket. “If Director Bae truly had feelings for Seulgi-unnie then she won’t care about whatever background Seulgi-unnie has even if her brother was her ex. I mean, it’s the person that you love and you both have feelings for each other. It’s not that they’ll be sharing the same roof with Seulgi-unnie’s bro when they get together. Would you just let go of your feelings just because of someone from your past? Because of something that’s already over? I don’t get what kind of stupid sacrifice that is for.”

Seungwan let out a sigh and turned to Joohyun who was obviously taking a hold of her tears. “Let’s go, Director. Just let Minjoo and Jimin handle the makeup work. Just take some rest for a bit.”

A scoff was heard from Ryujin. “It’s funny. Is it because Seulgi-unnie already got someone that you suddenly realised your feelings for her were actually not that shallow? Or is it your pride getting hurt right now because you were easily changed?”

Joohyun felt her breath hitch. Is what she is feeling right now brought by being changed so fast just like what Hanbyul did to her? Because of her pride getting trampled? Not because of her feelings for Seulgi?

“Stop it, Ryujin.” Yujin threw her a wet towel. “That’s overkill, you idiot!”

“If no one would tell her, then who would?” Ryujin decided to stand up and prepare to get out. She threw the towel back to Yujin before going inside the restroom. 

Seungwan let out another sigh. She carefully looked at Joohyun whose face was already covered with her hair. Who would’ve thought that destiny would play with her and Seulgi like this? Who would’ve thought that she would be involved with a pair of siblings romantically?

But Seungwan had to agree that Ryujin had a point. If only Joohyun gave more time to think about it. If only she faced Seulgi in a better setting. If only she made sure of what she really feels first before acting then things could’ve been different now.


Seungwan immediately looked outside while Joohyun only flinched at the sound of that call. Jimin who just got out of their room saw Seulgi walking towards them by the hallway. The girl was bathing in sweat. 

“Seulgi!” Seungwan also called and Seulgi greeted them back with a warm smile and a wave. “I heard that you went to jog? All of a sudden?”

“Yeah. I thought I wasn’t taking care of my body that well so I decided to start exercising today.” Seulgi answered while wiping her sweaty forehead with her forearm. “Sorry, I didn’t notice the time. Am I already late?”

“No, but you have to get ready soon.”

“Oh, right!” Seulgi’s eyes then immediately transferred to Jimin. She gave the girl a smile. “Sorry, Yoo-jooim-nim. I’ll be in your care today as well.”

“A-Ah?” Jimin took an awkward look at Joohyun but her hair just won’t let other people see her expression. “O-Okay, Daeri-nim… I-I’ll do my best today too.”

“Thank you! I’ll go get a quick shower then.”

“Ryujin just entered the bathroom though.” Seungwan said. “I guess you can use our bathroom. Everyone in our room is done preparing anyway.”

“Oh, as expected from all of you.” Seulgi then pointed at the other room with her thumb. “Can you open the room for me then? I promise I will shower quickly.”

“Alright…” Seungwan then turned to Joohyun. “Let’s go take some rest in our room first, Director.”

“Is there something wrong?” Seulgi asked, which surprised Joohyun. “Are you sick, Director Bae?”

The young director immediately raised her head to take a look at Seulgi. She didn’t expect that the girl would be talking to her. “S-Seulgi, I—“

“I already told you not to call me by my name, right?”

Joohyun’s eyes widened. Even Seungwan and Jimin were shocked. Seulgi just said it so casually, she was even smiling and there was no hint of anger in her tone yet it was really intimidating.

The smile on Seulgi’s face widened when Joohyun looked away. “If you don’t feel good then it’s fine to just sit out today’s event. You were sick last Monday, right? Just take some rest.”

Seulgi then ran towards Jimin who opened their room for them. She thanked the younger girl and dashed towards the bathroom.

“Don’t mind Seulgi for now, Director.” Seungwan let out another sigh. “It’s gonna be okay. Let’s just have her cool down a bit.”

Joohyun just gave Seungwan a nod and went back to their room to rest for a bit. She couldn’t believe that Seulgi had this effect on her.

Her heart felt like it was being smashed into tiny bits.




SEUNGWAN felt like her head was being squeezed. It was the first time in their competition career that the benefit didn’t feel like a benefit at all.

After the morning events, it was announced that the next round will be divided into two parts. First, they will be performing the song that they have been practising for the past weeks. The next part will be performing a song that was sung by none other than the program MC herself, Kim Taeyeon.

With this, the first placer in the last round will get the benefit to pick a song first. The song that they will pick won’t be available for the other teams. The other benefit is having Kim Taeyeon herself be with them on one of their practice days and have the singer give her thoughts about their performance.

Joohyun already went to discuss Taeyeon's visit with the singer’s manager and the program director. The other teams were already sent away using their own service cars. They’ll just wait for Joohyun to finish the meeting and they’ll go back to Seoul.

But again, Kang Seulgi is missing. And she remained missing when Joohyun came back from the meeting.

“Yujin-ah, can you give your Seulgi-unnie a call?” Seungwan asked, to which the drummer immediately nodded her head in response. 

And as if on cue, Seulgi entered the lobby with Kim Taeyeon before Yujin even pressed the call button. Joohyun felt like it was deja vu. The two were having black sugar bubble tea. They looked so happy while talking to each other. The bassist was wearing a hoodie but also wearing a cap under it. She didn’t also tie her hair at all.

Seulgi then noticed her friends waiting for her and hurried to join them with Taeyeon still walking beside her.

“I guess the meeting is already over.” Seulgi commented while looking at Joohyun. “Which date did you agree with?”

Joohyun swallowed before answering. “S-Since the next round will take place by next Wednesday, we agreed to have her visit us this Sunday. That’s the only available day for Taeyeon-ssi as well according to her manager. We only have three days to practise the song that we selected before we show it to her on Sunday.”

“It’s on Sunday then.” Seulgi turned to Taeyeon with a cute smile on her face. “I guess we’ll see each other on the weekend.”

“I’ll see you on the weekend then.” Taeyeon gave her a soft squeeze by the shoulders before turning to the band. “See you everyone on Sunday. Take care on your way back to Seoul.”

Taeyeon took one last look at Joohyun and just smirked before turning back to Seulgi. “I’ll call you later.”

“I’ll be waiting.” Seulgi cooly smiled back at the singer. “Take care on your way too.”

“I will~” The MC joined her manager and the other production staff who happened to pass by just in time. The band gave their farewell greetings to the said group before going on their way as well. Until that time, only Ryujin could only talk about Seulgi’s current relationship with Taeyeon. The others would just remain silent whenever the two would start talking about the singer. 

It was still really hard to approach this new Seulgi.


It wasn’t only Minjoo who turned when Seulgi called her. Almost everyone turned to the bassist after they got out of the elevator.

“Y-Yes, Seulgi-unnie?” Minjoo awkwardly answered. 

Seulgi went nearer to the girl and walked by her side. “I heard you came by car with Director Bae. Is it your car that you brought?”

“No, Unnie.” The secretary weakly shook her head. “I was just the one who drove. It was Director Bae’s car.”

“Is that so?” Seulgi then thought aloud. “How about you take my seat in the van? I’ll be the one to drive Director Bae home.”

Minjoo’s eyes widened animatedly. She instinctively turned to Joohyun who looked as surprised as her when Seulgi laid out that suggestion. 

“B-But, Unnie—”

“I know you’re tired.” Seulgi gave the younger girl a warm smile. “I know everything wasn’t easy for you after all that happened. You should go and take some good rest on the way to Seoul. It’s Ryujin who will be driving the van this time.”

Seulgi then turned to Yujin and gave her roommate a nod. Even after all of Chaewon’s scheme was brought into life, the two were still awkward with each other and Seulgi knew that the two needed some alone time to discuss things about them.

It was technically a long standing revenge. Chaewon destroyed their relationship because her girlfriend back in college fell in love with Yujin and ultimately broke up with her because of wanting to pursue her feelings for Yujin. The drummer, not knowing about Chaewon back then, entertained the girl for some time but realised that they were not compatible.

Chaewon’s ex got so broken-hearted and took a semester off. That’s when Chaewon took the chance to befriend Yujin while plotting her revenge in her mind. Years may have passed but she still couldn’t forget about the pain of being thrown away by the person she sincerely loved just for somebody else. Thinking that Yujin tempted and made her ex fall for her only to break her heart, Chaewon took her revenge by breaking Yujin and Minjoo down…

…Only to end up actually liking Minjoo in the process and completely losing herself when Yujin still took Minjoo back even after seeing them together in bed. That’s when she showed her real intentions by relentlessly bothering Minjoo, hoping that Yujin’s trust to the girl won’t be back.

“Yujin-ah, take care of Minjoo on the way back to Seoul, okay?” Seulgi gently led Minjoo to Yujin. The drummer gave Seulgi a nod of assurance before leading Minjoo to the van with them. Seungwan wanted to ask Seulgi if she’s going to be fine being alone with Joohyun but she was afraid that Seulgi would just snap if she gets asked that kind of question. She could sense Seulgi’s distaste when they show worry towards her.

There was no one who volunteered to join them in the car too. They all knew that the two needed time to talk just like Yujin and Minjoo. They are just worried that instead of clearing things up, the two might cause more wounds and pain to each other if they talk at their current state. 

Nevertheless, they couldn’t just say that the two should not talk.

“Take care while driving, Seulgi! See you in Seoul! Rest well, Director Bae.” Seungwan said while walking backwards towards their van. Their dongsaengs also gave their greetings before riding the vehicle. 

Seulgi waved at them before looking back at Joohyun. “Let’s go, Director. Lead the way to your car.”

Joohyun took a deep breath. She didn’t understand Seulgi’s intention for wanting a time alone with her after everything that happened. “This way.”

The two silently went and rode Joohyun’s car with Seulgi riding on the driver’s seat. It was awfully awkward. Joohyun was hesitating whether she’d talk things out or remain silent.

“Is it fine if we play a song?” Seulgi suddenly asked, breaking the thick silence between them.

“O-Okay…” Since Joohyun’s phone is already connected to her car, she opened her phone’s music player and chose a random song in her playlist. Younha’s Dark Cloud started playing, making Seulgi smirk.

“Is there something wrong?” Joohyun asked.

“Nothing.” Seulgi snickered. “I am just wondering if you listen to this song because of your breakup with my brother.”

The young director bit her lower lip. “It’s been in my playlist for a long time. Your brother has nothing to do with whatever song I listen to.”

“I see.” The bassist just playfully smiled. “I guess he just has to do with whoever you go out with—“


“Thank you, Director Bae.” 

Joohyun stiffened when she heard that sentence again. She knew that Seulgi had nothing to thank her for.

“I realised a lot of things yesterday. Thank you for waking me up to reality.” The lights turned red but Seulgi didn’t even loo

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Chapter 40: thank you authornim🥹🫶🏻
The songs on each track are the best, thanks author-nim ¡ENCORE! ¡ENCORE!
1760 streak #3
Finally added the playlist to my account going to reread while listening for the feels!
MYOBusiness #4
Chapter 40: S-soowan sounds like a n-nice n-name.. HAHA
MYOBusiness #5
Chapter 39: THIS IS SO GOOOOD! I enjoyed this story so so much! I can't believe how many times my heart breaks because of the events that happened and how it warms me at the same time. Ahh~ The roller coaster!
My favorite part is when Seulgi first sing in public! Not because they sang a song I like (btw the song recommendations here are so good! It's always nice listening to it while reading the chapters) but because I believe that's the first crack from our wolf, not only from the facade she had that time but also a breakthrough from her old self in general. I wanted to celebrate with her for that haha.
There's a lot of memorable scenes and I can't pick just one! The bands' dynamic is always fun to see. Reading each perspective from the characters is so refreshing that I felt what they're going through at the time and understand all the decisions they made, may it be good or bad decisions (of course it's all because of how cut-nim wrote it~). Also, witnessing Seulgi gain confidence made me emotional. All the problems and how she battles with herself about the things that holds her back just makes my heart break when clearly, she has so much potential. Everyone wants the best for her and that's what I want too that's why I've been rooting for her until the end! All you really need is good people on your side and that's a win already!

P.S. Ack! I finished late :( But I'm back! Hi cut-nim! Thank you for sharing this universe too, it's amazing as always :)
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
Chapter 39: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 1: reread 2nd time.. ☺️☺️ just casually count numbers whenever I reread stories...
Chapter 30: i can't stop coming back to this chapter.. the moment with joohyun and seulgi in the karaoke really hit a spot in my heart. i've also been listening to 노래방에서 by jang beom june all day because of how meaningful the lyrics were, the song is beautiful so thank you for sharing it with us!!
Chapter 39: i'm crying in my class, my heart hurts but in a good way. that's how you properly put an end to a story, wow. i now remember why every day i would come here and binge all our your stories. it's because you're so incredibly talented and you truly know how to put emotions into words. i've had a soft spot of writing and i really admire the way people can express each emotion and feeling in the form of words. i don't mean to be cheesy but i think you are by far my most favorite writer, solely of the fact that you can make me laugh, cry, and experience these feelings i really don't think i will be able to in my own life because im too much of a coward (much like seulgi lol) and i tend to stay away from what i've never experienced in fear of what the outcome would be. so i thank you for giving me the chance to feel so many things just through the magic of your words and writings. i wish you well!! stay happy and healthy dear author ^^
Chapter 37: i cant help but imagine kang hanna as kang hanna from 200 pounds beauty, is she the inspo of seul's mom? i loved that movie and it really touched my heart so if it is, you have excellent taste author ^^.