Track #19

Overtime Playlist
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JOOHYUN couldn’t help but to be dumbfounded. Knowing how the whole band is part of the Seulgi Protection Squad, she already expected that she would be treated with cold shoulder once she met them. But nothing changed. Everyone still greeted her like nothing happened. 

She could see that there’s something going on with the band. Yujin’s eyes were swollen and Minjoo was nowhere to be found. Ryujin kept on teasing Jimin while Minjeong would just glare at them in the corner as if casting a curse on the pair. 

She knew something happened and she could see Seungwan checking everyone up… but not Seulgi. The said girl was busy putting her bass guitar on its case. She already met Seulgi at the office earlier but the bassist just greeted like normal. Only the greeting was normal though. After that were all awkward interactions.

Joohyun wanted to apologise to her for what happened but everything that Hanbyul said to her kept playing in the back of her head. The guy did say that he didn’t tell Seulgi about their past but she couldn’t be so sure. She could see that Seulgi was trying to approach her as well but she couldn’t find the right timing to do so. 

“Are you sure you’re not coming with us, Director Bae?” Seungwan privately asked Joohyun while taking glances of Seulgi who was talking to her dongsaengs. “You know… You’re the only one who can calm her if her panic attack kicks in.”

“I’m sorry, Son-gwajang. I already took an absence from work yesterday. I believe the department needs me now.” Joohyun explained. Though it might be true, there’s also a huge part of her that doesn’t want to be in the same place with Seulgi as of the moment. When she sees her, she can't help but to be reminded by Hanbyul.

“Well…” Seungwan sighed as her arms dropped and hit her legs. “We can’t help it then. Your work as a director is top priority.”

Joohyun stiffened at that comment. She knew Seungwan meant no harm but it came to her in another impact—that she can’t prioritise Seulgi more than her work, just like what Hanbyul told her. 

“Minjoo isn’t coming today, either. I don’t know if she will ever come back. I guess I really have to control these grade-schoolers so we won’t give Jimin a headache.”

“W-What do you mean?” Joohyun asked, her eyes moving to where Yujin was. Seulgi was currently talking to the youngest as if trying to tell her that everything was okay.

“Oh well…” Seungwan sighed. “You weren’t here yesterday so you missed a lot of tea. Minjoo actually broke up with Yujin. The kid is going through a lot now.”

“They broke up?” Joohyun repeated.

Seungwan nodded. “Yeah. It’s a long story. Everyone has something they are going into and I am just glad we have Seulgi to hold us together. I believe your presence would be a great help to us but I also understand that we can’t help it for today.”

“I am really sorry…” Joohyun lowered her head in embarrassment for not being able to do her job as a manager because of her personal issues.

“It’s okay. It’s not a performance day anyway. After getting the results and the next task, I believe we will be back early but we’re taking the guitars just in case.” The keyboardist gave Joohyun a silly smile. “At the very least, give Seulgi a word of encouragement since she’s really doing well now compared to what she was months ago. She’d really appreciate a word from you.”

Seungwan gave her a light tap on the shoulder before going back to the preparations. 

Joohyun took a deep breath. Her eyes automatically turned to where Seulgi was. She knew she hurt her and that she had to explain her side. She didn’t run away because she found out that Seulgi was actually the adopted child of Kwon Sangwoo and Kim Jooyoung but because her brother was her ex… and with that, Joohyun believed they couldn’t be together.

The young director felt her heart clenched in pain. It was more than what she expected. Just thinking of not being able to be with Seulgi hurts her more than the surprised marriage announcement of her ex-boyfriend. 

But Joohyun believes she has to end it all. While it’s still early she has to clearly tell Seulgi the reason it would be impossible for them to be together. How could she date the sister of her ex?

Yujin left Seulgi for a moment and Joohyun thought that it would be a good chance to talk even just for a bit. She was about to go towards Seulgi when a person who should be in the office suddenly appeared. 

“S-Sorry, Director.” Yerim, the intern, said when their eyes met. “I just really need to talk to Seulgi-daeri-nim. I-It won’t take a while.”

Joohyun just gave Yerim a nod and watched Yerim carefully approach Seulgi. She’s sure that Seulgi was already aware of Yerim’s presence but the bassist wasn’t moving from her place. It seemed like Seulgi was even pretending that Yerim wasn’t around.

‘What on earth happened to these two?’ Joohyun asked herself. Though she was curious, Joohyun tried to give the two some privacy but destiny just won’t let her off from the best eavesdropper allegations. 

“You don’t have to keep pretending, Yerim-ssi.”

Joohyun stopped to her tracks after hearing that. She stood by the door of the practice room, hiding herself but at the same time making sure that she’s able to hear whatever the two were talking about in the hallway.

“Please, you have to listen to me first.” Yerim pleaded. “It’s a big misunderstanding!”

“Saebyeok sent me the screenshot of your conversation.” Joohyun heard Seulgi say in a tired voice. “I’m sorry about my sister for actually ruining your plans. She’s really a pain in the , right?”

There was a loud sigh from Yerim. “Look, Daeri-nim. It was back then! Everything has changed now. I also told her that that time just because I want to look—”

“What? Strong? Higher?” Seulgi gave the younger girl a tired smile. “I am so tired of people looking down on me, Yerim-ssi. You can stop with the act. I was just a play thing between your circle of friends, right? How much does making me fall for you cost again? A trip to where?”

“That was in the past, Daeri-nim—”

“I am sorry, Yerim-ssi. I don’t want to be everyone’s toy anymore. And I am also sorry you can’t have that trip.” Seulgi walked away from Yerim while the latter dashed towards the fire exit. Joohyun flinched when Seulgi suddenly stood behind her. Their eyes connected for a moment and with that short time, she noticed that there was certainly no glow in those eyes. 

Was this the Seulgi that she knows?


Seulgi just gave her a faint smile and immediately looked away. “Yujin-ah, let’s go down first to get the car. We don’t have enough time.”

“Yes, Unnie!” The drummer rushed to her Seulgi-unnie. 

“Did you bring everything?” The older girl asked, making a way for Yujin to get out since Joohyun looked like she was rooted to where she was standing. 

“Yes! I also put my drumsticks in the bass’ bag!” 

“Good. Let’s go.”

Seulgi walked away just like that, making Yujin confused. She turned to Joohyun, then to Seulgi, then back to Joohyun again, with a face clearly asking what’s happening. She knew the two weren’t originally like this. Seulgi was never like that. At the very least, she would be greeting her senior before leaving but Seulgi didn’t even say a word to Joohyun.

“It’s nothing, Ahn-jooim.” Joohyun assured. “S-She already greeted me earlier.”

“I see…” Yujin just shrugged her shoulders. “See you later then, Director!”

“See you later.”

One by one, the other members also went out of the room and greeted Joohyun on their way out. The director was left in her place, replaying what happened in the back of her mind. 

“Of course, she would be mad at me.” Joohyun told herself. “I ran away when she was expecting me not to. Of course, she would misunderstand. I don’t really deserve her…”

Unbeknownst to Joohyun, Seulgi was already in the last strings of her limit and Joohyun had the rope in one hand and a pair of scissors in the other.

She has the biggest impact on whatever would happen to Seulgi next.





Joohyun repeated what Seungwan said. The leader of the band gave her a call and reported that they were heading on a two days and one night vacation with the production crew but all the bands were going. Joohyun was told that the vacation will be the first placer’s benefit.

“Yes! They said that it’s supposed to be a reward for the first placer in the second round but they thought all of us needed a break. I guess it’s also their way to get something to show to people.” Seungwan snickered. She really sounded excited for the surprise.

“So, what’s the benefit of the first place?” Joohyun asked. “Also, did you even get first place?”

“Calm down, Director! Of course, we got first place!” Seungwan proudly said. “Well, about the benefit… They said they will announce it before the vacation ends.”

“Oh, I see…” Joohyun felt relieved that they got first but also worried about why the benefit changed without her being notified. Did one of the other band managers fail to keep it a secret so the producers decided to just change the benefit?

“Aren’t you coming?” Seungwan asked which pulled  Joohyun up from her thoughts. “The production was actually looking for you. I guess everyone is aware about how Seulgi looks at you when we perform.”

“I… I can’t go…”

“Man, I wish you could come though.” Seungwan sighed. “I can already smell tension in the air. You know? With all the bands coming, Kim Chaewon will be there in the resort with us as well. Just pray for us that Yujin won’t jump into a fight. She’s still really sensitive after Minjoo broke up with her.”

Joohyun bit her lower lip. If Yujin got into a fight then it would be over for the band. “I’m sorry for passing all of the responsibilities to you, Son-gwajang.”

“It’s fine.” Seungwan sounded a bit disappointed but it couldn’t be helped. She then came up with the decision to talk frankly to the young director. “Say, Director… Something bad happened between the two of you, right? It’s very obvious.”

The young director let out a deep breath. Of course, she won’t be able to hide from Seungwan’s sensors. “I don’t really want to talk about it.”

“Did something happen during the engagement party? Don’t tell me you actually got turned off after finding out that Seulgi’s an illegitimate child?”

Joohyun’s eyes widened with that piece of information. All she could remember was that Seulgi told her that she was adopted but after seeing Hanbyul proposing, all her other senses numbed. She wasn’t able to hear everything that Seulgi was saying at that time.


“She brought you to the party, right? It’s reasonable that she already told you the truth about her identity.” Seungwan scoffed. “And I guess all your budding feelings for her disappeared after knowing the truth about her, am I right? I can sense the awkwardness between the two of you.”

Joohyun remained silent. How could she miss an important revelation like that? Of course Seulgi would deeply misunderstand her actions.

“Despite everything, she seems to be protecting you since she didn’t say anything to us.” There was no hint of anger or even annoyance in Seungwan’s tone. There was only disappointment and sadness plus a bit of regret knowing that she cheered for this person for her bestfriend. She actually thought Joohyun would be different. “I just hope you turned her down nicely…”

“Where are you—“

“Seungwan-ah? Are you still not done? They said we have to go.”

Joohyun’s chest tightened even more when she heard Seulgi’s voice. She really left her in a crucial moment.

“Sorry, Director. We have to go. I’ll update you again later if we have already arrived at the resort.” Seungwan took a pause and covered . “Also, take note that Taeyeon-ssi is coming with us. Are you sure you’re not coming?”

Joohyun wasn’t able to give an answer. Seungwan took it as an assurance that Joohyun still has feelings for Seulgi. For her, she already did what she could do for them as a friend. The rest is up to them.

“Bye, Director.” Seungwan ended the call and joined Seulgi. Her friend was smiling at her but there was this weird feeling inside of her that she just couldn’t put aside.

Seungwan knows it is Seulgi but it doesn’t feel like the Seulgi she knew.

It felt like one wrong move and she would completely lose her best friend.

Joohyun heard knocks from her door just right after the phone call finished. It was her trusted senior manager telling her that the Chairman called for them.

That’s when Joohyun knew that she had to focus on her work rather than the building anxiety in her heart. But when she arrived at the Chairman’s office, she was faced with a job that she wasn’t even expecting.

“Join the outing with this child.” Was the Chairman’s first instruction to her after all the pleasantries were laid out. The man was referring to his secretary, Kim Minjoo.

Minjoo was just sitting there, her head lowered as if not wanting anyone to see her face.

“I can’t believe the two of you passed all the responsibilities to Yoo-jooim. They are going on an outing and I am sure there will be alcohol. Do you guys think that one person can handle five people? What if an event related to the competition takes place? I put you as the band manager to handle unexpected situations like this.”

The Chairman sounded disappointed and Joohyun could only feel sorry for not doing her job professionally.

“Son-gwajang already reported everything to me. The production team asked for permission for absence for the two of you as well. How come you’re abandoning your jobs for the band!?”

“I’m sorry, Chairman but the—“

“Leave the department stuff to Min-bujang. This is your special project, Director Bae. I hope you don’t forget about this.”

Joohyun was silenced and lowered her head in embarrassment. “I understand, Chairman.”

“Min-bujang, please take care of the Design Department for just one more day. Report only the things that would need Director Bae’s approval.”

“Understood, Chairman.” The old guy answered, giving Joohyun a smile of assurance.

The Chairman let out a sigh, finally calming himself down. “One more thing, Director Bae.”

“Yes, Chairman?”

“Do something about this child.” The Chairman was again pertaining to Minjoo. “I put her in this band assignment to keep her from resigning but she keeps on telling me that she wants to resign for no reason at all. It’s a waste of talent knowing how well she works. I don’t know what’s gotten into her lately but please knock some sense to her.”

Joohyun knew for sure that the reason for Minjoo’s resignation was because of Yujin. Of course, she would have a hard time sharing the real reason for the Chairman but the man also needs a valid reason for the resignation. Society isn’t that friendly these days. One wrong move and everything would fall into pieces and Joohyun is aware that the Chairman is just concerned for Minjoo.

“I understand.” Joohyun answered, giving Minjoo a look that says she also understands her too and that she doesn’t have to worry about anything. 

“Alright.” The Chairman gave the Senior Manager a nod and the latter immediately got what he was trying to say. The Senior Manager excused himself. The Chairman heaved a sigh, adjusting his collars. “Director Bae.”

Joohyun twitched a bit with that call. “Yes, Chairman?”

“Is there something wrong? Are you still sick or what? You don’t feel like the Director Bae that I know.” The man pressed his lips together. “Don’t curse at me internally if I make your mood sour.”

“Absolutely not, Chairman! I understand your point and I am reflecting on my actions.” Joohyun lowered her head. 

There was another sigh from the old man. “Go ahead, the two of you. Spend a bit more time with people of your age. I saw how different you two are when you’re with the band and as much as I want the band to win, I am also very happy to see that you’re having fun at your current age.” He gave the two a fatherly smile. “Go ahead and enjoy the outing. You two deserve it too since you’ve been working with the band since the beginning.”




“I REALLY have mixed feelings about the Chairman.”

Joohyun turned to Minjoo who was drivi

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Chapter 40: thank you authornim🥹🫶🏻
The songs on each track are the best, thanks author-nim ¡ENCORE! ¡ENCORE!
1760 streak #3
Finally added the playlist to my account going to reread while listening for the feels!
MYOBusiness #4
Chapter 40: S-soowan sounds like a n-nice n-name.. HAHA
MYOBusiness #5
Chapter 39: THIS IS SO GOOOOD! I enjoyed this story so so much! I can't believe how many times my heart breaks because of the events that happened and how it warms me at the same time. Ahh~ The roller coaster!
My favorite part is when Seulgi first sing in public! Not because they sang a song I like (btw the song recommendations here are so good! It's always nice listening to it while reading the chapters) but because I believe that's the first crack from our wolf, not only from the facade she had that time but also a breakthrough from her old self in general. I wanted to celebrate with her for that haha.
There's a lot of memorable scenes and I can't pick just one! The bands' dynamic is always fun to see. Reading each perspective from the characters is so refreshing that I felt what they're going through at the time and understand all the decisions they made, may it be good or bad decisions (of course it's all because of how cut-nim wrote it~). Also, witnessing Seulgi gain confidence made me emotional. All the problems and how she battles with herself about the things that holds her back just makes my heart break when clearly, she has so much potential. Everyone wants the best for her and that's what I want too that's why I've been rooting for her until the end! All you really need is good people on your side and that's a win already!

P.S. Ack! I finished late :( But I'm back! Hi cut-nim! Thank you for sharing this universe too, it's amazing as always :)
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
Chapter 39: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 1: reread 2nd time.. ☺️☺️ just casually count numbers whenever I reread stories...
Chapter 30: i can't stop coming back to this chapter.. the moment with joohyun and seulgi in the karaoke really hit a spot in my heart. i've also been listening to 노래방에서 by jang beom june all day because of how meaningful the lyrics were, the song is beautiful so thank you for sharing it with us!!
Chapter 39: i'm crying in my class, my heart hurts but in a good way. that's how you properly put an end to a story, wow. i now remember why every day i would come here and binge all our your stories. it's because you're so incredibly talented and you truly know how to put emotions into words. i've had a soft spot of writing and i really admire the way people can express each emotion and feeling in the form of words. i don't mean to be cheesy but i think you are by far my most favorite writer, solely of the fact that you can make me laugh, cry, and experience these feelings i really don't think i will be able to in my own life because im too much of a coward (much like seulgi lol) and i tend to stay away from what i've never experienced in fear of what the outcome would be. so i thank you for giving me the chance to feel so many things just through the magic of your words and writings. i wish you well!! stay happy and healthy dear author ^^
Chapter 37: i cant help but imagine kang hanna as kang hanna from 200 pounds beauty, is she the inspo of seul's mom? i loved that movie and it really touched my heart so if it is, you have excellent taste author ^^.