Chapter 6: freedom

cage of eden: winrina version
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The video left behind Sungchan told the tragic story of the mass panic inside the plane. In this bloody raw world, Winter and Karina managed to found warmth and hope that will become powers for survival.







Winter found Karina sitting near the plane’s entrance, seemingly distraught. “Hey, are you okay?”

It surprised Karina a little and looked at Winter, nonetheless she replied. “Yeah. I’m sorry.”

Winter was confused as to why was Karina apologizing to her, it might’ve been evident on her face which made Karina continues to say why she’s apologizing. “For not telling all the truth…”

She was not following any of the things Karina was saying at all. “About what?”

Karina stood up and went where Winter was standing, she held the confused girl’s hand. Winter then felt a little nervous and shy. “Everything.”

“I don’t get it.” Winter is now aware how close Karina has gotten to her and now she’s half-focusing on the conversation. Why is she so close?

“Didn’t you guys watch the video camera?” It was now Karina who’s confused.

Winter tries to look away from Karina’s direct stare. “We did. But I left halfway since I got worried…”

The older of the two noticed how Winter was trying to avoid her gaze, she then moves to face where Winter was facing, leaving Winter having no choice but to be face-to-face with Karina. Winter was surprised by that. “W-what?”

“Were you worried about me?”

Winter hesitates to answer since she was feeling a bit shy, but she says it anyways. “I mean yeah, you’re all alone." Karina smiles at the reply. “I was very worried about you too, you know?”

The statement made Winter remember the video they watched where Karina was filmed and her name was surprisingly mentioned, Winter couldn’t help but feel a bit confused as to why her heart is skipping a beat.

“Don’t make me worry over you.” She felt Karina’s hand tighten her hold on hers. Karina..she’s serious.



The two of them were startled by the sudden voice and looked at Ningning and Aeri. They immediately separated their hands, a little surprised and shy.

“Ah. Ning, Aeri. I’m sorry for suddenly walking out…”

“Karina, what was that video that you filmed?” The genius girl didn’t waste no time in asking Karina. “Though it contained things we wanted to hear…”

Winter is now surprised and look at Karina too. Was that the reason why she was apologizing earlier?









The four of them exited the plane, not forgetting to properly bury the dead pilot. As soon as they all settled down Karina begun to tell them on what has happened. They were huddled near the plane as they all faced each other.

“I don’t clearly remember things from when we landed…” Karina begun to speak, she’s feeling slightly better now. “At that time, I had passed out. Everyone else was saying similar things as well.”

The others listen to Karina attentively. “The second night, that extinct animal attacked us. I couldn’t immediately recognize it since we were panicking…”

Winter could only imagine the things they told her, Ning has already briefed Winter on what she missed on the videos. She could only imagine how frightened they all were. The madness, the panic, the uncertainties. “And we got away somehow, some didn’t.”

Karina recalls how some of the people she knew got eaten, the mass panic that ensued. “After that, everyone began panicking…and the pilot was…”

She couldn’t bear to continue; it was all just too much. Winter scooted closer to Karina.

“Even so, that’s cruel. To kill someone.” Ning added. “Why the uproar? Despite the dire situation, it’s all just too disturbing really, isn’t it?”

Karina couldn’t say anything. None of them did. It is indeed too gruesome. None of them could imagine that it will end up to that point of madness.

It was Karina who broke the silence first. “Winter, don’t you guys think this island is strange?”

“Ah, this island is crazy weird, yeah.”

Karina adds on, “It was like that for us too. We all felt that it was strange.” She remembers how she was together with most of her classmates huddled on their own respective groups after they landed. With a bonfire. “But, since I wasn’t just by myself, I thought I could deal with it and pretend that it was all normal.”

However, Karina then remembers the mass panic that ensued inside the plan, the hysteria of the people, and how the pilot got murdered. The people from her university, the civilians, the other passengers, it seemed like they all gone crazy altogether. Karina could only thank the universe how lucky she got and could hide when all the madness got loose. “On the contrary, being with them at that time, was frightening…”

Winter, Ning, and Aeri listened attentively to Karina, it sure wasn’t easy to be in that sort of situation.

“I,” The flight attendant suddenly speaks. “I think I understand. I went through it myself.”

Winter then remembers it when Aeri were at her limit and screamed that they were all going to die and not going to make it out alive. Ah, That’s right. If everyone had seen how Aeri was like, she did become hysterical a bit at that time.

“However, Winter was there for me.” Winter got confused a bit at the mention of her name.

It didn’t go unnoticed how Karina immediately turned to look at Winter with a weird look. “W-What is it, Karina?” It made Winter nervous though.

“Wait a second! Like we thought, it’s rather odd!” Ning pipes in loudly. “Where has everyone gone? There’s food and water, and they can defend themselves from monsters. There shouldn’t be a more secure place than here!”

It was too odd for the genius; they’re missing something here. Why would they abandon this place? She thought. “I’m sorry. When the pilot died, I hid myself away… and sort of ran away from here. They were all gon

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Chapter 7: Winter Nooooo😱😱😱😱
Jamess #2
Chapter 7: owh man….the story it getting too spicy…dang it i can’t wait for the next chapter 😁👍👍👍
patdu123 #3
Chapter 7: this story is amazing! can't wait for another updatee!!🔥
Chapter 5: EXCITING! Please update as soon as possible author! ❤️
Jamess #5
Chapter 5: Finally the update 😁👍👍…omg the story is getting more interesting otornim…can’t wait for more 😁😁….and jmj moment were cute 🫢🫢
Chapter 5: OMG!!!! You're back😃 I missed this story so much😭😭😭😭
Thanks for the update😘
kasterian #7
Chapter 5: wow, this feels cinematic in a way…
Chapter 4: OMG!!!! Why would Karina have anything to do with the pilot's death???
I'm scared of what to think now😱😱😱
Jamess #9
Chapter 4: wow this was great…i’ve read all of the chapters 😁👍👍👍…can’t wait for the next update 😁🫢
No_looksies #10
Chapter 4: Oooh looks like Karina had something to do with the death of the pilot 🥲
I am bracing myself for some strong impact... This story is really thrilling