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ᴱᴺᴳ Jealousy Is My Strength
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I read this a while back (I think mid/late 2022) so it was really fun reading through this again to translate! It was more difficult to translate than my last because

1. it's a lot longer even though it's a one-shot

2. there were a lot of phrases (even idioms) to translate

but that doesn't mean it wasn't fun. I learned a lot from this and it's a satisfying hobby honestly. I do want to note however, that it's still a rough(?) translation. I'm not a professional translator and both my English and Korean is rusty. Being bilingual is a struggle.... There were a lot of moments where I would understand the text in my head and struggle to write it out into English lol. Since it's a rough translation, I thought having my input on the story would maybe help you guys better understand the story and/or if you're just curious about my opinion on it lol. And yes, I am writing this up at 3 AM in the morning...

Beginning: We know Jimin is popular and she always had some people crushing on her cause like why wouldn't she. She's a godess. So initially, she doesn't think much about Minjeong but that changes quickly after her confession. Minjeong was different and crushed on her for three years which is literally her entire time during college. To me, that just shows how much Minjeong likes Jimin and it shows she's persistent and loyal; truly in love with this girl. She has been honest with her feelings, confessing time after time. We know she confessed multiple times (like 4 times) but even though she was rejected harshly by Jimin each time, she still stayed. I personally would have just given up but when you like someone that much, I think it's possible which is Minjeong's case. I also think it's because of Jimin's behavior that allowed Minjeong to hold on. When you look at their interaction, they are always bickering with each other but the most important question was never answered for Minjeong imo. Minjeong would ask Jimin, "Why can't you date me?" but Jimin would never gave her a clear answer and sometimes, people need a clear answer to give up. She would be discouraging like, "You are capable of dating other people" or "I will break up with him but that doesn't mean I'm going to date you." like a jerk but she never clearly tells her "because I don't like you" or even just a "because I don't feel the same way as you do" which is probably what gave Minjeong hope; enough hope to continue to hold on which she was right for doing so since endgame, Jimin fell in love with her too, but it was such a painful process because of Jimin's foolishness/selfishness. Cause if Jimin never fell in love with this beautiful young girl, I would gladly take her place chances are, Jimin would continue hurting Minjeong, assuming that Minjeong would someday lose hope and realize that the reason why Jimin is saying no is because she doesn't like her or just graduate and disappear from her life like a jerk hah...

I also loved the use of symbolism with the flame from the lighter. It represents Minjeong's desire to be in love/date Jimin imo. During her first confession, the flame was fiery and blazing. Like it was going to burn her bangs off hot. Her love for Jimin as a first-year student was strong. It was interesting to note, and I noticed this after rereading, that Jimin had explicitly stated that she was afraid of Minjeong's flame. This could symbolize Jimin's fear of being in love with Minjeong... Obviously, in real life, she meant that she's afraid of fire. But symbolically it could represent her fear of falling in love with her and by her saying her boyfriend is also scared of fire, it shows that Minjeong is a threat to their relationship like a fire is a threat to one's safety... is what I thought lol. Anyway, by her senior year (3 years later), the flame was weaker, "to the point where I had to bring the end of her cigarette a lot closer for it to be of use" weak. And it was also then when I believe Jimin began to catch feelings for Minjeong. If you pay attention to her actions, since it's in her pov, we know that she's been doing things she normally doesn't do that day. Like she decided to call Minjeong first to come over, she asked why she carried around a lighter for the first time after 

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finally doneeee omg it's 4:30am... hope you enjoy :)


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damn, 22k whole words for a one shot is crazy
Chapter 1: This one is God tier, i'm speechless
165 streak #3
Chapter 1: So good, kinda hoping it had a continuation. Will definitely reread this during free times 🥹🥹
Chapter 1: I just found this gem tonight, but I'm thankful I did. Thank you for the ride, I enjoyed every last bit of it! 🥰 send my regards to the original author too ☺️ have a good day!
No_looksies #5
Chapter 2: This was a very good story to read!! I had a lot of fun reading this!! Thank you for translating this work!!!
LnhD07 #6
Really really nice 🥹🥹🥹 i love it sm.
TrooperluvYY #7
Chapter 1: This is so good. I had a good time reading this 🥺
Chapter 2: This was so well written, just like a real published novel !! I loved every part of this work, thank you for writing it ! <3
Chapter 2: " I was rooting for her but there's a limit to everything, including my patience. At that point, I seriously thought she didn't deserve Minjeong." -same thoughts 🥲
Chapter 1: Jimin was really frustrating me here, it's bad enough that she smokes but worse is her hurting minjeong although unknowingly. Minjeong's feelings really resonated with me. Thank you for the huge effort to translate and share this fic. I enjoyed this work 🤧