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Set in high school. Jimin first hears about Minjeong through rumors and soon finds herself meeting the said girl in person one night with her friend. Flash. She takes a picture of Minjeong and the start of their relationship blooms with the captured image from her pink polaroid.


by Keycab님
description Set in high school. Jimin first hears about Minjeong through rumors and soon finds herself meeting the said girl in person one night with her friend. Flash. She takes a picture of Minjeong and the start of their relationship blooms with the captured image from her pink polaroid.
An excerpt for



           One step, three steps, five steps. Seven steps.



           Pitch black windbreaker, pitch black leggings, and ball cap. There was someone covered in completely pitch black clothes. As that person raised their face, milky skin and red lips murmured.

           “One pack of Raison French Black. Right?”

           It was when Jimin, who stood blankly with her pink polaroid, saw Kim Minjeong in front of her. Z, z, z8. With a faint electric sound and pod, a flash burst. The fountain, which she thought was broken, shone in various colors and a bright light fell over Minjeong, who had been in complete darkness.



           She couldn’t take her eyes off her. As if Jimin was in a trance, she took a picture of Minjeong standing in front of her.

           “What the heck…”

           Minjeong spoke in a small voice and was flustered.

           “Sorry, I didn’t even realize…”

           Jimin was spaced out, her face in a daze. Only then did the two make eye contact for the first time. It was at that moment when the first sheet of the sleeping pink polaroid slowly printed out.

main characters
Yu Jimin
19 / Senior
Yu Jimin was born into a wealthy family, gifted with the inability to lack anything. Everything she wanted to do worked out for her and she never had to put effort into anything until she met Kim Minjeong. She falls in love with her at first sight and for the first time in her life, she desires something. She's very tenacious and persistent.
Kim Minjeong
18 / Junior
Kim Minjeong was also born into a wealthy family. However, unlike Jimin, she faces hardships at 17 years old when she decides to run away from home. No longer under the small bubble of her father's wealth, she makes money by selling cigarettes to high school students like her. She pretends to be strong on the outside but she's a softie in the inside.
other characters
Lee Hyojin
19 / Senior
Baek Giseok
18 / Junior
Song Wongyu
19 / Senior
Cha Seunghyun
19 / Senior
Author's note
Back with another Korean translated fanfic since aespa's cb is finally announced! I was going to translate this earlier but I chose "Jealousy Is My Strength".

※ Please support aespa's upcoming comeback "MY WORLD"! They worked hard for this and it took mulitple delays since last year so please show them support MYs!!※

Published: April 17, 2023
Released: April 17, 2023
Chapters: 07/20
Names: A lot of Asian countries place their surname before their first name and the same holds true for Korea. So you'll see a lot of full name usage with their last name written first.

Formality: It's very important in Korean culture! Strangers will always speak formally unless they want to come off as rude. This is why people would ask for when you were born or your age; to determine whether they can drop formality or maintain it. Your age determines the status of certain titles. The older you are, the more respectful titles you get is one way of thinking of it. Same age people are considered friends and they speak informally. If you are younger, you speak formally and the older speaks informally to you. If someone younger speaks informally to someone older, it shows that they are very close/comfortable with each other (but if the younger one doesn't know the older, they are being extremely rude!). That's why if the older person wants to get close to you (and you're younger) or they are just chill overall, they will suggest to you to drop formality first and talk informally. In most cases, the younger doesn't drop formality but they change their title to something friendlier. For example, say you are the younger one and you just met someone in college. The order of their title changes from sunbaenim -> sunbae -> unnie/oppa if you are female. Anyway, I decided to underline speech to indicate that the person is speaking formally because English has no heavy emphasis on formality in its language and it helps the reader determine who is speaking without having to outright say who said what since we all know the younger one here is Minjeong.

Alcohol: Huge impact in K culture. Drinking culture is strong in Korea and there are certain manners you must do to show respect to older people but I won't get into that. Yes, drinking is illegal for high schoolers but because its culture is strong, it's no surprise that high schoolers get their hands on alcohol pretty easily. Personally, my parents allowed me to drink at a young age under their supervision and the same was true for a lot of my Korean friends. Is it true for every Korean? No, but that's my personal experience. In public, this would never happen though and I'm sure this holds true in other countries lol.

Smoking: It's pretty common but again, it is illegal for high schoolers in SK. Does it mean high schoolers don't smoke? No, because black markets do exist like it does in this story :P

Major vs Department: In America (I'm not familiar with other places), a lot of people typically generalize based on major like, "what's your major (전공)?" but in Korea, they typically use departments (과). But it can be used interchangeably.

sunbae - senior
hoobae - junior; underclassman
unnie - older sister, older female (only younger females use this; younger males use noona)
oppa - older brother, older male (only younger females use this; younger males use hyung)
I'm trying to translate as much as I can before aespa comes back! I'm super excited for it and I hope you guys are as well! Shower them with support plz! This has been long waited and the girls worked rlly hard on it


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Chapter 7: How do I go on with my life now? I'm dying to keep reading 😭
Chapter 7: I would sell my liver to watch this intricately mesmerizing story continue being translated by you author! The way you carry this story with such care for detail is really commendable. Thank you for bringing this magic to us readers, I truly hope things are going well for you <3 I’ll be checking in every now and then in hopes of getting to enjoy another chapter of this masterpiece.
209 streak #3
Chapter 7: i love this story already
Chapter 7: I love them, I need more 😭
thanks for your hard work translating author 💖
Chapter 7: great story, keep this up author!

i think Minjeong's being genuine but they both really need to talk
cleofierayne 26 streak #6
Chapter 7: Ahhhh it melts my heart 💜💜❤️ huhu 😭
Chapter 7: gosh jmj are so cute 😭😭😭
Jamess #8
Chapter 7: hmm 🤔….well i hope jmj blooming 😄
Chapter 7: I hope minjeong really tell the truth and not use jimin for that bastard 🤬
Jamess #10
Chapter 6: i’ve just read all of the chapter and it quite interesting 😄👍👍can’t wait for more 😁