Episode 3.2

i'd rather lose (my mind)
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Karina had been in bed all morning, trying to shake off the hangover that had been plaguing her since last night. 


She couldn't stop thinking about Winter and the way her kiss had made her feel. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her ringtone blasting in her room.


Dragging herself out of bed, Karina stumbled out of the bed and grabbed her phone from the table. She saw Minju's caller id and immediately answered, worried sick that something might have happened to her best friend.


As soon as she answered, she heard Winter and Minju locked in a heated argument. Karina couldn't hear what they were saying, but the tension between the couple was palpable.


A quick, "Come here, quick." from Minju came from the other line before the call was disconnected.


Karina couldn't help but wonder what was going on between the two. Were they fighting about her? Had Winter told her wife about the kiss? 


The older woman felt a surge of anxiety rise in her chest as she realized that her feelings for Winter were becoming more and more intense and noticeable. 


She knew she needed to talk to them, but the thought of confrontation was terrifying.













Karina is sitting in her best friend's favorite office chair, surrounded by Winter and Minju who stand in front of her, waiting for her answer, both looking like wild animals ready to pounce. 


"So, were you ever in a relationship with Winter in college?" Minju asked, her eyes flicking back and forth between her spouse and Karina.


The taller woman felt her heart race. She knew that whatever she said would have consequences, not just for herself but for the married couple as well. 


Taking a deep breath, she answered truthfully. "No, we were never in a relationship. We were just dorm mates, nothing more."


Minju expected a triumphant laugh from her wife since Winter's theory was proven wrong. Instead, she saw how the younger girl deflated.


It was then that Minju realized its implications. Out of love, she tried to lessen the tension. She fished for fifty bucks from her wallet before shoving it into Winter. "Here's what I owe." 


The recipient laughed but pocketed the money nonetheless. 


On the other hand, Karina couldn't help but feel a pang of envy. She is seeing the two of them banter like an old married couple once again, obviously comfortable in each other's company.


"Are you sure you weren't in a relationship with me?" Winter tries once again. 


Karina shook her head. 'I wouldn't have let you go if we were.' she thought. 


"How about the accident? There was an explosion in our dorm, how about that?"


"There's no such thing as well," Karina honestly answers.


Winter's voice softened in defeat, "Are you sure? Maybe it was too long ago and you forgot?"


Before Karina can catch herself, she let out her unfiltered thoughts, "I remember every moment I've spent with you, especially back then. Nothing like that ever happened."


Winter sighed in frustration. 


She gazed upon Karina who had the same long dark hair and piercing eyes. Every time Karina looked at her, Winter's heart yearned to be closer, to feel her warmth and embrace her tightly. 


She felt a magnetic pull towards the woman, a desire that she couldn't explain. There's no way this isn't her Karina. It couldn't be. 


"Please, Karina," the younger woman said, her voice trembling with emotion. "Don't you remember me? Don't you remember our life together?"


Minju walked out the room, unable to stomach the same scene she just experienced last night. Maybe it was Winter's karma, maybe it was the universe playing tricks on them.


Karina shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "Don't do this to me again please," she whispered. 


Winter knelt in front of Karina before looking up, "Every time I look at you, my heart aches with longing," Winter held her gaze to Karina, determined to prove her sincerity.


"We've been together for two years. Our first kiss was when we're watching a parade from the balcony and you suddenly had the courage to kiss me out of nowhere," Winter tearfully laughs at the memory. 


"I got you a 10cm dinosaur plushie for your birthday because gifting you a large one would automatically dethrone me from being your pillow at night." 


Karina's mind staggered at the prospect of hugging Winter at the dead of the night, in their own bed. That's all she ever wanted for all these painfully longing years.


Karina closed her eyes, feeling Winter''s touch on her hand sends shivers down her spine. She wanted nothing more than to surrender to this feeling, to give in to the love that she felt so strongly. But she was scared - scared that it was all a lie, scared that this is a fleeting moment.


She felt Winter standing up and when she opened her eyes, she saw the intense gaze that the other woman was giving her. 


"Would it be alright if I'll kiss you?"


Winter rested her hands on both arms of the chair, waiting patiently for Karina's response. "You can't, you're— Minju—"


"We talked. She knows."


"Knows what?"


"That I am devoted to you," Winter whispers before leaning in, her lips brushing against Karina's in a soft, tender kiss.


Karina gasped, feeling a surge of electricity course through her body. She pulled away as soon as she got her bearings. 


Winter opened her eyes, lost in the clouds. "I'm tired. Can we go home?" She pleads before settling on Karina's lap, her head heavy with lack of sleep.


Winter's body craves for the warmth of her lover's embrace, she couldn't help but feel like a puppy, finally snuggling close to its owner. 


The younger woman melted into her lover, the curves of her body fitting perfectly against Karina's. The world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them, intertwined in their love. 


Winter closed her eyes, breathing in the familiar scent of Karina and feeling her steady heartbeat beneath her. In this moment, she knew that as long as they were together, everything was right in the world.












Winter blinked open her eyes, her vision still blurry from sleep. She felt herself being lifted gently, cradled in strong arms, and realized she was being carried. 


She turned her head and saw Karina's face, her expression soft and tender. "Hey," she whispered, her voice hoarse from sleep. "Where are we?"


Karina smiled at her, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "We're at my house. You fell asleep on my lap and I didn't want to disturb you."


Winter frowned, trying to remember how they got there. She had a vague memory of sitting in the backseat of a car, of her head resting on Karina's lap, of Minju driving. And then... nothing.


"My memory's a little bit foggy," Winter admitted, her brow furrowing.


Karina chuckled, her breath warm against her cheek. "Minju told me you most likely pulled an all nighter, and that you weren't even able to at least sleep for a good 5 hours since you left the hospital."


Winter snuggled closer to Karina, feeling safe and loved in her arms.


"Thank you," she murmured, her voice muffled against her chest.


Karina stopped herself from kissing the top of Winter's head. "Anytime. Now let's get you to bed."


She carried Winter to her bedroom and gently set her down on the bed. The younger woman yawned and stretched, feeling the fatigue from the lack of sleep wash over her.


"Sleep, Winter" Karina said softly, tucking the covers around her. "I'll be right here."


Winter closed her eyes and let herself drift off, the sound of her lover's steady breathing lulling her into a peaceful sleep. She knew she was safe with Karina, and that was all she needed to know.












For the second time of the day, Winter slowly opened her eyes and let out a quiet sigh of relief. She was back in her own bed, Karina's warm body pressed against hers. 


She felt Karina's arm wrapped protectively around her, holding her close, and the soft touch of Karina's fingers on her skin. 


Winter smiled, feeling grateful to be with Karina again after the nightmare she had just experienced. At this point, Winter believes that she had dreamt of Karina's death, of losing her forever, and it had felt so real that it had sent her heart racing and her mind reeling.


But now, as Karina lay there next to her, she knew that her girlfriend was alive and safe, and that was all that mattered.


Winter shifted slightly and noticed that the room looked awfully familiar. It was almost like the room where they had their gas explosion accident. She's confused.


What was

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Phew! Finally laid out the "hints" for this story.

I hope u guys don't mind the additional characters! This story will involve a loooot of disguises so be on your toes ^^

Let me hear ur thoughts on the comments (ps: so far no one is getting it right on who's the "real" karina)


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2187 streak #1
Chapter 16: I miss this story...
Chapter 16: karina vs... karina?? AJHFJAHFJA
Chapter 15: this is so interesting.... WTF
Chapter 13: OH MY GOD ??????
Chapter 11: :((
Chapter 9: This chapter is so cute i always love me a bookshop owner winter. But i honestly cant help but imagine them as smurfs KAHDKSHAHA oh well at least theyre in love 🥰
Chapter 5: 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 16: Its been a long while since I last saw this fic, congrats on the promo author-ssi! 🥳
383 streak #10
Chapter 1: 🥹🥹🥹🥹