Episode 11.4

i'd rather lose (my mind)
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It's been two days since that night in the pub. The karaoke contest, the sudden disappearance of her best friend prompting Winter to duet with her favorite regular customer only to find out that they were not meant to be. 


'Really, I should've seen it coming.' Winter thought, her mind still replaying the events of that night.  


The business woman was not angry at her best friend for bailing out of the contest during the last minute. After all, Giselle met her soulmate's gaze for the first time that night. 


What an odd luck that the soulmate was the client that her favorite bookstore customer was talking about for the past few days. 


Apparently, the two of them were having a celebration for reaching a new discovery of how the world building for the client's novel would go. 


When Karina excused herself during the celebration for a quick bathroom break, the client visited the mobile bar to get another round of drinks. Fortunately for them, Giselle also decided that it was the perfect time to ask for a fish and chips refill. 


The rest was history, as they say.


On the other hand, Winter's favorite bookstore client, Karina, was supposedly coming out from the restroom when she tripped off her feet and stumbled on the stage. 


The customer sang her heart out for that contest. They didn't win, of course, but it was still a significant moment for Winter.


She couldn't help but wonder if it can be also considered as history,


Or her worst possible nightmare…


Winter would shake her head, trying to convince herself that it didn't matter. 'She's just my favorite customer,' she would tell herself internally as she aggressively clicked the buttons on the cash register. 'There's no need to be upset about the fact that she's not my soulmate.'


But deep down, Winter knew that it wasn't just about Karina being her favorite customer. She had always felt a connection with her, a spark that ignited every time they talked about books and life. 


As if the universe was playing a cruel joke on her, she was taunted with the presence of the person who had caused her so much longing. 


Winter barely had time to sulk about her situation when her favorite customer and a familiar face walked into her bookstore at the same time. 


"Ningning!" Her best friend exclaims, haphazardly leaving the books on the nearest table to greet her soulmate. 


Giselle embraced her partner, leaving Winter's favorite customer to take a step back and glanced at the cash register.


Here's another salt to the wound: despite Winter being forlorn at the fact that she's not meant to be with Karina, the latter seems to not mind at all. 


The virtual assistant keeps the consistency of greeting her, giving her light touches, and muttering compliments to Winter every chance she gets. 


All the interaction left the poor bookstore owner tormented and conflicted. 


Possibly, she can't indulge in this fantasy can she? She can't flirt with someone else's soulmate. 




The owner shook her head. 


Winter knew it was wrong, but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel drawn to Karina's presence. The way she smiled and laughed, her eyes sparkling with intelligence and humor, was almost too much for Winter to bear.


To make matters worse, Karina seemed to take pleasure in tormenting Winter with her gaze. Every so often, she would look directly into Winter's eyes and hold her gaze for just a beat too long, leaving the bookstore owner feeling exposed and vulnerable. 


It was a torture that Winter wasn't sure she could endure for much longer.


Thankfully today, Karina was wearing a familiar sunglasses. She walks towards the cash register with a smile, leaving the pair of soulmates behind. 


"Missed me?" The woman teased as she used her fingers to hold Winter's chin and make her eyes look straight into the sunglasses. 


The bookstore owner watched her own reflection on the dark surface. "Try that again and I'll banish you here," Winter reprimanded. Her heart was beating out of control. 


Karina scoffs, "You won't be able to resist this pretty face."


"Okay get out," the shop owner proclaims as she walks outside of her station. She even went beyond and attempted to drag her offending customer out of the store. 


The customer in question let out a chuckle before gently grasping Winter's hand.


The latter's breath hitched, caught off guard by the sudden contact. Their fingers intertwined, Karina's warm hand enveloping Winter's delicate one.


The world seemed to stand still as the simple touch from Karina sent a jolt of electricity through Winter's body. 


Gone was the playful demeanor from the customer as she watched Winter's cheeks turn into a darker shade of blue. 


Karina tried to contain her gaze from being too affectionate, "Your hands' so cold." She remarked, concern evident in her voice.


Winter felt her cheeks heat up, embarrassed by the attention drawn to her freezing hands. Her heart began to race, pounding loudly in her ears. She instinctively wanted to pull away, to hide her vulnerability, but she found herself frozen on the spot, unable to move.


"I...I know," the bookstore owner stammered, her voice barely audible. "I've always had cold hands as far as I can remember."


Karina's concern deepened as she watched the latter's discomfort. She gently wrapped her warm hand around Winter's chilled fingers, providing an instant contrast in temperature.


"I don't min—"


"Karina just order the usual for me okay?" Ningning called out from the other side of the room, already walking up to the stairs with her newfound soulmate. 


The sudden attention made Winter jump in surprise which in return made Karina held her hand tighter. 


"Got it!" Karina replied to her friend without removing her gaze towards the cute bookstore owner. 


They were silent for a few heartbeats before Winter let out a choked out: "Karina…"




"I should go make your order."




"Your hand," Winter pointed out, tugging at their entanglement.


", you're right." Winter just laughed it out, embarrassed as well. She started walking back to the counter when she felt Karina's hands slowly loosening their grip on hers.


As the distance grew stronger, Karina eventually let go. 


Winter busied herself behind the counter of the cozy bookstore slash café, diligently preparing a fresh pot of coffee and arranging an assortment of delectable snacks on a tray.


As the owner worked, she couldn't help but feel a gentle, lingering gaze upon her. Winter could sense Karina's eyes tracing her every movement, a sensation that made the former's cheeks flush with embarrassment. 


Unable to resist the curiosity any longer, Winter decided to address the unspoken attention. Glancing over her shoulder, "Ma'am, can't a person make coffee in peace without being stared at?" Winter teased, her lips curving into a playful grin.


Karina blinked behind her sunglasses, momentarily taken aback, before a mischievous glimmer danced in her eyes. "Staring? Who, me? I'm just admiring your exceptional multitasking skills," she retorted with a playful tone dripping with mock innocence.


Winter raised an eyebrow, her grin widening. "Oh, really? That's your excuse? Well, I guess I'll have to charge you extra for the privilege of being in awe of my talent," she teased, feigning an exaggeratedly haughty expression.


The customer chuckled, unable to resist the playful banter. "Fine, fine! I suppose I can handle the steep price of being amazed by your coffee-making prowess." 


Before they knew it, Winter was already done with her job. She placed the tray of orders on the counter, instantly punching up the receipt to be paid. 


Karina fumbled through her pants for her wallet before counting the cash in her hand. Winter, still high on the banter, leaned in closer, her voice adopting a conspiratorial tone. "But you know, Karina, I have to admit it's quite charming to have an admirer." 


The customer's wallet almost fell on the floor but Karina caught it, albeit ungraciously. Her eyes widened in mock astonishment, "Oh, an admirer? Who could that be? You must have them lining up at the door."


Winter's laughter rang out, filling the air with a delightful melody. "Well, you're the lucky one with a front-row seat to this captivating coffee show," she declared, gesturing dramatically toward herself.


Karina stepped closer to the counter, a smile playing on her lips. "Indeed, I am the chosen one. What an honor," she replied, her voice tinged with playful sarcasm as she placed her payment. 


"Would you like some help with the trays?" Winter genuinely asked. The customer immediately turned down her offer. 


"I got it," she answers while carefully balancing the tray. "Wouldn't want your line of admirers to miss you too much."


"I was joking, let me help."


"Don't worry cutie, I got it."


"Cutie huh?" Winter teased. 


"Shut up." Karina mumbled. 









The evening had settled upon the quaint bookstore, its shelves now bathed in the warm glow of the dimming lights. Winter and Giselle glanced at each other, their brows furrowed with concern. They had been tidying up the shelves, organizing books, and preparing to close the store for the day, but their attention was drawn to the two customers engrossed in their research upstairs.


Winter's voice carried a note of worry as she turned to her friend. "They've been here for hours, I'm starting to think they haven't noticed the time. They look stressed out."


Giselle nodded in agreement, mirroring the concerned look. "I'll go check on them. Maybe I can offer some assistance or see if there's anything we can do to help."


While Giselle made her way upstairs to the customers, Winter continued wiping down the counter, her eyes occasionally darting back to the mezzanine floor, hoping to catch a glimpse of someone.


Curiosity piqued, Winter couldn't resist following her co-owner upstairs. The moment she stepped onto the mezzanine, she's met with a scene of three people engaged in a lively discussion. 


Winter leaned against a nearby bookshelf, watching with a mixture of amusement and admiration. She's trying to decipher the topic of the discussion without interrupting.


Ningning eyebrows furrowed, her voice tinged with confusion. "I'm torn between two different concepts of reincarnation for the protagonist of our novel," they admitted, frustration evident in their tone. "Should we go with the traditional idea of past lives influencing the present, or explore a more abstract interpretation?"


Karina nodded, equally perplexed. "I see what you mean. Both options have their merits, but we need to decide which one would resonate better with your readers," she added, a hint of uncertainty lacing her words.


It's obvious from the way Giselle jolted in her seat that she was excited, ready to engage in the dispute that might shed light on the dilemma. "Ah, the eternal debate of reincarnation," she mused with a voice laced with a touch of mischief. "Allow me to present my arguments."


Ningning smirked at her soulmate, curious to witness how Giselle would bring a delightful twist to their roadblock. 


"Let's imagine past lives as a treasure trove of stories," Giselle began, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. "Like a series of interconnected novels, each life unfolds a different narrative that enriches the current existence. It's like diving into a shelf full of diverse tales, isn't it?"


Her soulmate's expression softened, "That's an interesting way to think about it, like the concept of reincarnation from Hinduism right?" Ningning inquired, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "It's like the protagonist is a complex character with layers of experiences shaping their present journey."


Giselle nodded, grinning in excitement. "Exactly! Hinduism teaches us that the soul, the protagonist of this grand narrative, goes through a continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Each life offers unique lessons and opportunities for growth, like chapters in an ever-evolving story."


Karina, captivated by the imagery, leaned forward. "So, it's like the soul is the author and the character, creating a masterpiece through its experiences?" she pondered aloud, voice filled with wonder.


Ningning chuckled, her playful spirit shining through. "Oh, I love that analogy! The soul as the author weaving intricate tales of love, loss, and self-discovery. That would be hard to write but oh well."


Giselle joined in the laughter with her eyes meeting her soulmate's in a shared moment of connection. "Indeed, the concept of reincarnation in Hinduism invites us to embrace the beauty of each story, even the challenges and hardships," she mused. "It reminds us that we are the authors of our own destinies, with the power to shape our future chapters."


Winter, inspired by the lively discussion, couldn't resist adding their own perspective to the concept of reincarnation. She stepped closer to the table and absentmindedly made her way near Karina. The latter swiftly moved to the side, making a space for the newcomer. 

Their in tune moment didn't go unnoticed by the other couple. 


"Uhhh hi," Winter shyly introduced herself. She heard Karina whisper a soft greeting next

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Phew! Finally laid out the "hints" for this story.

I hope u guys don't mind the additional characters! This story will involve a loooot of disguises so be on your toes ^^

Let me hear ur thoughts on the comments (ps: so far no one is getting it right on who's the "real" karina)


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2187 streak #1
Chapter 16: I miss this story...
Chapter 16: karina vs... karina?? AJHFJAHFJA
Chapter 15: this is so interesting.... WTF
Chapter 13: OH MY GOD ??????
Chapter 11: :((
Chapter 9: This chapter is so cute i always love me a bookshop owner winter. But i honestly cant help but imagine them as smurfs KAHDKSHAHA oh well at least theyre in love 🥰
Chapter 5: 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 16: Its been a long while since I last saw this fic, congrats on the promo author-ssi! 🥳
383 streak #10
Chapter 1: 🥹🥹🥹🥹